mirror of https://github.com/aria2/aria2
Generate libaria2 API doc from aria2.h
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ ALLSPHINXOPTS = -d $(BUILDDIR)/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) -c
# Configurations for aria2.
man_MANS = $(BUILDDIR)/man/aria2c.1
EXTRA_DIST = $(man_MANS) aria2c.rst index.rst _static/default2.css
EXTRA_DIST = $(man_MANS) aria2c.rst index.rst _static/default2.css mkapiref.py
$(man_MANS): aria2c.rst
$(MAKE) man
@ -41,10 +41,14 @@ help:
@echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
@echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"
libaria2api: $(top_builddir)/src/includes/aria2/aria2.h
$(builddir)/mkapiref.py $^ > $@
-rm libaria2api
-rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
html: libaria2api
@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ Contents:
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
.. default-domain:: cpp
libaria2: C++ library interface to aria2
API Reference
.. include:: libaria2api
@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
# aria2 - The high speed download utility
# Copyright (C) 2013 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
# permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
# OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
# individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
# including the two.
# You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
# for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
# file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
# version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
# do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
# version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
# files in the program, then also delete it here.
# Generates API reference from C++ source code.
import re, sys, argparse
class FunctionDoc:
def __init__(self, name, content, domain):
self.name = name
self.content = content
self.domain = domain
def write(self, out):
print '''.. {}:: {}'''.format(self.domain, self.name)
print ''
for line in self.content:
print ' {}'.format(line)
class TypedefDoc:
def __init__(self, name, content):
self.name = name
self.content = content
def write(self, out):
print '''.. type:: {}'''.format(self.name)
print ''
for line in self.content:
print ' {}'.format(line)
class StructDoc:
def __init__(self, name, content, domain, members, member_domain):
self.name = name
self.content = content
self.domain = domain
self.members = members
self.member_domain = member_domain
def write(self, out):
if self.name:
print '''.. {}:: {}'''.format(self.domain, self.name)
print ''
for line in self.content:
print ' {}'.format(line)
print ''
for name, content in self.members:
print ''' .. {}:: {}'''.format(\
'function' if name.endswith(')') else self.member_domain,
print ''
for line in content:
print ''' {}'''.format(line)
print ''
class MacroDoc:
def __init__(self, name, content):
self.name = name
self.content = content
def write(self, out):
print '''.. macro:: {}'''.format(self.name)
print ''
for line in self.content:
print ' {}'.format(line)
def make_api_ref(infiles):
macros = []
enums = []
types = []
functions = []
for infile in infiles:
while True:
line = infile.readline()
if not line:
elif line == '/**\n':
line = infile.readline()
doctype = line.split()[1]
if doctype == '@function':
functions.append(process_function('function', infile))
elif doctype == '@typedef':
elif doctype in ['@struct', '@union']:
elif doctype == '@enum':
elif doctype == '@macro':
alldocs = [('Macros', macros),
('Enums', enums),
('Types (structs, unions and typedefs)', types),
('Functions', functions)]
for title, docs in alldocs:
if not docs:
print title
print '-'*len(title)
for doc in docs:
print ''
print ''
def process_macro(infile):
content = read_content(infile)
line = infile.readline()
macro_name = line.split()[1]
return MacroDoc(macro_name, content)
def process_enum(infile):
members = []
enum_name = None
content = read_content(infile)
while True:
line = infile.readline()
if not line:
elif re.match(r'\s*/\*\*\n', line):
member_content = read_content(infile)
line = infile.readline()
items = line.split()
member_name = items[0].rstrip(',')
if len(items) >= 3:
member_content.insert(0, '(``{}``) '\
members.append((member_name, member_content))
elif line.startswith('}'):
if not enum_name:
enum_name = line.rstrip().split()[1]
enum_name = re.sub(r';$', '', enum_name)
elif not enum_name:
m = re.match(r'^\s*enum\s+([\S]+)\s*{\s*', line)
if m:
enum_name = m.group(1)
return StructDoc(enum_name, content, 'type', members, 'c:macro')
def process_struct(infile):
members = []
domain = 'type'
struct_name = None
content = read_content(infile)
while True:
line = infile.readline()
if not line:
elif re.match(r'\s*/\*\*\n', line):
member_content = read_content(infile)
line = infile.readline()
member_name = line.rstrip().rstrip(';')
member_name = re.sub(r'\)\s*=\s*0', ')', member_name)
member_name = re.sub(r' virtual ', '', member_name)
members.append((member_name, member_content))
elif line.startswith('}') or\
(line.startswith('typedef ') and line.endswith(';\n')):
if not struct_name:
if line.startswith('}'):
index = 1
index = 3
struct_name = line.rstrip().split()[index]
struct_name = re.sub(r';$', '', struct_name)
elif not struct_name:
m = re.match(r'^\s*(struct|class)\s+([\S]+)\s*(?:{|;)', line)
if m:
domain = m.group(1)
if domain == 'struct':
domain = 'type'
struct_name = m.group(2)
if line.endswith(';\n'):
return StructDoc(struct_name, content, domain, members, 'member')
def process_function(domain, infile):
content = read_content(infile)
func_proto = []
while True:
line = infile.readline()
if not line:
elif line == '\n':
func_proto = ''.join(func_proto)
func_proto = re.sub(r';\n$', '', func_proto)
func_proto = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', func_proto)
return FunctionDoc(func_proto, content, domain)
def process_typedef(infile):
content = read_content(infile)
lines = []
while True:
line = infile.readline()
if not line:
elif line == '\n':
typedef = ''.join(lines)
typedef = re.sub(r';\n$', '', typedef)
typedef = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', typedef)
return TypedefDoc(typedef.split()[-1], content)
def read_content(infile):
content = []
while True:
line = infile.readline()
if not line:
if re.match(r'\s*\*/\n', line):
return content
def arg_repl(matchobj):
return '*{}*'.format(matchobj.group(1).replace('*', '\\*'))
def transform_content(content):
content = re.sub(r'^\s+\* ?', '', content)
content = re.sub(r'\|([^\s|]+)\|', arg_repl, content)
content = re.sub(r':enum:', ':macro:', content)
return content
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate API reference")
parser.add_argument('--header', type=argparse.FileType('rb', 0),
help='header inserted at the top of the page')
parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', type=argparse.FileType('rb', 0),
help='source file')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.header:
print args.header.read()
for infile in args.files:
@ -53,236 +53,484 @@
namespace aria2 {
* @struct
* This object identifies aria2 session. To create session, use
* :func:`sessionNew()` function.
struct Session;
// Initializes the global data. It also initializes
// underlying libraries libaria2 depends on. This function returns 0
// if it succeeds, or -1.
// Call this function only once before calling any other API functions.
* @function
* Initializes the global data. It also initializes underlying
* libraries libaria2 depends on. This function returns 0 if it
* succeeds, or -1.
* Call this function only once before calling any other API
* functions.
int libraryInit();
// Releases the global data. This function returns 0 if
// it succeeds, or -1.
// Call this function only once at the end of the application.
* @function
* Releases the global data. This function returns 0 if it succeeds,
* or -1.
* Call this function only once at the end of the application.
int libraryDeinit();
// type of GID
* @typedef
* The type of GID, persistent identifier of each download.
typedef uint64_t A2Gid;
// type of Key/Value pairs
* @typedef
* The type of Key/Value pairs.
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > KeyVals;
* @struct
* The configuration for the session.
struct SessionConfig {
// The constructor fills default values for all members.
* The constructor fills default values for all members.
// If the |keepRunning| member is true, run(session, RUN_ONCE) will
// return 1 even if there are no download to perform. The behavior
// is very similar to RPC server, except that this option does not
// enable RPC functionality. To stop aria2, use shutdown() function.
// The default value is false.
* If the |keepRunning| member is true, ``run(session, RUN_ONCE)``
* will return 1 even if there are no download to perform. The
* behavior is very similar to RPC server, except that this option
* does not enable RPC functionality. To stop aria2, use
* :func:`shutdown()` function. The default value is false.
bool keepRunning;
// If the |useSignalHandler| is true, the library setups following
// signal handlers in sessionNew(). These signal handlers are
// removed in sessionFinal(). The default value is true. If the
// application sets this member to false, it must handle these
// signals and ensure that run() is repeatedly called until it
// returns 0 and sessionFinal() is called after that. Failing these
// steps will lead to not saving .aria2 control file and no session
// serialization.
// SIGPIPE, SIGCHLD: ignored
// SIGHUP, SIGTERM: handled like shutdown(session, true) is called.
// SIGINT: handled like shutdown(session, false) is called.
* If the |useSignalHandler| is true, the library setups following
* signal handlers in :func:`sessionNew()`. These signal handlers
* are removed in :func:`sessionFinal()`. The default value is
* true. If the application sets this member to false, it must
* handle these signals and ensure that run() is repeatedly called
* until it returns 0 and :func:`sessionFinal()` is called after
* that. Failing these steps will lead to not saving .aria2 control
* file and no session serialization.
* ignored
* ``SIGHUP``, ``SIGTERM``:
* handled like shutdown(session, true) is called.
* ``SIGINT``:
* handled like shutdown(session, false) is called.
bool useSignalHandler;
// Creates new Session object using the |options| as additional
// parameters. The |options| is treated as if they are specified in
// command-line to aria2c(1). This function returns the pointer to the
// newly created Session object if it succeeds, or NULL.
// Please note that only one Session object can be created per
// process.
* @function
* Creates new Session object using the |options| as additional
* parameters. The |options| is treated as if they are specified in
* command-line to :manpage:`aria2c(1)`. This function returns the
* pointer to the created Session object if it succeeds, or ``NULL``.
* Please note that only one Session object can be created per
* process.
Session* sessionNew(const KeyVals& options, const SessionConfig& config);
// Performs post-download action, including saving sessions etc and
// destroys the |session| object, releasing the allocated resources
// for it. This function returns the last error code and it is the
// equivalent to the exit status of aria2c(1).
* @function
* Performs post-download action, including saving sessions etc and
* destroys the |session| object, releasing the allocated resources
* for it. This function returns the last error code and it is the
* equivalent to the exit status of :manpage:`aria2c(1)`.
int sessionFinal(Session* session);
* @enum
* Execution mode for :func:`run()`
enum RUN_MODE {
* :func:`run()` returns when no downloads are left.
* :func:`run()` returns after one event polling.
// Performs event polling and actions for them. If the |mode| is
// RUN_DEFAULT, this function returns when no downloads are left to be
// processed. In this case, this function returns 0.
// If the |mode| is RUN_ONCE, this function returns after one event
// polling. In the current implementation, event polling timeouts in 1
// second, so this function returns at most 1 second. On return, when
// no downloads are left to be processed, this function returns
// 0. Otherwise, returns 1, indicating that the caller must call this
// function one or more time to complete downloads.
* @function
* Performs event polling and actions for them. If the |mode| is
* :c:macro:`RUN_DEFAULT`, this function returns when no downloads are
* left to be processed. In this case, this function returns 0.
* If the |mode| is :c:macro:`RUN_ONCE`, this function returns after
* one event polling. In the current implementation, event polling
* timeouts in 1 second, so this function returns at most 1 second. On
* return, when no downloads are left to be processed, this function
* returns 0. Otherwise, returns 1, indicating that the caller must
* call this function one or more time to complete downloads.
int run(Session* session, RUN_MODE mode);
// Returns textual representation of the |gid|.
* @function
* Returns textual representation of the |gid|.
std::string gidToHex(const A2Gid& gid);
// Returns GID converted from the textual representation |hex|.
* @function
* Returns GID converted from the textual representation |hex|.
A2Gid hexToGid(const std::string& hex);
// Returns true if the |gid| is invalid.
* @function
* Returns true if the |gid| is invalid.
bool isNull(const A2Gid& gid);
// Adds new HTTP(S)/FTP/BitTorrent Magnet URI. On successful return,
// if the |gid| is not NULL, the GID of added download will be
// assigned to the |*gid|. The |uris| includes URI to be downloaded.
// For BitTorrent Magnet URI, the |uris| must have only one element
// and it should be BitTorrent Magnet URI. URIs in uris must point to
// the same file. If you mix other URIs which point to another file,
// aria2 does not complain but download may fail. The |options| is a
// pair of option name and value. If the |position| is not negative
// integer, the new download is inserted at position in the waiting
// queue. If the |position| is negative or the |position| is larger
// than the size of the queue, it is appended at the end of the queue.
// This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or -1.
* @function
* Adds new HTTP(S)/FTP/BitTorrent Magnet URI. On successful return,
* if the |gid| is not ``NULL``, the GID of added download will be
* assigned to the |*gid|. The |uris| includes URI to be downloaded.
* For BitTorrent Magnet URI, the |uris| must have only one element
* and it should be BitTorrent Magnet URI. URIs in the |uris| must
* point to the same file. If you mix other URIs which point to
* another file, aria2 does not complain but download may fail. The
* |options| is an array of a pair of option name and value. If the
* |position| is not negative integer, the new download is inserted at
* position in the waiting queue. If the |position| is negative or the
* |position| is larger than the size of the queue, it is appended at
* the end of the queue. This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or
* -1.
int addUri(Session* session,
A2Gid* gid,
const std::vector<std::string>& uris,
const KeyVals& options,
int position = -1);
// Adds Metalink download. The path to Metalink file is specified by
// the |metalinkFile|. On successful return, if the |gids| is not
// NULL, the GIDs of added downloads are appended to the |*gids|. The
// |options| is a pair of option name and value. If the |position| is
// not negative integer, the new download is inserted at position in
// the waiting queue. If the |position| is negative or the |position|
// is larger than the size of the queue, it is appended at the end of
// the queue. This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or -1.
* @function
* Adds Metalink download. The path to Metalink file is specified by
* the |metalinkFile|. On successful return, if the |gids| is not
* ``NULL``, the GIDs of added downloads are appended to the
* |*gids|. The |options| is an array of a pair of option name and
* value. If the |position| is not negative integer, the new download
* is inserted at position in the waiting queue. If the |position| is
* negative or the |position| is larger than the size of the queue, it
* is appended at the end of the queue. This function returns 0 if it
* succeeds, or -1.
int addMetalink(Session* session,
std::vector<A2Gid>* gids,
const std::string& metalinkFile,
const KeyVals& options,
int position = -1);
// Returns the array of active download GID.
* @function
* Returns the array of active download GID.
std::vector<A2Gid> getActiveDownload(Session* session);
// Removes the download denoted by the |gid|. If the specified
// download is in progress, it is stopped at first. The status of
// removed download becomes DOWNLOAD_REMOVED. If the |force| is true,
// removal will take place without any action which takes time such as
// contacting BitTorrent tracker. This function returns 0 if it
// succeeds, or -1.
* @function
* Removes the download denoted by the |gid|. If the specified
* download is in progress, it is stopped at first. The status of
* removed download becomes :c:macro:`DOWNLOAD_REMOVED`. If the
* |force| is true, removal will take place without any action which
* takes time such as contacting BitTorrent tracker. This function
* returns 0 if it succeeds, or -1.
int removeDownload(Session* session, const A2Gid& gid, bool force = false);
// Pauses the download denoted by the |gid|. The status of paused
// download becomes DOWNLOAD_PAUSED. If the download is active, the
// download is placed on the first position of waiting queue. As long
// as the status is DOWNLOAD_PAUSED, the download will not start. To
// change status to DOWNLOAD_WAITING, use unpauseDownload() function.
// If the |force| is true, pause will take place without any action
// which takes time such as contacting BitTorrent tracker. This
// function returns 0 if it succeeds, or -1. Please note that, to
// make pause work, the application must call
// sessionConfigSetKeepRunning() function with the |flag| argument to
// true. Without this call, download may be paused at first, but it
// will be restarted automatically.
* @function
* Pauses the download denoted by the |gid|. The status of paused
* download becomes :c:macro:`DOWNLOAD_PAUSED`. If the download is
* active, the download is placed on the first position of waiting
* queue. As long as the status is :c:macro:`DOWNLOAD_PAUSED`, the
* download will not start. To change status to
* :c:macro:`DOWNLOAD_WAITING`, use :func:`unpauseDownload()`
* function. If the |force| is true, pause will take place without
* any action which takes time such as contacting BitTorrent
* tracker. This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or -1.
* Please note that, to make pause work, the application must set
* :member:`SessionConfig::keepRunning` to true. Otherwise, the
* behavior is undefined.
int pauseDownload(Session* session, const A2Gid& gid, bool force = false);
// Changes the status of the download denoted by the |gid| from
// DOWNLOAD_PAUSED to DOWNLOAD_WAITING. This makes the download
// eligible to restart. This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or -1.
* @function
* Changes the status of the download denoted by the |gid| from
* :c:macro:`DOWNLOAD_PAUSED` to :c:macro:`DOWNLOAD_WAITING`. This
* makes the download eligible to restart. This function returns 0 if
* it succeeds, or -1.
int unpauseDownload(Session* session, const A2Gid& gid);
// Schedules shutdown. If the |force| is true, shutdown will take
// place without any action which takes time such as contacting
// BitTorrent tracker. After this call, the application must keep
// calling run() method until it returns 0. This function returns 0
// if it succeeds, or -1.
* @function
* Schedules shutdown. If the |force| is true, shutdown will take
* place without any action which takes time such as contacting
* BitTorrent tracker. After this call, the application must keep
* calling :func:`run()` function until it returns 0. This function
* returns 0 if it succeeds, or -1.
int shutdown(Session* session, bool force = false);
* @enum
* The status of URI.
enum UriStatus {
* Indicating the URI has been used.
* Indicating the URI has not been used.
* @struct
* This object contains URI and its status.
struct UriData {
std::string uri;
* The status of URI
UriStatus status;
* @struct
* This object contains information of file to download.
struct FileData {
// 1-based index
* 1-based index of the file in the download. This is the same order
* with the files in multi-file torrent. This index is used to get
* this object using :func:`DownloadHandle::getFile()` function.
int index;
* The local file path to this file when downloaded.
std::string path;
* The file size in bytes. This is not the current size of the local
* file.
int64_t length;
* The completed length of this file in bytes. Please note that it
* is possible that sum of |completedLength| is less than the return
* value of :func:`DownloadHandle::getCompletedLength()`
* function. This is because the |completedLength| only calculates
* completed pieces. On the other hand,
* :func:`DownloadHandle::getCompletedLength()` takes into account
* of partially completed piece.
int64_t completedLength;
* true if this file is selected by ``select-file`` option. If
* ``select-file`` is not specified or this is single torrent or no
* torrent download, this value is always true.
bool selected;
* Returns the list of URI for this file.
std::vector<UriData> uris;
* @enum
* The status of download item.
enum DownloadStatus {
* Indicating currently downloading/seeding.
* Indicating in the queue; download is not started.
* Indicating the download is paused.
* Indicating stopped and completed download.
* Indicating stopped download because of error.
* Indicating removed by user's discretion.
* @struct
* The interface to get information of download item.
struct DownloadHandle {
virtual ~DownloadHandle() {}
* Returns status of this download.
virtual DownloadStatus getStatus() = 0;
* Returns the total length of this download in bytes.
virtual int64_t getTotalLength() = 0;
* Returns the completed length of this download in bytes.
virtual int64_t getCompletedLength() = 0;
* Returns the uploaded length of this download in bytes.
virtual int64_t getUploadLength() = 0;
* Returns the download progress in byte-string. The highest bit
* corresponds to piece index 0. The set bits indicate the piece is
* available and unset bits indicate the piece is missing. The spare
* bits at the end are set to zero. When download has not started
* yet, returns empty string.
virtual std::string getBitfield() = 0;
* Returns download speed of this download measured in bytes/sec.
virtual int getDownloadSpeed() = 0;
* Returns upload speed of this download measured in bytes/sec.
virtual int getUploadSpeed() = 0;
* Returns the number of pieces.
virtual size_t getNumPieces() = 0;
* Returns the number of peers/servers the client has connected to.
virtual int getConnections() = 0;
// Returns the last error code occurred in this download. The error
// codes are defined in EXIT STATUS section of aria2c(1) man
// page. This value is only available for stopped/completed
// downloads.
* Returns the last error code occurred in this download. The error
* codes are defined in EXIT STATUS section of
* :manpage:`aria2c(1)`. This value has its meaning only for
* stopped/completed downloads.
virtual int getErrorCode() = 0;
// Returns array of GIDs which are generated by the consequence of
// this download. For example, when aria2 downloaded Metalink file,
// it generates downloads described in it (see --follow-metalink
// option). This value is useful to track these auto generated
// downloads. If there is no such downloads, this function returns
// empty array.
* Returns array of GIDs which are generated by the consequence of
* this download. For example, when aria2 downloaded Metalink file,
* it generates downloads described in it (see
* :option:`--follow-metalink` option). This value is useful to
* track these auto generated downloads. If there is no such
* downloads, this function returns empty array.
virtual const std::vector<A2Gid>& getFollowedBy() = 0;
// Returns the GID of a parent download. Some downloads are a part
// of another download. For example, if a file in Metalink has
// BitTorrent resource, the download of ".torrent" is a part of that
// file. If this download has no parent, the invalid GID is returned
// (isNull(gid) is true).
* Returns the GID of a parent download. Some downloads are a part
* of another download. For example, if a file in Metalink has
* BitTorrent resource, the download of ".torrent" is a part of that
* file. If this download has no parent, the invalid GID is returned
* (``isNull(gid)`` is true).
virtual A2Gid getBelongsTo() = 0;
* Returns the directory to save files.
virtual const std::string& getDir() = 0;
* Returns the array of files this download contains.
virtual std::vector<FileData> getFiles() = 0;
// Returns the number of files. The return value is equivalent to
// getFiles().size().
* Returns the number of files. The return value is equivalent to
* ``DownloadHandle::getFiles().size()``.
virtual int getNumFiles() = 0;
// Returns the FileData of the file at the specified |index|. Please
// note that the index is 1-based.
* Returns the FileData of the file at the specified |index|. Please
* note that the index is 1-based. It is undefined when the |index|
* is out-of-bound.
virtual FileData getFile(int index) = 0;
// Returns handle for the download denoted by the |gid|. The caller
// can retrieve various information of the download via returned
// handle. The lifetime of the returned handle is before the next call
// of run() or sessionFinal(). This function returns NULL if no
// download denoted by the |gid| is present. The caller must call
// deleteDownloadHandle() to delete the acquired handle.
* @function
* Returns handle for the download denoted by the |gid|. The caller
* can retrieve various information of the download via returned
* handle's member functions. The lifetime of the returned handle is
* before the next call of :func:`run()` or
* :func:`sessionFinal()`. The caller must call
* :func:`deleteDownloadHandle()` before that. This function returns
* ``NULL`` if no download denoted by the |gid| is present. It is the
* responsibility of the caller to call :func:`deleteDownloadHandle()`
* to delete handle object.
DownloadHandle* getDownloadHandle(Session* session, const A2Gid& gid);
// Deallocates the |dh|. Calling this function with NULL is safe.
* @function
* Deallocates the |dh|. Calling this function with ``NULL`` is safe.
void deleteDownloadHandle(DownloadHandle* dh);
} // namespace aria2
Reference in New Issue