mirror of https://github.com/caronc/apprise
3306 lines
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3306 lines
107 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron <lead2gold@gmail.com>
# All rights reserved.
# This code is licensed under the MIT License.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
from apprise import plugins
from apprise import NotifyType
from apprise import NotifyBase
from apprise import Apprise
from apprise import AppriseAsset
from apprise.utils import compat_is_basestring
from apprise.common import NotifyFormat
from apprise.common import OverflowMode
from json import dumps
from random import choice
from string import ascii_uppercase as str_alpha
from string import digits as str_num
import requests
import mock
# Some exception handling we'll use
0, 'requests.ConnectionError() not handled'),
0, 'requests.RequestException() not handled'),
0, 'requests.HTTPError() not handled'),
0, 'requests.ReadTimeout() not handled'),
0, 'requests.TooManyRedirects() not handled'),
# NotifyBoxcar
('boxcar://', {
'instance': None,
# No secret specified
('boxcar://%s' % ('a' * 64), {
'instance': None,
# An invalid access and secret key specified
('boxcar://access.key/secret.key/', {
# Thrown because there were no recipients specified
'instance': TypeError,
# Provide both an access and a secret
('boxcar://%s/%s' % ('a' * 64, 'b' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyBoxcar,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.created,
# Test without image set
('boxcar://%s/%s' % ('a' * 64, 'b' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyBoxcar,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.created,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
# our access, secret and device are all 64 characters
# which is what we're doing here
('boxcar://%s/%s/@tag1/tag2///%s/' % (
'a' * 64, 'b' * 64, 'd' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyBoxcar,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.created,
# An invalid tag
('boxcar://%s/%s/@%s' % ('a' * 64, 'b' * 64, 't' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyBoxcar,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.created,
('boxcar://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('boxcar://%s/%s/' % ('a' * 64, 'b' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyBoxcar,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('boxcar://%s/%s/' % ('a' * 64, 'b' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyBoxcar,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('boxcar://%s/%s/' % ('a' * 64, 'b' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyBoxcar,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyDiscord
('discord://', {
'instance': None,
# No webhook_token specified
('discord://%s' % ('i' * 24), {
'instance': TypeError,
# Provide both an webhook id and a webhook token
('discord://%s/%s' % ('i' * 24, 't' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyDiscord,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.no_content,
# Provide a temporary username
('discord://l2g@%s/%s' % ('i' * 24, 't' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyDiscord,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.no_content,
# Enable other options
('discord://%s/%s?format=markdown&footer=Yes&thumbnail=Yes' % (
'i' * 24, 't' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyDiscord,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.no_content,
('discord://%s/%s?format=markdown&avatar=No&footer=No' % (
'i' * 24, 't' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyDiscord,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.no_content,
# different format support
('discord://%s/%s?format=markdown' % ('i' * 24, 't' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyDiscord,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.no_content,
('discord://%s/%s?format=text' % ('i' * 24, 't' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyDiscord,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.no_content,
# Test without image set
('discord://%s/%s' % ('i' * 24, 't' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyDiscord,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.no_content,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
# An invalid url
('discord://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('discord://%s/%s/' % ('a' * 24, 'b' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyDiscord,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('discord://%s/%s/' % ('a' * 24, 'b' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyDiscord,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('discord://%s/%s/' % ('a' * 24, 'b' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyDiscord,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyEmby
# Insecure Request; no hostname specified
('emby://', {
'instance': None,
# Secure Emby Request; no hostname specified
('embys://', {
'instance': None,
# No user specified
('emby://localhost', {
# Missing a username
'instance': TypeError,
('emby://:@/', {
'instance': None,
# Valid Authentication
('emby://l2g@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyEmby,
# our response will be False because our authentication can't be
# tested very well using this matrix. It will resume in
# in test_notify_emby_plugin()
'response': False,
('embys://l2g:password@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyEmby,
# our response will be False because our authentication can't be
# tested very well using this matrix. It will resume in
# in test_notify_emby_plugin()
'response': False,
# The rest of the emby tests are in test_notify_emby_plugin()
# NotifyFaast
('faast://', {
'instance': None,
# Auth Token specified
('faast://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyFaast,
('faast://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyFaast,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
('faast://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('faast://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyFaast,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('faast://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyFaast,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('faast://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyFaast,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyIFTTT - If This Than That
('ifttt://', {
'instance': None,
# No User
('ifttt://EventID/', {
'instance': TypeError,
('ifttt://:@/', {
'instance': None,
# A nicely formed ifttt url with 1 event and a new key/value store
('ifttt://WebHookID@EventID/?+TemplateKey=TemplateVal', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyIFTTT,
# Removing certain keys:
('ifttt://WebHookID@EventID/?-Value1=&-Value2', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyIFTTT,
# A nicely formed ifttt url with 2 events defined:
('ifttt://WebHookID@EventID/EventID2/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyIFTTT,
# Test website connection failures
('ifttt://WebHookID@EventID', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyIFTTT,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('ifttt://WebHookID@EventID', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyIFTTT,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('ifttt://WebHookID@EventID', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyIFTTT,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyJoin
('join://', {
'instance': None,
# APIkey; no device
('join://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJoin,
# Invalid APIKey
('join://%s' % ('a' * 24), {
# Missing a channel
'instance': TypeError,
# APIKey + device
('join://%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'd' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJoin,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
# APIKey + 2 devices
('join://%s/%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'd' * 32, 'e' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJoin,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
# APIKey + 1 device and 1 group
('join://%s/%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'd' * 32, 'group.chrome'), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJoin,
# APIKey + bad device
('join://%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'd' * 10), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJoin,
# APIKey + bad url
('join://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('join://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJoin,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('join://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJoin,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('join://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJoin,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyJSON
('json://', {
'instance': None,
('jsons://', {
'instance': None,
('json://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
('json://user:pass@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
('json://user@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
('json://localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
('json://user:pass@localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
('jsons://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
('jsons://user:pass@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
('jsons://localhost:8080/path/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
('jsons://user:pass@localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
('json://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('json://user:pass@localhost:8081', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('json://user:pass@localhost:8082', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('json://user:pass@localhost:8083', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
('json://localhost:8080/path?-HeaderKey=HeaderValue', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyJSON,
# NotifyKODI
('kodi://', {
'instance': None,
('kodis://', {
'instance': None,
('kodi://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('kodi://user:pass@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('kodi://localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('kodi://user:pass@localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('kodis://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('kodis://user:pass@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('kodis://localhost:8080/path/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('kodis://user:pass@localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('kodi://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# Experement with different notification types
'notify_type': NotifyType.WARNING,
('kodi://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# Experement with different notification types
'notify_type': NotifyType.FAILURE,
('kodis://localhost:443', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
('kodi://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('kodi://user:pass@localhost:8081', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('kodi://user:pass@localhost:8082', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('kodi://user:pass@localhost:8083', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyMatrix
('matrix://', {
'instance': None,
('matrixs://', {
'instance': None,
# No token
('matrix://localhost', {
'instance': TypeError,
('matrix://user@localhost', {
'instance': TypeError,
('matrix://localhost/%s' % ('a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatrix,
# Name and token
('matrix://user@localhost/%s' % ('a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatrix,
# port and token (secure)
('matrixs://localhost:9000/%s' % ('a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatrix,
# Name, port, token and slack mode
('matrix://user@localhost:9000/%s?mode=slack' % ('a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatrix,
# Name, port, token and matrix mode
('matrix://user@localhost:9000/%s?mode=matrix' % ('a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatrix,
# Name, port, token and invalid mode
('matrix://user@localhost:9000/%s?mode=foo' % ('a' * 64), {
'instance': TypeError,
('matrix://user@localhost:9000/%s?mode=slack' % ('a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatrix,
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('matrix://user@localhost:9000/%s?mode=slack' % ('a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatrix,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('matrix://user@localhost:9000/%s?mode=slack' % ('a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatrix,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyMatterMost
('mmost://', {
'instance': None,
('mmosts://', {
'instance': None,
('mmost://localhost/3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatterMost,
('mmost://user@localhost/3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4?channel=test', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatterMost,
('mmost://localhost:8080/3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatterMost,
('mmost://localhost:0/3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatterMost,
('mmost://localhost:invalid-port/3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4', {
'instance': None,
('mmosts://localhost/3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatterMost,
('mmosts://localhost', {
# Thrown because there was no webhook id specified
'instance': TypeError,
('mmost://localhost/bad-web-hook', {
# Thrown because the webhook is not in a valid format
'instance': TypeError,
('mmost://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('mmost://localhost/3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatterMost,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('mmost://localhost/3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatterMost,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('mmost://localhost/3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyMatterMost,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyProwl
('prowl://', {
'instance': None,
# APIkey; no device
('prowl://%s' % ('a' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# Invalid APIKey
('prowl://%s' % ('a' * 24), {
'instance': TypeError,
# APIKey
('prowl://%s' % ('a' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
# APIKey + priority setting
('prowl://%s?priority=high' % ('a' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# APIKey + invalid priority setting
('prowl://%s?priority=invalid' % ('a' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# APIKey + priority setting (empty)
('prowl://%s?priority=' % ('a' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# APIKey + Invalid Provider Key
('prowl://%s/%s' % ('a' * 40, 'b' * 24), {
'instance': TypeError,
# APIKey + No Provider Key (empty)
('prowl://%s///' % ('a' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# APIKey + Provider Key
('prowl://%s/%s' % ('a' * 40, 'b' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# APIKey + with image
('prowl://%s' % ('a' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# bad url
('prowl://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('prowl://%s' % ('a' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('prowl://%s' % ('a' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('prowl://%s' % ('a' * 40), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyProwl,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyPushBullet
('pbul://', {
'instance': None,
# APIkey
('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# APIKey + channel
('pbul://%s/#channel/' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# APIKey + 2 channels
('pbul://%s/#channel1/#channel2' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# APIKey + device
('pbul://%s/device/' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# APIKey + 2 devices
('pbul://%s/device1/device2/' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# APIKey + email
('pbul://%s/user@example.com/' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# APIKey + 2 emails
('pbul://%s/user@example.com/abc@def.com/' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# APIKey + Combo
('pbul://%s/device/#channel/user@example.com/' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# ,
('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
('pbul://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushBullet,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyPushed
('pushed://', {
'instance': None,
# Application Key Only
('pushed://%s' % ('a' * 32), {
'instance': TypeError,
# Application Key+Secret
('pushed://%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# Application Key+Secret + channel
('pushed://%s/%s/#channel/' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# Application Key+Secret + dropped entry
('pushed://%s/%s/dropped/' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# Application Key+Secret + 2 channels
('pushed://%s/%s/#channel1/#channel2' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# Application Key+Secret + User Pushed ID
('pushed://%s/%s/@ABCD/' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# Application Key+Secret + 2 devices
('pushed://%s/%s/@ABCD/@DEFG/' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# Application Key+Secret + Combo
('pushed://%s/%s/@ABCD/#channel' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# ,
('pushed://%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('pushed://%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('pushed://%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
('pushed://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('pushed://%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('pushed://%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('pushed://%s/%s/#channel' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('pushed://%s/%s/@user' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('pushed://%s/%s' % ('a' * 32, 'a' * 64), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushed,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyPushover
('pover://', {
'instance': None,
# APIkey; no user
('pover://%s' % ('a' * 30), {
'instance': TypeError,
# APIkey; invalid user
('pover://%s@%s' % ('u' * 20, 'a' * 30), {
'instance': TypeError,
# Invalid APIKey; valid User
('pover://%s@%s' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 24), {
'instance': TypeError,
# APIKey + Valid User
('pover://%s@%s' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
# APIKey + Valid User + 1 Device
('pover://%s@%s/DEVICE' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# APIKey + Valid User + 2 Devices
('pover://%s@%s/DEVICE1/DEVICE2/' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# APIKey + Valid User + invalid device
('pover://%s@%s/%s/' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30, 'd' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# Notify will return False since there is a bad device in our list
'response': False,
# APIKey + Valid User + device + invalid device
('pover://%s@%s/DEVICE1/%s/' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30, 'd' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# Notify will return False since there is a bad device in our list
'response': False,
# APIKey + priority setting
('pover://%s@%s?priority=high' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# APIKey + invalid priority setting
('pover://%s@%s?priority=invalid' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# APIKey + priority setting (empty)
('pover://%s@%s?priority=' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# bad url
('pover://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('pover://%s@%s' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('pover://%s@%s' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('pover://%s@%s' % ('u' * 30, 'a' * 30), {
'instance': plugins.NotifyPushover,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyRocketChat
('rocket://', {
'instance': None,
('rockets://', {
'instance': None,
# No username or pass
('rocket://localhost', {
'instance': TypeError,
# No room or channel
('rocket://user:pass@localhost', {
'instance': TypeError,
# No valid rooms or channels
('rocket://user:pass@localhost/#/!/@', {
'instance': TypeError,
# No user/pass combo
('rocket://user@localhost/room/', {
'instance': TypeError,
# No user/pass combo
('rocket://localhost/room/', {
'instance': TypeError,
# A room and port identifier
('rocket://user:pass@localhost:8080/room/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRocketChat,
# The response text is expected to be the following on a success
'requests_response_text': {
'status': 'success',
'data': {
'authToken': 'abcd',
'userId': 'user',
# A channel
('rockets://user:pass@localhost/#channel', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRocketChat,
# The response text is expected to be the following on a success
'requests_response_text': {
'status': 'success',
'data': {
'authToken': 'abcd',
'userId': 'user',
# Several channels
('rocket://user:pass@localhost/#channel1/#channel2/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRocketChat,
# The response text is expected to be the following on a success
'requests_response_text': {
'status': 'success',
'data': {
'authToken': 'abcd',
'userId': 'user',
# Several Rooms
('rocket://user:pass@localhost/room1/room2', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRocketChat,
# The response text is expected to be the following on a success
'requests_response_text': {
'status': 'success',
'data': {
'authToken': 'abcd',
'userId': 'user',
# A room and channel
('rocket://user:pass@localhost/room/#channel', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRocketChat,
# The response text is expected to be the following on a success
'requests_response_text': {
'status': 'success',
'data': {
'authToken': 'abcd',
'userId': 'user',
('rocket://:@/', {
'instance': None,
# A room and channel
('rockets://user:pass@localhost/rooma/#channela', {
# The response text is expected to be the following on a success
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.ok,
'requests_response_text': {
# return something other then a success message type
'status': 'failure',
# Exception is thrown in this case
'instance': plugins.NotifyRocketChat,
# Notifications will fail in this event
'response': False,
('rocket://user:pass@localhost:8081/room1/room2', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRocketChat,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('rocket://user:pass@localhost:8082/#channel', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRocketChat,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('rocket://user:pass@localhost:8083/#chan1/#chan2/room', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRocketChat,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyRyver
('ryver://', {
'instance': None,
('ryver://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('ryver://apprise', {
# Just org provided (no token)
'instance': None,
('ryver://abc,#/ckhrjW8w672m6HG', {
# Invalid org provided
'instance': None,
('ryver://a/ckhrjW8w672m6HG', {
# org is too short
'instance': TypeError,
('ryver://apprise/ckhrjW8w67HG', {
# Invalid token specified
'instance': TypeError,
('ryver://apprise/ckhrjW8w672m6HG?webhook=invalid', {
# Invalid webhook provided
'instance': TypeError,
('ryver://apprise/ckhrjW8w672m6HG?webhook=slack', {
# No username specified; this is still okay as we use whatever
# the user told the webhook to use; set our slack mode
'instance': plugins.NotifyRyver,
('ryver://caronc@apprise/ckhrjW8w672m6HG', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRyver,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
('ryver://apprise/ckhrjW8w672m6HG', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRyver,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('ryver://apprise/ckhrjW8w672m6HG', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRyver,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('ryver://apprise/ckhrjW8w672m6HG', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyRyver,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifySlack
('slack://', {
'instance': None,
('slack://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('slack://T1JJ3T3L2', {
# Just Token 1 provided
'instance': None,
('slack://T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ/#hmm/#-invalid-', {
# No username specified; this is still okay as we sub in
# default; The one invalid channel is skipped when sending a message
'instance': plugins.NotifySlack,
('slack://T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ/#channel', {
# No username specified; this is still okay as we sub in
# default; The one invalid channel is skipped when sending a message
'instance': plugins.NotifySlack,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
('slack://T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ/+id/%20/@id/', {
# + encoded id,
# @ userid
'instance': plugins.NotifySlack,
('slack://username@T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ/#nuxref', {
'instance': plugins.NotifySlack,
('slack://username@T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ', {
# Missing a channel
'instance': TypeError,
('slack://username@INVALID/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ/#cool', {
# invalid 1st Token
'instance': TypeError,
('slack://username@T1JJ3T3L2/INVALID/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ/#great', {
# invalid 2rd Token
'instance': TypeError,
('slack://username@T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/INVALID/#channel', {
# invalid 3rd Token
'instance': TypeError,
('slack://l2g@T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ/#usenet', {
'instance': plugins.NotifySlack,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('slack://respect@T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ/#a', {
'instance': plugins.NotifySlack,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('slack://notify@T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ/#b', {
'instance': plugins.NotifySlack,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifySNS (AWS)
('sns://', {
'instance': None,
('sns://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('sns://T1JJ3T3L2', {
# Just Token 1 provided
'instance': TypeError,
('sns://T1JJ3TD4JD/TIiajkdnlazk7FQ/', {
# Missing a region
'instance': TypeError,
('sns://T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcevi7FQ/us-west-2/12223334444', {
# we have a valid URL here
'instance': plugins.NotifySNS,
('sns://T1JJ3TD4JD/TIiajkdnlazk7FQ/us-west-2/12223334444/12223334445', {
# Multi SNS Suppport
'instance': plugins.NotifySNS,
('sns://T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcOXrIdevi7FQ/us-east-1', {
# Missing a topic and/or phone No
'instance': plugins.NotifySNS,
('sns://T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcevi7FQ/us-west-2/12223334444', {
'instance': plugins.NotifySNS,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('sns://T1JJ3T3L2/A1BRTD4JD/TIiajkdnlazkcevi7FQ/us-west-2/15556667777', {
'instance': plugins.NotifySNS,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyTelegram
('tgram://', {
'instance': None,
# Simple Message
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Simple Message (no images)
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
# Simple Message with multiple chat names
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/id1/id2/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Simple Message with an invalid chat ID
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/%$/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Notify will fail
'response': False,
# Simple Message with multiple chat ids
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/id1/id2/23423/-30/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Simple Message with multiple chat ids (no images)
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/id1/id2/23423/-30/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
# Support bot keyword prefix
('tgram://bottest@123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Testing image
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/?image=Yes', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Testing invalid format (fall's back to html)
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/?format=invalid', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Testing empty format (falls back to html)
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/?format=', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Testing valid formats
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/?format=markdown', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/?format=html', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/?format=text', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Simple Message without image
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
# Invalid Bot Token
('tgram://alpha:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/', {
'instance': None,
# AuthToken + bad url
('tgram://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/?image=Yes', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# force a failure without an image specified
'include_image': False,
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/id1/id2/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# force a failure with multiple chat_ids
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/id1/id2/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# force a failure without an image specified
'include_image': False,
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up without
# having an image included
'include_image': False,
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
# Test with image set
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/?image=Yes', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up without
# having an image included
'include_image': True,
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
('tgram://123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop/lead2gold/?image=Yes', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyTelegram,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them without images set
'include_image': True,
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyKODI
('xbmc://', {
'instance': None,
('xbmc://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('xbmc://user:pass@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('xbmc://localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('xbmc://user:pass@localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
('xbmc://user@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# don't include an image by default
'include_image': False,
('xbmc://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# Experement with different notification types
'notify_type': NotifyType.WARNING,
('xbmc://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# Experement with different notification types
'notify_type': NotifyType.FAILURE,
('xbmc://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('xbmc://user:pass@localhost:8081', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('xbmc://user:pass@localhost:8082', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('xbmc://user:pass@localhost:8083', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXBMC,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
# NotifyXML
('xml://', {
'instance': None,
('xmls://', {
'instance': None,
('xml://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
('xml://user@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
('xml://user:pass@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
('xml://localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
('xml://user:pass@localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
('xmls://localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
('xmls://user:pass@localhost', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
('xmls://localhost:8080/path/', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
('xmls://user:pass@localhost:8080', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
('xml://:@/', {
'instance': None,
('xml://user:pass@localhost:8081', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
# force a failure
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error,
('xml://user:pass@localhost:8082', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
# throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up
'response': False,
'requests_response_code': 999,
('xml://user:pass@localhost:8083', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_requests_exceptions': True,
('xml://localhost:8080/path?-HeaderKey=HeaderValue', {
'instance': plugins.NotifyXML,
def test_rest_plugins(mock_post, mock_get):
API: REST Based Plugins()
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# iterate over our dictionary and test it out
for (url, meta) in TEST_URLS:
# Our expected instance
instance = meta.get('instance', None)
# Our expected server objects
self = meta.get('self', None)
# Our expected Query response (True, False, or exception type)
response = meta.get('response', True)
# Allow us to force the server response code to be something other then
# the defaults
requests_response_code = meta.get(
requests.codes.ok if response else requests.codes.not_found,
# Allow us to force the server response text to be something other then
# the defaults
requests_response_text = meta.get('requests_response_text')
if not compat_is_basestring(requests_response_text):
# Convert to string
requests_response_text = dumps(requests_response_text)
# Allow notification type override, otherwise default to INFO
notify_type = meta.get('notify_type', NotifyType.INFO)
# Whether or not we should include an image with our request; unless
# otherwise specified, we assume that images are to be included
include_image = meta.get('include_image', True)
if include_image:
# a default asset
asset = AppriseAsset()
# Disable images
asset = AppriseAsset(image_path_mask=False, image_url_mask=False)
test_requests_exceptions = meta.get(
'test_requests_exceptions', False)
# A request
robj = mock.Mock()
setattr(robj, 'raw', mock.Mock())
# Allow raw.read() calls
robj.raw.read.return_value = ''
robj.text = ''
robj.content = ''
mock_get.return_value = robj
mock_post.return_value = robj
if test_requests_exceptions is False:
# Handle our default response
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests_response_code
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests_response_code
# Handle our default text response
mock_get.return_value.text = requests_response_text
mock_post.return_value.text = requests_response_text
# Ensure there is no side effect set
mock_post.side_effect = None
mock_get.side_effect = None
# Handle exception testing; first we turn the boolean flag ito
# a list of exceptions
test_requests_exceptions = REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
url, asset=asset, suppress_exceptions=False)
if obj is None:
# We're done (assuming this is what we were expecting)
assert instance is None
if instance is None:
# Expected None but didn't get it
print('%s instantiated %s (but expected None)' % (
url, str(obj)))
assert(isinstance(obj, instance))
if isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase):
# We loaded okay; now lets make sure we can reverse this url
assert(compat_is_basestring(obj.url()) is True)
# Instantiate the exact same object again using the URL from
# the one that was already created properly
obj_cmp = Apprise.instantiate(obj.url())
# Our object should be the same instance as what we had
# originally expected above.
if not isinstance(obj_cmp, plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase):
# Assert messages are hard to trace back with the way
# these tests work. Just printing before throwing our
# assertion failure makes things easier to debug later on
print('TEST FAIL: {} regenerated as {}'.format(
url, obj.url()))
if self:
# Iterate over our expected entries inside of our object
for key, val in self.items():
# Test that our object has the desired key
assert(hasattr(key, obj))
assert(getattr(key, obj) == val)
# Stage 1: with title defined
if test_requests_exceptions is False:
# Disable throttling
obj.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# check that we're as expected
assert obj.notify(
title='test', body='body',
notify_type=notify_type) == response
# Disable throttling
obj.request_rate_per_sec = 0
for _exception in REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS:
mock_post.side_effect = _exception
mock_get.side_effect = _exception
assert obj.notify(
title='test', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
except AssertionError:
# Don't mess with these entries
except Exception as e:
# We can't handle this exception type
except AssertionError:
# Don't mess with these entries
print('%s AssertionError' % url)
except Exception as e:
# Check that we were expecting this exception to happen
if not isinstance(e, response):
# Stage 2: without title defined
if test_requests_exceptions is False:
# check that we're as expected
assert obj.notify(
title='', body='body',
notify_type=notify_type) == response
for _exception in REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS:
mock_post.side_effect = _exception
mock_get.side_effect = _exception
assert obj.notify(
title='', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
except AssertionError:
# Don't mess with these entries
except Exception as e:
# We can't handle this exception type
except AssertionError:
# Don't mess with these entries
print('%s AssertionError' % url)
except Exception as e:
# Check that we were expecting this exception to happen
if not isinstance(e, response):
except AssertionError:
# Don't mess with these entries
print('%s AssertionError' % url)
except Exception as e:
# Handle our exception
if(instance is None):
if not isinstance(e, instance):
def test_notify_boxcar_plugin(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifyBoxcar() Extra Checks
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Generate some generic message types
device = 'A' * 64
tag = '@B' * 63
access = '-' * 64
secret = '_' * 64
# Initializes the plugin with recipients set to None
plugins.NotifyBoxcar(access=access, secret=secret, recipients=None)
# Initializes the plugin with a valid access, but invalid access key
plugins.NotifyBoxcar(access=None, secret=secret, recipients=None)
except TypeError:
# We should throw an exception for knowingly having an invalid
# Initializes the plugin with a valid access, but invalid secret key
plugins.NotifyBoxcar(access=access, secret='invalid', recipients=None)
except TypeError:
# We should throw an exception for knowingly having an invalid key
# Initializes the plugin with a valid access, but invalid secret
plugins.NotifyBoxcar(access=access, secret=None, recipients=None)
except TypeError:
# We should throw an exception for knowingly having an invalid
# Initializes the plugin with recipients list
# the below also tests our the variation of recipient types
access=access, secret=secret, recipients=[device, tag])
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.created
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.created
# Test notifications without a body or a title
p = plugins.NotifyBoxcar(access=access, secret=secret, recipients=None)
p.notify(body=None, title=None, notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
def test_notify_discord_plugin(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifyDiscord() Extra Checks
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Initialize some generic (but valid) tokens
webhook_id = 'A' * 24
webhook_token = 'B' * 64
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
# Empty Channel list
plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id=None, webhook_token=webhook_token)
except TypeError:
# we'll thrown because no webhook_id was specified
obj = plugins.NotifyDiscord(
footer=True, thumbnail=False)
# This call includes an image with it's payload:
assert obj.notify(title='title', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
# Test our header parsing
test_markdown = "## Heading one\nbody body\n\n" + \
"# Heading 2 ##\n\nTest\n\n" + \
"more content\n" + \
"even more content \t\r\n\n\n" + \
"# Heading 3 ##\n\n\n" + \
"normal content\n" + \
"# heading 4\n" + \
"#### Heading 5"
results = obj.extract_markdown_sections(test_markdown)
assert(isinstance(results, list))
# We should have 5 sections (since there are 5 headers identified above)
assert(len(results) == 5)
# Use our test markdown string during a notification
assert obj.notify(title='title', body=test_markdown,
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
# Create an apprise instance
a = Apprise()
# Our processing is slightly different when we aren't using markdown
# as we do not pre-parse content during our notifications
assert a.add(
webhook_token=webhook_token)) is True
# This call includes an image with it's payload:
assert a.notify(title='title', body=test_markdown,
body_format=NotifyFormat.TEXT) is True
assert a.notify(title='title', body=test_markdown,
body_format=NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN) is True
# Toggle our logo availability
a.asset.image_url_logo = None
assert a.notify(title='title', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
def test_notify_emby_plugin_login(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifyEmby.login()
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
obj = Apprise.instantiate('emby://l2g:l2gpass@localhost')
assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyEmby)
# Test our exception handling
for _exception in REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS:
mock_post.side_effect = _exception
mock_get.side_effect = _exception
# We'll fail to log in each time
assert obj.login() is False
# Disable Exceptions
mock_post.side_effect = None
mock_get.side_effect = None
# Our login flat out fails if we don't have proper parseable content
mock_post.return_value.content = u''
mock_post.return_value.text = ''
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
# KeyError handling
mock_post.return_value.status_code = 999
mock_get.return_value.status_code = 999
assert obj.login() is False
# General Internal Server Error
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
assert obj.login() is False
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
obj = Apprise.instantiate('emby://l2g:l2gpass@localhost:%d' % (
# Increment our port so it will always be something different than
# the default
plugins.NotifyEmby.emby_default_port + 1))
assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyEmby)
assert obj.port == (plugins.NotifyEmby.emby_default_port + 1)
# The login will fail because '' is not a parseable JSON response
assert obj.login() is False
# Disable the port completely
obj.port = None
assert obj.login() is False
# Default port assigments
obj = Apprise.instantiate('emby://l2g:l2gpass@localhost')
assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyEmby)
assert obj.port == plugins.NotifyEmby.emby_default_port
# The login will (still) fail because '' is not a parseable JSON response
assert obj.login() is False
# Our login flat out fails if we don't have proper parseable content
mock_post.return_value.content = dumps({
u'AccessToken': u'0000-0000-0000-0000',
mock_post.return_value.text = str(mock_post.return_value.content)
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
obj = Apprise.instantiate('emby://l2g:l2gpass@localhost')
assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyEmby)
# The login will fail because the 'User' or 'Id' field wasn't parsed
assert obj.login() is False
# Our text content (we intentionally reverse the 2 locations
# that store the same thing; we do this so we can test which
# one it defaults to if both are present
mock_post.return_value.content = dumps({
u'User': {
u'Id': u'abcd123',
u'Id': u'123abc',
u'AccessToken': u'0000-0000-0000-0000',
mock_post.return_value.text = str(mock_post.return_value.content)
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
obj = Apprise.instantiate('emby://l2g:l2gpass@localhost')
assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyEmby)
# Login
assert obj.login() is True
assert obj.user_id == '123abc'
assert obj.access_token == '0000-0000-0000-0000'
# We're going to log in a second time which checks that we logout
# first before logging in again. But this time we'll scrap the
# 'Id' area and use the one found in the User area if detected
mock_post.return_value.content = dumps({
u'User': {
u'Id': u'abcd123',
u'AccessToken': u'0000-0000-0000-0000',
mock_post.return_value.text = str(mock_post.return_value.content)
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
# Login
assert obj.login() is True
assert obj.user_id == 'abcd123'
assert obj.access_token == '0000-0000-0000-0000'
def test_notify_emby_plugin_sessions(mock_post, mock_get, mock_logout,
API: NotifyEmby.sessions()
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
# This is done so we don't obstruct our access_token and user_id values
mock_login.return_value = True
mock_logout.return_value = True
obj = Apprise.instantiate('emby://l2g:l2gpass@localhost')
assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyEmby)
obj.access_token = 'abc'
obj.user_id = '123'
# Test our exception handling
for _exception in REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS:
mock_post.side_effect = _exception
mock_get.side_effect = _exception
# We'll fail to log in each time
sessions = obj.sessions()
assert isinstance(sessions, dict) is True
assert len(sessions) == 0
# Disable Exceptions
mock_post.side_effect = None
mock_get.side_effect = None
# Our login flat out fails if we don't have proper parseable content
mock_post.return_value.content = u''
mock_post.return_value.text = ''
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
# KeyError handling
mock_post.return_value.status_code = 999
mock_get.return_value.status_code = 999
sessions = obj.sessions()
assert isinstance(sessions, dict) is True
assert len(sessions) == 0
# General Internal Server Error
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
sessions = obj.sessions()
assert isinstance(sessions, dict) is True
assert len(sessions) == 0
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_post.return_value.text = str(mock_post.return_value.content)
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
# Disable the port completely
obj.port = None
sessions = obj.sessions()
assert isinstance(sessions, dict) is True
assert len(sessions) == 0
# Let's get some results
mock_post.return_value.content = dumps([
u'Id': u'abc123',
u'Id': u'def456',
u'InvalidEntry': None,
mock_post.return_value.text = str(mock_post.return_value.content)
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
sessions = obj.sessions(user_controlled=True)
assert isinstance(sessions, dict) is True
assert len(sessions) == 2
# Test it without setting user-controlled sessions
sessions = obj.sessions(user_controlled=False)
assert isinstance(sessions, dict) is True
assert len(sessions) == 2
# Triggers an authentication failure
obj.user_id = None
mock_login.return_value = False
sessions = obj.sessions()
assert isinstance(sessions, dict) is True
assert len(sessions) == 0
def test_notify_emby_plugin_logout(mock_post, mock_get, mock_login):
API: NotifyEmby.sessions()
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
# This is done so we don't obstruct our access_token and user_id values
mock_login.return_value = True
obj = Apprise.instantiate('emby://l2g:l2gpass@localhost')
assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyEmby)
obj.access_token = 'abc'
obj.user_id = '123'
# Test our exception handling
for _exception in REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS:
mock_post.side_effect = _exception
mock_get.side_effect = _exception
# We'll fail to log in each time
obj.access_token = 'abc'
obj.user_id = '123'
# Disable Exceptions
mock_post.side_effect = None
mock_get.side_effect = None
# Our login flat out fails if we don't have proper parseable content
mock_post.return_value.content = u''
mock_post.return_value.text = ''
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
# KeyError handling
mock_post.return_value.status_code = 999
mock_get.return_value.status_code = 999
obj.access_token = 'abc'
obj.user_id = '123'
# General Internal Server Error
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
obj.access_token = 'abc'
obj.user_id = '123'
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_post.return_value.text = str(mock_post.return_value.content)
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
# Disable the port completely
obj.port = None
def test_notify_emby_plugin_notify(mock_post, mock_get, mock_logout,
mock_login, mock_sessions):
API: NotifyEmby.notify()
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
# This is done so we don't obstruct our access_token and user_id values
mock_login.return_value = True
mock_logout.return_value = True
mock_sessions.return_value = {'abcd': {}}
obj = Apprise.instantiate('emby://l2g:l2gpass@localhost?modal=False')
assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyEmby)
assert obj.notify('title', 'body', 'info') is True
obj.access_token = 'abc'
obj.user_id = '123'
# Test Modal support
obj = Apprise.instantiate('emby://l2g:l2gpass@localhost?modal=True')
assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyEmby)
assert obj.notify('title', 'body', 'info') is True
obj.access_token = 'abc'
obj.user_id = '123'
# Test our exception handling
for _exception in REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS:
mock_post.side_effect = _exception
mock_get.side_effect = _exception
# We'll fail to log in each time
assert obj.notify('title', 'body', 'info') is False
# Disable Exceptions
mock_post.side_effect = None
mock_get.side_effect = None
# Our login flat out fails if we don't have proper parseable content
mock_post.return_value.content = u''
mock_post.return_value.text = ''
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
# KeyError handling
mock_post.return_value.status_code = 999
mock_get.return_value.status_code = 999
assert obj.notify('title', 'body', 'info') is False
# General Internal Server Error
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
assert obj.notify('title', 'body', 'info') is False
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_post.return_value.text = str(mock_post.return_value.content)
mock_get.return_value.content = mock_post.return_value.content
mock_get.return_value.text = mock_post.return_value.text
# Disable the port completely
obj.port = None
assert obj.notify('title', 'body', 'info') is True
# An Empty return set (no query is made, but notification will still
# succeed
mock_sessions.return_value = {}
assert obj.notify('title', 'body', 'info') is True
def test_notify_ifttt_plugin(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifyIFTTT() Extra Checks
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Initialize some generic (but valid) tokens
webhook_id = 'webhookid'
events = ['event1', 'event2']
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.content = '{}'
mock_post.return_value.content = '{}'
obj = plugins.NotifyIFTTT(webhook_id=webhook_id, events=None)
# No token specified
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no token was specified
obj = plugins.NotifyIFTTT(webhook_id=webhook_id, events=events)
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyIFTTT))
assert obj.notify(title='title', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
# Test the addition of tokens
obj = plugins.NotifyIFTTT(
webhook_id=webhook_id, events=events,
add_tokens={'Test': 'ValueA', 'Test2': 'ValueB'})
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyIFTTT))
assert obj.notify(title='title', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
# Invalid del_tokens entry
obj = plugins.NotifyIFTTT(
webhook_id=webhook_id, events=events,
# we shouldn't reach here
assert False
except TypeError:
# del_tokens must be a list, so passing a string will throw
# an exception.
assert True
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyIFTTT))
assert obj.notify(title='title', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
# Test removal of tokens by a list
obj = plugins.NotifyIFTTT(
webhook_id=webhook_id, events=events,
'MyKey': 'MyValue'
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyIFTTT))
assert obj.notify(title='title', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
def test_notify_join_plugin(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifyJoin() Extra Checks
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Generate some generic message types
device = 'A' * 32
group = 'group.chrome'
apikey = 'a' * 32
# Initializes the plugin with devices set to a string
plugins.NotifyJoin(apikey=apikey, devices=group)
# Initializes the plugin with devices set to None
plugins.NotifyJoin(apikey=apikey, devices=None)
# Initializes the plugin with devices set to a set
p = plugins.NotifyJoin(apikey=apikey, devices=[group, device])
# Prepare our mock responses
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.created
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.created
# Test notifications without a body or a title; nothing to send
# so we return False
p.notify(body=None, title=None, notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
def test_notify_slack_plugin(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifySlack() Extra Checks
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Initialize some generic (but valid) tokens
token_a = 'A' * 9
token_b = 'B' * 9
token_c = 'c' * 24
# Support strings
channels = 'chan1,#chan2,+id,@user,,,'
obj = plugins.NotifySlack(
token_a=token_a, token_b=token_b, token_c=token_c, channels=channels)
assert(len(obj.channels) == 4)
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
# Empty Channel list
token_a=token_a, token_b=token_b, token_c=token_c,
except TypeError:
# we'll thrown because an empty list of channels was provided
# Test include_image
obj = plugins.NotifySlack(
token_a=token_a, token_b=token_b, token_c=token_c, channels=channels,
# This call includes an image with it's payload:
assert obj.notify(title='title', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
def test_notify_pushbullet_plugin(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifyPushBullet() Extra Checks
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Initialize some generic (but valid) tokens
accesstoken = 'a' * 32
# Support strings
recipients = '#chan1,#chan2,device,user@example.com,,,'
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
obj = plugins.NotifyPushBullet(
accesstoken=accesstoken, recipients=recipients)
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyPushBullet))
assert(len(obj.recipients) == 4)
obj = plugins.NotifyPushBullet(accesstoken=accesstoken)
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyPushBullet))
# Default is to send to all devices, so there will be a
# recipient here
assert(len(obj.recipients) == 1)
obj = plugins.NotifyPushBullet(accesstoken=accesstoken, recipients=set())
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyPushBullet))
# Default is to send to all devices, so there will be a
# recipient here
assert(len(obj.recipients) == 1)
# Support the handling of an empty and invalid URL strings
assert(plugins.NotifyPushBullet.parse_url(None) is None)
assert(plugins.NotifyPushBullet.parse_url('') is None)
assert(plugins.NotifyPushBullet.parse_url(42) is None)
def test_notify_pushed_plugin(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifyPushed() Extra Checks
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Chat ID
recipients = '@ABCDEFG, @DEFGHIJ, #channel, #channel2'
# Some required input
app_key = 'ABCDEFG'
app_secret = 'ABCDEFG'
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_post.return_value.text = ''
mock_get.return_value.text = ''
obj = plugins.NotifyPushed(
except TypeError:
# No application Secret was specified; it's a good thing if
# this exception was thrown
obj = plugins.NotifyPushed(
# recipients list set to (None) is perfectly fine; in this
# case it will notify the App
except TypeError:
# Exception should never be thrown!
obj = plugins.NotifyPushed(
# invalid recipients list (object)
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no recipients were
# specified
obj = plugins.NotifyPushed(
# Any empty set is acceptable
except TypeError:
# Exception should never be thrown
obj = plugins.NotifyPushed(
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyPushed))
assert(len(obj.channels) == 2)
assert(len(obj.users) == 2)
# Support the handling of an empty and invalid URL strings
assert plugins.NotifyPushed.parse_url(None) is None
assert plugins.NotifyPushed.parse_url('') is None
assert plugins.NotifyPushed.parse_url(42) is None
# Prepare Mock to fail
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
mock_post.return_value.text = ''
mock_get.return_value.text = ''
def test_notify_pushover_plugin(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifyPushover() Extra Checks
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Initialize some generic (but valid) tokens
token = 'a' * 30
user = 'u' * 30
invalid_device = 'd' * 35
# Support strings
devices = 'device1,device2,,,,%s' % invalid_device
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
obj = plugins.NotifyPushover(user=user, token=None)
# No token specified
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no token was specified
obj = plugins.NotifyPushover(user=user, token=token, devices=devices)
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyPushover))
assert(len(obj.devices) == 3)
# This call fails because there is 1 invalid device
assert obj.notify(title='title', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
obj = plugins.NotifyPushover(user=user, token=token)
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyPushover))
# Default is to send to all devices, so there will be a
# device defined here
assert(len(obj.devices) == 1)
# This call succeeds because all of the devices are valid
assert obj.notify(title='title', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
obj = plugins.NotifyPushover(user=user, token=token, devices=set())
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyPushover))
# Default is to send to all devices, so there will be a
# device defined here
assert(len(obj.devices) == 1)
# Support the handling of an empty and invalid URL strings
assert(plugins.NotifyPushover.parse_url(None) is None)
assert(plugins.NotifyPushover.parse_url('') is None)
assert(plugins.NotifyPushover.parse_url(42) is None)
def test_notify_rocketchat_plugin(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifyRocketChat() Extra Checks
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Chat ID
recipients = 'l2g, lead2gold, #channel, #channel2'
# Authentication
user = 'myuser'
password = 'mypass'
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_post.return_value.text = ''
mock_get.return_value.text = ''
obj = plugins.NotifyRocketChat(
user=user, password=password, recipients=None)
# invalid recipients list (None)
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no recipients were
# specified
obj = plugins.NotifyRocketChat(
user=user, password=password, recipients=object())
# invalid recipients list (object)
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no recipients were
# specified
obj = plugins.NotifyRocketChat(
user=user, password=password, recipients=set())
# invalid recipient list/set (no entries)
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no recipients were
# specified
obj = plugins.NotifyRocketChat(
user=user, password=password, recipients=recipients)
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyRocketChat))
assert(len(obj.channels) == 2)
assert(len(obj.rooms) == 2)
# Logout
assert obj.logout() is True
# Support the handling of an empty and invalid URL strings
assert plugins.NotifyRocketChat.parse_url(None) is None
assert plugins.NotifyRocketChat.parse_url('') is None
assert plugins.NotifyRocketChat.parse_url(42) is None
# Prepare Mock to fail
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
mock_post.return_value.text = ''
mock_get.return_value.text = ''
# Send Notification
assert obj.notify(
title='title', body='body', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
assert obj.send_notification(
payload='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
# Logout
assert obj.logout() is False
# KeyError handling
mock_post.return_value.status_code = 999
mock_get.return_value.status_code = 999
# Send Notification
assert obj.notify(
title='title', body='body', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
assert obj.send_notification(
payload='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
# Logout
assert obj.logout() is False
mock_post.return_value.text = ''
# Generate exceptions
mock_get.side_effect = requests.ConnectionError(
0, 'requests.ConnectionError() not handled')
mock_post.side_effect = mock_get.side_effect
mock_get.return_value.text = ''
mock_post.return_value.text = ''
# Send Notification
assert obj.send_notification(
payload='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
# Attempt the check again but fake a successful login
obj.login = mock.Mock()
obj.login.return_value = True
assert obj.notify(
title='title', body='body', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
# Logout
assert obj.logout() is False
def test_notify_telegram_plugin(mock_post, mock_get):
API: NotifyTelegram() Extra Checks
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Bot Token
bot_token = '123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop'
invalid_bot_token = 'abcd:123'
# Chat ID
chat_ids = 'l2g, lead2gold'
# Prepare Mock
mock_get.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
mock_get.return_value.content = '{}'
mock_post.return_value.content = '{}'
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=None, chat_ids=chat_ids)
# invalid bot token (None)
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no token was specified
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(
bot_token=invalid_bot_token, chat_ids=chat_ids)
# invalid bot token
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact an invalid token was
# specified
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=None)
# No chat_ids specified
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no token was specified
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=set())
# No chat_ids specified
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no token was specified
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=chat_ids)
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyTelegram))
assert(len(obj.chat_ids) == 2)
# test url call
# Test that we can load the string we generate back:
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(**plugins.NotifyTelegram.parse_url(obj.url()))
assert(isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyTelegram))
# Support the handling of an empty and invalid URL strings
assert(plugins.NotifyTelegram.parse_url(None) is None)
assert(plugins.NotifyTelegram.parse_url('') is None)
assert(plugins.NotifyTelegram.parse_url(42) is None)
# Prepare Mock to fail
response = mock.Mock()
response.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
# a error response
response.text = dumps({
'description': 'test',
mock_get.return_value = response
mock_post.return_value = response
# No image asset
nimg_obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=chat_ids)
nimg_obj.asset = AppriseAsset(image_path_mask=False, image_url_mask=False)
# Test that our default settings over-ride base settings since they are
# not the same as the one specified in the base; this check merely
# ensures our plugin inheritance is working properly
assert obj.body_maxlen == plugins.NotifyTelegram.body_maxlen
# We don't override the title maxlen so we should be set to the same
# as our parent class in this case
assert obj.title_maxlen == plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.title_maxlen
# This tests erroneous messages involving multiple chat ids
assert obj.notify(
title='title', body='body', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
assert nimg_obj.notify(
title='title', body='body', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
# This tests erroneous messages involving a single chat id
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids='l2g')
nimg_obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids='l2g')
nimg_obj.asset = AppriseAsset(image_path_mask=False, image_url_mask=False)
assert obj.notify(
title='title', body='body', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
assert nimg_obj.notify(
title='title', body='body', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
# Bot Token Detection
# Just to make it clear to people reading this code and trying to learn
# what is going on. Apprise tries to detect the bot owner if you don't
# specify a user to message. The idea is to just default to messaging
# the bot owner himself (it makes it easier for people). So we're testing
# the creating of a Telegram Notification without providing a chat ID.
# We're testing the error handling of this bot detection section of the
# code
mock_post.return_value.content = dumps({
"ok": True,
"result": [{
"update_id": 645421321,
"message": {
"message_id": 1,
"from": {
"id": 532389719,
"is_bot": False,
"first_name": "Chris",
"language_code": "en-US"
"chat": {
"id": 532389719,
"first_name": "Chris",
"type": "private"
"date": 1519694394,
"text": "/start",
"entities": [{
"offset": 0,
"length": 6,
"type": "bot_command",
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=None)
assert(len(obj.chat_ids) == 1)
assert(obj.chat_ids[0] == '532389719')
# Do the test again, but without the expected (parsed response)
mock_post.return_value.content = dumps({
"ok": True,
"result": [{
"message": {
"text": "/ignored.entry",
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=None)
# No chat_ids specified
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no token was specified
# Test our bot detection with a internal server error
mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=None)
# No chat_ids specified
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no token was specified
# Test our bot detection with an unmappable html error
mock_post.return_value.status_code = 999
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=None)
# No chat_ids specified
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no token was specified
# Do it again but this time provide a failure message
mock_post.return_value.content = dumps({'description': 'Failure Message'})
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=None)
# No chat_ids specified
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no token was specified
# Do it again but this time provide a failure message and perform a
# notification without a bot detection by providing at least 1 chat id
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=['@abcd'])
assert nimg_obj.notify(
title='title', body='body', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
# iterate over our exceptions and test them
for _exception in REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS:
mock_post.side_effect = _exception
obj = plugins.NotifyTelegram(bot_token=bot_token, chat_ids=None)
# No chat_ids specified
except TypeError:
# Exception should be thrown about the fact no token was specified
def test_notify_overflow_truncate():
API: Overflow Truncate Functionality Testing
# A little preparation
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Number of characters per line
row = 24
# Some variables we use to control the data we work with
body_len = 1024
title_len = 1024
# Create a large body and title with random data
body = ''.join(choice(str_alpha + str_num + ' ') for _ in range(body_len))
body = '\r\n'.join([body[i: i + row] for i in range(0, len(body), row)])
# the new lines add a large amount to our body; lets force the content
# back to being 1024 characters.
body = body[0:1024]
# Create our title using random data
title = ''.join(choice(str_alpha + str_num) for _ in range(title_len))
# First Test: Truncated Title
class TestNotification(NotifyBase):
# Test title max length
title_maxlen = 10
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
# Load our object
obj = TestNotification(overflow='invalid')
# We should have thrown an exception because our specified overflow
# is wrong.
assert False
except TypeError:
# Expected to be here
assert True
# Load our object
obj = TestNotification(overflow=OverflowMode.TRUNCATE)
assert obj is not None
# Verify that we break the title to a max length of our title_max
# and that the body remains untouched
chunks = obj._apply_overflow(body=body, title=title)
assert len(chunks) == 1
assert body == chunks[0].get('body')
assert title[0:TestNotification.title_maxlen] == chunks[0].get('title')
# Next Test: Line Count Control
class TestNotification(NotifyBase):
# Test title max length
title_maxlen = 5
# Maximum number of lines
body_max_line_count = 5
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
# Load our object
obj = TestNotification(overflow=OverflowMode.TRUNCATE)
assert obj is not None
# Verify that we break the title to a max length of our title_max
# and that the body remains untouched
chunks = obj._apply_overflow(body=body, title=title)
assert len(chunks) == 1
assert len(chunks[0].get('body').split('\n')) == \
assert title[0:TestNotification.title_maxlen] == chunks[0].get('title')
# Next Test: Truncated body
class TestNotification(NotifyBase):
# Test title max length
title_maxlen = title_len
# Enforce a body length of just 10
body_maxlen = 10
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
# Load our object
obj = TestNotification(overflow=OverflowMode.TRUNCATE)
assert obj is not None
# Verify that we break the title to a max length of our title_max
# and that the body remains untouched
chunks = obj._apply_overflow(body=body, title=title)
assert len(chunks) == 1
assert body[0:TestNotification.body_maxlen] == chunks[0].get('body')
assert title == chunks[0].get('title')
# Next Test: Append title to body + Truncated body
class TestNotification(NotifyBase):
# Enforce no title
title_maxlen = 0
# Enforce a body length of just 100
body_maxlen = 100
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
# Load our object
obj = TestNotification(overflow=OverflowMode.TRUNCATE)
assert obj is not None
# Verify that we break the title to a max length of our title_max
# and that the body remains untouched
chunks = obj._apply_overflow(body=body, title=title)
assert len(chunks) == 1
# The below line should be read carefully... We're actually testing to see
# that our title is matched against our body. Behind the scenes, the title
# was appended to the body. The body was then truncated to the maxlen.
# The thing is, since the title is so large, all of the body was lost
# and a good chunk of the title was too. The message sent will just be a
# small portion of the title
assert len(chunks[0].get('body')) == TestNotification.body_maxlen
assert title[0:TestNotification.body_maxlen] == chunks[0].get('body')
def test_notify_overflow_split():
API: Overflow Split Functionality Testing
# A little preparation
# Disable Throttling to speed testing
plugins.NotifyBase.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0
# Number of characters per line
row = 24
# Some variables we use to control the data we work with
body_len = 1024
title_len = 1024
# Create a large body and title with random data
body = ''.join(choice(str_alpha + str_num + ' ') for _ in range(body_len))
body = '\r\n'.join([body[i: i + row] for i in range(0, len(body), row)])
# the new lines add a large amount to our body; lets force the content
# back to being 1024 characters.
body = body[0:1024]
# Create our title using random data
title = ''.join(choice(str_alpha + str_num) for _ in range(title_len))
# First Test: Truncated Title
class TestNotification(NotifyBase):
# Test title max length
title_maxlen = 10
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
# Load our object
obj = TestNotification(overflow=OverflowMode.SPLIT)
assert obj is not None
# Verify that we break the title to a max length of our title_max
# and that the body remains untouched
chunks = obj._apply_overflow(body=body, title=title)
assert len(chunks) == 1
assert body == chunks[0].get('body')
assert title[0:TestNotification.title_maxlen] == chunks[0].get('title')
# Next Test: Line Count Control
class TestNotification(NotifyBase):
# Test title max length
title_maxlen = 5
# Maximum number of lines
body_max_line_count = 5
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
# Load our object
obj = TestNotification(overflow=OverflowMode.SPLIT)
assert obj is not None
# Verify that we break the title to a max length of our title_max
# and that the body remains untouched
chunks = obj._apply_overflow(body=body, title=title)
assert len(chunks) == 1
assert len(chunks[0].get('body').split('\n')) == \
assert title[0:TestNotification.title_maxlen] == chunks[0].get('title')
# Next Test: Split body
class TestNotification(NotifyBase):
# Test title max length
title_maxlen = title_len
# Enforce a body length
# Wrap in int() so Python v3 doesn't convert the response into a float
body_maxlen = int(body_len / 4)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
# Load our object
obj = TestNotification(overflow=OverflowMode.SPLIT)
assert obj is not None
# Verify that we break the title to a max length of our title_max
# and that the body remains untouched
chunks = obj._apply_overflow(body=body, title=title)
offset = 0
assert len(chunks) == 4
for chunk in chunks:
# Our title never changes
assert title == chunk.get('title')
# Our body is only broken up; not lost
_body = chunk.get('body')
assert body[offset: len(_body) + offset] == _body
offset += len(_body)
# Next Test: Append title to body + split body
class TestNotification(NotifyBase):
# Enforce no title
title_maxlen = 0
# Enforce a body length based on the title
# Wrap in int() so Python v3 doesn't convert the response into a float
body_maxlen = int(title_len / 4)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
# Load our object
obj = TestNotification(overflow=OverflowMode.SPLIT)
assert obj is not None
# Verify that we break the title to a max length of our title_max
# and that the body remains untouched
chunks = obj._apply_overflow(body=body, title=title)
# Our final product is that our title has been appended to our body to
# create one great big body. As a result we'll get quite a few lines back
# now.
offset = 0
# Our body will look like this in small chunks at the end of the day
bulk = title + '\r\n' + body
# Due to the new line added to the end
assert len(chunks) == (
# wrap division in int() so Python 3 doesn't convert it to a float on
# us
int(len(bulk) / TestNotification.body_maxlen) +
(1 if len(bulk) % TestNotification.body_maxlen else 0))
for chunk in chunks:
# Our title is empty every time
assert chunk.get('title') == ''
_body = chunk.get('body')
assert bulk[offset: len(_body) + offset] == _body
offset += len(_body)