mirror of https://github.com/aria2/aria2
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277 lines
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/* <!-- copyright */
* aria2 - The high speed download utility
* Copyright (C) 2006 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
* file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
* version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
* do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
* files in the program, then also delete it here.
/* copyright --> */
#include "PeerConnection.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include "message.h"
#include "DlAbortEx.h"
#include "LogFactory.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "BtHandshakeMessage.h"
#include "Socket.h"
#include "a2netcompat.h"
#include "ARC4Encryptor.h"
#include "ARC4Decryptor.h"
#include "StringFormat.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace aria2 {
PeerConnection::PeerConnection(cuid_t cuid, const SocketHandle& socket)
resbuf_(new unsigned char[MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN]),
delete [] resbuf_;
void PeerConnection::pushStr(const std::string& data)
if(encryptionEnabled_) {
const size_t len = data.size();
unsigned char* chunk = new unsigned char[len];
try {
(chunk, len, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(data.data()), len);
} catch(RecoverableException& e) {
delete [] chunk;
socketBuffer_.pushBytes(chunk, len);
} else {
void PeerConnection::pushBytes(unsigned char* data, size_t len)
if(encryptionEnabled_) {
unsigned char* chunk = new unsigned char[len];
try {
encryptor_->encrypt(chunk, len, data, len);
} catch(RecoverableException& e) {
delete [] data;
delete [] chunk;
delete [] data;
socketBuffer_.pushBytes(chunk, len);
} else {
socketBuffer_.pushBytes(data, len);
bool PeerConnection::receiveMessage(unsigned char* data, size_t& dataLength) {
if(resbufLength_ == 0 && 4 > lenbufLength_) {
if(!socket_->isReadable(0)) {
return false;
// read payload size, 32bit unsigned integer
size_t remaining = 4-lenbufLength_;
size_t temp = remaining;
readData(lenbuf_+lenbufLength_, remaining, encryptionEnabled_);
if(remaining == 0) {
if(socket_->wantRead() || socket_->wantWrite()) {
return false;
// we got EOF
if(logger_->debug()) {
logger_->debug("CUID#%s - In PeerConnection::receiveMessage(),"
" remain=%lu",
static_cast<unsigned long>(temp));
lenbufLength_ += remaining;
if(4 > lenbufLength_) {
// still 4-lenbufLength_ bytes to go
return false;
uint32_t payloadLength;
memcpy(&payloadLength, lenbuf_, sizeof(payloadLength));
payloadLength = ntohl(payloadLength);
if(payloadLength > MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN) {
throw DL_ABORT_EX(StringFormat(EX_TOO_LONG_PAYLOAD, payloadLength).str());
currentPayloadLength_ = payloadLength;
if(!socket_->isReadable(0)) {
return false;
// we have currentPayloadLen-resbufLen bytes to read
size_t remaining = currentPayloadLength_-resbufLength_;
size_t temp = remaining;
if(remaining > 0) {
readData(resbuf_+resbufLength_, remaining, encryptionEnabled_);
if(remaining == 0) {
if(socket_->wantRead() || socket_->wantWrite()) {
return false;
// we got EOF
if(logger_->debug()) {
logger_->debug("CUID#%s - In PeerConnection::receiveMessage(),"
" payloadlen=%lu, remaining=%lu",
static_cast<unsigned long>(currentPayloadLength_),
static_cast<unsigned long>(temp));
resbufLength_ += remaining;
if(currentPayloadLength_ > resbufLength_) {
return false;
// we got whole payload.
resbufLength_ = 0;
lenbufLength_ = 0;
if(data) {
memcpy(data, resbuf_, currentPayloadLength_);
dataLength = currentPayloadLength_;
return true;
bool PeerConnection::receiveHandshake(unsigned char* data, size_t& dataLength,
bool peek) {
assert(BtHandshakeMessage::MESSAGE_LENGTH >= resbufLength_);
bool retval = true;
if(prevPeek_ && !peek && resbufLength_) {
// We have data in previous peek.
// There is a chance that socket is readable because of EOF, for example,
// official bttrack shutdowns socket after sending first 48 bytes of
// handshake in its NAT checking.
// So if there are data in resbuf_, return it without checking socket
// status.
prevPeek_ = false;
retval = BtHandshakeMessage::MESSAGE_LENGTH <= resbufLength_;
} else {
prevPeek_ = peek;
size_t remaining = BtHandshakeMessage::MESSAGE_LENGTH-resbufLength_;
if(remaining > 0 && !socket_->isReadable(0)) {
dataLength = 0;
return false;
if(remaining > 0) {
size_t temp = remaining;
readData(resbuf_+resbufLength_, remaining, encryptionEnabled_);
if(remaining == 0) {
if(socket_->wantRead() || socket_->wantWrite()) {
return false;
// we got EOF
if(logger_->debug()) {
("CUID#%s - In PeerConnection::receiveHandshake(), remain=%lu",
util::itos(cuid_).c_str(), static_cast<unsigned long>(temp));
resbufLength_ += remaining;
if(BtHandshakeMessage::MESSAGE_LENGTH > resbufLength_) {
retval = false;
size_t writeLength = std::min(resbufLength_, dataLength);
memcpy(data, resbuf_, writeLength);
dataLength = writeLength;
if(retval && !peek) {
resbufLength_ = 0;
return retval;
void PeerConnection::readData
(unsigned char* data, size_t& length, bool encryption)
if(encryption) {
unsigned char temp[MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN];
assert(MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN >= length);
socket_->readData(temp, length);
decryptor_->decrypt(data, length, temp, length);
} else {
socket_->readData(data, length);
void PeerConnection::enableEncryption
(const SharedHandle<ARC4Encryptor>& encryptor,
const SharedHandle<ARC4Decryptor>& decryptor)
encryptor_ = encryptor;
decryptor_ = decryptor;
encryptionEnabled_ = true;
void PeerConnection::presetBuffer(const unsigned char* data, size_t length)
size_t nwrite = std::min((size_t)MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN, length);
memcpy(resbuf_, data, nwrite);
resbufLength_ = length;
bool PeerConnection::sendBufferIsEmpty() const
return socketBuffer_.sendBufferIsEmpty();
ssize_t PeerConnection::sendPendingData()
ssize_t writtenLength = socketBuffer_.send();
if(logger_->debug()) {
logger_->debug("sent %d byte(s).", writtenLength);
return writtenLength;
} // namespace aria2