#include "json.h" #include #include "RecoverableException.h" #include "util.h" #include "array_fun.h" #include "base64.h" namespace aria2 { class JsonTest:public CppUnit::TestFixture { CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(JsonTest); CPPUNIT_TEST(testDecode); CPPUNIT_TEST(testDecode_error); CPPUNIT_TEST(testEncode); CPPUNIT_TEST(testDecodeGetParams); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); private: public: void testDecode(); void testDecode_error(); void testEncode(); void testDecodeGetParams(); }; CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( JsonTest ); void JsonTest::testDecode() { { // empty object SharedHandle r = json::decode("{}"); const Dict* dict = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dict); } { // empty object SharedHandle r = json::decode("{ }"); const Dict* dict = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dict); } { // empty array SharedHandle r = json::decode("[]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); } { // empty array SharedHandle r = json::decode("[ ]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); } { // empty string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\"]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const String* s = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(), s->s()); } { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"foobar\"]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const String* s = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("foobar"), s->s()); } { // string with escape SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\\\foo\\\"\\\"bar\"]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const String* s = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("\\foo\"\"bar"), s->s()); } { // string with escape SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"foo\\\"\"]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const String* s = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("foo\""), s->s()); } { // string: utf-8 1 to 3 bytes. SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\u0024\\u00A2\\u20AC\"]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const String* s = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("$¢€"), s->s()); } { // string: utf-8 4 bytes SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\uD852\\uDF62\"]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const String* s = downcast(list->get(0)); const char arr[] = { 0xF0u, 0xA4u, 0xADu, 0xA2u }; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(vbegin(arr), vend(arr)), s->s()); } { // null SharedHandle r = json::decode("[null]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const Null* s = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s); } { // true, false SharedHandle r = json::decode("[true, false]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const Bool* trueValue = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(trueValue); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(trueValue->val()); const Bool* falseValue = downcast(list->get(1)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(falseValue); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!falseValue->val()); } { // object: 1 member SharedHandle r = json::decode("{\"foo\":[\"bar\"]}"); const Dict* dict = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dict); const List* list = downcast(dict->get("foo")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const String* s = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("bar"), s->s()); } { // object: 2 members SharedHandle r = json::decode("{\"\":[\"bar\"], " "\"alpha\" : \"bravo\"}"); const Dict* dict = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dict); const List* list = downcast(dict->get("")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const String* s = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("bar"), s->s()); const String* str = downcast(dict->get("alpha")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("bravo"), str->s()); } { // array: 2 values SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"foo\", {}]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const String* s = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("foo"), s->s()); const Dict* dict = downcast(list->get(1)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dict); } { // Number: currently we handle floating point number as string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[0,-1,1.2,-1.2e-10,-1e10]"); const List* list = downcast(r); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list); const Integer* i = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((Integer::ValueType)0, i->i()); const Integer* i1 = downcast(list->get(1)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((Integer::ValueType)-1, i1->i()); const String* s2 = downcast(list->get(2)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("1.2"), s2->s()); const String* s3 = downcast(list->get(3)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("-1.2e-10"), s3->s()); const String* s4 = downcast(list->get(4)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("-1e10"), s4->s()); } { // escape chars: ", \, /, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t SharedHandle r =json::decode("[\"\\\"\\\\\\/\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\"]"); const List* list = downcast(r); const String* s = downcast(list->get(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t"), s->s()); } } void JsonTest::testDecode_error() { { try { // object SharedHandle r = json::decode("{"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // object SharedHandle r = json::decode("}"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // object SharedHandle r = json::decode("{\"\":"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // object SharedHandle r = json::decode("{\"\":\"\","); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // array SharedHandle r = json::decode("["); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // array SharedHandle r = json::decode("]"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // array SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\""); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // array SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\","); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"foo]"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\u\"]"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\u"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\u000\"]"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\u000"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\uD852foo\"]"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\uD852"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\uD852\\u\"]"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\uD852\\u"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\uD852\\u0000\"]"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // string SharedHandle r = json::decode("[\"\\uD852\\uDF62"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // object SharedHandle r = json::decode("{:\"\"}"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // object SharedHandle r = json::decode("{\"foo\":}"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // number SharedHandle r = json::decode("{00}"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // number SharedHandle r = json::decode("{1.}"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // number SharedHandle r = json::decode("{1.1e}"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } { try { // bool SharedHandle r = json::decode("{t"); CPPUNIT_FAIL("exception must be thrown."); } catch(RecoverableException& e) { // success } } } void JsonTest::testEncode() { { Dict dict; dict["name"] = String::g("aria2"); dict["loc"] = Integer::g(80000); SharedHandle files = List::g(); files->append(String::g("aria2c")); dict["files"] = files; SharedHandle attrs = Dict::g(); attrs->put("license", String::g("GPL")); dict["attrs"] = attrs; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("{\"attrs\":{\"license\":\"GPL\"}," "\"files\":[\"aria2c\"]," "\"loc\":80000," "\"name\":\"aria2\"}"), json::encode(&dict)); } { List list; list.append("\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("[\"\\\"\\\\\\/\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\"]"), json::encode(&list)); } { List list; std::string s; s += 0x1Fu; list.append(s); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("[\"\\u001F\"]"), json::encode(&list)); } { List list; list.append(Bool::gTrue()); list.append(Bool::gFalse()); list.append(Null::g()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("[true,false,null]"), json::encode(&list)); } } void JsonTest::testDecodeGetParams() { { std::string param = util::percentEncode(Base64::encode("[1,2,3]")); std::string query = "?params="; query += param; query += '&'; query += "method=sum&"; query += "id=300&"; query += "jsoncallback=cb"; json::JsonGetParam gparam = json::decodeGetParams(query); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("{\"method\":\"sum\"," "\"id\":\"300\"," "\"params\":[1,2,3]}"), gparam.request); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("cb"), gparam.callback); } { std::string query = "?params="; query += util::percentEncode(Base64::encode("[{}]")); query += '&'; query += "jsoncallback=cb"; json::JsonGetParam gparam = json::decodeGetParams(query); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("[{}]"), gparam.request); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("cb"), gparam.callback); } { std::string query = "?method=sum&id=300"; json::JsonGetParam gparam = json::decodeGetParams(query); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("{\"method\":\"sum\"," "\"id\":\"300\"}"), gparam.request); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(), gparam.callback); } } } // namespace aria2