/* */ #include "HttpInitiateConnectionCommand.h" #include "ConsoleDownloadEngine.h" #include "TorrentConsoleDownloadEngine.h" #include "SegmentMan.h" #include "TorrentMan.h" #include "SplitSlowestSegmentSplitter.h" #include "SimpleLogger.h" #include "common.h" #include "DefaultDiskWriter.h" #include "Util.h" #include "InitiateConnectionCommandFactory.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "TrackerInitCommand.h" #include "PeerListenCommand.h" #include "TorrentAutoSaveCommand.h" #include "TrackerWatcherCommand.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern char* optarg; extern int optind, opterr, optopt; #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL // for SSL # include # include #endif // HAVE_LIBSSL #ifdef HAVE_LIBGNUTLS # include #endif // HAVE_LIBGNUTLS using namespace std; typedef deque Requests; void printDownloadCompeleteMessage(string filename) { printf(_("\nThe download was complete. <%s>\n"), filename.c_str()); } void printDownloadAbortMessage() { printf(_("\nThe download was not complete because of errors. Check the log.\n")); } void clearRequest(Request* req) { delete(req); } DownloadEngine* e; TorrentDownloadEngine* te; void handler(int signal) { cout << _("\nSIGINT signal received.") << endl; e->segmentMan->save(); if(e->diskWriter != NULL) { e->diskWriter->closeFile(); } exit(0); } void torrentHandler(int signal) { cout << _("\nSIGINT signal received.") << endl; if(te->torrentMan->diskWriter != NULL) { te->torrentMan->diskWriter->closeFile(); } if(te->torrentMan->downloadComplete() && te->isFilenameFixed()) { te->torrentMan->remove(); te->torrentMan->deleteTempFile(); printDownloadCompeleteMessage(te->torrentMan->getFilePath()); } else { te->torrentMan->save(); } exit(0); } void addCommand(int cuid, const string& url, string referer, Requests& requests) { Request* req = new Request(); req->setReferer(referer); if(req->setUrl(url)) { e->commands.push(InitiateConnectionCommandFactory::createInitiateConnectionCommand(cuid, req, e)); requests.push_back(req); } else { fprintf(stderr, _("Unrecognized URL or unsupported protocol: %s\n"), req->getUrl().c_str()); delete(req); } } void showVersion() { cout << PACKAGE << _(" version ") << PACKAGE_VERSION << endl; cout << "Copyright (C) 2006 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa" << endl; cout << endl; cout << _("This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n" "(at your option) any later version.\n" "\n" "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n" "GNU General Public License for more details.\n" "\n" "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n" "along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n" "Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n"); cout << endl; printf(_("Contact Info: %s\n"), "Tasuhiro Tsujikawa "); cout << endl; } void showUsage() { printf(_("Usage: %s [options] URL ...\n"), PACKAGE_NAME); cout << endl; cout << _("Options:") << endl; cout << _(" -d, --dir=DIR The directory to store downloaded file.") << endl; cout << _(" -o, --out=FILE The file name for downloaded file.") << endl; cout << _(" -l, --log=LOG The file path to store log. If '-' is specified,\n" " log is written to stdout.") << endl; cout << _(" -D, --daemon Run as daemon.") << endl; cout << _(" -s, --split=N Download a file using N connections. N must be\n" " between 1 and 5. This option affects all URLs.\n" " Thus, aria2 connects to each URL with\n" " N connections.") << endl; cout << _(" --retry-wait=SEC Set amount of time in second between requests\n" " for errors. Specify a value between 0 and 60.\n" " Default: 5") << endl; cout << _(" -t, --timeout=SEC Set timeout in second. Default: 60") << endl; cout << _(" -m, --max-tries=N Set number of tries. 0 means unlimited.\n" " Default: 5") << endl; cout << _(" --min-segment-size=SIZE[K|M] Set minimum segment size. You can append\n" " K or M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). This\n" " value must be greater than or equal to\n" " 1024.") << endl; cout << _(" --http-proxy=HOST:PORT Use HTTP proxy server. This affects to all\n" " URLs.") << endl; cout << _(" --http-user=USER Set HTTP user. This affects to all URLs.") << endl; cout << _(" --http-passwd=PASSWD Set HTTP password. This affects to all URLs.") << endl; cout << _(" --http-proxy-user=USER Set HTTP proxy user. This affects to all URLs") << endl; cout << _(" --http-proxy-passwd=PASSWD Set HTTP proxy password. This affects to all URLs.") << endl; cout << _(" --http-proxy-method=METHOD Set the method to use in proxy request.\n" " METHOD is either 'get' or 'tunnel'.\n" " Default: tunnel") << endl; cout << _(" --http-auth-scheme=SCHEME Set HTTP authentication scheme. Currently, basic\n" " is the only supported scheme. You MUST specify\n" " this option in order to use HTTP authentication\n" " as well as --http-user and --http-passwd.") << endl; cout << _(" --referer=REFERER Set Referer. This affects to all URLs.") << endl; cout << _(" --ftp-user=USER Set FTP user. This affects to all URLs.\n" " Default: anonymous") << endl; cout << _(" --ftp-passwd=PASSWD Set FTP password. This affects to all URLs.\n" " Default: ARIA2USER@") << endl; cout << _(" --ftp-type=TYPE Set FTP transfer type. TYPE is either 'binary'\n" " or 'ascii'.\n" " Default: binary") << endl; cout << _(" -p, --ftp-pasv Use passive mode in FTP.") << endl; cout << _(" --ftp-via-http-proxy=METHOD Use HTTP proxy in FTP. METHOD is either 'get' or\n" " 'tunnel'.\n" " Default: tunnel") << endl; #ifdef ENABLE_BITTORRENT cout << _(" --torrent-file=TORRENT_FILE The file path to .torrent file.") << endl; cout << _(" --follow-torrent=true|false Setting this option to false prevents aria2 to\n" " enter BitTorrent mode even if the filename of\n" " downloaded file ends with .torrent.\n" " Default: true") << endl; #endif // ENABLE_BITTORRENT cout << _(" -v, --version Print the version number and exit.") << endl; cout << _(" -h, --help Print this message and exit.") << endl; cout << endl; cout << "URL:" << endl; cout << _(" You can specify multiple URLs. All URLs must point to the same file\n" " or downloading fails.") << endl; cout << endl; cout << _("Examples:") << endl; cout << _(" Download a file by 1 connection:") << endl; cout << " aria2c http://AAA.BBB.CCC/file.zip" << endl; cout << _(" Download a file by 2 connections:") << endl; cout << " aria2c -s 2 http://AAA.BBB.CCC/file.zip" << endl; cout << _(" Download a file by 2 connections, each connects to a different server:") << endl; cout << " aria2c http://AAA.BBB.CCC/file.zip http://DDD.EEE.FFF/GGG/file.zip" << endl; cout << _(" You can mix up different protocols:") << endl; cout << " aria2c http://AAA.BBB.CCC/file.zip ftp://DDD.EEE.FFF/GGG/file.zip" << endl; #ifdef ENABLE_BITTORRENT cout << _(" Download a torrent:") << endl; cout << " aria2c -o test.torrent http://AAA.BBB.CCC/file.torrent" << endl; cout << _(" Download a torrent using local .torrent file:") << endl; cout << " aria2c --torrent-file test.torrent" << endl; cout << endl; #endif // ENABLE_BITTORRENT printf(_("Reports bugs to %s"), ""); cout << endl; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef ENABLE_NLS setlocale (LC_CTYPE, ""); setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); #endif // ENABLE_NLS bool stdoutLog = false; string logfile; string dir = "."; string ufilename; int split = 1; bool daemonMode = false; string referer; string torrentFile; Strings args; #ifdef ENABLE_BITTORRENT bool followTorrent = true; #else bool followTorrent = false; #endif // ENABLE_BITTORRENT int c; Option* op = new Option(); op->put(PREF_RETRY_WAIT, "5"); op->put(PREF_TIMEOUT, "60"); op->put(PREF_PEER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, "60"); op->put(PREF_MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE, "1048576");// 1M op->put(PREF_MAX_TRIES, "5"); op->put(PREF_HTTP_PROXY_METHOD, V_TUNNEL); op->put(PREF_FTP_USER, "anonymous"); op->put(PREF_FTP_PASSWD, "ARIA2USER@"); op->put(PREF_FTP_TYPE, V_BINARY); op->put(PREF_FTP_VIA_HTTP_PROXY, V_TUNNEL); op->put(PREF_AUTO_SAVE_INTERVAL, "60"); op->put(PREF_DIRECT_FILE_MAPPING, V_TRUE); while(1) { int optIndex = 0; int lopt; static struct option longOpts[] = { { "daemon", no_argument, NULL, 'D' }, { "dir", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "out", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "log", required_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { "split", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "timeout", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, { "max-tries", required_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { "http-proxy", required_argument, &lopt, 1 }, { "http-user", required_argument, &lopt, 2 }, { "http-passwd", required_argument, &lopt, 3 }, { "http-proxy-user", required_argument, &lopt, 4 }, { "http-proxy-passwd", required_argument, &lopt, 5 }, { "http-auth-scheme", required_argument, &lopt, 6 }, { "referer", required_argument, &lopt, 7 }, { "retry-wait", required_argument, &lopt, 8 }, { "ftp-user", required_argument, &lopt, 9 }, { "ftp-passwd", required_argument, &lopt, 10 }, { "ftp-type", required_argument, &lopt, 11 }, { "ftp-pasv", no_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "ftp-via-http-proxy", required_argument, &lopt, 12 }, { "min-segment-size", required_argument, &lopt, 13 }, { "http-proxy-method", required_argument, &lopt, 14 }, #ifdef ENABLE_BITTORRENT { "torrent-file", required_argument, &lopt, 15 }, { "follow-torrent", required_argument, &lopt, 16 }, { "torrent-show-files", no_argument, &lopt, 17 }, { "no-preallocation", no_argument, &lopt, 18 }, { "direct-file-mapping", required_argument, &lopt, 19 }, #endif // ENABLE_BITTORRENT { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "Dd:o:l:s:pt:m:vh", longOpts, &optIndex); if(c == -1) { break; } switch(c) { case 0:{ switch(lopt) { case 1: { pair proxy; Util::split(proxy, optarg, ':'); int port = (int)strtol(proxy.second.c_str(), NULL, 10); if(proxy.first.empty() || proxy.second.empty() || !(0 < port && port <= 65535)) { cerr << _("unrecognized proxy format") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } op->put(PREF_HTTP_PROXY_HOST, proxy.first); op->put(PREF_HTTP_PROXY_PORT, Util::itos(port)); op->put(PREF_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLED, V_TRUE); break; } case 2: op->put(PREF_HTTP_USER, optarg); break; case 3: op->put(PREF_HTTP_PASSWD, optarg); break; case 4: op->put(PREF_HTTP_PROXY_USER, optarg); op->put(PREF_HTTP_PROXY_AUTH_ENABLED, V_TRUE); break; case 5: op->put(PREF_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWD, optarg); break; case 6: if(string(V_BASIC) == optarg) { op->put(PREF_HTTP_AUTH_SCHEME, V_BASIC); } else { cerr << _("Currently, supported authentication scheme is basic.") << endl; } break; case 7: referer = optarg; break; case 8: { int wait = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if(!(0 <= wait && wait <= 60)) { cerr << _("retry-wait must be between 0 and 60.") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } op->put(PREF_RETRY_WAIT, Util::itos(wait)); break; } case 9: op->put(PREF_FTP_USER, optarg); break; case 10: op->put(PREF_FTP_PASSWD, optarg); break; case 11: if(string(optarg) == V_BINARY || string(optarg) == V_ASCII) { op->put(PREF_FTP_TYPE, optarg); } else { cerr << _("ftp-type must be either 'binary' or 'ascii'.") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } break; case 12: if(string(optarg) == V_GET || string(optarg) == V_TUNNEL) { op->put(PREF_FTP_VIA_HTTP_PROXY, optarg); } else { cerr << _("ftp-via-http-proxy must be either 'get' or 'tunnel'.") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } break; case 13: { string::size_type p = string(optarg).find_first_of("KM"); int mult = 1; if(p != string::npos) { if(optarg[p] == 'K') { mult = 1024; } else if(optarg[p] == 'M') { mult = 1024*1024; } optarg[p] = '\0'; } long long int size = strtoll(optarg, NULL, 10)*mult; if(size < 1024) { cerr << _("min-segment-size invalid") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } op->put(PREF_MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE, Util::llitos(size)); break; } case 14: if(string(optarg) == V_GET || string(optarg) == V_TUNNEL) { op->put(PREF_HTTP_PROXY_METHOD, optarg); } else { cerr << _("http-proxy-method must be either 'get' or 'tunnel'.") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } break; case 15: torrentFile = string(optarg); break; case 16: if(string(optarg) == "true") { followTorrent = true; } else if(string(optarg) == "false") { followTorrent = false; } else { cerr << _("follow-torrent must be either 'true' or 'false'.") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } break; case 17: op->put(PREF_TORRENT_SHOW_FILES, V_TRUE); break; case 18: op->put(PREF_NO_PREALLOCATION, V_TRUE); break; case 19: if(string(optarg) == "true") { op->put(PREF_DIRECT_FILE_MAPPING, V_TRUE); } else if(string(optarg) == "false") { op->put(PREF_DIRECT_FILE_MAPPING, V_FALSE); } else { cerr << "direct-file-mapping must be either 'true' or 'false'." << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } } break; } case 'D': daemonMode = true; break; case 'd': dir = optarg; break; case 'o': ufilename = optarg; break; case 'l': if(strcmp("-", optarg) == 0) { stdoutLog = true; } else { logfile = optarg; } break; case 's': split = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if(!(1 <= split && split <= 5)) { cerr << _("split must be between 1 and 5.") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } break; case 't': { int timeout = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if(1 <= timeout && timeout <= 600) { op->put(PREF_TIMEOUT, Util::itos(timeout)); } else { cerr << _("timeout must be between 1 and 600") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } break; } case 'm': { int retries = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if(retries < 0) { cerr << _("max-tries invalid") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } op->put(PREF_MAX_TRIES, Util::itos(retries)); break; } case 'p': op->put(PREF_FTP_PASV_ENABLED, V_TRUE); break; case 'v': showVersion(); exit(0); case 'h': showUsage(); exit(0); default: showUsage(); exit(1); } } if(torrentFile.empty()) { if(optind == argc) { cerr << _("specify at least one URL") << endl; showUsage(); exit(1); } } if(daemonMode) { if(daemon(1, 1) < 0) { perror("daemon failed"); exit(1); } } for(int i = 1; optind+i-1 < argc; i++) { args.push_back(argv[optind+i-1]); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL // for SSL initialization SSL_load_error_strings(); SSL_library_init(); #endif // HAVE_LIBSSL #ifdef HAVE_LIBGNUTLS gnutls_global_init(); #endif // HAVE_LIBGNUTLS srandom(time(NULL)); SimpleLogger* logger; if(stdoutLog) { logger = new SimpleLogger(stdout); } else if(logfile.size()) { logger = new SimpleLogger(logfile); } else { logger = new SimpleLogger("/dev/null"); } SegmentSplitter* splitter = new SplitSlowestSegmentSplitter(); splitter->setMinSegmentSize(op->getAsLLInt(PREF_MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE)); struct sigaction sigactIgn; sigactIgn.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigactIgn.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sigactIgn.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigactIgn, NULL); bool readyToTorrentMode = false; string downloadedTorrentFile; if(torrentFile.empty()) { struct sigaction sigact; sigact.sa_handler = handler; sigact.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL); splitter->logger = logger; e = new ConsoleDownloadEngine(); e->logger = logger; e->option = op; e->diskWriter = new DefaultDiskWriter(); e->segmentMan = new SegmentMan(); e->segmentMan->dir = dir; e->segmentMan->ufilename = ufilename; e->segmentMan->logger = logger; e->segmentMan->option = op; e->segmentMan->splitter = splitter; Requests requests; int cuidCounter = 1; for(Strings::const_iterator itr = args.begin(); itr != args.end(); itr++) { for(int s = 1; s <= split; s++) { addCommand(cuidCounter, *itr, referer, requests); cuidCounter++; } } e->run(); if(e->segmentMan->finished()) { printDownloadCompeleteMessage(e->segmentMan->getFilePath()); if(Util::endsWith(e->segmentMan->getFilePath(), ".torrent")) { downloadedTorrentFile = e->segmentMan->getFilePath(); readyToTorrentMode = true; } } else { printDownloadAbortMessage(); } for_each(requests.begin(), requests.end(), clearRequest); requests.clear(); delete(e->segmentMan); delete(e->diskWriter); delete(e); } if(!torrentFile.empty() || followTorrent && readyToTorrentMode) { try { //op->put(PREF_MAX_TRIES, "0"); struct sigaction sigact; sigact.sa_handler = torrentHandler; sigact.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL); Request* req = new Request(); req->isTorrent = true; req->setTrackerEvent(Request::STARTED); te = new TorrentConsoleDownloadEngine(); te->logger = logger; te->option = op; te->diskWriter = new DefaultDiskWriter(); te->segmentMan = new SegmentMan(); te->segmentMan->logger = logger; te->segmentMan->option = op; te->segmentMan->splitter = splitter; te->torrentMan = new TorrentMan(); te->torrentMan->setStoreDir(dir); te->torrentMan->logger = logger; te->torrentMan->option = op; string targetTorrentFile = torrentFile.empty() ? downloadedTorrentFile : torrentFile; if(op->get(PREF_TORRENT_SHOW_FILES) == V_TRUE) { te->torrentMan->readFileEntryFromMetaInfoFile(targetTorrentFile); cout << "Files:" << endl; switch(te->torrentMan->getFileMode()) { case TorrentMan::SINGLE: printf("%s %s Bytes\n", te->torrentMan->getName().c_str(), Util::llitos(te->torrentMan->getTotalLength(), true).c_str()); break; case TorrentMan::MULTI: { const MultiFileEntries& entries = te->torrentMan->getMultiFileEntries(); for(MultiFileEntries::const_iterator itr = entries.begin(); itr != entries.end(); itr++) { printf("%s %s Bytes\n", itr->path.c_str(), Util::llitos(itr->length, true).c_str()); } break; } } exit(0); } else { te->torrentMan->setup(targetTorrentFile); if(!torrentFile.empty() && !args.empty() && te->torrentMan->getFileMode() == TorrentMan::MULTI) { te->torrentMan->setFileEntriesToDownload(args); } te->torrentMan->setupDiskWriter(); } PeerListenCommand* listenCommand = new PeerListenCommand(te->torrentMan->getNewCuid(), te); int port = listenCommand->bindPort(6881, 6999); if(port == -1) { printf("Errors occurred while binding port.\n"); exit(1); } te->torrentMan->setPort(port); te->commands.push(listenCommand); te->commands.push(new TrackerWatcherCommand(te->torrentMan->getNewCuid(), req, te)); te->commands.push(new TorrentAutoSaveCommand(te->torrentMan->getNewCuid(), te, op->getAsInt(PREF_AUTO_SAVE_INTERVAL))); te->run(); if(te->torrentMan->downloadComplete()) { printDownloadCompeleteMessage(te->torrentMan->getFilePath()); } else { printDownloadAbortMessage(); } delete(req); delete(te->segmentMan); delete(te->torrentMan); delete(te->diskWriter); delete(te); } catch(Exception* ex) { cerr << ex->getMsg() << endl; delete ex; exit(1); } } delete(logger); delete(op); delete(splitter); #ifdef HAVE_LIBGNUTLS gnutls_global_deinit(); #endif // HAVE_LIBGNUTLS return 0; }