
436 lines
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/* <!-- copyright */
* aria2 - The high speed download utility
* Copyright (C) 2006 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
* file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
* version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
* do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
* files in the program, then also delete it here.
/* copyright --> */
#include "common.h"
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include "SharedHandle.h"
#include "TransferStat.h"
#include "TimeA2.h"
#include "Request.h"
#include "DownloadResult.h"
#include "URIResult.h"
namespace aria2 {
class DownloadEngine;
class SegmentMan;
class SegmentManFactory;
class Command;
class DownloadCommand;
class DownloadContext;
class PieceStorage;
class BtProgressInfoFile;
class Dependency;
class PreDownloadHandler;
class PostDownloadHandler;
class DiskWriterFactory;
class Option;
class Logger;
class RequestGroup;
class CheckIntegrityEntry;
class DownloadResult;
class ServerHost;
class URISelector;
class BtRuntime;
class PeerStorage;
class RequestGroup {
static int32_t _gidCounter;
int32_t _gid;
std::deque<std::string> _uris;
std::deque<std::string> _spentUris;
unsigned int _numConcurrentCommand;
* This is the number of connections used in streaming protocol(http/ftp)
unsigned int _numStreamConnection;
unsigned int _numCommand;
SharedHandle<SegmentMan> _segmentMan;
SharedHandle<SegmentManFactory> _segmentManFactory;
SharedHandle<DownloadContext> _downloadContext;
SharedHandle<PieceStorage> _pieceStorage;
SharedHandle<BtProgressInfoFile> _progressInfoFile;
SharedHandle<DiskWriterFactory> _diskWriterFactory;
SharedHandle<Dependency> _dependency;
std::deque<SharedHandle<ServerHost> > _serverHosts;
bool _fileAllocationEnabled;
bool _preLocalFileCheckEnabled;
bool _haltRequested;
bool _forceHaltRequested;
// URIResult is stored in the ascending order of the time when its result is
// available.
std::deque<URIResult> _uriResults;
bool _singleHostMultiConnectionEnabled;
std::deque<SharedHandle<PreDownloadHandler> > _preDownloadHandlers;
std::deque<SharedHandle<PostDownloadHandler> > _postDownloadHandlers;
std::deque<std::string> _acceptFeatures;
std::deque<std::string> _acceptTypes;
SharedHandle<URISelector> _uriSelector;
Time _lastModifiedTime;
unsigned int _fileNotFoundCount;
WeakHandle<BtRuntime> _btRuntime;
WeakHandle<PeerStorage> _peerStorage;
// This flag just indicates that the downloaded file is not saved disk but
// just sits in memory.
bool _inMemoryDownload;
const Option* _option;
Logger* _logger;
void validateFilename(const std::string& expectedFilename,
const std::string& actualFilename) const;
void validateTotalLength(uint64_t expectedTotalLength,
uint64_t actualTotalLength) const;
void initializePreDownloadHandler();
void initializePostDownloadHandler();
bool tryAutoFileRenaming();
// Returns the result code of this RequestGroup.
// If the download finished, then returns DownloadResult::FINISHED.
// If the download didn't finish and error result is available in _uriResults,
// then last result code is returned.
// Otherwise returns DownloadResult::UNKNOWN_ERROR.
DownloadResult::RESULT downloadResult() const;
RequestGroup(const Option* option, const std::deque<std::string>& uris);
* Reinitializes SegmentMan based on current property values and
* returns new one.
SharedHandle<SegmentMan> initSegmentMan();
SharedHandle<SegmentMan> getSegmentMan() const;
// Returns first bootstrap commands to initiate a download.
// If this is HTTP/FTP download and file size is unknown, only 1 command
// (usually, HttpInitiateConnection or FtpInitiateConnection) will be created
// with its Request object having Requet::METHOD_HEAD in its method.
// This behavior can be changed by providing 3rd argument.
// The method has effect only for using HTTP request including FTP via HTTP
// proxy.
void createInitialCommand(std::deque<Command*>& commands,
DownloadEngine* e,
const std::string& method = Request::METHOD_HEAD);
void createNextCommandWithAdj(std::deque<Command*>& commands,
DownloadEngine* e, int numAdj);
void createNextCommand(std::deque<Command*>& commands,
DownloadEngine* e, unsigned int numCommand,
const std::string& method = Request::METHOD_GET);
void addURI(const std::string& uri)
bool downloadFinished() const;
bool allDownloadFinished() const;
void closeFile();
std::string getFilePath() const;
uint64_t getTotalLength() const;
uint64_t getCompletedLength() const;
const std::deque<std::string>& getRemainingUris() const
return _uris;
const std::deque<std::string>& getSpentUris() const
return _spentUris;
void getURIs(std::deque<std::string>& uris) const;
* Compares expected filename with specified actualFilename.
* The expected filename refers to FileEntry::getBasename() of the first
* element of DownloadContext::getFileEntries()
void validateFilename(const std::string& actualFilename) const;
void validateTotalLength(uint64_t actualTotalLength) const;
void setSegmentManFactory(const SharedHandle<SegmentManFactory>& segmentManFactory);
void setNumConcurrentCommand(unsigned int num)
_numConcurrentCommand = num;
unsigned int getNumConcurrentCommand() const;
int32_t getGID() const
return _gid;
TransferStat calculateStat();
SharedHandle<DownloadContext> getDownloadContext() const;
void setDownloadContext(const SharedHandle<DownloadContext>& downloadContext);
SharedHandle<PieceStorage> getPieceStorage() const;
void setPieceStorage(const SharedHandle<PieceStorage>& pieceStorage);
SharedHandle<BtProgressInfoFile> getProgressInfoFile() const;
void setProgressInfoFile(const SharedHandle<BtProgressInfoFile>& progressInfoFile);
void increaseStreamConnection();
void decreaseStreamConnection();
unsigned int getNumConnection() const;
void increaseNumCommand();
void decreaseNumCommand();
unsigned int getNumCommand() const
return _numCommand;
// TODO is it better to move the following 2 methods to SingleFileDownloadContext?
void setDiskWriterFactory(const SharedHandle<DiskWriterFactory>& diskWriterFactory);
SharedHandle<DiskWriterFactory> getDiskWriterFactory() const;
void setFileAllocationEnabled(bool f)
_fileAllocationEnabled = f;
bool isFileAllocationEnabled() const
return _fileAllocationEnabled;
bool needsFileAllocation() const;
* Setting _preLocalFileCheckEnabled to false, then skip the check to see
* if a file is already exists and control file exists etc.
* Always open file with DiskAdaptor::initAndOpenFile()
void setPreLocalFileCheckEnabled(bool f)
_preLocalFileCheckEnabled = f;
bool isPreLocalFileCheckEnabled() const
return _preLocalFileCheckEnabled;
void setHaltRequested(bool f);
void setForceHaltRequested(bool f);
bool isHaltRequested() const
return _haltRequested;
bool isForceHaltRequested() const
return _forceHaltRequested;
void addURIResult(std::string uri, DownloadResult::RESULT result);
const std::deque<URIResult>& getURIResults() const;
void dependsOn(const SharedHandle<Dependency>& dep);
bool isDependencyResolved();
void releaseRuntimeResource(DownloadEngine* e);
void postDownloadProcessing(std::deque<SharedHandle<RequestGroup> >& groups);
void addPostDownloadHandler(const SharedHandle<PostDownloadHandler>& handler);
void clearPostDowloadHandler();
void preDownloadProcessing();
void addPreDownloadHandler(const SharedHandle<PreDownloadHandler>& handler);
void clearPreDowloadHandler();
void processCheckIntegrityEntry(std::deque<Command*>& commands,
const SharedHandle<CheckIntegrityEntry>& entry,
DownloadEngine* e);
void initPieceStorage();
bool downloadFinishedByFileLength();
void loadAndOpenFile(const SharedHandle<BtProgressInfoFile>& progressInfoFile);
void shouldCancelDownloadForSafety();
SharedHandle<DownloadResult> createDownloadResult() const;
const Option* getOption() const
return _option;
bool isSingleHostMultiConnectionEnabled() const
return _singleHostMultiConnectionEnabled;
void setSingleHostMultiConnectionEnabled(bool f)
_singleHostMultiConnectionEnabled = f;
* Registers given ServerHost.
void registerServerHost(const SharedHandle<ServerHost>& serverHost);
* Returns ServerHost whose cuid is given cuid. If it is not found, returns
* 0.
SharedHandle<ServerHost> searchServerHost(int32_t cuid) const;
SharedHandle<ServerHost> searchServerHost(const std::string& hostname) const;
void removeServerHost(int32_t cuid);
void removeURIWhoseHostnameIs(const std::string& hostname);
void removeIdenticalURI(const std::string& uri);
void reportDownloadFinished();
const std::deque<std::string>& getAcceptFeatures() const;
void addAcceptFeatureHeader(const std::string& feature);
void removeAcceptFeatureHeader(const std::string& feature);
const std::deque<std::string>& getAcceptTypes() const;
void addAcceptType(const std::string& type);
void removeAcceptType(const std::string& type);
static const std::string ACCEPT_METALINK;
void setURISelector(const SharedHandle<URISelector>& uriSelector);
void applyLastModifiedTimeToLocalFiles();
void updateLastModifiedTime(const Time& time);
void increaseAndValidateFileNotFoundCount();
// Just set inMemoryDownload flag true.
void markInMemoryDownload();
// Returns inMemoryDownload flag.
bool inMemoryDownload() const;
void tuneDownloadCommand(DownloadCommand* command);
typedef SharedHandle<RequestGroup> RequestGroupHandle;
typedef WeakHandle<RequestGroup> RequestGroupWeakHandle;
typedef std::deque<RequestGroupHandle> RequestGroups;
} // namespace aria2
#endif // _D_REQUEST_GROUP_H_