aria2 for Android devices

aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source download utility
operated in command-line. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, BitTorrent and


aria2 is not an ordinary Android Java application. It is a C++ native
application and operates in command-line.  You don't have to 'root'
your device to use aria2.  Because aria2 is a command-line program,
you need a terminal emulator. First install Android Terminal Emulator
from Android Market (or build it from source and install. See

1. Copy aria2c executable to ``/mnt/sdcard`` on your device.
2. Run Android Terminal Emulator.
3. ``mkdir /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2``
4. ``cat /mnt/sdcard/aria2c > /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2/aria2c``
5. ``chmod 744 /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2/aria2c``
6. Add the following commands to the initial command of Android
   Terminal Emulator::

       export HOME=/data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2; cd $HOME

7. Exit Android Terminal Emulator.
8. Run Android Terminal Emulator again.
9. See whether aria2c actually works by invoking ``./aria2c -v``

How to use

See `the online manual


aria2c executable was generated using android-ndk-r10b.

The following libraries were statically linked.

 * openssl 1.0.1i
 * expat 2.1.0
 * c-ares 1.10.0

Since Android does not have ``/etc/resolv.conf``, c-ares (asynchronous
DNS resolver) is disabled by default. But name resolution is sometimes
a little bit slow, so I recommend to enable c-ares. You can enable it
using ``--async-dns`` and specify DNS servers using
``--async-dns-server`` option, like this::

  --async-dns --async-dns-server=`getprop net.dns1`,`getprop net.dns2`

Because it is tedious to type these long parameters every time you use
aria2c, the following wrapper shell script would be handy::

    /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2c \
      --async-dns \
      --async-dns-server=`getprop net.dns1`,`getprop net.dns2` \

Please note that you need to add executable file mode bit to this
wrapper script too. (e.g., ``chmod 744 /PATH/TO/SCRIPT``)

Known Issues

* Since Android does not have ``/dev/stdout``, ``-l-`` does not work.

* Android Terminal Emulator sometimes stops updating console. It looks
  like aria2c hangs, but aria2c continues to run.