mirror of https://github.com/certd/certd
@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
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path: "/crud/component/cascader",
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path: "/crud/component/radio",
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path: "/crud/component/date",
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component: "/crud/component/button/index.vue"
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component: "/crud/component/tree/index.vue"
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component: "/crud/component/uploader/cropper/index.vue"
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name: "ComponentUploaderAlioss",
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component: "/crud/component/json/index.vue"
title: "手机号输入框",
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path: "/crud/component/phone",
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name: "ComponentIndependent",
path: "/crud/component/independent",
component: "/crud/component/independent/index.vue"
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path: "/crud/form/layout-grid",
component: "/crud/form/layout-grid/index.vue"
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component: "/crud/form/layout/index.vue"
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title: "字段帮助说明",
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name: "FormReset",
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component: "/crud/form/render/index.vue"
title: "查看表单使用单元格组件",
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path: "/crud/form/view",
component: "/crud/form/view/index.vue"
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component: "/crud/form/initial/index.vue"
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component: "/crud/feature/merge/index.vue"
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path: "/crud/feature/height",
component: "/crud/feature/height/index.vue"
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component: "/crud/feature/search/index.vue"
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path: "/crud/feature/search-multi",
component: "/crud/feature/search-multi/index.vue"
title: "Tabs快捷查询",
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title: "字段排序",
name: "FeatureColumnSort",
path: "/crud/feature/column-sort",
component: "/crud/feature/column-sort/index.vue"
title: "ValueBuilder",
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path: "/crud/feature/value-builder",
component: "/crud/feature/value-builder/index.vue"
title: "列设置",
name: "FeatureColumnsSet",
path: "/crud/feature/columns-set",
component: "/crud/feature/columns-set/index.vue"
title: "本地化编辑",
name: "FeatureLocal",
path: "/crud/feature/local",
component: "/crud/feature/local/index.vue"
title: "v-model",
name: "FeatureVModel",
path: "/crud/feature/local-v-model",
component: "/crud/feature/local-v-model/index.vue"
title: "导入",
name: "FeatureImport",
path: "/crud/feature/local-import",
component: "/crud/feature/local-import/index.vue"
title: "导出",
name: "FeatureExport",
path: "/crud/feature/export",
component: "/crud/feature/export/index.vue"
title: "自定义删除",
name: "FeatureRemove",
path: "/crud/feature/remove",
component: "/crud/feature/remove/index.vue"
title: "调整列宽",
name: "FeatureColumnResize",
path: "/crud/feature/column-resize",
component: "/crud/feature/column-resize/index.vue"
title: "可编辑",
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path: "/crud/editable",
redirect: "/crud/editable/free",
meta: {
icon: "ion:create-outline"
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title: "自由编辑",
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path: "/crud/editable/row",
component: "/crud/editable/row/index.vue"
title: "单元格编辑",
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component: "/crud/editable/cell/index.vue"
title: "子表格编辑",
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path: "/crud/editable/vmodel",
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component: "/crud/editable/sub-crud/index.vue"
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title: "查询字段插槽",
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component: "/crud/slots/search/index.vue"
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title: "表单字段插槽",
name: "SlotsFormItem",
path: "/crud/slots/form-item",
component: "/crud/slots/form-item/index.vue"
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icon: "ion:flame-outline"
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title: "选择联动",
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title: "后台加载crud",
name: "AdvancedFormBackend",
path: "/crud/advanced/from-backend",
component: "/crud/advanced/from-backend/index.vue"
title: "本地分页",
name: "AdvancedLocalPagination",
path: "/crud/advanced/local-pagination",
component: "/crud/advanced/local-pagination/index.vue"
title: "嵌套子表格",
name: "AdvancedNest",
path: "/crud/advanced/nest",
component: "/crud/advanced/nest/index.vue"
title: "对话框中显示crud",
name: "AdvancedInDialog",
path: "/crud/advanced/in-dialog",
component: "/crud/advanced/in-dialog/index.vue"
title: "抽屉中显示crud",
name: "AdvancedInDrawer",
path: "/crud/advanced/in-drawer",
component: "/crud/advanced/in-drawer/index.vue"
title: "大量数据",
name: "AdvancedBigData",
path: "/crud/advanced/big-data",
component: "/crud/advanced/big-data/index.vue"
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
export const integrationResources = [
title: "集成",
name: "integration",
path: "/integration",
redirect: "/integration/bpmn",
meta: {
icon: "ion:apps-sharp"
children: [
title: "FsBpmn",
name: "FsBpmn",
path: "/integration/bpmn",
component: "/integration/bpmn/index.vue",
meta: {
icon: "ion:disc-outline"
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
export const uiResources = [
title: "UI示例",
name: "ui",
path: "/ui",
redirect: "/ui/form",
meta: {
icon: "ion:apps-sharp"
children: [
title: "表单组件",
name: "UIForm",
path: "/ui/form",
redirect: "/ui/form/input",
meta: {
icon: "ion:disc-outline"
children: [
title: "input",
name: "UIFormInput",
path: "/ui/form/input",
component: "/ui/form/input/index.vue"
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/AdvancedBigData";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
output: {},
crudOptions: {
request: {
table: {
scroll: {
x: 2400
pagination: {
pageSize: 100
rowHandle: {
fixed: "right"
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
text: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
dict1: {
title: "字典1",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/ManyOpenStatusEnum?from=dict1"
dict2: {
title: "字典2",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/ManyOpenStatusEnum?from=dict2"
dict3: {
title: "字典3",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/ManyOpenStatusEnum?from=dict3"
dict4: {
title: "字典4",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/ManyOpenStatusEnum?from=dict4"
dict5: {
title: "字典5",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/ManyOpenStatusEnum?from=dict5"
dict6: {
title: "字典6",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/ManyOpenStatusEnum?from=dict6"
dict7: {
title: "字典7",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/ManyOpenStatusEnum?from=dict7"
dict8: {
title: "字典8",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/ManyOpenStatusEnum?from=dict8"
dict9: {
title: "字典9",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/ManyOpenStatusEnum?from=dict9"
dict10: {
title: "字典10",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/ManyOpenStatusEnum?from=dict10"
text1: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
text2: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
text3: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
text4: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
text5: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
text6: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
text7: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
text8: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
text9: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
text10: {
title: "文本",
type: "text"
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">大量数据</div>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding"> </fs-crud>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud.js";
export default defineComponent({
name: "AdvancedBigData",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose, output } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "AdvancedBigData",
idGenerator: 0,
copyTimes: 1000
const list = [
text: "测试文本",
dict1: "1",
dict2: "1",
dict3: "2",
dict4: "1",
dict5: "2",
dict6: "1",
dict7: "1",
dict8: "1",
text1: "测试文本1",
text2: "测试文本2",
text3: "测试文本3",
text4: "测试文本4",
text5: "测试文本5",
text6: "测试文本6",
text7: "测试文本7",
text8: "测试文本8",
dict9: "2",
dict10: "1",
dict11: "2",
dict12: "1"
text: "测试文本",
dict1: "1",
dict2: "1",
dict3: "2",
dict4: "1",
dict5: "2",
dict6: "1",
dict7: "1",
dict8: "1",
text1: "测试文本1",
text2: "测试文本2",
text3: "测试文本3",
text4: "测试文本4",
text5: "测试文本5",
text6: "测试文本6",
text7: "测试文本7",
text8: "测试文本8",
dict9: "2",
dict10: "1",
dict11: "2",
dict12: "1"
text: "测试文本",
dict1: "1",
dict2: "1",
dict3: "2",
dict4: "1",
dict5: "2",
dict6: "1",
dict7: "1",
dict8: "1",
text1: "测试文本1",
text2: "测试文本2",
text3: "测试文本3",
text4: "测试文本4",
text5: "测试文本5",
text6: "测试文本6",
text7: "测试文本7",
text8: "测试文本8",
dict9: "2",
dict10: "1",
dict11: "2",
dict12: "1"
text: "测试文本",
dict1: "1",
dict2: "1",
dict3: "2",
dict4: "1",
dict5: "2",
dict6: "1",
dict7: "1",
dict8: "1",
text1: "测试文本1",
text2: "测试文本2",
text3: "测试文本3",
text4: "测试文本4",
text5: "测试文本5",
text6: "测试文本6",
text7: "测试文本7",
text8: "测试文本8",
dict9: "2",
dict10: "1",
dict11: "2",
dict12: "1"
text: "测试文本",
dict1: "1",
dict2: "1",
dict3: "2",
dict4: "1",
dict5: "2",
dict6: "1",
dict7: "1",
dict8: "1",
text1: "测试文本1",
text2: "测试文本2",
text3: "测试文本3",
text4: "测试文本4",
text5: "测试文本5",
text6: "测试文本6",
text7: "测试文本7",
text8: "测试文本8",
dict9: "2",
dict10: "1",
dict11: "2",
dict12: "1"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/AdvancedFromBackend";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
export function GetCrud() {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/crud",
method: "get"
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
export const crudOptions = `
({crudExpose,dict}) => {
return {
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
radio: {
title: "状态",
search: { show: true },
type: "dict-radio",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/OpenStatusEnum?single"
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes, dict } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { GetCrud } from "./api";
import _ from "lodash-es";
* 异步创建options
* @param props
export default async function (props: CreateCrudOptionsProps): Promise<CreateCrudOptionsRet> {
const { crudExpose } = props;
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
const localCrudOptions = {
request: {
// 上面是本地crudOptions
// 下面从后台获取crudOptions
const ret = await GetCrud();
// 编译
const crudBackend = eval(ret);
// 本示例返回的是一个方法字符串,所以要先执行这个方法,获取options
const remoteCrudOptions = crudBackend({ crudExpose, dict });
// 与本地options合并
const crudOptions = _.merge(localCrudOptions, remoteCrudOptions);
return {
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">CrudOptions从后台加载</div>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/api/use.html#usefsasync">文档</a>
<fs-crud v-if="crudBinding" ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref, Ref } from "vue";
import { CrudBinding, useFsAsync } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
export default defineComponent({
name: "AdvancedFromBackend",
setup() {
// crud组件的ref
const crudRef: Ref = ref();
// crud 配置的ref
const crudBinding: Ref<CrudBinding> = ref();
const customValue: any = {}; //自定义变量,传给createCrudOptions的额外参数
// 初始化crud配置
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(async () => {
const customValue = {};
const { crudExpose, context } = await useFsAsync({ crudRef, crudBinding, createCrudOptions, context: customValue });
// 刷新数据
await crudExpose.doRefresh();
return {
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
import { crudOptions } from "./crud-backend";
const options: any = {
name: "AdvancedFromBackend",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
radio: "1"
radio: "2"
radio: "0"
options.list = list;
options.copyTimes = 1000;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
path: "/AdvancedFromBackend/crud",
method: "get",
handle(req: any) {
return {
code: 0,
msg: "success",
data: crudOptions
export default mock;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/AdvancedInDialog";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import {
} from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { SearchOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons-vue";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
request: {
columns: {
name: {
title: "姓名",
type: "text", //虽然不写也能正确显示组件,但不建议省略它
search: { show: true },
form: {
component: {
maxlength: 20
search: {
title: "搜索",
type: "text",
form: {
component: {
addonAfter: "后置",
suffix: "suffix",
children: {
addonBefore() {
return <SearchOutlined />;
password: {
title: "密码",
type: "password",
column: {
show: false
intro: {
title: "简介",
type: "textarea",
form: {
component: { showWordLimit: true, maxlength: 200 }
column: {
ellipsis: true
render: {
title: "复杂输入(render)",
type: "text",
form: {
title: "复杂输入",
component: {
render(context: any) {
utils.logger.info("context scope", context);
return (
<a-input-group compact>
<a-input placeholder={"render1 input"} style="width: 50%" v-model={[context.form.render, "value"]} />
<a-input placeholder={"render2 input"} style="width: 50%" v-model={[context.form.render2, "value"]} />
render2: {
title: "我的值是由复杂输入列输入的",
type: "text",
column: {
width: "300px"
form: {
show: false
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
export default defineComponent({
name: "FsInDialog",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "AdvancedInDialog",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
name: "王小虎",
date: "2016-05-02",
status: "0",
province: "1",
avatar: "https://alicdn.antdv.com/vue.png",
show: true,
city: "sz",
address: "123123",
zip: "518000",
intro: "王小虎是element-plus的table示例出现的名字"
name: "张三",
date: "2016-05-04",
status: "1",
province: "2"
name: "李四",
date: 2232433534511,
status: "1",
province: "0"
name: "王五",
date: "2016-05-03",
status: "2",
province: "wh,gz"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">对话框中显示crud</div>
<div style="padding: 50px">
<a-button type="primary" @click="openDialog">打开对话框</a-button>
<a-modal v-model:open="dialogShow" width="80%" title="fs-crud in dialog">
<div style="height: 400px; position: relative">
<!-- 在此处显示fs-crud页面 -->
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref } from "vue";
import FsInDialog from "./crud/index.vue";
export default defineComponent({
name: "InDialog",
components: { FsInDialog },
setup() {
const dialogShow = ref(false);
function openDialog() {
dialogShow.value = true;
return {
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/AdvancedInDrawer";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose, context }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const drawerClassTimeRef = context.drawerClassTimeRef;
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
request: {
rowHandle: {
width: 300,
buttons: {
editClassTime: {
text: "录入课时",
click: ({ row }) => {
textbook: row
columns: {
textbookCategory: {
title: "教材分类",
type: "text", //虽然不写也能正确显示组件,但不建议省略它
search: { show: true }
textbookVersion: {
title: "教材版本",
type: "text"
textbookName: {
title: "教材名称",
type: "text"
totalWords: {
title: "总词汇数",
type: "number"
classTimeNumber: {
title: "课时数量",
type: "number",
column: {
cellRender({ value }) {
return `${value}课时`;
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/AdvancedInDrawerClassTime";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { computed } from "vue";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose, context }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const textbookRef = context.textbookRef;
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
request: {
columns: {
textbookId: {
title: "教材ID",
type: "text",
search: {
show: true
form: {
value: computed(() => {
return textbookRef.value.id;
textbookCategory: {
title: "教材分类",
type: "text",
form: { show: false },
column: {
conditionalRender: false,
cellRender() {
return textbookRef.value.textbookCategory;
textbookVersion: {
title: "教材版本",
type: "text",
form: { show: false },
column: {
conditionalRender: false,
cellRender() {
return textbookRef.value.textbookVersion;
textbookName: {
title: "教材名称",
type: "text",
form: { show: false },
column: {
conditionalRender: false,
cellRender() {
return textbookRef.value.textbookName;
classTimeName: {
title: "课时名称",
type: "text"
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
<a-drawer v-model:open="drawerOpened" width="1000px">
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding"></fs-crud>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, nextTick } from "vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
const textbookRef = ref();
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions, context: { textbookRef } });
name: "AdvancedInDrawerClassTime"
const drawerOpened = ref(false);
const open = async ({ textbook }) => {
textbookRef.value = textbook;
drawerOpened.value = true;
await nextTick(); //等待crud初始化完成
crudExpose.setSearchFormData({ form: { textbookId: textbook.id } });
await crudExpose.doRefresh();
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "AdvancedInDrawerClassTime",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
textbookId: 1,
classTimeName: "1",
order: 1
textbookId: 1,
classTimeName: "2",
order: 1
textbookId: 1,
classTimeName: "3",
order: 1
textbookId: 1,
classTimeName: "4",
order: 1
textbookId: 1,
classTimeName: "5",
order: 1
textbookId: 2,
classTimeName: "1",
order: 1
textbookId: 2,
classTimeName: "2",
order: 1
textbookId: 2,
classTimeName: "3",
order: 1
textbookId: 2,
classTimeName: "4",
order: 1
textbookId: 2,
classTimeName: "5",
order: 1
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding" />
<advanced-in-drawer-class-time ref="drawerClassTimeRef" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref } from "vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
import AdvancedInDrawerClassTime from "./drawer-class-time/index.vue";
const drawerClassTimeRef = ref();
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions, context: { drawerClassTimeRef } });
name: "AdvancedInDrawer"
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "AdvancedInDrawer",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
textbookCategory: "初中英语",
textbookVersion: "初中人教版",
textbookName: "初一上学期",
totalWords: 200,
classTimeNumber: 40
textbookCategory: "初中英语",
textbookVersion: "初中人教版",
textbookName: "初一上学期",
totalWords: 200,
classTimeNumber: 40
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/FormLinkage";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, ScopeContext, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
request: {
rowHandle: {
align: "center"
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
province: {
title: "省",
type: "dict-select",
search: {
show: true,
valueChange({ form, value, getComponentRef }: any) {
form.city = undefined; // 将“city”的值置空
form.county = undefined; // 将“county”的值置空
if (value) {
getComponentRef("city").reloadDict(); // 执行city的select组件的reloadDict()方法,触发“city”重新加载字典
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/linkage/province",
value: "id",
cache: true
form: {
valueChange({ form, value, getComponentRef }) {
form.city = ""; // 将“city”的值置空
form.county = ""; // 将“county”的值置空
if (value) {
getComponentRef("city").reloadDict(); // 执行city的select组件的reloadDict()方法,触发“city”重新加载字典
city: {
title: "市",
type: "dict-select",
search: {
show: true
dict: dict({
cache: true,
prototype: true,
// url() 改成构建url,返回一个url
url({ form }: any) {
if (form && form.province != null) {
// 本数据字典的url是通过前一个select的选项决定的
return `/mock/linkage/city?province=${form.province}`;
return undefined; // 返回undefined 将不加载字典
value: "id"
form: {
// 注释同上
valueChange({ value, form, getComponentRef }: ScopeContext) {
if (value) {
form.county = ""; // 将county的value置空
const countySelect = getComponentRef("county");
if (form && form.province && form.city) {
countySelect.reloadDict(); // 重新加载字典项
} else {
countySelect.clearDict(); // 清空选项
county: {
title: "区",
type: "dict-select",
search: {
show: true
dict: dict({
value: "id",
cache: true,
prototype: true,
url({ form }: any) {
if (form && form.province != null && form.city != null) {
return `/mock/linkage/county?province=${form.province} &city=${form.city}`;
return undefined;
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud.js";
export default defineComponent({
name: "FormLinkage",
setup() {
const customValue: any = {}; //自定义变量,传给createCrudOptions的额外参数(可以任意命名,任意多个)
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose, context } = useFs({ createCrudOptions, context: customValue });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
import _ from "lodash-es";
const options: any = {
name: "FormLinkage",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
province: 10000,
city: 100003,
county: 100004
province: 10010,
city: 100113,
county: 100115
const tree = [
id: 10000,
label: "北京市",
children: [
id: 100003,
label: "北京市辖区",
children: [
{ id: 100004, label: "东城区" },
{ id: 100005, label: "西城区" }
id: 100103,
label: "北京郊区",
children: [
{ id: 100104, label: "东郊" },
{ id: 100105, label: "西郊" }
id: 10010,
label: "天津市",
children: [
id: 100013,
label: "天津市辖区",
children: [
{ id: 100014, label: "天津湾" },
{ id: 100015, label: "渤海湾" }
id: 100113,
label: "天津市郊区",
children: [
{ id: 100114, label: "天津湾郊区" },
{ id: 100115, label: "渤海湾郊区" }
options.list = list;
options.copyTimes = 100;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
function omitChildren(originalList: any) {
const list: any = [];
originalList.forEach((item: any) => {
list.push(_.omit(item, "children"));
return list;
path: "/mock/linkage/province",
method: "get",
handle() {
const list = omitChildren(tree);
return {
code: 0,
msg: "success",
data: list
path: "/mock/linkage/city",
method: "get",
handle(req: any) {
const province = parseInt(req.params.province);
const a = tree.filter((item) => {
return item.id === province;
if (a == null || a.length === 0) {
return {
code: 0,
msg: "success",
data: []
const list = omitChildren(a[0].children);
return {
code: 0,
msg: "success",
data: list
path: "/mock/linkage/county",
method: "get",
handle(req: any) {
const province = parseInt(req.params.province);
const a = tree.filter((item) => {
return item.id === province;
if (a == null || a.length === 0) {
return {
code: 0,
msg: "success",
data: []
const city = parseInt(req.params.city);
const b = a[0].children.filter((item) => {
return item.id === city;
if (b == null || b.length === 0) {
return {
code: 0,
msg: "success",
data: []
const list = omitChildren(b[0].children);
return {
code: 0,
msg: "success",
data: list
export default mock;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/AdvancedLocalPagination";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api.js";
import _ from "lodash-es";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose, context }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const localDataRef = context.localDataRef;
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
const { page } = query;
let data = localDataRef.value;
const limit = page.limit;
const offset = page.offset;
data = data.filter((item: any) => {
// 根据你的业务,编写你的本地查询逻辑
// text改成你的查询字段
if (query.status && item.status !== query.status) {
return false;
return true;
// 本地分页
const start = offset;
let end = offset + limit;
if (data.length < end) {
end = data.length;
const records = data.slice(start, end);
// 构造返回结果
return {
total: localDataRef.value.length,
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
await api.UpdateObj(form);
const tableData = localDataRef.value;
for (const item of tableData) {
if (item.id === form.id) {
_.merge(item, form);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
const { id } = await api.AddObj(form);
form.id = id;
return form;
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
await api.DelObj(row.id);
const tableData = localDataRef.value;
let index = 0;
for (const item of tableData) {
if (item.id === row.id) {
localDataRef.value.splice(index, 1);
return {
output: {},
crudOptions: {
request: {
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
status: {
title: "状态",
search: { show: true },
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/OpenStatusEnum?single"
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">本地分页</div>
<fs-crud v-if="crudBinding" ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding">
<template #actionbar-right>
<a-alert type="warning" class="ml-1" message="先从后台获取全部数据,然后本地分页展示" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref, onMounted } from "vue";
import { useCrud, useExpose, useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
import { GetList } from "./api";
* 本示例演示如何本地分页
* 主要就是将pageRequest修改为从本地获取数据就行了
export default defineComponent({
name: "AdvanceLocalPagination",
setup() {
// crud组件的ref
const crudRef = ref();
// crud 配置的ref
const crudBinding = ref();
const localDataRef = ref();
onMounted(async () => {
const ret = await GetList({ page: { offset: 0, limit: 99999999 }, query: {}, sort: {} });
localDataRef.value = ret.records;
const { crudExpose } = useFs({ crudBinding, crudRef, createCrudOptions, context: { localDataRef } });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
await crudExpose.doRefresh();
return {
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "AdvancedLocalPagination",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
status: "1"
status: "2"
status: "0"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/AdvancedNest";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
export function BatchDelete(ids: any[]) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/batchDelete",
method: "post",
data: { ids }
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/AdvancedAside";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
export function BatchDelete(ids: any[]) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/batchDelete",
method: "post",
data: { ids }
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
pagination: {
showSizeChanger: false, // antdv
showQuickJumper: false // antdv
request: {
pageRequest: api.GetList,
toolbar: {
compact: false
rowHandle: {
width: "230px"
table: {},
columns: {
gradeId: {
title: "年级Id",
search: { show: true },
type: "number",
column: {
width: 80,
align: "center",
sortable: true
class: {
title: "班级",
search: { show: false },
type: "text",
column: {
sortable: true
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding">
<template #actionbar-right>
<a-alert type="warning" class="ml-1" message="左侧表格点击行可以触发这里的查询" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud.js";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default defineComponent({
name: "AsideTable",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
setSearchFormData: crudExpose.setSearchFormData,
doRefresh: crudExpose.doRefresh
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "AdvancedAside",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
class: "一班",
gradeId: 1
class: "二班",
gradeId: 1
class: "三班",
gradeId: 2
class: "四班",
gradeId: 2
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { ref, shallowRef } from "vue";
import SubTable from "./sub-table/index.vue";
import { AddReq, compute, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose, context: { asideTableRef } }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
const currentRow = ref();
const onCurrentRowChange = (id: number) => {
currentRow.value = id;
asideTableRef.value.crudBinding.search.initialForm = { gradeId: id };
asideTableRef.value.setSearchFormData({ form: { gradeId: id } });
return {
crudOptions: {
table: {
customRow(record: any, index: number) {
const clazz = record.id === currentRow.value ? "fs-current-row" : "";
return {
onClick() {
class: clazz
pagination: {
showSizeChanger: false, // antdv
showQuickJumper: false // antdv
form: {
wrapper: {
is: "a-drawer"
request: {
pageRequest: api.GetList,
rowHandle: {
width: "240px"
toolbar: {
compact: false
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
grade: {
title: "年级",
search: { show: true },
type: "text",
column: {
sortable: true
nestId: {
title: "嵌套表格",
type: ["number", "colspan"],
form: {
// 嵌套表格字段
rules: [{ required: true, message: "请选择用户" }],
component: {
name: shallowRef(SubTable),
vModel: "modelValue",
gradeId: compute(({ form }) => {
return form.id;
// antdv 的跨列配置,需要配置如下三个, 可以通过colspan简化
// col: { span: 24 },
// labelCol: { span: 2 },
// wrapperCol: { span: 21 }
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
<a-row class="demo-nest" :gutter="0">
<a-col :span="12">
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding">
<template #actionbar-right>
<a-alert type="warning" class="ml-1" message="<--对话框内嵌套子表格" />
<a-col :span="12">
<aside-table ref="asideTableRef" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref } from "vue";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud.js";
import AsideTable from "./aside-table/index.vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default defineComponent({
name: "FeatureNest",
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-unused-components
components: { AsideTable },
setup() {
const asideTableRef = ref();
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose, context } = useFs({ createCrudOptions, context: { asideTableRef } });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
<style lang="less">
.demo-nest {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "AdvancedNest",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
grade: "一年级",
nestId: 1
grade: "二年级",
nestId: 2
grade: "三年级",
nestId: 3
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/AdvancedSubTable";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
export function BatchDelete(ids: any[]) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/batchDelete",
method: "post",
data: { ids }
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose, context: { props, ctx } }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
table: {
customRow(record: any, index: number) {
const clazz = record.id === props.modelValue ? "fs-current-row" : "";
return {
onClick() {
ctx.emit("update:modelValue", record.id);
class: clazz
request: {
pageRequest: api.GetList,
search: { show: false },
form: {
wrapper: {
is: "a-drawer"
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
name: {
title: "用户姓名",
search: { show: true },
type: "text",
column: {
sortable: true
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
<div>年级id:{{ gradeId }},当前选中值:{{ modelValue }}</div>
<div style="height: 400px">
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted, watch } from "vue";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
import {useFs, utils} from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default defineComponent({
name: "SubTable",
props: {
modelValue: {},
gradeId: {} //年级id,接收其他参数
emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(props, ctx) {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions, context: { props, ctx } });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
() => {
return props.modelValue;
(value) => {
utils.logger.info("modelValue changed", value);
return {
<style lang="less" scoped>
/deep/.fs-crud-container.compact .el-table--border {
border-left: 1px solid #eee;
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "AdvancedSubTable",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
name: "张三"
name: "李四"
name: "王五"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/BasisColumnMergePlugin";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
settings: {
viewFormUseCellComponent: true
request: {
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
text: {
title: "text",
type: "text"
readonly: {
title: "只读字段",
type: "text",
readonly: true
useCell: {
title: "查看使用cell组件",
type: "dict-select",
readonly: true,
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/OpenStatusEnum"
viewForm: {
component: {
vModel: "modelValue"
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">可以实现类似dict的公共属性</div>
<div class="more"><a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/guide/advance/column-type.html#修改官方字段类型配置"> 字段合并插件帮助文档</a></div>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding">
<template #actionbar-right>
<span class="fs-desc">此示例实现只需配置readonly: true,即可关闭添加和编辑时该字段的显示,更多说明请点击右上角帮助</span>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref, onMounted } from "vue";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
import { useFs, UseFsProps } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisColumnMergePlugin",
setup() {
const context: any = {}; //自定义变量,传给createCrudOptions的额外参数(可以任意命名,任意多个)
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions, context });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "BasisColumnMergePlugin",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
text: "点击右边查看按钮看效果",
readonly: "我是只读",
useCell: "1"
text: "点击编辑按钮查看效果",
readonly: "我是只读",
useCell: "2"
text: "正常字段",
readonly: "我是只读",
useCell: "0"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/BasisColumnsSet";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
export function BatchDelete(ids: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/batchDelete",
method: "post",
data: { ids }
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api.js";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { message } from "ant-design-vue";
import { computed } from "vue";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const { crudBinding } = crudExpose;
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
request: {
toolbar: {
columnsFilter: {
mode: "default",
container: {
width: "500px"
actionbar: {
buttons: {
toggleMode: {
text: "切换简单模式",
click() {
crudBinding.value.toolbar.columnsFilter.mode = crudBinding.value.toolbar.columnsFilter.mode === "simple" ? "default" : "simple";
message.info("当前列设置组件的模式为:" + crudBinding.value.toolbar.columnsFilter.mode);
toggleColumnSetShow: {
text: "切换列设置项显隐",
click() {
crudBinding.value.toolbar.columnsFilter.originalColumns.hidden.columnSetShow = !crudBinding.value.toolbar.columnsFilter.originalColumns.hidden.columnSetShow;
toggleColumnSetDisabled: {
text: "切换列设置项禁用",
click() {
crudBinding.value.toolbar.columnsFilter.originalColumns.disabled.columnSetDisabled = !crudBinding.value.toolbar.columnsFilter.originalColumns.disabled.columnSetDisabled;
desc: {
text: "点击左侧按钮后,再点最右侧的列设置按钮查看效果"
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
radio: {
title: "状态",
search: { show: true },
type: "dict-radio",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/OpenStatusEnum?single"
column: {
show: computed(() => {
return true;
disabled: {
title: "列设置禁用",
type: "text",
column: {
columnSetDisabled: true
hidden: {
title: "列设置隐藏",
type: "text",
column: {
columnSetShow: false
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">
<span class="sub">列设置可以禁用或者隐藏某字段勾选 ,-------> 点击右侧最后一个按钮查看效果</span>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/api/crud-options/toolbar.html#columnsfilter-mode">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding"> </fs-crud>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { message } from "ant-design-vue";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisColumnsSet",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
function columnsSetToggleMode() {
crudBinding.value.toolbar.columnsFilter.mode = crudBinding.value.toolbar.columnsFilter.mode === "simple" ? "default" : "simple";
message.info("点击列设置按钮查看效果,当前列设置组件的模式为:" + crudBinding.value.toolbar.columnsFilter.mode);
function columnsSetShowToggle() {
crudBinding.value.table.columns.disabled.columnSetShow = !crudBinding.value.table.columns.disabled.columnSetShow;
return {
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "BasisColumnsSet",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
radio: "1"
radio: "2"
radio: "0"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/FormComputeMore";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, compute, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { computed, ref, shallowRef } from "vue";
import ShallowComponent from "/@/views/crud/basis/compute-more/shallow-component.vue";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
const defValueRef = ref("我是动态的默认值");
return {
output: {
crudOptions: {
request: {
table: {
scroll: {
x: 1500
form: {
labelCol: { span: 8 },
wrapperCol: { span: 14 }
rowHandle: {
fixed: "right",
align: "center"
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
defValue: {
title: "默认值",
type: "text",
search: { show: true, value: null },
form: {
// form.value不支持asyncCompute/Compute, 因为上下文动态计算要先有上下文,上下文需要先有form数据
value: defValueRef
switch: {
title: "切换动态组件",
type: "dict-radio",
dict: dict({
data: [
{ value: "radio", label: "radio" },
{ value: "select", label: "select" },
{ value: "shallow", label: "shallowComponent" }
componentName: {
title: "动态组件",
type: "dict-select",
search: { show: true, value: null },
dict: dict({
data: [
{ value: "1", label: "开启" },
{ value: "2", label: "关闭" }
form: {
component: {
value: "2",
name: compute(({ form }) => {
return form.switch === "select" ? "fs-dict-select" : form.switch === "radio" ? "fs-dict-radio" : ShallowComponent;
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">动态计算-更多测试</div>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/guide/advance/compute.html">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding"> </fs-crud>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisComputeMore",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose, output } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "FormComputeMore",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
ref: "根据showRef显示",
compute: true,
status: "1",
remote: "2",
shower: "---> 点右边编辑查看示例效果",
remote2: "2",
editable: true
compute: false,
status: "2",
remote: "0",
remote2: "2",
editable: false
compute: true,
status: "0",
remote2: "2",
editable: true
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
<component :is="ui.tag.name" type="red">value : {{ modelValue || value }}</component>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useUi } from "@fast-crud/ui-interface";
type ScProps = {
modelValue?: string;
value?: string;
const props = defineProps<ScProps>();
const { ui } = useUi();
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/FormCompute";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, EditReq, GetContextFn, ScopeContext, useCompute, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { message } from "ant-design-vue";
import { computed } from "vue";
const { asyncCompute, compute } = useCompute();
export default function ({ crudExpose, context }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
const { showRef, showTableComputed, columnComponentShowComputed } = context;
return {
crudOptions: {
request: {
toolbar: {
compact: false
table: {
scroll: {
x: 1500
show: showTableComputed //不仅支持computed,直接传showTableRef也是可以的
form: {
labelCol: { span: 8 },
wrapperCol: { span: 14 }
rowHandle: {
fixed: "right",
show: computed(() => {
return true;
buttons: {
edit: {
show: compute<boolean>(({ row }) => {
return row.editable;
remove: {
show: compute(({ row }) => {
return row.editable;
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50,
resizable: true
form: {
show: false
refSwitch: {
title: "ref引用切换",
type: "text",
form: {
helper: "点我切换右边的输入框显示"
ref: {
title: "根据ref引用显示",
type: ["text"],
form: {
component: {
show: showRef
helper: "我会根据showRef进行显隐"
compute: {
title: "compute",
search: { show: false },
type: "text",
column: {
show: columnComponentShowComputed,
columnSetDisabled: true, //这里采用自定义控制显隐,那么列设置里面就要禁用
// columnSetShow: false, //直接不在列设置里面显示也行
component: {
name: "a-switch",
vModel: "checked"
form: {
component: {
name: "a-switch",
vModel: "checked"
helper: "点我触发动态计算"
shower: {
title: "根据compute显示",
search: { show: false },
type: "button",
form: {
component: {
show: compute(({ form }) => {
return form.compute;
column: {
width: 250,
resizable: true,
component: {
show: compute(({ row }) => {
return row.compute;
remote: {
title: "asyncCompute",
search: { show: true },
type: "text",
form: {
component: {
name: "a-select",
vModel: "value",
placeholder: "异步计算远程获取options",
options: asyncCompute({
async asyncFn(watchValue: any, context: GetContextFn) {
const url = "/mock/dicts/OpenStatusEnum?remote";
return await requestForMock({ url });
helper: "我的options是异步计算远程获取的,只会获取一次"
remote2: {
title: "监听switch触发异步计算",
search: { show: false },
type: "text",
form: {
component: {
name: "a-select",
vModel: "value",
placeholder: "异步计算远程获取options",
options: asyncCompute({
watch({ form }: ScopeContext) {
return form.compute;
async asyncFn(watchValue: string) {
const url = watchValue ? "/mock/dicts/OpenStatusEnum?remote" : "/mock/dicts/moreOpenStatusEnum?remote";
return await requestForMock({ url });
helper: "监听其他属性修改后,触发重新计算"
column: {
width: 200
editable: {
title: "可编辑",
search: { show: false },
type: "text",
column: {
order: 1000,
fixed: "right",
component: {
name: "a-switch",
vModel: "checked"
form: {
show: false
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">
<fs-icon icon="ion:apps-sharp" :spin="true" />
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/guide/advance/compute.html">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding">
<template #actionbar-right>
<a-tooltip title="我能控制表格显隐">
<span class="ml-1">表格显隐:<a-switch v-model:checked="showTableRef"></a-switch></span>
<span class="ml-1">列显隐:<a-switch v-model:checked="columnComponentShowRef"></a-switch></span>
<span class="ml-1">列显隐2:<a-button @click="columnsMapSetShow">列显隐2</a-button></span>
<a-alert class="ml-1" type="info" message="点击下方右边的编辑按钮查看示例效果-----------> ↓↓↓↓↓" />
<template #form_refSwitch>
<a-switch v-model:checked="showRef"></a-switch>
<script lang="ts">
import { computed, defineComponent, onMounted, ref } from "vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisCompute",
setup() {
const showRef = ref(false);
const showTableRef = ref(true);
const showTableComputed = computed(() => {
return showTableRef.value;
const columnComponentShowRef = ref(true);
const columnComponentShowComputed = computed(() => {
return columnComponentShowRef.value;
const context = {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions, context });
function columnsMapSetShow() {
crudBinding.value.table.columnsMap["id"].show = !crudBinding.value.table.columnsMap["id"].show;
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "FormCompute",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
ref: "根据showRef显示",
compute: true,
status: "1",
remote: "2",
shower: "---> 点右边编辑查看示例效果",
remote2: "2",
editable: true
compute: false,
shower: "---> 点右边编辑查看示例效果",
status: "2",
remote: "0",
remote2: "2",
editable: false
compute: true,
shower: "---> 点右边编辑查看示例效果",
status: "0",
remote2: "2",
editable: true
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/BasisCustom";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { shallowRef } from "vue";
import VmodelCounter from "./vmodel-counter.vue";
import { message } from "ant-design-vue";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
request: {
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
counter: {
title: "自定义组件",
type: "text",
column: {
component: {
name: VmodelCounter,
color: "blue",
slots: {
default() {
return <span>counter on cell:</span>;
on: {
onChange({ $event, row }) {
message.info("counter changed:" + $event);
form: {
component: {
name: VmodelCounter,
vModel: "modelValue",
color: "red",
on: {
onChange({ $event, form }) {
message.info("counter changed:" + $event);
slots: {
default() {
return <span>counter on form:</span>;
search: {
show: true,
component: {
color: "yellow",
slots: {
default() {
return "counter:";
cellRender: {
title: "单元格render",
type: "text",
column: {
cellRender({ value }) {
return <a-tag>{value}</a-tag>;
formAroundRender: {
title: "表单组件周围的render",
type: "text",
form: {
helper: "演示组件周围自定义render",
topRender({ value }) {
return <a-tag color="red">topRender</a-tag>;
bottomRender({ value }) {
return <a-tag color="red">bottomRender {value ?? ""}</a-tag>;
prefixRender({ value }) {
return <a-tag color="red">prefixRender</a-tag>;
suffixRender({ value }) {
return <a-tag color="red">suffixRender</a-tag>;
formRender: {
title: "字段组件本身render",
type: "text",
form: {
helper: "组件本身render",
render({ form }) {
return (
<a-input v-model={[form.formRender, "value"]} />
render value : {form.formRender}
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">自定义组件</div>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding"> </fs-crud>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud.js";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisCustom",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose, context } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "BasisCustom",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
counter: 1,
cellRender: "cellRender1"
counter: 2,
cellRender: "cellRender2"
counter: 3,
cellRender: "cellRender3"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
<a-tooltip title="点击我自增">
<a-tag :color="color" @click="onClick">
<!-- 插槽示例 -->
<span> {{ modelValue }}</span>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, watch } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
name: "VmodelCounter",
props: {
modelValue: {
type: Number,
default: 0
color: {
type: String,
default: "success"
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(props, ctx) {
function onClick() {
ctx.emit("update:modelValue", props.modelValue + 1);
() => {
return props.modelValue;
(value) => {
ctx.emit("change", value);
return {
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/FsCrudFirst";
* 定义行数据模型
export type FirstRow = {
id?: number;
name?: string;
type?: number;
export function GetList(query: FirstRow) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: FirstRow) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: FirstRow) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
import { AddReq, compute, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import * as api from "./api";
import { FirstRow } from "./api";
* 定义context参数类型
export type FirstContext = {
test?: number;
export default function ({ crudExpose, context }: CreateCrudOptionsProps<FirstRow, FirstContext>): CreateCrudOptionsRet<FirstRow> {
context.test = 111;
return {
crudOptions: {
// 自定义crudOptions配置
request: {
pageRequest: async (query: UserPageQuery<FirstRow>) => {
return await api.GetList(query);
addRequest: async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
editRequest: async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
delRequest: async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
columns: {
name: {
title: "姓名",
type: "text",
search: { show: true },
column: {
resizable: true,
width: 200
type: {
title: "类型",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
data: [
{ value: 1, label: "开始", color: "green" },
{ value: 0, label: "停止", color: "red" }
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
<fs-page class="page-first">
<template #header>
<div class="title">第一个crud</div>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/guide/start/first.html">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding" />
<a-tour v-model:current="current" :open="open" :steps="steps" @close="handleOpen(false)" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref } from "vue";
import { useFs, utils } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions, { FirstContext } from "./crud";
import { TourProps } from "ant-design-vue";
import { FirstRow } from "./api";
export default defineComponent({
name: "FsCrudFirst",
setup() {
// // crud组件的ref
// const crudRef: Ref = ref();
// // crud 配置的ref
// const crudBinding: Ref<CrudBinding> = ref();
// // 暴露的方法
// const { crudExpose } = useExpose({ crudRef, crudBinding });
// // 你的crud配置
// const { crudOptions, customExport } = createCrudOptions({ crudExpose, customValue });
// // 初始化crud配置
// const { resetCrudOptions, appendCrudBinding } = useCrud({ crudExpose, crudOptions });
// =======以上为fs的初始化代码=========
// =======你可以简写为下面这一行========
const { crudRef, crudBinding, crudExpose, context } = useFs<FirstRow, FirstContext>({ createCrudOptions, context: {} });
utils.logger.info("test", context.test);
function useTour() {
const open = ref<boolean>(false);
const current = ref(0);
const steps: TourProps["steps"] = [
title: "查询",
description: "查询数据.",
target: () => {
return document.querySelector(".page-first .fs-search-btn-search") as HTMLElement;
title: "重置",
description: "重置查询条件.",
target: () => {
return document.querySelector(".page-first .fs-search-btn-reset") as HTMLElement;
title: "添加",
description: "打开添加对话框",
target: () => {
return document.querySelector(".page-first .fs-actionbar-btn-add") as HTMLElement;
title: "刷新列表",
description: "刷新列表",
target: () => {
return document.querySelector(".page-first .fs-toolbar-btn-refresh") as HTMLElement;
const handleOpen = (val: boolean): void => {
open.value = val;
return {
const tour = useTour();
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "FsCrudFirst",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
name: "张三",
type: 1
name: "李四",
type: 0
name: "王五"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">HelloWorld</div>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/guide/start/integration.html">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref, onMounted, reactive } from "vue";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, useCrud, useFs, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import _ from "lodash-es";
const createCrudOptions = function ({}: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
//本地模拟后台crud接口方法 ----开始
const records = [{ id: 1, name: "Hello World", type: 1 }];
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return {
records: _.cloneDeep(records),
offset: 0, //后续transformRes会计算为currentPage
limit: 20, //后续transformRes会计算为pageSize
total: records.length
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
const target = _.find(records, (item) => {
return row.id === item.id;
_.merge(target, form);
return target;
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
_.remove(records, (item) => {
return item.id === row.id;
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
const maxRecord = _.maxBy(records, (item) => {
return item.id;
form.id = (maxRecord?.id || 0) + 1;
return form;
//本地模拟后台crud接口方法 -----结束
return {
customExport: {},
crudOptions: {
request: {
columns: {
name: {
title: "姓名",
type: "text",
search: { show: true },
column: {
resizable: true,
width: 200
type: {
title: "类型",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
data: [
{ value: 1, label: "开始" },
{ value: 0, label: "停止" }
export default defineComponent({
name: "FsCrudHelloWorld",
setup() {
// // crud组件的ref
// const crudRef: Ref = ref();
// // crud 配置的ref
// const crudBinding: Ref<CrudBinding> = ref();
// // 暴露的方法
// const { crudExpose } = useExpose({ crudRef, crudBinding });
// // 你的crud配置
// const { crudOptions, customExport } = createCrudOptions({ crudExpose, context });
// // 初始化crud配置
// const { resetCrudOptions, appendCrudBinding } = useCrud({ crudExpose, crudOptions });
// =======以上为fs的初始化代码=========
// =======你可以简写为下面这一行========
const { crudRef, crudBinding, crudExpose, context } = useFs({ createCrudOptions, context: {} });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/BasisI18n";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
const { t } = useI18n();
return {
crudOptions: {
request: {
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
name: {
title: t("app.crud.i18n.name"),
type: "text",
search: { show: true }
city: {
title: t("app.crud.i18n.city"),
type: "dict-select",
search: { show: true },
dict: dict({
value: "id",
label: "text",
data: [
{ id: "sz", text: "深圳", color: "success" },
{ id: "gz", text: "广州", color: "blue" },
{ id: "bj", text: "北京" },
{ id: "wh", text: "武汉" },
{ id: "sh", text: "上海" }
radio: {
title: t("app.crud.i18n.status"),
search: { show: true },
type: "dict-radio",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/OpenStatusEnum?single"
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">CRUD示例【国际化】</div>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/guide/start/i18n.html">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding">
<template #actionbar-right>
<a-alert class="ml-1" type="warning" message="右上角切换语言查看效果" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud.js";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisI18n",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "BasisI18n",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
radio: "1",
name: "张三",
city: "sz"
radio: "2",
name: "李四",
city: "gz"
radio: "0",
name: "王五",
city: "sh"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/BasisLayoutCard";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { computed } from "vue";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
const cityDictRef = dict({
value: "id",
label: "text",
data: [
{ id: "sz", text: "深圳", color: "success" },
{ id: "gz", text: "广州", color: "blue" },
{ id: "bj", text: "北京" },
{ id: "wh", text: "武汉" },
{ id: "sh", text: "上海" }
return {
crudOptions: {
container: {
is: "fs-layout-card"
request: {
actionbar: {
show: true
toolbar: {
show: true
search: {
buttons: {
actionbarToggle: {
text: "actionbar/toolbar显隐",
show: true,
click() {
crudExpose.crudBinding.value.actionbar.show = !crudExpose.crudBinding.value.actionbar.show;
crudExpose.crudBinding.value.toolbar.show = !crudExpose.crudBinding.value.toolbar.show;
tabs: {
name: "city",
show: true,
type: "card",
value: "id",
label: "text",
options: computed(() => {
return cityDictRef.data;
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
name: {
title: "姓名",
type: "text",
search: { show: true }
city: {
title: "城市",
type: "dict-select",
search: { show: true },
dict: cityDictRef
radio: {
title: "单选",
search: { show: true },
type: "dict-radio",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/OpenStatusEnum?single"
text: {
title: "text",
type: "text",
search: { show: true }
text2: {
title: "text2",
type: "text",
search: { show: true }
text3: {
title: "text3",
type: "text",
search: { show: true }
text4: {
title: "text4",
type: "text",
search: { show: true }
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
<fs-page class="page-layout-card">
<template #header>
<div class="title">Card布局</div>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/guide/advance/layout.html">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding">
<template #actionbar-right>
<a-button type="danger">actionbar-right插槽</a-button>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisLayoutCard",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
<style lang="less">
.page-layout-card {
background-color: #eee;
.fs-page-header {
background-color: #fff;
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "BasisLayoutCard",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
radio: "1",
name: "张三",
city: "sz"
radio: "2",
name: "李四",
city: "gz"
radio: "0",
name: "王五",
city: "sh"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/BasisLayoutCustom";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import CustomLayout from "./custom-layout.vue";
import { shallowRef } from "vue";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
container: {
is: shallowRef(CustomLayout) //可以将自定义布局组件全局注册,这里只需要配置name即可
tabs: {
show: true,
name: "city",
type: "card"
} as any,
request: {
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
name: {
title: "姓名",
type: "text",
search: { show: true }
city: {
title: "城市",
type: "dict-select",
search: { show: true },
dict: dict({
value: "id",
label: "text",
data: [
{ id: "sz", text: "深圳", color: "success" },
{ id: "gz", text: "广州", color: "blue" },
{ id: "bj", text: "北京" },
{ id: "wh", text: "武汉" },
{ id: "sh", text: "上海" }
radio: {
title: "单选",
search: { show: false },
type: "dict-radio",
dict: dict({
url: "/mock/dicts/OpenStatusEnum?single"
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
<div class="custom-layout">
<div class="layout-header">
<!-- ↓↓↓↓↓ 关键插槽:查询 ↓↓↓↓ -->
<slot name="search"></slot>
<!-- ↓↓↓↓↓ 关键插槽:工具条 ↓↓↓↓ -->
<slot name="toolbar"></slot>
<div class="layout-top">
<!-- ↓↓↓↓↓ 关键插槽:动作条 ↓↓↓↓ -->
<slot name="actionbar"></slot>
<slot name="tabs"></slot>
<!-- ↓↓↓↓↓ 上翻页条 ↓↓↓↓ -->
<slot name="pagination"></slot>
<!-- 高度需要自适应撑开,可以通过flex:1 -->
<div class="layout-body">
<!-- 默认插槽 -->
<!-- ↓↓↓↓↓ 关键插槽:表格 ↓↓↓↓ -->
<slot name="table"></slot>
<!-- ↓↓↓↓↓ 关键插槽:表单 ↓↓↓↓ -->
<slot name="form"></slot>
<div class="layout-footer">
<!-- ↓↓↓↓↓ 关键插槽:分页条 ↓↓↓↓ -->
<slot name="pagination"></slot>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
* 自定义布局
export default defineComponent({
name: "CustomLayout"
<style lang="less">
.custom-layout {
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.layout-header {
padding: 10px 10px 5px 10px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
.layout-top {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;
.layout-body {
flex: 1; //重要,自适应撑开高度,表格固定表头必须
overflow-y: auto;
.fs-crud-actionbar {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.fs-crud-pagination {
text-align: right;
padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;
.fs-tabs-filter {
flex: 1;
margin-left: 10px;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
<fs-page class="page-layout-custom">
<template #header>
<div class="title">
<span class="sub">通过自定义container.is可以自定义布局,甚至可以支持上下两个翻页条</span>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/guide/advance/layout.html">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding"> </fs-crud>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud.js";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisLayoutCustom",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
<style lang="less">
.page-layout-custom {
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "BasisLayoutCustom",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
radio: "1",
name: "张三",
city: "sz"
radio: "2",
name: "李四",
city: "gz"
radio: "0",
name: "王五",
city: "sh"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/BasisPlugin";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
export function BatchDelete(ids: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/batchDelete",
method: "post",
data: { ids }
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes, utils } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { ref } from "vue";
export default function ({ crudExpose, context }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
const selectedRowKeys: Ref<any[]> = ref([]);
context.selectedRowKeys = selectedRowKeys;
return {
crudOptions: {
settings: {
plugins: {
rowSelection: {
enabled: true,
order: -2,
before: true,
// handle: (pluginProps,useCrudProps)=>CrudOptions,
props: {
multiple: true,
crossPage: true,
onSelectedChanged(selected) {
utils.logger.info("已选择变化:", selected);
request: {
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
text: {
title: "Text",
type: "text",
search: { show: true }
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">
<span class="sub">用于合并CrudOptions,做一些可配置化的公共参数;此处演示使用rowSelectionPlugin生成行选择配置,支持跨页选择</span>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/api/crud-options/settings.html#plugins">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding">
<template #pagination-left>
<a-tooltip title="批量删除">
<fs-button icon="DeleteOutlined" @click="handleBatchDelete"></fs-button>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import { message, Modal } from "ant-design-vue";
import { BatchDelete } from "./api";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisPlugin",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose, context } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
const selectedRowKeys = context.selectedRowKeys;
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
const handleBatchDelete = () => {
if (selectedRowKeys.value?.length > 0) {
title: "确认",
content: `确定要批量删除这${selectedRowKeys.value.length}条记录吗`,
async onOk() {
await BatchDelete(selectedRowKeys.value);
selectedRowKeys.value = [];
} else {
return {
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "BasisPlugin",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
text: "张三",
radio: "1"
text: "李四",
radio: "2"
text: "王五",
radio: "0"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/BasisValueChange";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { AddReq, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery, UserPageRes } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
output: {},
crudOptions: {
request: {
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
switch: {
title: "开关",
type: "dict-switch",
dict: dict({
data: [
{ value: true, label: "开启" },
{ value: false, label: "关闭" }
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">
<span class="sub">重置CrudOptions,演示2秒后追加一个字段</span>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/api/use.html">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding"> </fs-crud>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import { CrudOptions, DynamicType, useFs, UseFsProps } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud.js";
import _ from "lodash-es";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisReset",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose, context, crudOptions, resetCrudOptions, appendBindingOptions } = useFs({ createCrudOptions, context: { text: 111 } });
setTimeout(() => {
const newOptions: DynamicType<CrudOptions> = _.merge(crudOptions, {
columns: {
text: {
title: "追加字段",
type: "text"
}, 2000);
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "BasisValueChange",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
switch: true,
text: "1111"
switch: true,
text: "2222"
switch: true,
text: "3333"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/FsCrudFirst";
* 定义行数据模型
export type TsTestRow = {
id?: number;
name?: string;
type?: number;
compute?: string;
export function GetList(query: TsTestRow) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: TsTestRow) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: TsTestRow) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
import { AddReq, compute, CreateCrudOptionsProps, CreateCrudOptionsRet, DelReq, dict, EditReq, UserPageQuery } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import * as api from "./api";
import { TsTestRow } from "./api";
* 定义context参数类型
export type TsTestContext = {
test?: number;
export default function ({ crudExpose, context }: CreateCrudOptionsProps<TsTestRow, TsTestContext>): CreateCrudOptionsRet<TsTestRow> {
context.test = 111;
return {
crudOptions: {
// 自定义crudOptions配置
columns: {
name: {
title: "姓名",
type: "text",
search: { show: true },
column: {
resizable: true,
width: 200
type: {
title: "类型",
type: "dict-select",
dict: dict({
data: [
{ value: 1, label: "开始", color: "green" },
{ value: 0, label: "停止", color: "red" }
valueResolve: ({ form }) => {
console.log("valueResolve", form.type);
valueBuilder: ({ row }) => {
console.log("valueBuilder", row.type);
compute: {
title: "compute",
type: "text",
form: {
component: {
show: compute(({ form }) => {
//自动带form ts提示
return form.type === 1;
disabled: compute<boolean, TsTestRow>(({ form }) => {
//disabled属性 不在component配置的定义中,所有不带row、form的ts提示, 需要手动指定类型
return form.type === 1;
request: {
pageRequest: async (query: UserPageQuery) => {
return await api.GetList(query);
addRequest: async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
editRequest: async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
delRequest: async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
<fs-page class="page-first">
<template #header>
<div class="title">Ts定义测试</div>
<div class="more"></div>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref } from "vue";
import { useFs, utils } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions, { TsTestContext } from "./crud";
import { TsTestRow } from "./api";
export default defineComponent({
name: "FsCrudTsTest",
setup() {
// // crud组件的ref
// const crudRef: Ref = ref();
// // crud 配置的ref
// const crudBinding: Ref<CrudBinding> = ref();
// // 暴露的方法
// const { crudExpose } = useExpose({ crudRef, crudBinding });
// // 你的crud配置
// const { crudOptions, customExport } = createCrudOptions({ crudExpose, customValue });
// // 初始化crud配置
// const { resetCrudOptions, appendCrudBinding } = useCrud({ crudExpose, crudOptions });
// =======以上为fs的初始化代码=========
// =======你可以简写为下面这一行========
const { crudRef, crudBinding, crudExpose, context } = useFs<TsTestRow, TsTestContext>({ createCrudOptions, context: {} });
utils.logger.info("test", context.test);
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
// @ts-ignore
import mockUtil from "/src/mock/base";
const options: any = {
name: "FsCrudFirst",
idGenerator: 0
const list = [
name: "张三",
type: 1
name: "李四",
type: 0
name: "王五"
options.list = list;
const mock = mockUtil.buildMock(options);
export default mock;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { requestForMock } from "/src/api/service";
const request = requestForMock;
const apiPrefix = "/mock/BasisValueChange";
export function GetList(query: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/page",
method: "get",
data: query
export function AddObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/add",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function UpdateObj(obj: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/update",
method: "post",
data: obj
export function DelObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/delete",
method: "post",
params: { id }
export function GetObj(id: any) {
return request({
url: apiPrefix + "/get",
method: "get",
params: { id }
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
import * as api from "./api";
import { message } from "ant-design-vue";
import {
} from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
export default function ({ crudExpose }: CreateCrudOptionsProps): CreateCrudOptionsRet {
const pageRequest = async (query: UserPageQuery): Promise<UserPageRes> => {
return await api.GetList(query);
const editRequest = async ({ form, row }: EditReq) => {
if (form.id == null) {
form.id = row.id;
return await api.UpdateObj(form);
const delRequest = async ({ row }: DelReq) => {
return await api.DelObj(row.id);
const addRequest = async ({ form }: AddReq) => {
return await api.AddObj(form);
return {
crudOptions: {
request: {
columns: {
id: {
title: "ID",
key: "id",
type: "number",
column: {
width: 50
form: {
show: false
switch: {
title: "开关",
type: "dict-switch",
dict: dict({
data: [
{ value: true, label: "开启" },
{ value: false, label: "关闭" }
column: {
component: {
name: "fs-dict-switch",
vModel: "checked"
valueChange(context: ValueChangeContext) {
utils.logger.info("column value changed:", context);
form: {
valueChange({ value, key, form }: ValueChangeContext) {
utils.logger.info("valueChanged,", key, value, form);
normal: {
title: "value-change",
type: "text",
form: {
valueChange({ value, key, form }: ValueChangeContext) {
utils.logger.info("valueChanged,", key, value, form);
immediate: {
title: "immediate",
type: "text",
search: {
show: true
form: {
valueChange: {
handle({ value, key, form, immediate }: ValueChangeContext) {
utils.logger.info("valueChange,", key, value, "isImmediate=", immediate);
immediate: true
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
<template #header>
<div class="title">ValueChange</div>
<div class="more">
<a target="_blank" href="http://fast-crud.docmirror.cn/api/crud-options/columns.html#valuebuilder与valueresolve">文档</a>
<fs-crud ref="crudRef" v-bind="crudBinding"> </fs-crud>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue";
import { useFs } from "@fast-crud/fast-crud";
import createCrudOptions from "./crud.js";
export default defineComponent({
name: "BasisValueChange",
setup() {
const { crudBinding, crudRef, crudExpose, context } = useFs({ createCrudOptions });
// 页面打开后获取列表数据
onMounted(() => {
return {
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