/* */ #include "bittorrent_helper.h" #include #include #include #include "DownloadContext.h" #include "Randomizer.h" #include "bencode.h" #include "util.h" #include "DlAbortEx.h" #include "message.h" #include "StringFormat.h" #include "BtConstants.h" #include "messageDigest.h" #include "MessageDigestHelper.h" #include "SimpleRandomizer.h" #include "a2netcompat.h" #include "BtConstants.h" #include "bitfield.h" #include "base32.h" #include "magnet.h" namespace aria2 { namespace bittorrent { static const std::string C_NAME("name"); static const std::string C_NAME_UTF8("name.utf-8"); static const std::string C_FILES("files"); static const std::string C_LENGTH("length"); static const std::string C_PATH("path"); static const std::string C_PATH_UTF8("path.utf-8"); static const std::string C_INFO("info"); static const std::string C_PIECES("pieces"); static const std::string C_PIECE_LENGTH("piece length"); static const std::string C_PRIVATE("private"); static const std::string C_URL_LIST("url-list"); static const std::string C_ANNOUNCE("announce"); static const std::string C_ANNOUNCE_LIST("announce-list"); static const std::string C_NODES("nodes"); static const std::string C_CREATION_DATE("creation date"); static const std::string C_COMMENT("comment"); static const std::string C_COMMENT_UTF8("comment.utf-8"); static const std::string C_CREATED_BY("created by"); static const std::string DEFAULT_PEER_ID_PREFIX("aria2-"); const std::string INFO_HASH("infoHash"); const std::string MODE("mode"); const std::string PRIVATE("private"); const std::string ANNOUNCE_LIST("announceList"); const std::string NODES("nodes"); const std::string HOSTNAME("hostname"); const std::string PORT("port"); const std::string NAME("name"); const std::string URL_LIST("urlList"); const std::string CREATION_DATE("creationDate"); const std::string COMMENT("comment"); const std::string CREATED_BY("createdBy"); const std::string BITTORRENT("bittorrent"); const std::string MULTI("multi"); const std::string SINGLE("single"); const std::string METADATA_SIZE("metadataSize"); const std::string METADATA("metadata"); static void extractPieceHash(const SharedHandle& ctx, const std::string& hashData, size_t hashLength, size_t numPieces) { std::vector pieceHashes; pieceHashes.reserve(numPieces); for(size_t i = 0; i < numPieces; ++i) { pieceHashes.push_back(util::toHex(hashData.data()+i*hashLength, hashLength)); } ctx->setPieceHashes(pieceHashes.begin(), pieceHashes.end()); ctx->setPieceHashAlgo(MessageDigestContext::SHA1); } static void extractUrlList (BDE& torrent, std::vector& uris, const BDE& bde) { if(bde.isList()) { for(BDE::List::const_iterator itr = bde.listBegin(); itr != bde.listEnd(); ++itr) { if((*itr).isString()) { uris.push_back((*itr).s()); } } torrent[URL_LIST] = bde; } else if(bde.isString()) { uris.push_back(bde.s()); BDE urlList = BDE::list(); urlList << bde; torrent[URL_LIST] = urlList; } else { torrent[URL_LIST] = BDE::list(); } } template static OutputIterator createUri (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out, const std::string& filePath) { for(; first != last; ++first) { if(util::endsWith(*first, "/")) { *out++ = (*first)+filePath; } else { *out++ = (*first)+"/"+filePath; } } return out; } static void extractFileEntries (const SharedHandle& ctx, BDE& torrent, const BDE& infoDict, const std::string& defaultName, const std::string& overrideName, const std::vector& urlList) { std::string name; if(overrideName.empty()) { std::string nameKey; if(infoDict.containsKey(C_NAME_UTF8)) { nameKey = C_NAME_UTF8; } else { nameKey = C_NAME; } const BDE& nameData = infoDict[nameKey]; if(nameData.isString()) { // Split path by '/' just in case nasty ".." is included in name std::vector pathelems; util::split(nameData.s(), std::back_inserter(pathelems), "/"); name = util::joinPath(pathelems.begin(), pathelems.end()); torrent[NAME] = nameData.s(); } else { name = strconcat(File(defaultName).getBasename(), ".file"); torrent[NAME] = name; } } else { name = overrideName; torrent[NAME] = name; } const BDE& filesList = infoDict[C_FILES]; std::vector > fileEntries; if(filesList.isList()) { fileEntries.reserve(filesList.size()); uint64_t length = 0; off_t offset = 0; // multi-file mode torrent[MODE] = MULTI; for(BDE::List::const_iterator itr = filesList.listBegin(); itr != filesList.listEnd(); ++itr) { const BDE& fileDict = *itr; if(!fileDict.isDict()) { continue; } const BDE& fileLengthData = fileDict[C_LENGTH]; if(!fileLengthData.isInteger()) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(StringFormat(MSG_MISSING_BT_INFO, C_LENGTH.c_str()).str()); } length += fileLengthData.i(); std::string pathKey; if(fileDict.containsKey(C_PATH_UTF8)) { pathKey = C_PATH_UTF8; } else { pathKey = C_PATH; } const BDE& pathList = fileDict[pathKey]; if(!pathList.isList() || pathList.empty()) { throw DL_ABORT_EX("Path is empty."); } std::vector pathelem(pathList.size()); std::transform(pathList.listBegin(), pathList.listEnd(), pathelem.begin(), std::mem_fun_ref(&BDE::s)); std::string path = name; strappend(path, "/", util::joinPath(pathelem.begin(), pathelem.end())); // Split path with '/' again because each pathList element can // contain "/" inside. std::vector elements; util::split(path, std::back_inserter(elements), "/"); path = util::joinPath(elements.begin(), elements.end()); std::deque uris; createUri(urlList.begin(), urlList.end(), std::back_inserter(uris), path); SharedHandle fileEntry (new FileEntry(util::applyDir(ctx->getDir(), path), fileLengthData.i(), offset, uris)); fileEntry->setOriginalName(path); fileEntries.push_back(fileEntry); offset += fileEntry->getLength(); } } else { // single-file mode; torrent[MODE] = SINGLE; const BDE& lengthData = infoDict[C_LENGTH]; if(!lengthData.isInteger()) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(StringFormat(MSG_MISSING_BT_INFO, C_LENGTH.c_str()).str()); } uint64_t totalLength = lengthData.i(); // For each uri in urlList, if it ends with '/', then // concatenate name to it. Specification just says so. std::deque uris; for(std::vector::const_iterator i = urlList.begin(); i != urlList.end(); ++i) { if(util::endsWith(*i, "/")) { uris.push_back((*i)+name); } else { uris.push_back(*i); } } SharedHandle fileEntry (new FileEntry(util::applyDir(ctx->getDir(), name),totalLength, 0, uris)); fileEntry->setOriginalName(name); fileEntries.push_back(fileEntry); } ctx->setFileEntries(fileEntries.begin(), fileEntries.end()); if(torrent[MODE].s() == MULTI) { ctx->setBasePath(util::applyDir(ctx->getDir(), name)); } } static void extractAnnounce(BDE& torrent, const BDE& rootDict) { const BDE& announceList = rootDict[C_ANNOUNCE_LIST]; if(announceList.isList()) { torrent[ANNOUNCE_LIST] = announceList; BDE& tiers = torrent[ANNOUNCE_LIST]; for(BDE::List::iterator tieriter = tiers.listBegin(); tieriter != tiers.listEnd(); ++tieriter) { for(BDE::List::iterator uriiter = (*tieriter).listBegin(); uriiter != (*tieriter).listEnd(); ++uriiter) { if((*uriiter).isString()) { *uriiter = util::trim((*uriiter).s()); } } } } else { const BDE& announce = rootDict[C_ANNOUNCE]; BDE announceList = BDE::list(); if(announce.isString()) { announceList << BDE::list(); announceList[0] << util::trim(announce.s()); } torrent[ANNOUNCE_LIST] = announceList; } } static void extractNodes(BDE& torrent, const BDE& nodesList) { BDE nodes = BDE::list(); if(nodesList.isList()) { for(BDE::List::const_iterator i = nodesList.listBegin(); i != nodesList.listEnd(); ++i) { const BDE& addrPairList = (*i); if(!addrPairList.isList() || addrPairList.size() != 2) { continue; } const BDE& hostname = addrPairList[0]; if(!hostname.isString()) { continue; } if(util::trim(hostname.s()).empty()) { continue; } const BDE& port = addrPairList[1]; if(!port.isInteger() || !(0 < port.i() && port.i() < 65536)) { continue; } BDE node = BDE::dict(); node[HOSTNAME] = hostname; node[PORT] = port; nodes << node; } } torrent[NODES] = nodes; } static void processRootDictionary (const SharedHandle& ctx, const BDE& rootDict, const std::string& defaultName, const std::string& overrideName, const std::deque& uris) { if(!rootDict.isDict()) { throw DL_ABORT_EX("torrent file does not contain a root dictionary."); } const BDE& infoDict = rootDict[C_INFO]; if(!infoDict.isDict()) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(StringFormat(MSG_MISSING_BT_INFO, C_INFO.c_str()).str()); } BDE torrent = BDE::dict(); // retrieve infoHash std::string encodedInfoDict = bencode::encode(infoDict); unsigned char infoHash[INFO_HASH_LENGTH]; MessageDigestHelper::digest(infoHash, INFO_HASH_LENGTH, MessageDigestContext::SHA1, encodedInfoDict.data(), encodedInfoDict.size()); torrent[INFO_HASH] = std::string(&infoHash[0], &infoHash[INFO_HASH_LENGTH]); torrent[METADATA] = encodedInfoDict; torrent[METADATA_SIZE] = encodedInfoDict.size(); // calculate the number of pieces const BDE& piecesData = infoDict[C_PIECES]; if(!piecesData.isString()) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(StringFormat(MSG_MISSING_BT_INFO, C_PIECES.c_str()).str()); } // Commented out To download 0 length torrent. // if(piecesData.s().empty()) { // throw DL_ABORT_EX("The length of piece hash is 0."); // } size_t numPieces = piecesData.s().size()/PIECE_HASH_LENGTH; // Commented out to download 0 length torrent. // if(numPieces == 0) { // throw DL_ABORT_EX("The number of pieces is 0."); // } // retrieve piece length const BDE& pieceLengthData = infoDict[C_PIECE_LENGTH]; if(!pieceLengthData.isInteger()) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(StringFormat(MSG_MISSING_BT_INFO, C_PIECE_LENGTH.c_str()).str()); } size_t pieceLength = pieceLengthData.i(); ctx->setPieceLength(pieceLength); // retrieve piece hashes extractPieceHash(ctx, piecesData.s(), PIECE_HASH_LENGTH, numPieces); // private flag const BDE& privateData = infoDict[C_PRIVATE]; int privatefg = 0; if(privateData.isInteger()) { if(privateData.i() == 1) { privatefg = 1; } } torrent[PRIVATE] = BDE((int64_t)privatefg); // retrieve uri-list. // This implemantation obeys HTTP-Seeding specification: // see http://www.getright.com/seedtorrent.html std::vector urlList; extractUrlList(torrent, urlList, rootDict[C_URL_LIST]); urlList.insert(urlList.end(), uris.begin(), uris.end()); std::sort(urlList.begin(), urlList.end()); urlList.erase(std::unique(urlList.begin(), urlList.end()), urlList.end()); // retrieve file entries extractFileEntries(ctx, torrent, infoDict, defaultName, overrideName, urlList); if((ctx->getTotalLength()+pieceLength-1)/pieceLength != numPieces) { throw DL_ABORT_EX("Too few/many piece hash."); } // retrieve announce extractAnnounce(torrent, rootDict); // retrieve nodes extractNodes(torrent, rootDict[C_NODES]); const BDE& creationDate = rootDict[C_CREATION_DATE]; if(creationDate.isInteger()) { torrent[CREATION_DATE] = creationDate; } const BDE& commentUtf8 = rootDict[C_COMMENT_UTF8]; if(commentUtf8.isString()) { torrent[COMMENT] = commentUtf8; } else { const BDE& comment = rootDict[C_COMMENT]; if(comment.isString()) { torrent[COMMENT] = comment; } } const BDE& createdBy = rootDict[C_CREATED_BY]; if(createdBy.isString()) { torrent[CREATED_BY] = createdBy; } ctx->setAttribute(BITTORRENT, torrent); } void load(const std::string& torrentFile, const SharedHandle& ctx, const std::string& overrideName) { processRootDictionary(ctx, bencode::decodeFromFile(torrentFile), torrentFile, overrideName, std::deque()); } void load(const std::string& torrentFile, const SharedHandle& ctx, const std::deque& uris, const std::string& overrideName) { processRootDictionary(ctx, bencode::decodeFromFile(torrentFile), torrentFile, overrideName, uris); } void loadFromMemory(const unsigned char* content, size_t length, const SharedHandle& ctx, const std::string& defaultName, const std::string& overrideName) { processRootDictionary(ctx, bencode::decode(content, length), defaultName, overrideName, std::deque()); } void loadFromMemory(const unsigned char* content, size_t length, const SharedHandle& ctx, const std::deque& uris, const std::string& defaultName, const std::string& overrideName) { processRootDictionary(ctx, bencode::decode(content, length), defaultName, overrideName, uris); } void loadFromMemory(const std::string& context, const SharedHandle& ctx, const std::string& defaultName, const std::string& overrideName) { processRootDictionary (ctx, bencode::decode(context), defaultName, overrideName, std::deque()); } void loadFromMemory(const std::string& context, const SharedHandle& ctx, const std::deque& uris, const std::string& defaultName, const std::string& overrideName) { processRootDictionary (ctx, bencode::decode(context), defaultName, overrideName, uris); } const unsigned char* getInfoHash(const SharedHandle& downloadContext) { return downloadContext->getAttribute(BITTORRENT)[INFO_HASH].uc(); } std::string getInfoHashString(const SharedHandle& downloadContext) { return util::toHex(downloadContext->getAttribute(BITTORRENT)[INFO_HASH].s()); } void print(std::ostream& o, const SharedHandle& dctx) { const BDE& torrentAttrs = dctx->getAttribute(BITTORRENT); o << "*** BitTorrent File Information ***" << "\n"; if(torrentAttrs.containsKey(COMMENT)) { o << "Comment: " << torrentAttrs[COMMENT].s() << "\n"; } if(torrentAttrs.containsKey(CREATION_DATE)) { struct tm* staticNowtmPtr; char buf[26]; time_t t = torrentAttrs[CREATION_DATE].i(); if((staticNowtmPtr = localtime(&t)) != 0 && asctime_r(staticNowtmPtr, buf) != 0) { // buf includes "\n" o << "Creation Date: " << buf; } } if(torrentAttrs.containsKey(CREATED_BY)) { o << "Created By: " << torrentAttrs[CREATED_BY].s() << "\n"; } o << "Mode: " << torrentAttrs[MODE].s() << "\n"; o << "Announce:" << "\n"; const BDE& announceList = torrentAttrs[ANNOUNCE_LIST]; for(BDE::List::const_iterator tieritr = announceList.listBegin(); tieritr != announceList.listEnd(); ++tieritr) { if(!(*tieritr).isList()) { continue; } for(BDE::List::const_iterator i = (*tieritr).listBegin(); i != (*tieritr).listEnd(); ++i) { o << " " << (*i).s(); } o << "\n"; } o << "Info Hash: " << util::toHex(torrentAttrs[INFO_HASH].s()) << "\n"; o << "Piece Length: " << util::abbrevSize(dctx->getPieceLength()) << "B\n"; o << "The Number of Pieces: " << dctx->getNumPieces() << "\n"; o << "Total Length: " << util::abbrevSize(dctx->getTotalLength()) << "B (" << util::uitos(dctx->getTotalLength(), true) << ")\n"; if(!torrentAttrs[URL_LIST].empty()) { const BDE& urlList = torrentAttrs[URL_LIST]; o << "URL List: " << "\n"; for(BDE::List::const_iterator i = urlList.listBegin(); i != urlList.listEnd(); ++i) { o << " " << (*i).s() << "\n"; } } o << "Name: " << torrentAttrs[NAME].s() << "\n"; o << "Magnet URI: " << torrent2Magnet(torrentAttrs) << "\n"; util::toStream(dctx->getFileEntries().begin(), dctx->getFileEntries().end(), o); } void computeFastSet (std::vector& fastSet, const std::string& ipaddr, size_t numPieces, const unsigned char* infoHash, size_t fastSetSize) { unsigned char compact[6]; if(!createcompact(compact, ipaddr, 0)) { return; } if(numPieces < fastSetSize) { fastSetSize = numPieces; } unsigned char tx[24]; memcpy(tx, compact, 4); if((tx[0] & 0x80) == 0 || (tx[0] & 0x40) == 0) { tx[2] = 0x00; tx[3] = 0x00; } else { tx[3] = 0x00; } memcpy(tx+4, infoHash, 20); unsigned char x[20]; MessageDigestHelper::digest(x, sizeof(x), MessageDigestContext::SHA1, tx, 24); while(fastSet.size() < fastSetSize) { for(size_t i = 0; i < 5 && fastSet.size() < fastSetSize; ++i) { size_t j = i*4; uint32_t ny; memcpy(&ny, x+j, 4); uint32_t y = ntohl(ny); size_t index = y%numPieces; if(std::find(fastSet.begin(), fastSet.end(), index) == fastSet.end()) { fastSet.push_back(index); } } unsigned char temp[20]; MessageDigestHelper::digest(temp, sizeof(temp), MessageDigestContext::SHA1, x, sizeof(x)); memcpy(x, temp, sizeof(x)); } } std::string generatePeerId(const std::string& peerIdPrefix) { std::string peerId = peerIdPrefix; unsigned char buf[20]; int len = 20-peerIdPrefix.size(); if(len > 0) { util::generateRandomData(buf, len); peerId += std::string(&buf[0], &buf[len]); } if(peerId.size() > 20) { peerId.erase(20); } return peerId; } static std::string peerId; const std::string& generateStaticPeerId(const std::string& peerIdPrefix) { if(peerId.empty()) { peerId = generatePeerId(peerIdPrefix); } return peerId; } void setStaticPeerId(const std::string& newPeerId) { peerId = newPeerId; } // If PeerID is not generated, it is created with default peerIdPrefix // (aria2-). const unsigned char* getStaticPeerId() { if(peerId.empty()) { return reinterpret_cast (generateStaticPeerId(DEFAULT_PEER_ID_PREFIX).data()); } else { return reinterpret_cast(peerId.data()); } } uint8_t getId(const unsigned char* msg) { return msg[0]; } uint32_t getIntParam(const unsigned char* msg, size_t pos) { uint32_t nParam; memcpy(&nParam, msg+pos, sizeof(nParam)); return ntohl(nParam); } uint16_t getShortIntParam(const unsigned char* msg, size_t pos) { uint16_t nParam; memcpy(&nParam, msg+pos, sizeof(nParam)); return ntohs(nParam); } void checkIndex(size_t index, size_t pieces) { if(!(index < pieces)) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(StringFormat("Invalid index: %lu", static_cast(index)).str()); } } void checkBegin(uint32_t begin, size_t pieceLength) { if(!(begin < pieceLength)) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(StringFormat("Invalid begin: %u", begin).str()); } } void checkLength(size_t length) { if(length > MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH) { throw DL_ABORT_EX (StringFormat("Length too long: %lu > %uKB", static_cast(length), MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH/1024).str()); } if(length == 0) { throw DL_ABORT_EX (StringFormat("Invalid length: %lu", static_cast(length)).str()); } } void checkRange(uint32_t begin, size_t length, size_t pieceLength) { if(!(0 < length)) { throw DL_ABORT_EX (StringFormat("Invalid range: begin=%u, length=%lu", begin, static_cast(length)).str()); } uint32_t end = begin+length; if(!(end <= pieceLength)) { throw DL_ABORT_EX (StringFormat("Invalid range: begin=%u, length=%lu", begin, static_cast(length)).str()); } } void checkBitfield (const unsigned char* bitfield, size_t bitfieldLength, size_t pieces) { if(!(bitfieldLength == (pieces+7)/8)) { throw DL_ABORT_EX (StringFormat("Invalid bitfield length: %lu", static_cast(bitfieldLength)).str()); } // Check if last byte contains garbage set bit. if(bitfield[bitfieldLength-1]&~bitfield::lastByteMask(pieces)) { throw DL_ABORT_EX("Invalid bitfield"); } } void setIntParam(unsigned char* dest, uint32_t param) { uint32_t nParam = htonl(param); memcpy(dest, &nParam, sizeof(nParam)); } void setShortIntParam(unsigned char* dest, uint16_t param) { uint16_t nParam = htons(param); memcpy(dest, &nParam, sizeof(nParam)); } void createPeerMessageString (unsigned char* msg, size_t msgLength, size_t payloadLength, uint8_t messageId) { assert(msgLength >= 5); memset(msg, 0, msgLength); setIntParam(msg, payloadLength); msg[4] = messageId; } bool createcompact (unsigned char* compact, const std::string& addr, uint16_t port) { struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo* res; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; // since compact peer format is ipv4 only. hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; if(getaddrinfo(addr.c_str(), 0, &hints, &res)) { return false; } struct sockaddr_in* in = reinterpret_cast(res->ai_addr); memcpy(compact, &(in->sin_addr.s_addr), sizeof(uint32_t)); uint16_t port_nworder(htons(port)); memcpy(compact+4, &port_nworder, sizeof(uint16_t)); freeaddrinfo(res); return true; } std::pair unpackcompact(const unsigned char* compact) { struct sockaddr_in in; memset(&in, 0, sizeof(in)); #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN_SIN_LEN // For netbsd in.sin_len = sizeof(in); #endif // HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN_SIN_LEN in.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&(in.sin_addr.s_addr), compact, sizeof(uint32_t)); in.sin_port = 0; char host[NI_MAXHOST]; int s; s = getnameinfo(reinterpret_cast(&in), sizeof(in), host, NI_MAXHOST, 0, NI_MAXSERV, NI_NUMERICHOST); if(s) { return std::pair(); } uint16_t port_nworder; memcpy(&port_nworder, compact+sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint16_t)); uint16_t port = ntohs(port_nworder); return std::make_pair(host, port); } void assertPayloadLengthGreater (size_t threshold, size_t actual, const std::string& msgName) { if(actual <= threshold) { throw DL_ABORT_EX (StringFormat(MSG_TOO_SMALL_PAYLOAD_SIZE, msgName.c_str(), actual).str()); } } void assertPayloadLengthEqual (size_t expected, size_t actual, const std::string& msgName) { if(expected != actual) { throw DL_ABORT_EX (StringFormat(EX_INVALID_PAYLOAD_SIZE, msgName.c_str(), actual, expected).str()); } } void assertID (uint8_t expected, const unsigned char* data, const std::string& msgName) { uint8_t id = getId(data); if(expected != id) { throw DL_ABORT_EX (StringFormat(EX_INVALID_BT_MESSAGE_ID, id, msgName.c_str(), expected).str()); } } BDE parseMagnet(const std::string& magnet) { BDE result; BDE r = magnet::parse(magnet); if(r.isNone()) { throw DL_ABORT_EX("Bad BitTorrent Magnet URI."); } if(!r.containsKey("xt")) { throw DL_ABORT_EX("Missing xt parameter in Magnet URI."); } const BDE& xts = r["xt"]; if(xts.size() == 0 || !util::startsWith(xts[0].s(), "urn:btih:")) { throw DL_ABORT_EX("Bad BitTorrent Magnet URI."); } std::string infoHash = xts[0].s().substr(9); if(infoHash.size() == 32) { std::string rawhash = base32::decode(infoHash); if(rawhash.size() != 20) { throw DL_ABORT_EX("Invalid BitTorrent Info Hash."); } infoHash = rawhash; } else if(infoHash.size() == 40) { std::string rawhash = util::fromHex(infoHash); if(rawhash.empty()) { throw DL_ABORT_EX("Invalid BitTorrent Info Hash."); } infoHash = rawhash; } else { throw DL_ABORT_EX("Invalid BitTorrent Info Hash."); } BDE announceList = BDE::list(); if(r.containsKey("tr")) { const BDE& uris = r["tr"]; for(BDE::List::const_iterator i = uris.listBegin(); i != uris.listEnd(); ++i) { BDE tier = BDE::list(); tier << *i; announceList << tier; } } std::string name = "[METADATA]"; if(r.containsKey("dn") && r["dn"].size()) { name += r["dn"][0].s(); } else { name += util::toHex(infoHash); } BDE attrs = BDE::dict(); attrs[INFO_HASH] = infoHash; attrs[NAME] = name; attrs[ANNOUNCE_LIST] = announceList; result = attrs; return result; } void loadMagnet (const std::string& magnet, const SharedHandle& dctx) { BDE attrs = parseMagnet(magnet); dctx->setAttribute(BITTORRENT, attrs); } std::string metadata2Torrent(const std::string& metadata, const BDE& attrs) { std::string torrent = "d"; if(attrs.containsKey(bittorrent::ANNOUNCE_LIST)) { const BDE& announceList = attrs[bittorrent::ANNOUNCE_LIST]; if(announceList.size() > 0) { torrent += "13:announce-list"; torrent += bencode::encode(announceList); } } torrent += strconcat("4:info", metadata, "e"); return torrent; } std::string torrent2Magnet(const BDE& attrs) { std::string uri = "magnet:?"; if(attrs.containsKey(INFO_HASH)) { uri += "xt=urn:btih:"; uri += util::toUpper(util::toHex(attrs[INFO_HASH].s())); } else { return A2STR::NIL; } if(attrs.containsKey(NAME)) { uri += "&dn="; uri += util::urlencode(attrs[NAME].s()); } if(attrs.containsKey(ANNOUNCE_LIST)) { const BDE& tiers = attrs[ANNOUNCE_LIST]; for(BDE::List::const_iterator tieriter = tiers.listBegin(); tieriter != tiers.listEnd(); ++tieriter) { for(BDE::List::const_iterator uriiter = (*tieriter).listBegin(); uriiter != (*tieriter).listEnd(); ++uriiter) { uri += "&tr="; uri += util::urlencode((*uriiter).s()); } } } return uri; } } // namespace bittorrent } // namespace aria2