If --enable-http-server is enabled, don't stop aria2 when all
download finished and don't quit when no files to download at
start up.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/main.cc
* src/option_processing.cc
Added xml-rpc functionality. Currently only addURI commad is
supported. To enable xml-rpc, run aria2 with
--enable-http-server. This option name is temporal and will be
changed. The feature that reports download progress in html format
is temporarily disabled.
* src/HttpServer.cc
* src/HttpServer.h
* src/HttpServerBodyCommand.cc
* src/HttpServerBodyCommand.h
* src/HttpServerCommand.cc
* src/HttpServerResponseCommand.cc
* src/Makefile.am
* src/OptionParser.cc
* src/OptionParser.h
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/RequestGroupMan.h
* src/XmlRpcMethod.cc
* src/XmlRpcMethod.h
* src/XmlRpcMethodFactory.cc
* src/XmlRpcMethodFactory.h
* src/XmlRpcMethodImpl.cc
* src/XmlRpcMethodImpl.h
* src/download_helper.cc
* src/download_helper.h
* test/Makefile.am
* test/XmlRpcMethodTest.cc
from option directly. Instead, get them from RequestGroup.
* src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.cc
* src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h
* src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.cc
* src/RequestGroup.h
Generated configure and Makefile.in using autoconf 2.63 and
automake 1.10.2. Removed AC_GNU_SOURCE from configure.ac because
it is subset of AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS and we use latter.
* configure.ac
Added static member _protocolFamily to SocketCore. By default,
SocketCore uses AF_UNSPEC for getaddrinfo hints to resolve
address. Sometime SocketCore::bind() and
SocketCore::establishConnection() use difference protocl family
and latter cannot connect to former. To avoid this situation, we
limit protocol family to AF_INET for unit tests.
* src/SocketCore.cc
* src/SocketCore.h
* test/AllTest.cc
In DefaultBtContext::getActualBasePath(), return first
FileEntry::getPath() for single file torrent.
* src/DefaultBtContext.cc
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
Now the constructor of AbstractDiskWriter takes filename as an
argument and filename argument is removed from openFile(),
initAndOpenFile(), openExistingFile() interface. storeDir
member and its accessor functions are removed from DiskAdaptor
because it is not used anymore. size() member function of
DefaultDiskWriter, DirectDiskAdaptor and MultiDiskAdaptor now
can be called without opening file.
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.cc
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.h
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.cc
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.h
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.h
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriterFactory.cc
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriterFactory.h
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.h
* src/DefaultDiskWriterFactory.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriterFactory.h
* src/DefaultPieceStorage.cc
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.cc
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.h
* src/DiskAdaptor.h
* src/DiskWriter.h
* src/DiskWriterFactory.h
* src/MessageDigestHelper.cc
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.cc
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.cc
* src/Util.cc
* test/DefaultDiskWriterTest.cc
* test/DirectDiskAdaptorTest.cc
* test/FallocFileAllocationIteratorTest.cc
* test/MessageDigestHelperTest.cc
* test/MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* test/MultiDiskAdaptorTest.cc
* test/MultiFileAllocationIteratorTest.cc
* test/SingleFileAllocationIteratorTest.cc
* test/UtilTest.cc
Fixed the bug that read-only file with wrong file size will
cause error because it cannot be truncated to the correct size.
Now if file size is different than the expected one, re-open
file in writable mode.
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.cc
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.h
* src/BtCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
* src/DiskAdaptor.h
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Fixed the bug that with --check-integrity option aria2 reports
downloaded file size is 0 even if some parts of file is
correctly downloaded. This bug is reproducible for the download
that a file includes last piece is missing. This bug doesn't
reveal for single-torrent with file allocation on.
* src/IteratableChecksumValidator.cc
* test/IteratableChecksumValidatorTest.cc
Removed MetalinkProcessorFactory. Since we don't use both
libxml2 and expat simultaneously, MetalinkProcessor is now not
base class and it is directly implemented in
XML2SAXMetalinkProcessor and ExpatMetalinkProcessor.
* src/ExpatMetalinkProcessor.cc
* src/ExpatMetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Makefile.am
* src/MetalinkHelper.cc
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/MetalinkProcessorFactory.cc: Removed.
* src/MetalinkProcessorFactory.h: Removed
* src/XML2SAXMetalinkProcessor.cc
* src/XML2SAXMetalinkProcessor.h
* test/MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
Use url-list (web-seeding) only for single-file torrent. This
is basically the same behavior with Metalink file with torrent
and URIs.
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.cc
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
Fixed the bug that prevents torrent download from finishing.
The bug doesn't reveal for all torrents. The torrents affected
this bug satisfies ((N+7)/8)%4 == 0 and N%32 != 0 where N is the
number of pieces.
* src/bitfield.h
* test/bitfieldTest.cc