/* */ #include "File.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UTIME_H #include #endif // HAVE_UTIME_H #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "A2STR.h" #include "array_fun.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "LogFactory.h" #include "fmt.h" namespace aria2 { File::File(const std::string& name) : name_(name) {} File::File(const File& c) : name_(c.name_) {} File::~File() {} File& File::operator=(const File& c) { if (this != &c) { name_ = c.name_; } return *this; } int File::fillStat(a2_struct_stat& fstat) { return a2stat(utf8ToWChar(name_).c_str(), &fstat); } bool File::exists() { a2_struct_stat fstat; return fillStat(fstat) == 0; } bool File::isFile() { a2_struct_stat fstat; if (fillStat(fstat) < 0) { return false; } return S_ISREG(fstat.st_mode) == 1; } bool File::isDir() { a2_struct_stat fstat; if (fillStat(fstat) < 0) { return false; } return S_ISDIR(fstat.st_mode) == 1; } bool File::remove() { if (isFile()) { return a2unlink(utf8ToWChar(name_).c_str()) == 0; } else if (isDir()) { return a2rmdir(utf8ToWChar(name_).c_str()) == 0; } else { return false; } } #ifdef __MINGW32__ namespace { HANDLE openFile(const std::string& filename) { DWORD desiredAccess = GENERIC_READ; DWORD sharedMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; DWORD creationDisp = OPEN_EXISTING; return CreateFileW(utf8ToWChar(filename).c_str(), desiredAccess, sharedMode, /* lpSecurityAttributes */ nullptr, creationDisp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, /* hTemplateFile */ nullptr); } } // namespace #endif // __MINGW32__ int64_t File::size() { #ifdef __MINGW32__ // _wstat cannot be used for symlink. It always returns 0. Quoted // from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/14h5k7ff.aspx: // // _wstat does not work with Windows Vista symbolic links. In // these cases, _wstat will always report a file size of 0. _stat // does work correctly with symbolic links. auto hn = openFile(name_); if (hn == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } LARGE_INTEGER fileSize; const auto rv = GetFileSizeEx(hn, &fileSize); CloseHandle(hn); return rv ? fileSize.QuadPart : 0; #else // !__MINGW32__ a2_struct_stat fstat; if (fillStat(fstat) < 0) { return 0; } return fstat.st_size; #endif // !__MINGW32__ } bool File::mkdirs() { if (isDir()) { return false; } #ifdef __MINGW32__ std::string path = name_; for (std::string::iterator i = path.begin(), eoi = path.end(); i != eoi; ++i) { if (*i == '\\') { *i = '/'; } } std::string::iterator dbegin; if (util::startsWith(path, "//")) { // UNC path std::string::size_type hostEnd = path.find('/', 2); if (hostEnd == std::string::npos) { // UNC path with only hostname considered as an error. return false; } else if (hostEnd == 2) { // If path starts with "///", it is not considered as UNC. dbegin = path.begin(); } else { std::string::iterator i = path.begin() + hostEnd; std::string::iterator eoi = path.end(); // //host/mount/dir/... // | | // i (at this point) // | // dbegin (will be) // Skip to after first directory part. This is because // //host/dir appears to be non-directory and mkdir it fails. for (; i != eoi && *i == '/'; ++i) ; for (; i != eoi && *i != '/'; ++i) ; dbegin = i; A2_LOG_DEBUG( fmt("UNC Prefix %s", std::string(path.begin(), dbegin).c_str())); } } else { dbegin = path.begin(); } std::string::iterator begin = path.begin(); std::string::iterator end = path.end(); for (std::string::iterator i = dbegin; i != end;) { #else // !__MINGW32__ std::string::iterator begin = name_.begin(); std::string::iterator end = name_.end(); for (std::string::iterator i = begin; i != end;) { #endif // !__MINGW32__ std::string::iterator j = std::find(i, end, '/'); if (std::distance(i, j) == 0) { ++i; continue; } i = j; if (i != end) { ++i; } #ifdef __MINGW32__ if (*(j - 1) == ':') { // This is a drive letter, e.g. C:, so skip it. continue; } #endif // __MINGW32__ std::string dir(begin, j); A2_LOG_DEBUG(fmt("Making directory %s", dir.c_str())); if (File(dir).isDir()) { A2_LOG_DEBUG(fmt("%s exists and is a directory.", dir.c_str())); continue; } if (a2mkdir(utf8ToWChar(dir).c_str(), DIR_OPEN_MODE) == -1) { A2_LOG_DEBUG(fmt("Failed to create %s", dir.c_str())); return false; } } return true; } mode_t File::mode() { a2_struct_stat fstat; if (fillStat(fstat) < 0) { return 0; } return fstat.st_mode; } std::string File::getBasename() const { std::string::size_type lastSlashIndex = name_.find_last_of(getPathSeparators()); if (lastSlashIndex == std::string::npos) { return name_; } else { return name_.substr(lastSlashIndex + 1); } } std::string File::getDirname() const { std::string::size_type lastSlashIndex = name_.find_last_of(getPathSeparators()); if (lastSlashIndex == std::string::npos) { if (name_.empty()) { return A2STR::NIL; } else { return "."; } } else if (lastSlashIndex == 0) { return "/"; } else { return name_.substr(0, lastSlashIndex); } } bool File::isDir(const std::string& filename) { return File(filename).isDir(); } bool File::renameTo(const std::string& dest) { #ifdef __MINGW32__ // MinGW's rename() doesn't delete an existing destination. Better // to use MoveFileEx, which usually provides atomic move in aria2 // usecase. if (MoveFileExW(utf8ToWChar(name_).c_str(), utf8ToWChar(dest).c_str(), MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED | MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { name_ = dest; return true; } return false; #else // !__MINGW32__ if (rename(name_.c_str(), dest.c_str()) == 0) { name_ = dest; return true; } else { return false; } #endif // !__MINGW32__ } bool File::utime(const Time& actime, const Time& modtime) const { #if defined(HAVE_UTIMES) && !defined(__MINGW32__) struct timeval times[2] = {{actime.getTimeFromEpoch(), 0}, {modtime.getTimeFromEpoch(), 0}}; return utimes(name_.c_str(), times) == 0; #else // !HAVE_UTIMES a2utimbuf ub; ub.actime = actime.getTimeFromEpoch(); ub.modtime = modtime.getTimeFromEpoch(); return a2utime(utf8ToWChar(name_).c_str(), &ub) == 0; #endif // !HAVE_UTIMES } Time File::getModifiedTime() { a2_struct_stat fstat; if (fillStat(fstat) < 0) { return 0; } return Time(fstat.st_mtime); } std::string File::getCurrentDir() { #ifdef __MINGW32__ const size_t buflen = 2048; wchar_t buf[buflen]; if (_wgetcwd(buf, buflen)) { return wCharToUtf8(buf); } else { return "."; } #else // !__MINGW32__ const size_t buflen = 2048; char buf[buflen]; if (getcwd(buf, buflen)) { return std::string(buf); } else { return "."; } #endif // !__MINGW32__ } const char* File::getPathSeparators() { #ifdef __MINGW32__ return "/\\"; #else // !__MINGW32__ return "/"; #endif // !__MINGW32__ } } // namespace aria2