
434 lines
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/* <!-- copyright */
* aria2 - The high speed download utility
* Copyright (C) 2010 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
* file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
* version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
* do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
* files in the program, then also delete it here.
/* copyright --> */
#include "cookie_helper.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include "util.h"
#include "array_fun.h"
#include "Cookie.h"
#include "a2functional.h"
namespace aria2 {
namespace cookie {
namespace {
bool isDelimiter(unsigned char c)
return c == 0x09u || in(c, 0x20u, 0x2fu) || in(c, 0x3bu, 0x40u) ||
in(c, 0x5bu, 0x60u) || in(c, 0x7bu, 0x7eu);
} // namespace
namespace {
std::string::const_iterator getNextDigit
(std::string::const_iterator first, std::string::const_iterator last)
for(; first != last && in(static_cast<unsigned char>(*first), 0x30u, 0x39u);
return first;
} // namespace
namespace {
template<typename InputIterator>
int getInteger(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
int res = 0;
// We assume *dest won't overflow.
for(; first != last; ++first) {
res *= 10;
res += (*first)-'0';
return res;
} // namespace
bool parseDate
(time_t& time,
std::string::const_iterator first,
std::string::const_iterator last)
// Following algorithm is described in
std::vector<std::string> dateTokens;
for(std::string::const_iterator i = first,
eoi = last; i != eoi;) {
unsigned char c = *i;
if(isDelimiter(c)) {
std::string::const_iterator s = i;
for(; s != eoi && !isDelimiter(static_cast<unsigned char>(*s)); ++s);
dateTokens.push_back(std::string(i, s));
i = s;
int dayOfMonth = 0;
bool foundDayOfMonth = false;
int month = 0;
bool foundMonth = false;
int year = 0;
bool foundYear = false;
int hour = 0;
int minute = 0;
int second = 0;
bool foundTime = false;
for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = dateTokens.begin(),
eoi = dateTokens.end(); i != eoi; ++i) {
if(!foundTime) {
std::string::const_iterator hEnd;
std::string::const_iterator mEnd;
std::string::const_iterator sEnd;
hEnd = getNextDigit((*i).begin(),(*i).end());
size_t len = std::distance((*i).begin(), hEnd);
if(len == 0 || 2 < len || hEnd == (*i).end() || *hEnd != ':') {
goto NOT_TIME;
mEnd = getNextDigit(hEnd+1, (*i).end());
len = std::distance(hEnd+1, mEnd);
if(len == 0 || 2 < len || mEnd == (*i).end() || *mEnd != ':') {
goto NOT_TIME;
sEnd = getNextDigit(mEnd+1, (*i).end());
len = std::distance(mEnd+1, sEnd);
if(len == 0 || 2 < len) {
goto NOT_TIME;
foundTime = true;
hour = getInteger((*i).begin(), hEnd);
minute = getInteger(hEnd+1, mEnd);
second = getInteger(mEnd+1, sEnd);
if(!foundDayOfMonth) {
std::string::const_iterator j = getNextDigit((*i).begin(), (*i).end());
size_t len = std::distance((*i).begin(), j);
if(1 <= len && len <= 2) {
foundDayOfMonth = true;
dayOfMonth = getInteger((*i).begin(), j);
if(!foundMonth) {
static const char MONTH[][12] = {
"jan", "feb", "mar", "apr",
"may", "jun", "jul", "aug",
"sep", "oct", "nov", "dec" };
if((*i).size() >= 3) {
bool found = false;
size_t j;
for(j = 0; j < 12; ++j) {
if(util::strieq((*i).begin(), (*i).begin()+3,
&MONTH[j][0], &MONTH[j][3])) {
found = true;
if(found) {
foundMonth = true;
month = j+1;
if(!foundYear) {
std::string::const_iterator j = getNextDigit((*i).begin(), (*i).end());
size_t len = std::distance((*i).begin(), j);
if(1 <= len && len <= 4) {
foundYear = true;
year = getInteger((*i).begin(), j);
if(in(year, 70, 99)) {
year += 1900;
} else if(in(year, 0, 69)) {
year += 2000;
if(!foundDayOfMonth || !foundMonth || !foundYear || !foundTime ||
!in(dayOfMonth, 1, 31) || year < 1601 || hour > 23 ||
minute > 59 || second > 59) {
return false;
if((month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) &&
dayOfMonth > 30) {
return false;
if(month == 2) {
if((year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || year%400 == 0) {
if(dayOfMonth > 29) {
return false;
} else if(dayOfMonth > 28) {
return false;
tm timespec;
memset(&timespec, 0, sizeof(timespec));
timespec.tm_sec = second;
timespec.tm_min = minute;
timespec.tm_hour = hour;
timespec.tm_mday = dayOfMonth;
timespec.tm_mon = month-1;
timespec.tm_year = year-1900;
time = timegm(&timespec);
return time != -1;
bool parse
(Cookie& cookie,
const std::string& cookieStr,
const std::string& requestHost,
const std::string& defaultPath,
time_t creationTime)
// This implementation is based on the algorithm listed in
std::string::const_iterator nvEnd = cookieStr.begin();
std::string::const_iterator end = cookieStr.end();
for(; nvEnd != end && *nvEnd != ';'; ++nvEnd);
std::string::const_iterator eq = cookieStr.begin();
for(; eq != nvEnd && *eq != '='; ++eq);
if(eq == nvEnd) {
return false;
std::string::const_iterator> p =
util::stripIter(cookieStr.begin(), eq);
if(p.first == p.second) {
return false;
Scip cookieName(p.first, p.second);
p = util::stripIter(eq+1, nvEnd);
p = util::stripIter(p.first, p.second, "\"");
Scip cookieValue(p.first, p.second);
time_t expiryTime = 0;
bool foundExpires = false;
bool persistent = false;
time_t maxAge = 0;
bool foundMaxAge = false;
std::string cookieDomain;
bool hostOnly = false;
std::string cookiePath;
bool secure = false;
bool httpOnly = false;
if(nvEnd != end) {
for(std::string::const_iterator i = nvEnd; i != end;) {
std::string::const_iterator j = std::find(i, end, ';');
std::string::const_iterator eq = std::find(i, j, '=');
p = util::stripIter(i, eq);
std::string::const_iterator> attrp;
if(eq == j) {
attrp.first = attrp.second = j;
} else {
attrp = util::stripIter(eq+1, j);
i = j;
if(j != end) {
if(util::strieq(p.first, p.second, "expires")) {
if(parseDate(expiryTime, attrp.first, attrp.second)) {
foundExpires = true;
} else {
return false;
} else if(util::strieq(p.first, p.second, "max-age")) {
if(attrp.first == attrp.second ||
(!in(static_cast<unsigned char>(*attrp.first), 0x30u, 0x39u) &&
*attrp.first != '-')) {
return false;
for(std::string::const_iterator s = attrp.first+1,
eos = attrp.second; s != eos; ++s) {
if(!in(static_cast<unsigned char>(*s), 0x30u, 0x39u)) {
return false;
int64_t delta;
std::string(attrp.first, attrp.second))) {
foundMaxAge = true;
if(delta <= 0) {
maxAge = 0;
} else {
int64_t n = creationTime;
n += delta;
if(n < 0 || std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max() < n) {
maxAge = std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max();
} else {
maxAge = n;
} else {
return false;
} else if(util::strieq(p.first, p.second, "domain")) {
if(attrp.first == attrp.second) {
return false;
std::string::const_iterator noDot = attrp.first;
std::string::const_iterator end = attrp.second;
for(; noDot != end && *noDot == '.'; ++noDot);
if(noDot == end) {
return false;
cookieDomain.assign(noDot, end);
} else if(util::strieq(p.first, p.second, "path")) {
if(goodPath(attrp.first, attrp.second)) {
cookiePath.assign(attrp.first, attrp.second);
} else {
cookiePath = defaultPath;
} else if(util::strieq(p.first, p.second, "secure")) {
secure = true;
} else if(util::strieq(p.first, p.second, "httponly")) {
httpOnly = true;
if(foundMaxAge) {
expiryTime = maxAge;
persistent = true;
} else if(foundExpires) {
persistent = true;
} else {
expiryTime = std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max();
persistent = false;
std::string canonicalizedHost = canonicalizeHost(requestHost);
if(cookieDomain.empty()) {
hostOnly = true;
cookieDomain = canonicalizedHost;
} else if(domainMatch(canonicalizedHost, cookieDomain)) {
hostOnly = util::isNumericHost(canonicalizedHost);
} else {
return false;
if(cookiePath.empty()) {
cookiePath = defaultPath;
cookie.setName(cookieName.first, cookieName.second);
cookie.setValue(cookieValue.first, cookieValue.second);
return true;
bool goodPath
(std::string::const_iterator first,
std::string::const_iterator last)
return first != last && *first == '/';
std::string canonicalizeHost(const std::string& host)
std::string ch = util::toLower(host);
return ch;
bool domainMatch(const std::string& requestHost, const std::string& domain)
return requestHost == domain ||
(util::endsWith(requestHost, domain) &&
requestHost[requestHost.size()-domain.size()-1] == '.' &&
bool pathMatch(const std::string& requestPath, const std::string& path)
return requestPath == path ||
(util::startsWith(requestPath, path) &&
(path[path.size()-1] == '/' || requestPath[path.size()] == '/'));
std::string reverseDomainLevel(const std::string& domain)
std::string r;
if(domain.empty()) {
return r;
// Cut trailing dots
std::string::const_iterator s = domain.end() - 1;
for(; *s == '.'; --s) {
if(s == domain.begin()) {
return r;
std::string::const_iterator t = s + 1;
for(; ; --s) {
if(*s == '.') {
r.append(s + 1, t);
r += '.';
t = s;
if(s == domain.begin()) {
r.append(s, t);
return r;
} // namespace cookie
} // namespace aria2