2007-11-07 12:36:33 +00:00
/* <!-- copyright */
* aria2 - The high speed download utility
* Copyright (C) 2006 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
* file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
* version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
* do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
* files in the program, then also delete it here.
/* copyright --> */
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
#ifndef _D_A2_FUNCTIONAL_H_
#define _D_A2_FUNCTIONAL_H_
2007-11-07 12:36:33 +00:00
#include <functional>
#include "SharedHandle.h"
2008-04-25 17:44:03 +00:00
#include <string>
2007-11-07 12:36:33 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
namespace aria2 {
2007-11-07 12:36:33 +00:00
// mem_fun_t for SharedHandle
template <class ReturnType, typename ClassType>
class mem_fun_sh_t:public std::unary_function< SharedHandle<ClassType>, ReturnType>
ReturnType (ClassType::*f)();
mem_fun_sh_t(ReturnType (ClassType::*f)()):f(f) {}
ReturnType operator()(const SharedHandle<ClassType>& x) const
return (x.get()->*f)();
// const_mem_fun_t for SharedHandle
template <class ReturnType, typename ClassType>
class const_mem_fun_sh_t:public std::unary_function< SharedHandle<ClassType>, ReturnType>
ReturnType (ClassType::*f)() const;
const_mem_fun_sh_t(ReturnType (ClassType::*f)() const):f(f) {}
ReturnType operator()(const SharedHandle<ClassType>& x) const
return (x.get()->*f)();
template <class ReturnType, typename ClassType>
mem_fun_sh_t<ReturnType, ClassType>
mem_fun_sh(ReturnType (ClassType::*f)())
return mem_fun_sh_t<ReturnType, ClassType>(f);
template <class ReturnType, typename ClassType>
const_mem_fun_sh_t<ReturnType, ClassType>
mem_fun_sh(ReturnType (ClassType::*f)() const)
return const_mem_fun_sh_t<ReturnType, ClassType>(f);
template<class BinaryOp, class UnaryOp>
class adopt2nd_t:public std::binary_function<typename BinaryOp::first_argument_type,
typename UnaryOp::argument_type,
typename BinaryOp::result_type> {
BinaryOp _binaryOp;
UnaryOp _unaryOp;
adopt2nd_t(const BinaryOp& b, const UnaryOp& u):
_binaryOp(b), _unaryOp(u) {}
typename BinaryOp::result_type
operator()(const typename BinaryOp::first_argument_type& x,
const typename UnaryOp::argument_type& y)
return _binaryOp(x, _unaryOp(y));
template <class BinaryOp, class UnaryOp>
inline adopt2nd_t<BinaryOp, UnaryOp>
adopt2nd(const BinaryOp& binaryOp, const UnaryOp& unaryOp)
return adopt2nd_t<BinaryOp, UnaryOp>(binaryOp, unaryOp);
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
template<typename Pair>
class Ascend1st:public std::binary_function<Pair, Pair, bool>
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
bool operator()(const Pair& p1, const Pair& p2) const
return p1.first < p2.first;
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
template<typename Pair>
class select2nd
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
typename Pair::second_type operator()(const Pair& p) const
return p.second;
typename Pair::second_type operator()(Pair& p) const
return p.second;
2008-04-25 17:44:03 +00:00
class Concat {
std::string _delim;
Concat(const std::string& delim = ""):_delim(delim) {}
std::string operator()(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2) const
return s1+_delim+s2;
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
class Deleter {
template<class T>
void operator()(T* ptr) {
delete ptr;
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
} // namespace aria2
#endif // _D_A2_FUNCTIONAL_H_