
562 lines
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2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
/* <!-- copyright */
* aria2 - The high speed download utility
* Copyright (C) 2006 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
* file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
* version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
* do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
* files in the program, then also delete it here.
/* copyright --> */
#include "DefaultBtInteractive.h"
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
#include <cstring>
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
#include "prefs.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "BtHandshakeMessage.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "BtKeepAliveMessage.h"
#include "BtChokeMessage.h"
#include "BtUnchokeMessage.h"
#include "BtRequestMessage.h"
#include "BtPieceMessage.h"
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
#include "DlAbortEx.h"
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
#include "BtExtendedMessage.h"
#include "HandshakeExtensionMessage.h"
#include "UTPexExtensionMessage.h"
#include "DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h"
#include "ExtensionMessageRegistry.h"
#include "DHTNode.h"
#include "Peer.h"
#include "Piece.h"
2009-06-28 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Rewritten DownloadContext and removed SingleFileDownloadContext and BtContext and its derived classes. BitTorrent specific attributes are now set by DownloadContext::setAttribute() with key bittorrent::BITTORRENT. * src/ * src/AbstractBtMessage.h * src/ * src/AbstractCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BtPieceMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtAnnounce.h * src/ Removed * src/DefaultBtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/DownloadContext.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadResult.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FileEntry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HttpRequest.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/IteratableChecksumValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ Removed * src/SingleFileDownloadContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/Util.h * src/ * src/ * src/bittorrent_helper.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockBtContext.h: Removed * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/MockDownloadContext.h: Removed * test/MockPieceStorage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/
2009-06-28 10:37:15 +00:00
#include "DownloadContext.h"
#include "PieceStorage.h"
#include "PeerStorage.h"
#include "BtRuntime.h"
#include "BtMessageReceiver.h"
#include "BtMessageDispatcher.h"
#include "BtMessageFactory.h"
#include "BtRequestFactory.h"
#include "PeerConnection.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "LogFactory.h"
#include "StringFormat.h"
#include "RequestGroup.h"
#include "RequestGroupMan.h"
2009-06-28 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Rewritten DownloadContext and removed SingleFileDownloadContext and BtContext and its derived classes. BitTorrent specific attributes are now set by DownloadContext::setAttribute() with key bittorrent::BITTORRENT. * src/ * src/AbstractBtMessage.h * src/ * src/AbstractCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BtPieceMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtAnnounce.h * src/ Removed * src/DefaultBtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/DownloadContext.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadResult.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FileEntry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HttpRequest.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/IteratableChecksumValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ Removed * src/SingleFileDownloadContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/Util.h * src/ * src/ * src/bittorrent_helper.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockBtContext.h: Removed * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/MockDownloadContext.h: Removed * test/MockPieceStorage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/
2009-06-28 10:37:15 +00:00
#include "bittorrent_helper.h"
namespace aria2 {
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
2009-06-28 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Rewritten DownloadContext and removed SingleFileDownloadContext and BtContext and its derived classes. BitTorrent specific attributes are now set by DownloadContext::setAttribute() with key bittorrent::BITTORRENT. * src/ * src/AbstractBtMessage.h * src/ * src/AbstractCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BtPieceMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtAnnounce.h * src/ Removed * src/DefaultBtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/DownloadContext.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadResult.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FileEntry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HttpRequest.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/IteratableChecksumValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ Removed * src/SingleFileDownloadContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/Util.h * src/ * src/ * src/bittorrent_helper.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockBtContext.h: Removed * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/MockDownloadContext.h: Removed * test/MockPieceStorage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/
2009-06-28 10:37:15 +00:00
(const SharedHandle<DownloadContext>& downloadContext,
const SharedHandle<Peer>& peer)
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
2009-06-28 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Rewritten DownloadContext and removed SingleFileDownloadContext and BtContext and its derived classes. BitTorrent specific attributes are now set by DownloadContext::setAttribute() with key bittorrent::BITTORRENT. * src/ * src/AbstractBtMessage.h * src/ * src/AbstractCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BtPieceMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtAnnounce.h * src/ Removed * src/DefaultBtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/DownloadContext.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadResult.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FileEntry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HttpRequest.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/IteratableChecksumValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ Removed * src/SingleFileDownloadContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/Util.h * src/ * src/ * src/bittorrent_helper.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockBtContext.h: Removed * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/MockDownloadContext.h: Removed * test/MockPieceStorage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/
2009-06-28 10:37:15 +00:00
DefaultBtInteractive::~DefaultBtInteractive() {}
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::initiateHandshake() {
SharedHandle<BtMessage> message =
2009-06-28 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Rewritten DownloadContext and removed SingleFileDownloadContext and BtContext and its derived classes. BitTorrent specific attributes are now set by DownloadContext::setAttribute() with key bittorrent::BITTORRENT. * src/ * src/AbstractBtMessage.h * src/ * src/AbstractCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BtPieceMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtAnnounce.h * src/ Removed * src/DefaultBtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/DownloadContext.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadResult.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FileEntry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HttpRequest.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/IteratableChecksumValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ Removed * src/SingleFileDownloadContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/Util.h * src/ * src/ * src/bittorrent_helper.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockBtContext.h: Removed * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/MockDownloadContext.h: Removed * test/MockPieceStorage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/
2009-06-28 10:37:15 +00:00
(bittorrent::getInfoHash(_downloadContext), bittorrent::getStaticPeerId());
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
BtMessageHandle DefaultBtInteractive::receiveHandshake(bool quickReply) {
SharedHandle<BtHandshakeMessage> message =
if(message.isNull()) {
return SharedHandle<BtMessage>();
2009-06-28 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Rewritten DownloadContext and removed SingleFileDownloadContext and BtContext and its derived classes. BitTorrent specific attributes are now set by DownloadContext::setAttribute() with key bittorrent::BITTORRENT. * src/ * src/AbstractBtMessage.h * src/ * src/AbstractCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BtPieceMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtAnnounce.h * src/ Removed * src/DefaultBtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/DownloadContext.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadResult.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FileEntry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HttpRequest.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/IteratableChecksumValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ Removed * src/SingleFileDownloadContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/Util.h * src/ * src/ * src/bittorrent_helper.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockBtContext.h: Removed * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/MockDownloadContext.h: Removed * test/MockPieceStorage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/
2009-06-28 10:37:15 +00:00
if(memcmp(message->getPeerId(), bittorrent::getStaticPeerId(),
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
2009-05-18 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Added source filename(__FILE__) and line number(__LINE__) to exception message. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BDE.h * src/ * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DlAbortEx.h * src/DlRetryEx.h * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadFailureException.h * src/ * src/Exception.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FatalException.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/LibgcryptARC4Context.h * src/LibgcryptARC4Decryptor.h * src/LibgcryptARC4Encryptor.h * src/LibgcryptDHKeyExchange.h * src/ * src/LibsslARC4Context.h * src/LibsslARC4Decryptor.h * src/LibsslARC4Encryptor.h * src/LibsslDHKeyExchange.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/NameMatchOptionHandler.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/OptionHandlerException.h * src/OptionHandlerImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RecoverableException.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/messageDigest.h * test/ * test/
2009-05-18 15:07:15 +00:00
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
("CUID#%d - Drop connection from the same Peer ID", cuid).str());
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
if(message->isFastExtensionSupported()) {
logger->info(MSG_FAST_EXTENSION_ENABLED, cuid);
if(message->isExtendedMessagingEnabled()) {
if(!_utPexEnabled) {
if(message->isDHTEnabled()) {
logger->info(MSG_DHT_ENABLED_PEER, cuid);
logger->info(MSG_RECEIVE_PEER_MESSAGE, cuid,
peer->ipaddr.c_str(), peer->port,
return message;
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
BtMessageHandle DefaultBtInteractive::receiveAndSendHandshake() {
return receiveHandshake(true);
void DefaultBtInteractive::doPostHandshakeProcessing() {
// Set time 0 to haveCheckPoint to cache http/ftp download piece completion
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
if(peer->isExtendedMessagingEnabled()) {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
if(peer->isDHTEnabled() && _dhtEnabled) {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
2007-01-11 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To add RecoverableException, FatalException: * src/ (onAbort): Exception -> RecoverableException * src/PeerAbstractCommand.h (RecoverableException.h): New include. (onAbort): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ (onAbort): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ (execute): Exception -> RecoverableException. (onAbort): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ (execute): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ (execute): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ RecoverableException. * src/AbstractCommand.h (onAbort): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/DlRetryEx.h: Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/DlAbortEx.h: Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ Exception -> RecoverableException. To make ID static const int * src/BtInterestedMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtPieceMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtChokeMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtPortMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (id): Removed. (AbstractBtMessage): Removed id. (getId): Removed. * src/BtHaveMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtCancelMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtChokeMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtRejectMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtRequestMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtHaveMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. To add --force-truncate command-line option and a check whether the file already exists: * src/DirectDiskAdaptor.h (getFilePath): Made virtual public. * src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h (File.h): New include. (DiskWriterEntry::fileEntry): Made private. (DiskWriterEntry::fileExists): New function. (DiskWriterEntry::getFileEntry): New function. (fileExists): New function. (getFilePath): New function. * src/ (FatalException.h): New include. (message.h): New include. (RecoverableException.h): New include. (execute): Added a check whether file is already exists or not. * src/DiskAdaptor.h (fileExists): New function. (getFilePath): New function. * src/ (showUsage): Added an explanation of --force-truncate command-line option. (main): Added --force-truncate command-line option. * src/Exception.h (setMsg): buf[256] -> buf[1024] * src/CopyDiskWriter.h (getFilePath): Made public virtual. * src/ fileEntry -> getFileEntry() (fileExists): New function. * src/ (newTorrentConsoleEngine): Don't open file here. * src/message.h (EX_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS): New definition. * src/prefs.h (PREF_FOECE_TRUNCATE): New definition. * src/ (handleDefaultEncoding): Added a check whether the file already exists. * src/SegmentMan.h (fileExists): New function. (shouldCancelDownloadForSafety): New function. * src/ (recvSize): Added a check whether the file already exists. * src/ (File.h): New include. (fileExists): New function. * src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.h (getFilePath): Removed. (fileExists): New function. * src/ (fileExists): New function. (shouldCancelDownloadForSafety): New function. To fix regression bug in torrent downloading: * src/ (doChokedAction): New function. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (doChokedAction): New function. * src/ (doChokedAction): Do not delete request if its target is in allowed fast set. * src/ (doPostHandshakeProcessing): Added a call to sendPendingMessage(). (sendKeepAlive): Send keep alive message even if the outgoing message queue is not empty. (decideInterest): Simplified the code. (fillPiece): Remove a call to dispatcher->doChokedAction() because it is already called when BtChokeMessage is received from a peer. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (doChokedAction): New function. To clean up code: * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (executeInternal): Added virtual keyword explicitly. (prepareForRetry): Added virtual keyword explicitly. (prepareForNextPeer): Added virtual keyword explicitly. (onAbort): Added virtual keyword explicitly. * src/ (isTimeout): Use Time::elapsed() instead of differenceInMillis(). * src/ (doReceivedAction): Added a debug log of piece's bitfield. * src/Piece.h (getBitfieldLength): New function. * src/ (clear): Added buf = 0 to avoid double free corruption. * src/ (allocate): Fixed an assignment of fileAllocationMonitor->currentValue. Added cp.reset(). * src/BitfieldMan.h (operator=): Rewritten. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Initialized bitfield, useBitfield. * src/ (receiveMessage): Added a call to socket->readable() after getting message length to avoid possible EOF. * src/ (torrentUrlencode): Fixed an encodeing bug. BUG#1629912
2007-01-11 16:32:31 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::addPortMessageToQueue()
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::addHandshakeExtendedMessageToQueue()
static const std::string CLIENT_ARIA2("aria2/"PACKAGE_VERSION);
HandshakeExtensionMessageHandle m(new HandshakeExtensionMessage());
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
SharedHandle<BtMessage> msg = messageFactory->createBtExtendedMessage(m);
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::addBitfieldMessageToQueue() {
if(peer->isFastExtensionEnabled()) {
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage->allDownloadFinished()) {
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
} else if(_pieceStorage->getCompletedLength() > 0) {
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
} else {
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
} else {
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage->getCompletedLength() > 0) {
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::addAllowedFastMessageToQueue() {
if(peer->isFastExtensionEnabled()) {
2009-06-28 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Rewritten DownloadContext and removed SingleFileDownloadContext and BtContext and its derived classes. BitTorrent specific attributes are now set by DownloadContext::setAttribute() with key bittorrent::BITTORRENT. * src/ * src/AbstractBtMessage.h * src/ * src/AbstractCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BtPieceMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtAnnounce.h * src/ Removed * src/DefaultBtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/DownloadContext.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadResult.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FileEntry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HttpRequest.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/IteratableChecksumValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ Removed * src/SingleFileDownloadContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/Util.h * src/ * src/ * src/bittorrent_helper.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockBtContext.h: Removed * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/MockDownloadContext.h: Removed * test/MockPieceStorage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/
2009-06-28 10:37:15 +00:00
std::vector<size_t> fastSet;
bittorrent::computeFastSet(fastSet, peer->ipaddr,
for(std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator itr = fastSet.begin();
itr != fastSet.end(); ++itr) {
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::decideChoking() {
if(peer->shouldBeChoking()) {
2008-02-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Extract the Peer class's member variables, which are only needed after PeerInteractionCommand, into PeerSessionResource class. This class is instantiated in PeerInteractionCommand class's ctor and released in its dtor. This will make Peer class lightweight and uses less memory for peers which are not connected and wait in the queue. * src/ * src/PeerSessionResource.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Note: 0 is given to onAbort() function. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed typedef PeerStats. * src/PeerStat.h * src/
2008-02-09 17:14:40 +00:00
if(!peer->amChoking()) {
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
} else {
2008-02-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Extract the Peer class's member variables, which are only needed after PeerInteractionCommand, into PeerSessionResource class. This class is instantiated in PeerInteractionCommand class's ctor and released in its dtor. This will make Peer class lightweight and uses less memory for peers which are not connected and wait in the queue. * src/ * src/PeerSessionResource.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Note: 0 is given to onAbort() function. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed typedef PeerStats. * src/PeerStat.h * src/
2008-02-09 17:14:40 +00:00
if(peer->amChoking()) {
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::checkHave() {
std::deque<size_t> indexes;
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
_pieceStorage->getAdvertisedPieceIndexes(indexes, cuid, haveCheckPoint);
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
if(indexes.size() >= 20) {
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
if(peer->isFastExtensionEnabled() && _pieceStorage->allDownloadFinished()) {
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
} else {
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
} else {
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
for(std::deque<size_t>::iterator itr = indexes.begin();
itr != indexes.end(); ++itr) {
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::sendKeepAlive() {
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
if(keepAliveCheckPoint.elapsed(keepAliveInterval)) {
2007-01-11 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To add RecoverableException, FatalException: * src/ (onAbort): Exception -> RecoverableException * src/PeerAbstractCommand.h (RecoverableException.h): New include. (onAbort): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ (onAbort): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ (execute): Exception -> RecoverableException. (onAbort): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ (execute): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ (execute): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ RecoverableException. * src/AbstractCommand.h (onAbort): Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/DlRetryEx.h: Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/DlAbortEx.h: Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ Exception -> RecoverableException. * src/ Exception -> RecoverableException. To make ID static const int * src/BtInterestedMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtPieceMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtChokeMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtPortMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (id): Removed. (AbstractBtMessage): Removed id. (getId): Removed. * src/BtHaveMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtCancelMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtChokeMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtRejectMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtRequestMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. * src/BtHaveMessage.h (ID_t): Removed. (ID): New variable. (getId): Made non-const. To add --force-truncate command-line option and a check whether the file already exists: * src/DirectDiskAdaptor.h (getFilePath): Made virtual public. * src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h (File.h): New include. (DiskWriterEntry::fileEntry): Made private. (DiskWriterEntry::fileExists): New function. (DiskWriterEntry::getFileEntry): New function. (fileExists): New function. (getFilePath): New function. * src/ (FatalException.h): New include. (message.h): New include. (RecoverableException.h): New include. (execute): Added a check whether file is already exists or not. * src/DiskAdaptor.h (fileExists): New function. (getFilePath): New function. * src/ (showUsage): Added an explanation of --force-truncate command-line option. (main): Added --force-truncate command-line option. * src/Exception.h (setMsg): buf[256] -> buf[1024] * src/CopyDiskWriter.h (getFilePath): Made public virtual. * src/ fileEntry -> getFileEntry() (fileExists): New function. * src/ (newTorrentConsoleEngine): Don't open file here. * src/message.h (EX_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS): New definition. * src/prefs.h (PREF_FOECE_TRUNCATE): New definition. * src/ (handleDefaultEncoding): Added a check whether the file already exists. * src/SegmentMan.h (fileExists): New function. (shouldCancelDownloadForSafety): New function. * src/ (recvSize): Added a check whether the file already exists. * src/ (File.h): New include. (fileExists): New function. * src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.h (getFilePath): Removed. (fileExists): New function. * src/ (fileExists): New function. (shouldCancelDownloadForSafety): New function. To fix regression bug in torrent downloading: * src/ (doChokedAction): New function. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (doChokedAction): New function. * src/ (doChokedAction): Do not delete request if its target is in allowed fast set. * src/ (doPostHandshakeProcessing): Added a call to sendPendingMessage(). (sendKeepAlive): Send keep alive message even if the outgoing message queue is not empty. (decideInterest): Simplified the code. (fillPiece): Remove a call to dispatcher->doChokedAction() because it is already called when BtChokeMessage is received from a peer. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (doChokedAction): New function. To clean up code: * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (executeInternal): Added virtual keyword explicitly. (prepareForRetry): Added virtual keyword explicitly. (prepareForNextPeer): Added virtual keyword explicitly. (onAbort): Added virtual keyword explicitly. * src/ (isTimeout): Use Time::elapsed() instead of differenceInMillis(). * src/ (doReceivedAction): Added a debug log of piece's bitfield. * src/Piece.h (getBitfieldLength): New function. * src/ (clear): Added buf = 0 to avoid double free corruption. * src/ (allocate): Fixed an assignment of fileAllocationMonitor->currentValue. Added cp.reset(). * src/BitfieldMan.h (operator=): Rewritten. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Initialized bitfield, useBitfield. * src/ (receiveMessage): Added a call to socket->readable() after getting message length to avoid possible EOF. * src/ (torrentUrlencode): Fixed an encodeing bug. BUG#1629912
2007-01-11 16:32:31 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
size_t DefaultBtInteractive::receiveMessages() {
size_t msgcount = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
if(_requestGroupMan->doesOverallDownloadSpeedExceed() ||
2009-06-28 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Rewritten DownloadContext and removed SingleFileDownloadContext and BtContext and its derived classes. BitTorrent specific attributes are now set by DownloadContext::setAttribute() with key bittorrent::BITTORRENT. * src/ * src/AbstractBtMessage.h * src/ * src/AbstractCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BtPieceMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtAnnounce.h * src/ Removed * src/DefaultBtContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/DownloadContext.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadResult.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FileEntry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/HttpRequest.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/IteratableChecksumValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/MultiDiskAdaptor.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ Removed * src/SingleFileDownloadContext.h: Removed * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/Util.h * src/ * src/ * src/bittorrent_helper.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockBtContext.h: Removed * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/MockDownloadContext.h: Removed * test/MockPieceStorage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed * test/ * test/
2009-06-28 10:37:15 +00:00
_downloadContext->getOwnerRequestGroup()->doesDownloadSpeedExceed()) {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
BtMessageHandle message = btMessageReceiver->receiveMessage();
if(message.isNull()) {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
logger->info(MSG_RECEIVE_PEER_MESSAGE, cuid,
peer->ipaddr.c_str(), peer->port,
switch(message->getId()) {
case BtKeepAliveMessage::ID:
case BtChokeMessage::ID:
2008-02-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Extract the Peer class's member variables, which are only needed after PeerInteractionCommand, into PeerSessionResource class. This class is instantiated in PeerInteractionCommand class's ctor and released in its dtor. This will make Peer class lightweight and uses less memory for peers which are not connected and wait in the queue. * src/ * src/PeerSessionResource.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Note: 0 is given to onAbort() function. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed typedef PeerStats. * src/PeerStat.h * src/
2008-02-09 17:14:40 +00:00
if(!peer->peerChoking()) {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
case BtUnchokeMessage::ID:
2008-02-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Extract the Peer class's member variables, which are only needed after PeerInteractionCommand, into PeerSessionResource class. This class is instantiated in PeerInteractionCommand class's ctor and released in its dtor. This will make Peer class lightweight and uses less memory for peers which are not connected and wait in the queue. * src/ * src/PeerSessionResource.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Note: 0 is given to onAbort() function. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed typedef PeerStats. * src/PeerStat.h * src/
2008-02-09 17:14:40 +00:00
if(peer->peerChoking()) {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
case BtPieceMessage::ID:
// pass through
case BtRequestMessage::ID:
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
return msgcount;
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::decideInterest() {
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage->hasMissingPiece(peer)) {
2008-02-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Extract the Peer class's member variables, which are only needed after PeerInteractionCommand, into PeerSessionResource class. This class is instantiated in PeerInteractionCommand class's ctor and released in its dtor. This will make Peer class lightweight and uses less memory for peers which are not connected and wait in the queue. * src/ * src/PeerSessionResource.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Note: 0 is given to onAbort() function. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed typedef PeerStats. * src/PeerStat.h * src/
2008-02-09 17:14:40 +00:00
if(!peer->amInterested()) {
logger->debug(MSG_PEER_INTERESTED, cuid);
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
} else {
2008-02-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Extract the Peer class's member variables, which are only needed after PeerInteractionCommand, into PeerSessionResource class. This class is instantiated in PeerInteractionCommand class's ctor and released in its dtor. This will make Peer class lightweight and uses less memory for peers which are not connected and wait in the queue. * src/ * src/PeerSessionResource.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Note: 0 is given to onAbort() function. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed typedef PeerStats. * src/PeerStat.h * src/
2008-02-09 17:14:40 +00:00
if(peer->amInterested()) {
logger->debug(MSG_PEER_NOT_INTERESTED, cuid);
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
2007-01-16 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> To decrease CPU usage in bittorrent download, calculation results in BitfieldMan were cached and realtime fetching PeerObject was removed with WeakHandle introduced. Option values are set to the objects by setter before download begins. * src/ Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (messageFactory): New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (sendMessages): Use maxUploadSpeedLimit instead of fetching the value from Option. (checkRequestSlotAndDoNecessaryThing): Use requestTimeout instead of feating the value from Option. Use messageFactory member. * src/ (PeerInteractionCommand): Added maxDownloadSpeedLimit. Add reverse dependencies to factory object. Set maxUploadSpeedLimit and requestTimeout and messageFactory to dispatcher. Set messageFactory to receiver. Set keepAliveInterval and maxDownloadSpeedLimit and messageFactory to btInteractive. Set receiver to peerObject. Set maxDownloadSpeedLimit to this. (executeInternal): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher, requestFactory member. (onSendComplete): Use dispatcher member. * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (getPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/ (initiateHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (addBitfieldMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (addAllowedFastMessageToQueue): Use messageFactory member. (decideChoking): Use messageFactory member. (checkHave): Use messageFactory member. (sendKeepAlive): Use keepAliveInterval, messageFactory member. (receiveMessages): Use maxDownloadSpeedLimit member. (decideInterest): Use messageFactory member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (onQueued): Use dispatcher member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. (send): Use peerConnection member. (onWrongPiece): Use requestFactory member. (handleChokingEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. (handleCancelSendingPieceEvent): Use messageFactory, dispatcher member. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h (BtMessageDispatcherWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (send): Use peerConnection member. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h (Option.h): Removed include. (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (maxUploadSpeedLimit): New variable. (requestTimeout): New variable. (DefaultBtMessageDispatcher): Removed option. Added maxUploadSpeedLimit, requestTimeout. (setOption): Removed. (getOption): Removed. (setMaxUploadSpeedLimit): New function. (setRequestTimeout): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h (btMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (dispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (btRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (peerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (messageFactory): New variable. (option): Removed. (keepAliveInterval): New variable. (maxDownloadSpeedLimit): New variable. (DefaultBtInteractive): Added keepAliveInterval, maxDownloadSpeedLimit. (setBtMessageReceiver): BtMessageReceiverHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setDispatcher): BtMessageDispatcherHandle -> BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle (setBtRequestFactory): BtRequestFactoryHandle -> BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle (setPeerConnection): PeerConnectionHandle -> PeerConnectionWeakHandle (setOption): Removed. (setKeepAliveInterval): New function. (setMaxDownloadSpeedLimit): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. * src/BitfieldMan.h (cachedNumMissingBlock): New variable. (cachedNumFilteredBlock): New variable. (cachedCompletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredComletedLength): New variable. (cachedFilteredTotalLength): New variable. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h (BtMessageDispatcher.h): New include. (PeerConnection.h): New include. (BtRequestFactory.h): New include (BtMessageFactory.h): New include. (dispatcher): New variable. (messageFactory): New variable. (peerConnection: New variable. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. (setBtMessageFactory): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. * src/ (setCommonProperty): Set dispatcher, requestFactory, this, peerConnection to msg. * src/BtRegistry.h (BT_MESSAGE_RECEIVER): New macro. * src/PeerConnection.h (PeerConnectionWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/BtMessageFactory.h (BtMessageFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (BitfieldMan): Added cachedNumMissingBlock, cachedNumFilteredBlock, cachedCompletedLength, cachedFilteredComletedLength, cachedFilteredTotalLength. Call updateCache(). (countMissingBlock): Return cachedNumMissingBlock. (countMissingBlockNow): New function. (countBlock): Return cachedNumFilteredBlock if filterEnabled is true. (countFilteredBlockNow): New function. (setBit): Call updateCache(). (unsetBit): Call updateCache(). (setBitfield): Call updateCache(). (clearAllBit): Call updateCache(). (setAllBit): Use setBitInternal instead of setBit. Call updateCache(). (addFilter): Call updateCache(). (enableFilter): Call updateCache(). (disableFilter): Call updateCache(). (clearFilter): Call updateCache(). (getFilteredTotalLength): Return cachedFilteredTotalLength. (getFilteredTotalLengthNow): New function. (getCompletedLength): Return cachedCompletedLength. (getCompletedLengthNow): New function. (getFilteredCompletedLength): Return cachedFilteredComletedLength. (getFilteredCompletedLengthNow): New function. (updateCache): New function. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h (BtMessageReceiverWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/ (receiveHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (sendHandshake): Use messageFactory member. (receiveMessage): Use messageFactory member. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h (dispatcher): New variable. (requestFactory): New variable. (peerConnection): New variablle. (setBtMessageDispatcher): New function. (setBtRequestFactory): New function. (setPeerConnection): New function. * src/SharedHandle.h (RefCount): New class. (WeakHandle): New class. * src/PeerObject.h (BtMessageReceiver.h): New include. (PeerObject): Added btMessageReceiver. (btMessageReceiver): New variable. * src/ (countBit): Simplified. * src/ (doReceivedAction): Use dispatcher member. * src/BtRequestFactory.h (BtRequestFactoryWeakHandle): New type definition. * src/PeerStorage.h (downloadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (uploadSpeed): int -> uint32_t (sessionDownloadLength): long long int -> uint64_t (sessionUploadLength): long long int -> uint64_t
2007-01-16 15:20:26 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::fillPiece(size_t maxMissingBlock) {
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage->hasMissingPiece(peer)) {
size_t numMissingBlock = btRequestFactory->countMissingBlock();
2008-02-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Extract the Peer class's member variables, which are only needed after PeerInteractionCommand, into PeerSessionResource class. This class is instantiated in PeerInteractionCommand class's ctor and released in its dtor. This will make Peer class lightweight and uses less memory for peers which are not connected and wait in the queue. * src/ * src/PeerSessionResource.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Note: 0 is given to onAbort() function. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ Removed typedef PeerStats. * src/PeerStat.h * src/
2008-02-09 17:14:40 +00:00
if(peer->peerChoking()) {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
if(peer->isFastExtensionEnabled()) {
std::deque<size_t> excludedIndexes;
while(numMissingBlock < maxMissingBlock) {
SharedHandle<Piece> piece =
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
_pieceStorage->getMissingFastPiece(peer, excludedIndexes);
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
if(piece.isNull()) {
} else {
numMissingBlock += piece->countMissingBlock();
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
} else {
std::deque<size_t> excludedIndexes;
while(numMissingBlock < maxMissingBlock) {
SharedHandle<Piece> piece =
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
_pieceStorage->getMissingPiece(peer, excludedIndexes);
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
if(piece.isNull()) {
} else {
numMissingBlock += piece->countMissingBlock();
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::addRequests() {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
if(peer->getLatency() < 500) {
} else if(peer->getLatency() < 1500) {
} else {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
size_t reqNumToCreate =
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
MAX_PENDING_REQUEST <= dispatcher->countOutstandingRequest() ?
0 : MAX_PENDING_REQUEST-dispatcher->countOutstandingRequest();
if(reqNumToCreate > 0) {
BtMessages requests;
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage->isEndGame()) {
btRequestFactory->createRequestMessagesOnEndGame(requests, reqNumToCreate);
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
} else {
btRequestFactory->createRequestMessages(requests, reqNumToCreate);
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::cancelAllPiece() {
void DefaultBtInteractive::sendPendingMessage() {
void DefaultBtInteractive::detectMessageFlooding() {
if(floodingCheckPoint.elapsed(FLOODING_CHECK_INTERVAL)) {
if(floodingStat.getChokeUnchokeCount() >= 2 ||
floodingStat.getKeepAliveCount() >= 2) {
2009-05-18 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Added source filename(__FILE__) and line number(__LINE__) to exception message. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BDE.h * src/ * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DlAbortEx.h * src/DlRetryEx.h * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadFailureException.h * src/ * src/Exception.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FatalException.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/LibgcryptARC4Context.h * src/LibgcryptARC4Decryptor.h * src/LibgcryptARC4Encryptor.h * src/LibgcryptDHKeyExchange.h * src/ * src/LibsslARC4Context.h * src/LibsslARC4Decryptor.h * src/LibsslARC4Encryptor.h * src/LibsslDHKeyExchange.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/NameMatchOptionHandler.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/OptionHandlerException.h * src/OptionHandlerImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RecoverableException.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/messageDigest.h * test/ * test/
2009-05-18 15:07:15 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
} else {
void DefaultBtInteractive::checkActiveInteraction()
// To allow aria2 to accept mutially interested peer, disconnect unintersted
// peer.
const time_t interval = 30;
if(!peer->amInterested() && !peer->peerInterested() &&
inactiveCheckPoint.elapsed(interval)) {
// TODO change the message
2009-05-18 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Added source filename(__FILE__) and line number(__LINE__) to exception message. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BDE.h * src/ * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DlAbortEx.h * src/DlRetryEx.h * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadFailureException.h * src/ * src/Exception.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FatalException.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/LibgcryptARC4Context.h * src/LibgcryptARC4Decryptor.h * src/LibgcryptARC4Encryptor.h * src/LibgcryptDHKeyExchange.h * src/ * src/LibsslARC4Context.h * src/LibsslARC4Decryptor.h * src/LibsslARC4Encryptor.h * src/LibsslDHKeyExchange.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/NameMatchOptionHandler.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/OptionHandlerException.h * src/OptionHandlerImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RecoverableException.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/messageDigest.h * test/ * test/
2009-05-18 15:07:15 +00:00
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
(StringFormat("Disconnect peer because we are not interested each other"
" after %u second(s).", interval).str());
// Since the peers which are *just* connected and do nothing to improve
// mutual download progress are completely waste of resources, those peers
// are disconnected in a certain time period.
const time_t interval = 60;
if(inactiveCheckPoint.elapsed(interval)) {
2009-05-18 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> Added source filename(__FILE__) and line number(__LINE__) to exception message. * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/BDE.h * src/ * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DlAbortEx.h * src/DlRetryEx.h * src/ * src/ * src/DownloadFailureException.h * src/ * src/Exception.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/FatalException.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/LibgcryptARC4Context.h * src/LibgcryptARC4Decryptor.h * src/LibgcryptARC4Encryptor.h * src/LibgcryptDHKeyExchange.h * src/ * src/LibsslARC4Context.h * src/LibsslARC4Decryptor.h * src/LibsslARC4Encryptor.h * src/LibsslDHKeyExchange.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/NameMatchOptionHandler.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/OptionHandlerException.h * src/OptionHandlerImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/RecoverableException.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/messageDigest.h * test/ * test/
2009-05-18 15:07:15 +00:00
(StringFormat(EX_DROP_INACTIVE_CONNECTION, interval).str());
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::addPeerExchangeMessage()
if(_pexCheckPoint.elapsed(UTPexExtensionMessage::DEFAULT_INTERVAL)) {
UTPexExtensionMessageHandle m
(new UTPexExtensionMessage(peer->getExtensionMessageID("ut_pex")));
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
const Peers& peers = _peerStorage->getPeers();
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
for(std::deque<SharedHandle<Peer> >::const_iterator i =
peers.begin(); i != peers.end() && !m->freshPeersAreFull(); ++i) {
if(peer->ipaddr != (*i)->ipaddr) {
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
for(std::deque<SharedHandle<Peer> >::const_reverse_iterator i =
peers.rbegin(); i != peers.rend() && !m->droppedPeersAreFull();
++i) {
if(peer->ipaddr != (*i)->ipaddr) {
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
BtMessageHandle msg = messageFactory->createBtExtendedMessage(m);
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::doInteractionProcessing() {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
if(_perSecCheckPoint.elapsed(1)) {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
_numReceivedMessage = receiveMessages();
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
if(!_pieceStorage->downloadFinished()) {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
2007-12-22 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Added uTorrent compatible Peer Exchange. * src/BencodeVisitor.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtConstants.h * src/BtContext.h: Added 'private' flag. * src/BtExtendedMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/BtHandshakeMessage.{h, cc}: Set extended messaging bit in reserved field. * test/ * src/BtMessageFactory.h * src/BtRegistry.h * src/BtRuntime.h: This class holds default extension message IDs for aria2. By default, aria2 uses ID 8 for ut_pex. * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.{h, cc}: This class holds _utPexEnabled. When it is true, aria2 enables ut_pex. This value is set by PeerInteractionCommand. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Moved the code of fast extension handling to DefaultBtInteractive class. * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.{h, cc} * test/ * src/ Returns false if a peer is already in the container(peers and incomingPeers. The equality is determined by Peer::id). * test/ * src/ExtensionMessage.h * test/MockExtensionMessage.h * src/ExtensionMessageFactory.h * test/MockExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/HandshakeExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/MetaEntry.h * src/Peer.{h, cc} * src/ * src/ Evaluate the return value of addIncomingPeer. * src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc} * src/PeerObject.h * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.{h, cc} * test/ * src/message.h * src/prefs.h Fixed the bug that returns incomplete data when it contains null character. A convenient constructor was also added. * src/Data.{h, cc} Rewritten. * src/ Fixed typos. * src/message.h * src/
2007-12-22 03:57:55 +00:00
if(peer->getExtensionMessageID("ut_pex") && _utPexEnabled) {
2006-12-24 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Rewritten a portion of bittorrent implementation: * src/BtMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessageValidator.h: New class. * src/BtEventListener.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtEventListener.h: New class. * src/BtEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokingEvent.h: New class. * src/BtChokedEvent.h: New class. * src/BtCancelSendingPieceEvent.h: New class. * src/BtAbortOutstandingRequestEvent.h: New class. * src/Randomizer.h: New class. * src/SimpleRandomizer.h: New class. * src/BtMessage.h: New class. * src/AbstractBtMessage.h: New class. * src/SimpleBtMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtAllowedFastMessage.h: New class. * src/BtUnchokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtCancelMessage.h: New class. * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h: New class. * src/BtChokeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveNoneMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHandshakeMessage.h: New class. * src/BtSuggestPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPieceMessage.h: New class. * src/BtHaveAllMessage.h: New class. * src/BtKeepAliveMessage.h: New class. * src/BtPortMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRejectMessage.h: New class. * src/BtBitfieldMessage.h: New class. * src/BtRequestMessage.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/BtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h: New class. * src/BitfieldManFactory.h: New class. * src/HandleRegistry.h: New class. * src/BtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/BtMessageReceiver.h: New class. * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h: New class. * src/PeerObject.h: New class. * src/BtRequestFactory.h: New class.
2006-12-24 06:25:21 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::setLocalNode(const WeakHandle<DHTNode>& node)
_localNode = node;
size_t DefaultBtInteractive::countPendingMessage()
return dispatcher->countMessageInQueue();
bool DefaultBtInteractive::isSendingMessageInProgress()
return dispatcher->isSendingInProgress();
size_t DefaultBtInteractive::countReceivedMessageInIteration() const
return _numReceivedMessage;
size_t DefaultBtInteractive::countOutstandingRequest()
return dispatcher->countOutstandingRequest();
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::setBtRuntime
(const SharedHandle<BtRuntime>& btRuntime)
_btRuntime = btRuntime;
void DefaultBtInteractive::setPieceStorage
(const SharedHandle<PieceStorage>& pieceStorage)
_pieceStorage = pieceStorage;
void DefaultBtInteractive::setPeerStorage
(const SharedHandle<PeerStorage>& peerStorage)
_peerStorage = peerStorage;
void DefaultBtInteractive::setPeer(const SharedHandle<Peer>& peer)
this->peer = peer;
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::setBtMessageReceiver
(const SharedHandle<BtMessageReceiver>& receiver)
this->btMessageReceiver = receiver;
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::setDispatcher
(const SharedHandle<BtMessageDispatcher>& dispatcher)
this->dispatcher = dispatcher;
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::setBtRequestFactory
(const SharedHandle<BtRequestFactory>& factory)
this->btRequestFactory = factory;
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::setPeerConnection
(const SharedHandle<PeerConnection>& peerConnection)
this->peerConnection = peerConnection;
2008-11-03 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> Made BtRegistry non-static object. Now DownloadEngine has a reference to its object. * src/ * src/ * src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/BtContextAwareCommand.h * src/ * src/BtExtendedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtNotInterestedMessage.h * src/ * src/BtRegistry.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/DHTGetPeersCommand.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceEntry.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h * src/ * src/DHTPeerLookupTask.h * src/ * src/DHTSetup.h * src/DHTTaskFactory.h * src/ * src/DHTTaskFactoryImpl.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtInteractive.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageDispatcher.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/ * src/DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h * src/ * src/DefaultBtRequestFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultExtensionMessageFactory.h * src/ * src/DefaultPeerStorage.h * src/ * src/DownloadEngine.h * src/ * src/InitiatorMSEHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/MSEHandshake.h * src/ * src/ * src/ * src/PeerChokeCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInitiateConnectionCommand.h * src/ * src/PeerInteractionCommand.h * src/PeerObject.h * src/ * src/PeerReceiveHandshakeCommand.h * src/ * src/ * src/RequestGroup.h * src/ * src/RequestGroupMan.h * src/ * src/SeedCheckCommand.h * src/ShareRatioSeedCriteria.h * src/ * src/ * src/TrackerWatcherCommand.h * src/ * src/UTPexExtensionMessage.h * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/ * test/MockDHTTaskFactory.h * test/ * test/
2008-11-03 06:49:02 +00:00
void DefaultBtInteractive::setExtensionMessageFactory
(const SharedHandle<ExtensionMessageFactory>& factory)
_extensionMessageFactory = factory;
void DefaultBtInteractive::setBtMessageFactory
(const SharedHandle<BtMessageFactory>& factory)
this->messageFactory = factory;
void DefaultBtInteractive::setRequestGroupMan
(const WeakHandle<RequestGroupMan>& rgman)
_requestGroupMan = rgman;
} // namespace aria2