You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
904 B

universal = 0
# ensure LICENSE is included in wheel metadata
license_files = LICENSE
# We exclude packages we don't maintain
exclude = .eggs,.tox,.local,dist
ignore = E741,E722,W503,W504,W605
statistics = true
builtins = _
addopts = -ra
python_files = test/test_*.py
norecursedirs=test/helpers, dist
filterwarnings =
output-file = apprise/i18n/apprise.pot
sort-output = true
copyright-holder = Chris Caron
msgid-bugs-address =
charset = utf-8
no-location = true
add-comments = false
domain = apprise
directory = apprise/i18n
statistics = true
use-fuzzy = true
domain = apprise
input-file = apprise/i18n/apprise.pot
output-dir = apprise/i18n
domain = apprise
input-file = apprise/i18n/apprise.pot
output-dir = apprise/i18n