/* */ #include "OptionHandlerImpl.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "DlAbortEx.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "Option.h" #include "fmt.h" #include "A2STR.h" #include "Request.h" #include "a2functional.h" #include "message.h" #include "File.h" #include "FileEntry.h" #include "a2io.h" #include "LogFactory.h" #include "uri.h" #include "SegList.h" #include "array_fun.h" #ifdef ENABLE_MESSAGE_DIGEST # include "MessageDigest.h" #endif // ENABLE_MESSAGE_DIGEST namespace aria2 { BooleanOptionHandler::BooleanOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, OptionHandler::ARG_TYPE argType, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, argType, shortName) {} BooleanOptionHandler::~BooleanOptionHandler() {} void BooleanOptionHandler::parseArg(Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { if(optarg == "true" || ((argType_ == OptionHandler::OPT_ARG || argType_ == OptionHandler::NO_ARG) && optarg.empty())) { option.put(pref_, A2_V_TRUE); } else if(optarg == "false") { option.put(pref_, A2_V_FALSE); } else { std::string msg = pref_->k; msg += " "; msg += _("must be either 'true' or 'false'."); throw DL_ABORT_EX(msg); } } std::string BooleanOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { return "true, false"; } IntegerRangeOptionHandler::IntegerRangeOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, int32_t min, int32_t max, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName), min_(min), max_(max) {} IntegerRangeOptionHandler::~IntegerRangeOptionHandler() {} void IntegerRangeOptionHandler::parseArg (Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { SegList sgl; util::parseIntSegments(sgl, optarg); sgl.normalize(); while(sgl.hasNext()) { int v = sgl.next(); if(v < min_ || max_ < v) { std::string msg = pref_->k; msg += " "; msg += _("must be between %d and %d."); throw DL_ABORT_EX(fmt(msg.c_str(), min_, max_)); } option.put(pref_, optarg); } } std::string IntegerRangeOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { return fmt("%d-%d", min_, max_); } NumberOptionHandler::NumberOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, int64_t min, int64_t max, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName), min_(min), max_(max) {} NumberOptionHandler::~NumberOptionHandler() {} void NumberOptionHandler::parseArg(Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { parseArg(option, util::parseLLInt(optarg)); } void NumberOptionHandler::parseArg(Option& option, int64_t number) { if((min_ == -1 || min_ <= number) && (max_ == -1 || number <= max_)) { option.put(pref_, util::itos(number)); } else { std::string msg = pref_->k; msg += " "; if(min_ == -1 && max_ != -1) { msg += fmt(_("must be smaller than or equal to %lld."), static_cast(max_)); } else if(min_ != -1 && max_ != -1) { msg += fmt(_("must be between %lld and %lld."), static_cast(min_), static_cast(max_)); } else if(min_ != -1 && max_ == -1) { msg += fmt(_("must be greater than or equal to %lld."), static_cast(min_)); } else { msg += _("must be a number."); } throw DL_ABORT_EX(msg); } } std::string NumberOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { std::string values; if(min_ == -1) { values += "*"; } else { values += util::itos(min_); } values += "-"; if(max_ == -1) { values += "*"; } else { values += util::itos(max_); } return values; } UnitNumberOptionHandler::UnitNumberOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, int64_t min, int64_t max, char shortName) : NumberOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, min, max, shortName) {} UnitNumberOptionHandler::~UnitNumberOptionHandler() {} void UnitNumberOptionHandler::parseArg (Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { int64_t num = util::getRealSize(optarg); NumberOptionHandler::parseArg(option, num); } FloatNumberOptionHandler::FloatNumberOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, double min, double max, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName), min_(min), max_(max) {} FloatNumberOptionHandler::~FloatNumberOptionHandler() {} void FloatNumberOptionHandler::parseArg (Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { double number = strtod(optarg.c_str(), 0); if((min_ < 0 || min_ <= number) && (max_ < 0 || number <= max_)) { option.put(pref_, optarg); } else { std::string msg = pref_->k; msg += " "; if(min_ < 0 && max_ >= 0) { msg += fmt(_("must be smaller than or equal to %.1f."), max_); } else if(min_ >= 0 && max_ >= 0) { msg += fmt(_("must be between %.1f and %.1f."), min_, max_); } else if(min_ >= 0 && max_ < 0) { msg += fmt(_("must be greater than or equal to %.1f."), min_); } else { msg += _("must be a number."); } throw DL_ABORT_EX(msg); } } std::string FloatNumberOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { std::string valuesString; if(min_ < 0) { valuesString += "*"; } else { valuesString += fmt("%.1f", min_); } valuesString += "-"; if(max_ < 0) { valuesString += "*"; } else { valuesString += fmt("%.1f", max_); } return valuesString; } DefaultOptionHandler::DefaultOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::string& possibleValuesString, OptionHandler::ARG_TYPE argType, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, argType, shortName), possibleValuesString_(possibleValuesString) {} DefaultOptionHandler::~DefaultOptionHandler() {} void DefaultOptionHandler::parseArg(Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { option.put(pref_, optarg); } std::string DefaultOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { return possibleValuesString_; } CumulativeOptionHandler::CumulativeOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::string& delim, const std::string& possibleValuesString, OptionHandler::ARG_TYPE argType, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, argType, shortName), delim_(delim), possibleValuesString_(possibleValuesString) {} CumulativeOptionHandler::~CumulativeOptionHandler() {} void CumulativeOptionHandler::parseArg (Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { std::string value = option.get(pref_); value += optarg; value += delim_; option.put(pref_, value); } std::string CumulativeOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { return possibleValuesString_; } IndexOutOptionHandler::IndexOutOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName) {} IndexOutOptionHandler::~IndexOutOptionHandler() {} void IndexOutOptionHandler::parseArg(Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { // See optarg is in the fomrat of "INDEX=PATH" util::parseIndexPath(optarg); std::string value = option.get(pref_); value += optarg; value += "\n"; option.put(pref_, value); } std::string IndexOutOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { return "INDEX=PATH"; } #ifdef ENABLE_MESSAGE_DIGEST ChecksumOptionHandler::ChecksumOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName) {} ChecksumOptionHandler::~ChecksumOptionHandler() {} void ChecksumOptionHandler::parseArg(Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { std::pair p; util::divide(p, optarg.begin(), optarg.end(), '='); std::string hashType(p.first.first, p.first.second); std::string hexDigest(p.second.first, p.second.second); util::lowercase(hashType); util::lowercase(hexDigest); if(!MessageDigest::isValidHash(hashType, hexDigest)) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(_("Unrecognized checksum")); } option.put(pref_, optarg); } std::string ChecksumOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { return "HASH_TYPE=HEX_DIGEST"; } #endif // ENABLE_MESSAGE_DIGEST ParameterOptionHandler::ParameterOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::vector& validParamValues, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName), validParamValues_(validParamValues) {} ParameterOptionHandler::ParameterOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::string& validParamValue, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName) { validParamValues_.push_back(validParamValue); } ParameterOptionHandler::ParameterOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::string& validParamValue1, const std::string& validParamValue2, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName) { validParamValues_.push_back(validParamValue1); validParamValues_.push_back(validParamValue2); } ParameterOptionHandler::ParameterOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::string& validParamValue1, const std::string& validParamValue2, const std::string& validParamValue3, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName) { validParamValues_.push_back(validParamValue1); validParamValues_.push_back(validParamValue2); validParamValues_.push_back(validParamValue3); } ParameterOptionHandler::~ParameterOptionHandler() {} void ParameterOptionHandler::parseArg(Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { std::vector::const_iterator itr = std::find(validParamValues_.begin(), validParamValues_.end(), optarg); if(itr == validParamValues_.end()) { std::string msg = pref_->k; msg += " "; msg += _("must be one of the following:"); if(validParamValues_.size() == 0) { msg += "''"; } else { for(std::vector::const_iterator itr = validParamValues_.begin(), eoi = validParamValues_.end(); itr != eoi; ++itr) { msg += "'"; msg += *itr; msg += "' "; } } throw DL_ABORT_EX(msg); } else { option.put(pref_, optarg); } } std::string ParameterOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { std::stringstream s; std::copy(validParamValues_.begin(), validParamValues_.end(), std::ostream_iterator(s, ", ")); return util::strip(s.str(), ", "); } HostPortOptionHandler::HostPortOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, const Pref* hostOptionName, const Pref* portOptionName, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName), hostOptionName_(hostOptionName), portOptionName_(portOptionName) {} HostPortOptionHandler::~HostPortOptionHandler() {} void HostPortOptionHandler::parseArg(Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { std::string uri = "http://"; uri += optarg; Request req; if(!req.setUri(uri)) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(_("Unrecognized format")); } option.put(pref_, optarg); setHostAndPort(option, req.getHost(), req.getPort()); } void HostPortOptionHandler::setHostAndPort (Option& option, const std::string& hostname, uint16_t port) { option.put(hostOptionName_, hostname); option.put(portOptionName_, util::uitos(port)); } std::string HostPortOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { return "HOST:PORT"; } HttpProxyOptionHandler::HttpProxyOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName), proxyUserPref_(option::k2p(std::string(pref->k)+"-user")), proxyPasswdPref_(option::k2p(std::string(pref->k)+"-passwd")) {} HttpProxyOptionHandler::~HttpProxyOptionHandler() {} void HttpProxyOptionHandler::parseArg(Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { if(optarg.empty()) { option.put(pref_, optarg); } else { std::string uri; static const char A2_HTTP[] = "http://"; static const char A2_HTTPS[] = "https://"; static const char A2_FTP[] = "ftp://"; if(util::startsWith(optarg.begin(), optarg.end(), A2_HTTP, vend(A2_HTTP)-1) || util::startsWith(optarg.begin(), optarg.end(), A2_HTTPS, vend(A2_HTTPS)-1) || util::startsWith(optarg.begin(), optarg.end(), A2_FTP, vend(A2_FTP)-1)) { uri = optarg; } else { uri = "http://"; uri += optarg; } uri::UriStruct us; if(!uri::parse(us, uri)) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(_("unrecognized proxy format")); } us.protocol = "http"; option.put(pref_, uri::construct(us)); } } std::string HttpProxyOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { return "[http://][USER:PASSWORD@]HOST[:PORT]"; } LocalFilePathOptionHandler::LocalFilePathOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, bool acceptStdin, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName), acceptStdin_(acceptStdin) {} void LocalFilePathOptionHandler::parseArg (Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { if(acceptStdin_ && optarg == "-") { option.put(pref_, DEV_STDIN); } else { File f(optarg); if(!f.exists() || f.isDir()) { throw DL_ABORT_EX(fmt(MSG_NOT_FILE, optarg.c_str())); } option.put(pref_, optarg); } } std::string LocalFilePathOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { if(acceptStdin_) { return PATH_TO_FILE_STDIN; } else { return PATH_TO_FILE; } } PrioritizePieceOptionHandler::PrioritizePieceOptionHandler (const Pref* pref, const char* description, const std::string& defaultValue, char shortName) : AbstractOptionHandler(pref, description, defaultValue, OptionHandler::REQ_ARG, shortName) {} void PrioritizePieceOptionHandler::parseArg (Option& option, const std::string& optarg) { // Parse optarg against empty FileEntry list to detect syntax // error. std::vector result; util::parsePrioritizePieceRange (result, optarg, std::vector >(), 1024); option.put(pref_, optarg); } std::string PrioritizePieceOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { return "head[=SIZE], tail[=SIZE]"; } DeprecatedOptionHandler::DeprecatedOptionHandler (const SharedHandle& depOptHandler, const SharedHandle& repOptHandler) : depOptHandler_(depOptHandler), repOptHandler_(repOptHandler) {} void DeprecatedOptionHandler::parse(Option& option, const std::string& arg) { if(repOptHandler_) { A2_LOG_WARN(fmt(_("--%s option is deprecated. Use --%s option instead."), depOptHandler_->getName(), repOptHandler_->getName())); repOptHandler_->parse(option, arg); } else { A2_LOG_WARN(fmt(_("--%s option is deprecated."), depOptHandler_->getName())); } } std::string DeprecatedOptionHandler::createPossibleValuesString() const { return depOptHandler_->createPossibleValuesString(); } bool DeprecatedOptionHandler::hasTag(const std::string& tag) const { return depOptHandler_->hasTag(tag); } void DeprecatedOptionHandler::addTag(const std::string& tag) { depOptHandler_->addTag(tag); } std::string DeprecatedOptionHandler::toTagString() const { return depOptHandler_->toTagString(); } const char* DeprecatedOptionHandler::getName() const { return depOptHandler_->getName(); } const char* DeprecatedOptionHandler::getDescription() const { return depOptHandler_->getDescription(); } const std::string& DeprecatedOptionHandler::getDefaultValue() const { return depOptHandler_->getDefaultValue(); } bool DeprecatedOptionHandler::isHidden() const { return depOptHandler_->isHidden(); } void DeprecatedOptionHandler::hide() { depOptHandler_->hide(); } const Pref* DeprecatedOptionHandler::getPref() const { return depOptHandler_->getPref(); } OptionHandler::ARG_TYPE DeprecatedOptionHandler::getArgType() const { return depOptHandler_->getArgType(); } char DeprecatedOptionHandler::getShortName() const { return depOptHandler_->getShortName(); } bool DeprecatedOptionHandler::getEraseAfterParse() const { return depOptHandler_->getEraseAfterParse(); } void DeprecatedOptionHandler::setEraseAfterParse(bool eraseAfterParse) { depOptHandler_->setEraseAfterParse(eraseAfterParse); } bool DeprecatedOptionHandler::getInitialOption() const { return depOptHandler_->getInitialOption(); } void DeprecatedOptionHandler::setInitialOption(bool f) { depOptHandler_->setInitialOption(f); } bool DeprecatedOptionHandler::getChangeOption() const { return depOptHandler_->getChangeOption(); } void DeprecatedOptionHandler::setChangeOption(bool f) { depOptHandler_->setChangeOption(f); } bool DeprecatedOptionHandler::getChangeOptionForReserved() const { return depOptHandler_->getChangeOptionForReserved(); } void DeprecatedOptionHandler::setChangeOptionForReserved(bool f) { depOptHandler_->setChangeOptionForReserved(f); } bool DeprecatedOptionHandler::getChangeGlobalOption() const { return depOptHandler_->getChangeGlobalOption(); } void DeprecatedOptionHandler::setChangeGlobalOption(bool f) { depOptHandler_->setChangeGlobalOption(f); } bool DeprecatedOptionHandler::getCumulative() const { return depOptHandler_->getCumulative(); } void DeprecatedOptionHandler::setCumulative(bool f) { depOptHandler_->setCumulative(f); } } // namespace aria2