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/* <!-- copyright */
* aria2 - The high speed download utility
* Copyright (C) 2006 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
* file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
* version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
* do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
* files in the program, then also delete it here.
/* copyright --> */
#include "MSEHandshake.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "DlAbortEx.h"
#include "LogFactory.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "BtHandshakeMessage.h"
#include "Socket.h"
#include "a2netcompat.h"
#include "DHKeyExchange.h"
#include "ARC4Encryptor.h"
#include "ARC4Decryptor.h"
#include "MessageDigestHelper.h"
#include "SimpleRandomizer.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "BtRegistry.h"
#include "BtContext.h"
#include "prefs.h"
#include "Option.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
namespace aria2 {
const unsigned char* MSEHandshake::PRIME = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A63A36210000000000090563");
const unsigned char* MSEHandshake::GENERATOR = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>("2");
const unsigned char MSEHandshake::VC[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
MSEHandshake::MSEHandshake(int32_t cuid,
const SocketHandle& socket,
const Option* op):
delete _dh;
delete [] _ia;
MSEHandshake::HANDSHAKE_TYPE MSEHandshake::identifyHandshakeType()
if(!_socket->isReadable(0)) {
size_t r = 20-_rbufLength;
_socket->readData(_rbuf+_rbufLength, r);
if(r == 0) {
throw new DlAbortEx(EX_EOF_FROM_PEER);
_rbufLength += r;
if(_rbufLength < 20) {
if(_rbuf[0] == BtHandshakeMessage::PSTR_LENGTH &&
memcmp(BtHandshakeMessage::BT_PSTR, _rbuf+1, 19) == 0) {
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - This is legacy BitTorrent handshake.", _cuid);
} else {
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - This may be encrypted BitTorrent handshake.", _cuid);
void MSEHandshake::initEncryptionFacility(bool initiator)
delete _dh;
_dh = new DHKeyExchange();
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - DH initialized.", _cuid);
_initiator = initiator;
void MSEHandshake::sendPublicKey()
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - Sending public key.", _cuid);
unsigned char buffer[KEY_LENGTH+MAX_PAD_LENGTH];
_dh->getPublicKey(buffer, KEY_LENGTH);
size_t padLength = SimpleRandomizer::getInstance()->getRandomNumber(MAX_PAD_LENGTH+1);
_dh->generateNonce(buffer+KEY_LENGTH, padLength);
_socket->writeData(buffer, KEY_LENGTH+padLength);
bool MSEHandshake::receivePublicKey()
size_t r = KEY_LENGTH-_rbufLength;
if(r > receiveNBytes(r)) {
return false;
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - public key received.", _cuid);
// TODO handle exception. in catch, resbufLength = 0;
_dh->computeSecret(_secret, sizeof(_secret), _rbuf, _rbufLength);
// reset _rbufLength
_rbufLength = 0;
return true;
void MSEHandshake::initCipher(const unsigned char* infoHash)
memcpy(_infoHash, infoHash, INFO_HASH_LENGTH);
//Initialize cipher
unsigned char s[4+KEY_LENGTH+INFO_HASH_LENGTH];
memcpy(s, _initiator?"keyA":"keyB", 4);
memcpy(s+4, _secret, KEY_LENGTH);
memcpy(s+4+KEY_LENGTH, infoHash, INFO_HASH_LENGTH);
unsigned char localCipherKey[20];
MessageDigestHelper::digest(localCipherKey, sizeof(localCipherKey), "sha1",
s, sizeof(s));
_encryptor.reset(new ARC4Encryptor());
_encryptor->init(localCipherKey, sizeof(localCipherKey));
unsigned char peerCipherKey[20];
memcpy(s, _initiator?"keyB":"keyA", 4);
MessageDigestHelper::digest(peerCipherKey, sizeof(peerCipherKey), "sha1",
s, sizeof(s));
_decryptor.reset(new ARC4Decryptor());
_decryptor->init(peerCipherKey, sizeof(peerCipherKey));
// discard first 1024 bytes ARC4 output.
unsigned char from[1024];
unsigned char to[1024];
_encryptor->encrypt(to, 1024, from, 1024);
_decryptor->decrypt(to, 1024, from, 1024);
if(_initiator) {
ARC4Encryptor enc;
enc.init(peerCipherKey, sizeof(peerCipherKey));
// discard first 1024 bytes ARC4 output.
enc.encrypt(to, 1024, from, 1024);
enc.encrypt(_initiatorVCMarker, sizeof(_initiatorVCMarker), VC, sizeof(VC));
void MSEHandshake::encryptAndSendData(const unsigned char* data, size_t length)
unsigned char temp[4096];
const unsigned char* dptr = data;
size_t s;
size_t r = length;
while(r > 0) {
s = std::min(r, sizeof(temp));
_encryptor->encrypt(temp, s, dptr, s);
_socket->writeData(temp, s);
dptr += s;
r -= s;
void MSEHandshake::createReq1Hash(unsigned char* md) const
unsigned char buffer[100];
memcpy(buffer, "req1", 4);
memcpy(buffer+4, _secret, KEY_LENGTH);
MessageDigestHelper::digest(md, 20, "sha1", buffer, 4+KEY_LENGTH);
void MSEHandshake::createReq23Hash(unsigned char* md, const unsigned char* infoHash) const
unsigned char x[24];
memcpy(x, "req2", 4);
memcpy(x+4, infoHash, INFO_HASH_LENGTH);
unsigned char xh[20];
MessageDigestHelper::digest(xh, sizeof(xh), "sha1", x, sizeof(x));
unsigned char y[4+96];
memcpy(y, "req3", 4);
memcpy(y+4, _secret, KEY_LENGTH);
unsigned char yh[20];
MessageDigestHelper::digest(yh, sizeof(yh), "sha1", y, sizeof(y));
for(size_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
md[i] = xh[i]^yh[i];
uint16_t MSEHandshake::decodeLength16(const unsigned char* buffer)
uint16_t be;
_decryptor->decrypt(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&be),
buffer, sizeof(be));
return ntohs(be);
void MSEHandshake::sendInitiatorStep2()
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - Sending negotiation step2.", _cuid);
unsigned char md[20];
_socket->writeData(md, sizeof(md));
createReq23Hash(md, _infoHash);
_socket->writeData(md, sizeof(md));
unsigned char buffer[8+4+2+MAX_PAD_LENGTH+2];
// VC
memcpy(buffer, VC, sizeof(VC));
// crypto_provide
unsigned char cryptoProvide[4];
memset(cryptoProvide, 0, sizeof(cryptoProvide));
if(_option->get(PREF_BT_MIN_CRYPTO_LEVEL) == V_PLAIN) {
cryptoProvide[3] = CRYPTO_PLAIN_TEXT;
cryptoProvide[3] |= CRYPTO_ARC4;
memcpy(buffer+8, cryptoProvide, sizeof(cryptoProvide));
// len(padC)
uint16_t padCLength = SimpleRandomizer::getInstance()->getRandomNumber(MAX_PAD_LENGTH+1);
uint16_t padCLengthBE = htons(padCLength);
memcpy(buffer+8+4, &padCLengthBE, sizeof(padCLengthBE));
// padC
memset(buffer+8+4+2, 0, padCLength);
// len(IA)
// currently, IA is zero-length.
uint16_t iaLength = 0;
uint16_t iaLengthBE = htons(iaLength);
memcpy(buffer+8+4+2+padCLength, &iaLengthBE, sizeof(iaLengthBE));
encryptAndSendData(buffer, 8+4+2+padCLength+2);
// This function reads exactly until the end of VC marker is reached.
bool MSEHandshake::findInitiatorVCMarker()
// 616 is synchronization point of initiator
size_t r = 616-KEY_LENGTH-_rbufLength;
if(!_socket->isReadable(0)) {
return false;
_socket->peekData(_rbuf+_rbufLength, r);
if(r == 0) {
throw new DlAbortEx(EX_EOF_FROM_PEER);
// find vc
std::string buf(&_rbuf[0], &_rbuf[_rbufLength+r]);
std::string vc(&_initiatorVCMarker[0], &_initiatorVCMarker[VC_LENGTH]);
if((_markerIndex = buf.find(vc)) == std::string::npos) {
if(616-KEY_LENGTH <= _rbufLength+r) {
throw new DlAbortEx("Failed to find VC marker.");
} else {
_socket->readData(_rbuf+_rbufLength, r);
_rbufLength += r;
return false;
assert(_markerIndex+VC_LENGTH-_rbufLength <= r);
size_t toRead = _markerIndex+VC_LENGTH-_rbufLength;
_socket->readData(_rbuf+_rbufLength, toRead);
_rbufLength += toRead;
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - VC marker found at %u", _cuid, _markerIndex);
// reset _rbufLength
_rbufLength = 0;
return true;
bool MSEHandshake::receiveInitiatorCryptoSelectAndPadDLength()
size_t r = CRYPTO_BITFIELD_LENGTH+2/* PadD length*/-_rbufLength;
if(r > receiveNBytes(r)) {
return false;
unsigned char* rbufptr = _rbuf;
unsigned char cryptoSelect[CRYPTO_BITFIELD_LENGTH];
_decryptor->decrypt(cryptoSelect, sizeof(cryptoSelect),
rbufptr, sizeof(cryptoSelect));
if(cryptoSelect[3]&CRYPTO_PLAIN_TEXT &&
_option->get(PREF_BT_MIN_CRYPTO_LEVEL) == V_PLAIN) {
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - peer prefers plaintext.", _cuid);
_negotiatedCryptoType = CRYPTO_PLAIN_TEXT;
if(cryptoSelect[3]&CRYPTO_ARC4) {
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - peer prefers ARC4", _cuid);
_negotiatedCryptoType = CRYPTO_ARC4;
if(_negotiatedCryptoType == CRYPTO_NONE) {
throw new DlAbortEx("CUID#%d - No supported crypto type selected.", _cuid);
// padD length
_padLength = verifyPadLength(rbufptr, "PadD");
// reset _rbufLength
_rbufLength = 0;
return true;
bool MSEHandshake::receivePad()
if(_padLength == 0) {
return true;
size_t r = _padLength-_rbufLength;
if(r > receiveNBytes(r)) {
return false;
unsigned char temp[MAX_PAD_LENGTH];
_decryptor->decrypt(temp, _padLength, _rbuf, _padLength);
// reset _rbufLength
_rbufLength = 0;
return true;
bool MSEHandshake::findReceiverHashMarker()
// 628 is synchronization limit of receiver.
size_t r = 628-KEY_LENGTH-_rbufLength;
if(!_socket->isReadable(0)) {
return false;
_socket->peekData(_rbuf+_rbufLength, r);
if(r == 0) {
throw new DlAbortEx(EX_EOF_FROM_PEER);
// find hash('req1', S), S is _secret.
std::string buf(&_rbuf[0], &_rbuf[_rbufLength+r]);
unsigned char md[20];
std::string req1(&md[0], &md[sizeof(md)]);
if((_markerIndex = buf.find(req1)) == std::string::npos) {
if(628-KEY_LENGTH <= _rbufLength+r) {
throw new DlAbortEx("Failed to find hash marker.");
} else {
_socket->readData(_rbuf+_rbufLength, r);
_rbufLength += r;
return false;
assert(_markerIndex+20-_rbufLength <= r);
size_t toRead = _markerIndex+20-_rbufLength;
_socket->readData(_rbuf+_rbufLength, toRead);
_rbufLength += toRead;
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - Hash marker found at %u.", _cuid, _markerIndex);
// reset _rbufLength
_rbufLength = 0;
return true;
bool MSEHandshake::receiveReceiverHashAndPadCLength()
size_t r = 20+VC_LENGTH+CRYPTO_BITFIELD_LENGTH+2/*PadC length*/-_rbufLength;
if(r > receiveNBytes(r)) {
return false;
// resolve info hash
std::deque<SharedHandle<BtContext> > btContexts = BtRegistry::getAllBtContext();
// pointing to the position of HASH('req2', SKEY) xor HASH('req3', S)
unsigned char* rbufptr = _rbuf;
SharedHandle<BtContext> btContext;
for(std::deque<SharedHandle<BtContext> >::const_iterator i = btContexts.begin();
i != btContexts.end(); ++i) {
unsigned char md[20];
createReq23Hash(md, (*i)->getInfoHash());
if(memcmp(md, rbufptr, sizeof(md)) == 0) {
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - info hash found: %s", _cuid, (*i)->getInfoHashAsString().c_str());
btContext = *i;
if(btContext.isNull()) {
throw new DlAbortEx("Unknown info hash.");
// decrypt VC
rbufptr += 20;
// decrypt crypto_provide
rbufptr += VC_LENGTH;
unsigned char cryptoProvide[4];
_decryptor->decrypt(cryptoProvide, sizeof(cryptoProvide),
rbufptr, sizeof(cryptoProvide));
// TODO choose the crypto type based on the preference.
// For now, choose ARC4.
if(cryptoProvide[3]&CRYPTO_PLAIN_TEXT &&
_option->get(PREF_BT_MIN_CRYPTO_LEVEL) == V_PLAIN) {
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - peer provides plaintext.", _cuid);
_negotiatedCryptoType = CRYPTO_PLAIN_TEXT;
} else if(cryptoProvide[3]&CRYPTO_ARC4) {
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - peer provides ARC4.", _cuid);
_negotiatedCryptoType = CRYPTO_ARC4;
if(_negotiatedCryptoType == CRYPTO_NONE) {
throw new DlAbortEx("CUID#%d - No supported crypto type provided.", _cuid);
// decrypt PadC length
_padLength = verifyPadLength(rbufptr, "PadC");
// reset _rbufLength
_rbufLength = 0;
return true;
bool MSEHandshake::receiveReceiverIALength()
size_t r = 2-_rbufLength;
assert(r > 0);
if(r > receiveNBytes(r)) {
return false;
_iaLength = decodeLength16(_rbuf);
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - len(IA)=%u.", _cuid, _iaLength);
// reset _rbufLength
_rbufLength = 0;
return true;
bool MSEHandshake::receiveReceiverIA()
if(_iaLength == 0) {
return true;
size_t r = _iaLength-_rbufLength;
if(r > receiveNBytes(r)) {
return false;
delete [] _ia;
_ia = new unsigned char[_iaLength];
_decryptor->decrypt(_ia, _iaLength, _rbuf, _iaLength);
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - IA received.", _cuid);
// reset _rbufLength
_rbufLength = 0;
return true;
void MSEHandshake::sendReceiverStep2()
unsigned char buffer[8+4+2+MAX_PAD_LENGTH];
// VC
memcpy(buffer, VC, sizeof(VC));
// crypto_select
unsigned char cryptoSelect[4];
memset(cryptoSelect, 0, sizeof(cryptoSelect));
cryptoSelect[3] = _negotiatedCryptoType;
memcpy(buffer+8, cryptoSelect, sizeof(cryptoSelect));
// len(padD)
uint16_t padDLength = SimpleRandomizer::getInstance()->getRandomNumber(MAX_PAD_LENGTH+1);
uint16_t padDLengthBE = htons(padDLength);
memcpy(buffer+8+4, &padDLengthBE, sizeof(padDLengthBE));
// padD, all zeroed
memset(buffer+8+4+2, 0, padDLength);
encryptAndSendData(buffer, 8+4+2+padDLength);
uint16_t MSEHandshake::verifyPadLength(const unsigned char* padlenbuf, const std::string& padName)
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - Veryfying Pad length for %s", _cuid, padName.c_str());
uint16_t padLength = decodeLength16(padlenbuf);
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - len(%s)=%u", _cuid, padName.c_str(), padLength);
if(padLength > 512) {
throw new DlAbortEx("Too large %s length: %u", padName.c_str(), padLength);
return padLength;
void MSEHandshake::verifyVC(const unsigned char* vcbuf)
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - Veryfying VC.", _cuid);
unsigned char vc[VC_LENGTH];
_decryptor->decrypt(vc, sizeof(vc), vcbuf, sizeof(vc));
if(memcmp(VC, vc, sizeof(VC)) != 0) {
throw new DlAbortEx("Invalid VC: %s", Util::toHex(vc, VC_LENGTH).c_str());
void MSEHandshake::verifyReq1Hash(const unsigned char* req1buf)
_logger->debug("CUID#%d - Verifying req hash.", _cuid);
unsigned char md[20];
if(memcmp(md, req1buf, sizeof(md)) != 0) {
throw new DlAbortEx("Invalid req1 hash found.");
size_t MSEHandshake::receiveNBytes(size_t bytes)
size_t r = bytes;
if(r > 0) {
if(!_socket->isReadable(0)) {
return 0;
_socket->readData(_rbuf+_rbufLength, r);
if(r == 0) {
throw new DlAbortEx(EX_EOF_FROM_PEER);
_rbufLength += r;
return r;
const unsigned char* MSEHandshake::getIA() const
return _ia;
size_t MSEHandshake::getIALength() const
return _iaLength;
const unsigned char* MSEHandshake::getInfoHash() const
return _infoHash;
MSEHandshake::CRYPTO_TYPE MSEHandshake::getNegotiatedCryptoType() const
return _negotiatedCryptoType;
SharedHandle<ARC4Encryptor> MSEHandshake::getEncryptor() const
return _encryptor;
SharedHandle<ARC4Decryptor> MSEHandshake::getDecryptor() const
return _decryptor;
const unsigned char* MSEHandshake::getBuffer() const
return _rbuf;
size_t MSEHandshake::getBufferLength() const
return _rbufLength;
} // namespace aria2