mirror of https://github.com/caronc/apprise
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2461 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BSD 2-Clause License
# Apprise - Push Notification Library.
# Copyright (c) 2024, Chris Caron <lead2gold@gmail.com>
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
import logging
import pytest
import os
import shutil
import sys
import re
from unittest import mock
from inspect import cleandoc
import smtplib
from email.header import decode_header
from apprise import NotifyType, NotifyBase
from apprise import Apprise
from apprise import AttachBase
from apprise import AppriseAsset
from apprise import PersistentStoreMode
from apprise.exception import AppriseException
from apprise.config import ConfigBase
from apprise import AppriseAttachment
from apprise.plugins import email
from apprise import utils
# Disable logging for a cleaner testing output
# Attachment Directory
TEST_VAR_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'var')
# NotifyEmail
('mailto://', {
'instance': TypeError,
('mailtos://', {
'instance': TypeError,
('mailto://:@/', {
'instance': TypeError,
# No Username
('mailtos://:pass@nuxref.com:567', {
# Can't prepare a To address using this expression
'instance': TypeError,
# Pre-Configured Email Services
('mailto://user:pass@gmail.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@hotmail.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@live.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@prontomail.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@yahoo.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@yahoo.ca', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@fastmail.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@sendgrid.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Yandex
('mailto://user:pass@yandex.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@yandex.ru', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@yandex.fr', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Custom Emails
('mailtos://user:pass@nuxref.com:567', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@nuxref.com?mode=ssl', {
# mailto:// with mode=ssl causes us to convert to ssl
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Our expected url(privacy=True) startswith() response:
'privacy_url': 'mailtos://user:****@nuxref.com',
('mailto://user:pass@nuxref.com:567?format=html', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailtos://user:pass@nuxref.com:567?to=l2g@nuxref.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailtos://user:pass@domain.com?user=admin@mail-domain.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailtos://%20@domain.com?user=admin@mail-domain.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailtos://%20@domain.com?user=admin@mail-domain.com?pgp=yes', {
# Test pgp flag
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailtos://user:pass@nuxref.com:567/l2g@nuxref.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
'&pass=l2g@apprise!is!Awesome', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
'&pass=l2g@apprise!is!Awesome&format=text', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Test Carbon Copy
'&name=l2g&cc=noreply@example.com,test@example.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Test Blind Carbon Copy
'&name=l2g&bcc=noreply@example.com,test@example.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Test Carbon Copy with bad email
'&name=l2g&cc=noreply@example.com,@', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Test Blind Carbon Copy with bad email
'&name=l2g&bcc=noreply@example.com,@', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Test Reply To
'&name=l2g&reply=test@example.com,test2@example.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Test Reply To with bad email
'&name=l2g&reply=test@example.com,@', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# headers
'?+X-Customer-Campaign-ID=Apprise', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# No Password
('mailtos://user:@nuxref.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Invalid From Address; but just gets put as the from name instead
# Hence the below generats From: "@ <user@nuxref.com>"
('mailtos://user:pass@nuxref.com?from=@', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Invalid From Address
('mailtos://nuxref.com?user=&pass=.', {
'instance': TypeError,
# Invalid To Address is accepted, but we won't be able to properly email
# using the notify() call
('mailtos://user:pass@nuxref.com?to=@', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
'response': False,
# Valid URL, but can't structure a proper email
('mailtos://nuxref.com?user=%20"&pass=.', {
'instance': TypeError,
# Invalid From (and To) Address
('mailtos://nuxref.com?to=test', {
'instance': TypeError,
# Invalid Secure Mode
('mailtos://user:pass@example.com?mode=notamode', {
'instance': TypeError,
# STARTTLS flag checking
('mailtos://user:pass@gmail.com?mode=starttls', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Our expected url(privacy=True) startswith() response:
'privacy_url': 'mailtos://user:****@gmail.com',
# SSL flag checking
('mailtos://user:pass@gmail.com?mode=ssl', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Can make a To address using what we have (l2g@nuxref.com)
('mailtos://nuxref.com?user=l2g&pass=.', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Our expected url(privacy=True) startswith() response:
'privacy_url': 'mailtos://l2g:****@nuxref.com',
('mailto://user:pass@localhost:2525', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
# Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag
# is set and tests that we gracfully handle them
'test_smtplib_exceptions': True,
# Use of both 'name' and 'from' together; these are synonymous
'from=jack@gmail.com&name=Jason<jason@gmail.com>', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail}),
# Test no auth at all
('mailto://localhost?from=test@example.com&to=test@example.com', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
'privacy_url': 'mailto://localhost',
# Test multi-emails where some are bad
('mailto://user:pass@localhost/test@example.com/test2@/$@!/', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
'privacy_url': 'mailto://user:****@localhost/'
('mailto://user:pass@localhost/?bcc=test2@,$@!/', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@localhost/?cc=test2@,$@!/', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
('mailto://user:pass@localhost/?reply=test2@,$@!/', {
'instance': email.NotifyEmail,
def test_plugin_email(mock_smtp, mock_smtpssl):
NotifyEmail() General Checks
# iterate over our dictionary and test it out
for (url, meta) in TEST_URLS:
# Our expected instance
instance = meta.get('instance', None)
# Our expected server objects
self = meta.get('self', None)
# Our expected Query response (True, False, or exception type)
response = meta.get('response', True)
# Our expected privacy url
# Don't set this if don't need to check it's value
privacy_url = meta.get('privacy_url')
test_smtplib_exceptions = meta.get(
'test_smtplib_exceptions', False)
# Our mock of our socket action
mock_socket = mock.Mock()
mock_socket.starttls.return_value = True
mock_socket.login.return_value = True
# Create a mock SMTP Object
mock_smtp.return_value = mock_socket
mock_smtpssl.return_value = mock_socket
if test_smtplib_exceptions:
# Handle exception testing; first we turn the boolean flag ito
# a list of exceptions
test_smtplib_exceptions = (
0, 'smtplib.SMTPHeloError() not handled'),
0, 'smtplib.SMTPException() not handled'),
0, 'smtplib.HTTPError() not handled'),
'smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused() not handled'),
0, 'smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused() not handled',
0, 'smtplib.SMTPDataError() not handled'),
'smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected() not handled'),
obj = Apprise.instantiate(url, suppress_exceptions=False)
if obj is None:
# We're done (assuming this is what we were expecting)
assert instance is None
if instance is None:
# Expected None but didn't get it
print('%s instantiated %s (but expected None)' % (
url, str(obj)))
assert False
assert isinstance(obj, instance)
if isinstance(obj, NotifyBase):
# We loaded okay; now lets make sure we can reverse this url
assert isinstance(obj.url(), str)
# Get our URL Identifier
assert isinstance(obj.url_id(), str)
# Verify we can acquire a target count as an integer
assert isinstance(len(obj), int)
# Test url() with privacy=True
assert isinstance(
obj.url(privacy=True), str)
# Some Simple Invalid Instance Testing
assert instance.parse_url(None) is None
assert instance.parse_url(object) is None
assert instance.parse_url(42) is None
if privacy_url:
# Assess that our privacy url is as expected
assert obj.url(privacy=True).startswith(privacy_url)
# Instantiate the exact same object again using the URL from
# the one that was already created properly
obj_cmp = Apprise.instantiate(obj.url())
# Our object should be the same instance as what we had
# originally expected above.
if not isinstance(obj_cmp, NotifyBase):
# Assert messages are hard to trace back with the way
# these tests work. Just printing before throwing our
# assertion failure makes things easier to debug later on
print('TEST FAIL: {} regenerated as {}'.format(
url, obj.url()))
assert False
# Verify there is no change from the old and the new
assert len(obj) == len(obj_cmp), (
'%d targets found in %s, But %d targets found in %s'
% (len(obj), obj.url(privacy=True), len(obj_cmp),
if self:
# Iterate over our expected entries inside of our object
for key, val in self.items():
# Test that our object has the desired key
assert hasattr(key, obj)
assert getattr(key, obj) == val
if test_smtplib_exceptions is False:
# Verify we can acquire a target count as an integer
targets = len(obj)
# check that we're as expected
assert obj.notify(
title='test', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) == response
if response:
# If we successfully got a response, there must have
# been at least 1 target present
assert targets > 0
for exception in test_smtplib_exceptions:
mock_socket.sendmail.side_effect = exception
assert obj.notify(
title='test', body='body',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
except AssertionError:
# Don't mess with these entries
except Exception:
# We can't handle this exception type
except AssertionError:
# Don't mess with these entries
print('%s AssertionError' % url)
except Exception as e:
# Check that we were expecting this exception to happen
if not isinstance(e, response):
except AssertionError:
# Don't mess with these entries
print('%s AssertionError' % url)
except Exception as e:
# Handle our exception
if instance is None:
print('%s generated %s' % (url, str(e)))
if not isinstance(e, instance):
print('%s Exception (expected %s); got %s' % (
url, str(instance), str(e)))
def test_plugin_email_webbase_lookup(mock_smtp, mock_smtpssl):
NotifyEmail() Web Based Lookup Tests
# Insert a test email at the head of our table
email.templates.EMAIL_TEMPLATES = (
# Testing URL
'Testing Lookup',
re.compile(r'^(?P<id>[^@]+)@(?P<domain>l2g\.com)$', re.I),
'port': 123,
'smtp_host': 'smtp.l2g.com',
'secure': True,
'login_type': (email.WebBaseLogin.USERID, )
) + email.templates.EMAIL_TEMPLATES
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://user:pass@l2g.com', suppress_exceptions=True)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert (False, 'user@l2g.com') in obj.targets
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'user@l2g.com'
assert obj.password == 'pass'
assert obj.user == 'user'
assert obj.secure is True
assert obj.port == 123
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp.l2g.com'
# We get the same results if an email is identified as the username
# because the USERID variable forces that we can't use an email
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://_:pass@l2g.com?user=user@test.com', suppress_exceptions=True)
assert obj.user == 'user'
def test_plugin_email_smtplib_init_fail(mock_smtplib):
NotifyEmail() Test exception handling when calling smtplib.SMTP()
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://user:pass@gmail.com', suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# Support Exception handling of smtplib.SMTP
mock_smtplib.side_effect = RuntimeError('Test')
assert obj.notify(
body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
# A handled and expected exception
mock_smtplib.side_effect = smtplib.SMTPException('Test')
assert obj.notify(
body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
def test_plugin_email_smtplib_send_okay(mock_smtplib):
NotifyEmail() Test a successfully sent email
# Defaults to HTML
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://user:pass@gmail.com', suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# Support an email simulation where we can correctly quit
mock_smtplib.starttls.return_value = True
mock_smtplib.login.return_value = True
mock_smtplib.sendmail.return_value = True
mock_smtplib.quit.return_value = True
assert obj.notify(
body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
# Set Text
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://user:pass@gmail.com?format=text', suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.notify(
body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
# Create an apprise object to work with as well
a = Apprise()
assert a.add('mailto://user:pass@gmail.com?format=text')
# Send Attachment with success
attach = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'apprise-test.gif')
assert obj.notify(
body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO,
attach=attach) is True
# same results happen from our Apprise object
assert a.notify(body='body', title='test', attach=attach) is True
# test using an Apprise Attachment object
assert obj.notify(
body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO,
attach=AppriseAttachment(attach)) is True
# same results happen from our Apprise object
assert a.notify(
body='body', title='test', attach=AppriseAttachment(attach)) is True
max_file_size = AttachBase.max_file_size
# Now do a case where the file can't be sent
AttachBase.max_file_size = 1
assert obj.notify(
body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO,
attach=attach) is False
# same results happen from our Apprise object
assert a.notify(body='body', title='test', attach=attach) is False
# Restore value
AttachBase.max_file_size = max_file_size
def test_plugin_email_smtplib_send_multiple_recipients(mock_smtplib):
Verify that NotifyEmail() will use a single SMTP session for submitting
multiple emails.
# Defaults to HTML
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'cc=baz@example.org&bcc=qux@example.org', suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.notify(
body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
assert mock_smtplib.mock_calls == [
mock.call('mail.example.org', 25, None, timeout=15),
mock.call().login('user', 'pass'),
['foo@example.net', 'baz@example.org', 'qux@example.org'],
['bar@example.com', 'baz@example.org', 'qux@example.org'],
# No from= used in the above
assert re.match(r'.*from=.*', obj.url()) is None
# No mode= as this isn't a secure connection
assert re.match(r'.*mode=.*', obj.url()) is None
# No smtp= as the SMTP server is the same as the hostname in this case
assert re.match(r'.*smtp=.*', obj.url()) is None
# URL is assembled based on provided user
assert re.match(
r'^mailto://user:pass\@mail.example.org/.*', obj.url()) is not None
# Verify our added emails are still part of the URL
assert re.match(r'.*/foo%40example.net[/?].*', obj.url()) is not None
assert re.match(r'.*/bar%40example.com[/?].*', obj.url()) is not None
assert re.match(r'.*bcc=qux%40example.org.*', obj.url()) is not None
assert re.match(r'.*cc=baz%40example.org.*', obj.url()) is not None
def test_plugin_email_smtplib_internationalization(mock_smtp):
NotifyEmail() Internationalization Handling
# Defaults to HTML
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
class SMTPMock:
def sendmail(self, *args, **kwargs):
over-ride sendmail calls so we can check our our
internationalization formatting went
match_subject = re.search(
r'\n?(?P<line>Subject: (?P<subject>(.+?)))\n(?:[a-z0-9-]+:)',
args[2], re.I | re.M | re.S)
assert match_subject is not None
match_from = re.search(
r'^(?P<line>From: (?P<name>.+) <(?P<email>[^>]+)>)$',
args[2], re.I | re.M)
assert match_from is not None
# Verify our output was correctly stored
assert match_from.group('email') == 'user@gmail.com'
assert decode_header(match_from.group('name'))[0][0]\
.decode('utf-8') == 'Например так'
assert decode_header(match_subject.group('subject'))[0][0]\
.decode('utf-8') == 'دعونا نجعل العالم مكانا أفضل.'
# Dummy Function
def quit(self, *args, **kwargs):
return True
# Dummy Function
def starttls(self, *args, **kwargs):
return True
# Dummy Function
def login(self, *args, **kwargs):
return True
# Prepare our object we will test our generated email against
mock_smtp.return_value = SMTPMock()
# Further test encoding through the message content as well
assert obj.notify(
# Google Translated to Arabic: "Let's make the world a better place."
title='دعونا نجعل العالم مكانا أفضل.',
# Google Translated to Hungarian: "One line of code at a time.'
body='Egy sor kódot egyszerre.',
notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
def test_plugin_email_url_escaping():
NotifyEmail() Test that user/passwords are properly escaped from URL
# quote(' %20')
passwd = '%20%2520'
# Basically we want to check that ' ' equates to %20 and % equates to %25
# So the above translates to ' %20' (a space in front of %20). We want
# to verify the handling of the password escaping and when it happens.
# a very bad response would be ' ' (double space)
obj = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(obj, dict)
assert 'password' in obj
# Escaping doesn't happen at this stage because we want to leave this to
# the plugins discretion
assert obj.get('password') == '%20%2520'
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# The password is escaped only 'once'
assert obj.password == ' %20'
def test_plugin_email_url_variations():
NotifyEmail() Test URL variations to ensure parsing is correct
# Test variations of username required to be an email address
# user@example.com
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.password == 'abcd123'
assert obj.user == 'apprise@example21.ca'
# No from= used in the above
assert re.match(r'.*from=.*', obj.url()) is None
# No mode= as this isn't a secure connection
assert re.match(r'.*mode=.*', obj.url()) is None
# No smtp= as the SMTP server is the same as the hostname in this case
# even though it was explicitly specified
assert re.match(r'.*smtp=.*', obj.url()) is None
# URL is assembled based on provided user
assert re.match(
r'^mailto://apprise:abcd123\@example.com/.*', obj.url()) is not None
# test username specified in the url body (as an argument)
# this always over-rides the entry at the front of the url
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.password == 'abcd123'
assert obj.user == 'apprise@example21.ca'
# No from= used in the above
assert re.match(r'.*from=.*', obj.url()) is None
# No mode= as this isn't a secure connection
assert re.match(r'.*mode=.*', obj.url()) is None
# No smtp= as the SMTP server is the same as the hostname in this case
assert re.match(r'.*smtp=.*', obj.url()) is None
# URL is assembled based on provided user
assert re.match(
r'^mailto://apprise:abcd123\@example.com/.*', obj.url()) is not None
# test user and password specified in the url body (as an argument)
# this always over-rides the entries at the front of the url
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.password == 'abcd123'
assert obj.user == 'apprise@example21.ca'
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert (False, 'apprise@example.com') in obj.targets
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'apprise@example.com'
assert obj.targets[0][0] is False
assert obj.targets[0][1] == obj.from_addr[1]
# No from= used in the above
assert re.match(r'.*from=.*', obj.url()) is None
# Default mode is starttls
assert re.match(r'.*mode=starttls.*', obj.url()) is not None
# No smtp= as the SMTP server is the same as the hostname in this case
assert re.match(r'.*smtp=.*', obj.url()) is None
# URL is assembled based on provided user
assert re.match(
r'^mailtos://apprise:abcd123\@example.com/.*', obj.url()) is not None
# test user and password specified in the url body (as an argument)
# this always over-rides the entries at the front of the url
# this is similar to the previous test except we're only specifying
# this information in the kwargs
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.password == 'abcd123'
assert obj.user == 'apprise@example21.ca'
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert (False, 'apprise@example.com') in obj.targets
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'apprise@example.com'
assert obj.targets[0][0] is False
assert obj.targets[0][1] == obj.from_addr[1]
assert obj.smtp_host == 'example.com'
# No from= used in the above
assert re.match(r'.*from=.*', obj.url()) is None
# No mode= as this isn't a secure connection
assert re.match(r'.*mode=.*', obj.url()) is None
# No smtp= as the SMTP server is the same as the hostname in this case
assert re.match(r'.*smtp=.*', obj.url()) is None
# URL is assembled based on provided user
assert re.match(
r'^mailto://apprise:abcd123\@example.com/.*', obj.url()) is not None
# test a complicated example
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.password == 'abcd123'
assert obj.user == 'apprise@example21.ca'
assert obj.host == 'example.com'
assert obj.port == 1234
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp.example.edu'
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert (False, 'to@example.jp') in obj.targets
assert obj.from_addr[0] == 'Charles'
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'from@example.jp'
assert re.match(
r'.*from=Charles\+%3Cfrom%40example.jp%3E.*', obj.url()) is not None
# Test Tagging under various urll encodings
for toaddr in ('/john.smith+mytag@domain.com',
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.password == 'pass'
assert obj.user == 'user'
assert obj.host == 'domain.com'
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'user@domain.com'
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert obj.targets[0][0] is False
assert obj.targets[0][1] == 'john.smith+mytag@domain.com'
def test_plugin_email_dict_variations():
NotifyEmail() Test email dictionary variations to ensure parsing is correct
# Test variations of username required to be an email address
# user@example.com
obj = Apprise.instantiate({
'schema': 'mailto',
'user': 'apprise@example.com',
'password': 'abd123',
'host': 'example.com'}, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
def test_plugin_email_url_parsing(mock_smtp, mock_smtp_ssl):
NotifyEmail() Test email url parsing
response = mock.Mock()
mock_smtp_ssl.return_value = response
mock_smtp.return_value = response
# Test variations of username required to be an email address
# user@example.com; we also test an over-ride port on a template driven
# mailto:// entry
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'test name' == results['from_addr']
assert 'user' == results['user']
assert 444 == results['port']
assert 'hotmail.com' == results['host']
assert 'pass123' == results['password']
assert 'user2@yahoo.com' in results['targets']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'user@hotmail.com'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'user2@yahoo.com'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'test'
# Our URL port was over-ridden (on template) to use 444
# We can verify that this was correctly saved
assert obj.url().startswith(
assert 'mode=starttls' in obj.url()
assert 'smtp=smtp-mail.outlook.com' in obj.url()
# The below switches the `name` with the `to` to verify the results
# are the same; it also verfies that the mode gets changed to SSL
# instead of STARTTLS
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'test name' == results['from_addr']
assert 'user' == results['user']
assert 'hotmail.com' == results['host']
assert 'pass123' == results['password']
assert 'user2@yahoo.com' in results['targets']
assert 'ssl' == results['secure_mode']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 1
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'user@hotmail.com'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'user2@yahoo.com'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'test'
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
# the SMTP Server was ovr
assert pw == 'pass123'
assert user == 'user'
assert obj.url().startswith(
# Test that our template over-ride worked
assert 'mode=ssl' in obj.url()
assert 'smtp=override.com' in obj.url()
# No reply address specified
assert 'reply=' not in obj.url()
# Test outlook/hotmail lookups
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp-mail.outlook.com'
# No entries in the reply_to
assert not obj.reply_to
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'pass123'
assert user == 'user@hotmail.com'
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp.outlook.com'
# No entries in the reply_to
assert not obj.reply_to
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'pass123'
assert user == 'user@outlook.com'
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp.outlook.com'
# No entries in the reply_to
assert not obj.reply_to
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'pass123'
assert user == 'user@outlook.com.au'
# Consisitency Checks
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj1 = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj1, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj1.smtp_host == 'smtp.outlook.com'
assert obj1.user == 'user@outlook.com'
assert obj1.password == 'app.pw'
assert obj1.secure_mode == 'starttls'
assert obj1.port == 587
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj1.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'app.pw'
assert user == 'user@outlook.com'
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj2 = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj2, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj2.smtp_host == obj1.smtp_host
assert obj2.user == obj1.user
assert obj2.password == obj1.password
assert obj2.secure_mode == obj1.secure_mode
assert obj2.port == obj1.port
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj2.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'app.pw'
assert user == 'user@outlook.com'
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp.comcast.net'
assert obj.user == 'user@comcast.net'
assert obj.password == 'pass'
assert obj.secure_mode == 'ssl'
assert obj.port == 465
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 1
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'pass'
assert user == 'user@comcast.net'
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# No entries in the reply_to
assert not obj.reply_to
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'pass123'
assert user == 'user@live.com'
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# No entries in the reply_to
assert not obj.reply_to
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'pass123'
assert user == 'user@hotmail.com'
# Test Port Over-Riding
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# Verify our over-rides are in place
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp.exmail.qq.com'
assert obj.port == 465
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'abc@xyz.cn'
assert obj.secure_mode == 'ssl'
# No entries in the reply_to
assert not obj.reply_to
# No from= used in the above
assert re.match(r'.*from=.*', obj.url()) is None
# No Our secure connection is SSL
assert re.match(r'.*mode=ssl.*', obj.url()) is not None
# No smtp= as the SMTP server is the same as the hostname in this case
assert re.match(r'.*smtp=smtp.exmail.qq.com.*', obj.url()) is not None
# URL is assembled based on provided user (:465 is dropped because it
# is a default port when using xyz.cn)
assert re.match(
r'^mailtos://abc:password@xyz.cn/.*', obj.url()) is not None
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 1
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'password'
assert user == 'abc'
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# Verify our over-rides are in place
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp.exmail.qq.com'
assert obj.port == 465
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'abc@xyz.cn'
assert obj.secure_mode == 'ssl'
# No entries in the reply_to
assert not obj.reply_to
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 1
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'password'
assert user == 'abc'
# Test Reply-To Email
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# Verify our over-rides are in place
assert obj.smtp_host == 'example.com'
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'user@example.com'
assert obj.secure_mode == 'starttls'
assert obj.url().startswith(
# Test that our template over-ride worked
assert 'reply=noreply%40example.com' in obj.url()
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'pass'
assert user == 'user'
# Test Reply-To Email with Name Inline
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# Verify our over-rides are in place
assert obj.smtp_host == 'example.com'
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'user@example.com'
assert obj.secure_mode == 'starttls'
assert obj.url().startswith(
# Test that our template over-ride worked
assert 'reply=Chris+%3Cnoreply%40example.ca%3E' in obj.url()
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'pass'
assert user == 'user'
# Fast Mail Handling
# Test variations of username required to be an email address
# user@example.com; we also test an over-ride port on a template driven
# mailto:// entry
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
'&from=Concordium Explorer Bot<bot@concordium-explorer.nl>')
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'Concordium Explorer Bot<bot@concordium-explorer.nl>' == \
assert 'joe@mydomain.nl' == results['user']
assert results['port'] is None
assert 'fastmail.com' == results['host']
assert 'abc123' == results['password']
assert 'hello@concordium-explorer.nl' in results['targets']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 1
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'bot@concordium-explorer.nl'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'hello@concordium-explorer.nl'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'test'
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'abc123'
assert user == 'joe@mydomain.nl'
# Issue github.com/caronc/apprise/issue/1040
# mailto://fastmail.com?user=username@customdomain.com \
# &to=username@customdomain.com&pass=password123
# should just have to be written like (to= omitted)
# mailto://fastmail.com?user=username@customdomain.com&pass=password123
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'username@customdomain.com' == results['user']
assert results['from_addr'] == ''
assert results['port'] is None
assert 'fastmail.com' == results['host']
assert 'password123' == results['password']
assert results['smtp_host'] == ''
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# During instantiation, our variables get detected
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp.fastmail.com'
assert obj.from_addr == ['Apprise', 'username@customdomain.com']
assert obj.host == 'customdomain.com'
# detected from
assert (False, 'username@customdomain.com') in obj.targets
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 1
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'username@customdomain.com'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'username@customdomain.com'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'test'
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'password123'
assert user == 'username@customdomain.com'
# Similar test as above, just showing that we can over-ride the From=
# with these custom URLs as well and not require a full email
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'username@customdomain.com' == results['user']
assert results['from_addr'] == 'Custom'
assert results['port'] is None
assert 'fastmail.com' == results['host']
assert 'password123' == results['password']
assert results['smtp_host'] == ''
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# During instantiation, our variables get detected
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp.fastmail.com'
assert obj.from_addr == ['Custom', 'username@customdomain.com']
assert obj.host == 'customdomain.com'
# detected from
assert (False, 'username@customdomain.com') in obj.targets
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 1
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'username@customdomain.com'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'username@customdomain.com'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'test'
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert pw == 'password123'
assert user == 'username@customdomain.com'
# Issue github.com/caronc/apprise/issue/941
# mail domain = mail-domain.com
# host domain = domain.subdomain.com
# PASSWORD needs to be fetched since a user= was provided
# - this is an edge case that is tested here
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
# From_Addr could not be detected at this stage, but will be
# handled during instantiation
assert '' == results['from_addr']
assert 'admin@mail-domain.com' == results['user']
assert results['port'] == 587
assert 'domain.subdomain.com' == results['host']
assert 'PASSWORD' == results['password']
assert 'mail@mail-domain.com' in results['targets']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
# Not that our from_address takes on 'admin@domain.subdomain.com'
assert obj.from_addr == ['Apprise', 'admin@domain.subdomain.com']
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'admin@domain.subdomain.com'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'mail@mail-domain.com'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'test'
user, pw = response.login.call_args[0]
assert user == 'admin@mail-domain.com'
assert pw == 'PASSWORD'
def test_plugin_email_plus_in_toemail(mock_smtp, mock_smtp_ssl):
NotifyEmail() support + in To Email address
response = mock.Mock()
mock_smtp_ssl.return_value = response
mock_smtp.return_value = response
# We want to test the case where a + is found in the To address; we want to
# ensure that it is supported
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
'?to=Plus Support<test+notification@gmail.com>')
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'user' == results['user']
assert 'gmail.com' == results['host']
assert 'pass123' == results['password']
assert results['port'] is None
assert 'Plus Support<test+notification@gmail.com>' in results['targets']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert ('Plus Support', 'test+notification@gmail.com') in obj.targets
assert obj.smtp_host == 'smtp.gmail.com'
assert obj.from_addr == ['Apprise', 'user@gmail.com']
assert obj.host == 'gmail.com'
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'user@gmail.com'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'test+notification@gmail.com'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'test'
# Perform the same test where the To field jsut contains the + in the
# address
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'user' == results['user']
assert 'gmail.com' == results['host']
assert 'pass123' == results['password']
assert results['port'] is None
assert 'test+notification@gmail.com' in results['targets']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert (False, 'test+notification@gmail.com') in obj.targets
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'user@gmail.com'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'test+notification@gmail.com'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'test'
# Perform the same test where the To field is in the URL itself
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'user' == results['user']
assert 'gmail.com' == results['host']
assert 'pass123' == results['password']
assert results['port'] is None
assert 'test+notification@gmail.com' in results['targets']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert (False, 'test+notification@gmail.com') in obj.targets
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify("test") is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'user@gmail.com'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'test+notification@gmail.com'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'test'
def test_plugin_email_formatting_990(mock_smtp, mock_smtp_ssl):
NotifyEmail() GitHub Issue 990
Email formatting not working correctly
response = mock.Mock()
mock_smtp_ssl.return_value = response
mock_smtp.return_value = response
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'noreply@mydomain.com' == results['user']
assert 'mydomain.com' == results['host']
assert 'mail.local.mydomain.com' == results['smtp_host']
assert 'mypassword' == results['password']
assert 'ssl' == results['secure_mode']
assert '465' == results['port']
assert 'me@mydomain.com' in results['targets']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail)
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert (False, 'me@mydomain.com') in obj.targets
def test_plugin_email_variables_1087():
NotifyEmail() GitHub Issue 1087
Email variables reported not working correctly
# Valid Configuration
result, _ = ConfigBase.config_parse(cleandoc("""
# Test Email Parsing
- mailtos://alt.lan/:
- user: testuser@alt.lan
pass: xxxxXXXxxx
smtp: smtp.alt.lan
to: alteriks@alt.lan
"""), asset=AppriseAsset())
assert isinstance(result, list)
assert len(result) == 1
email = result[0]
assert email.from_addr == ['Apprise', 'testuser@alt.lan']
assert email.user == 'testuser@alt.lan'
assert email.smtp_host == 'smtp.alt.lan'
assert email.targets == [(False, 'alteriks@alt.lan')]
assert email.password == 'xxxxXXXxxx'
# Valid Configuration
result, _ = ConfigBase.config_parse(cleandoc("""
# Test Email Parsing where qsd over-rides all
- mailtos://alt.lan/?pass=abcd&user=joe@alt.lan:
- user: testuser@alt.lan
pass: xxxxXXXxxx
smtp: smtp.alt.lan
to: alteriks@alt.lan
"""), asset=AppriseAsset())
assert isinstance(result, list)
assert len(result) == 1
email = result[0]
assert email.from_addr == ['Apprise', 'joe@alt.lan']
assert email.user == 'joe@alt.lan'
assert email.smtp_host == 'smtp.alt.lan'
assert email.targets == [(False, 'alteriks@alt.lan')]
assert email.password == 'abcd'
def test_plugin_host_detection_from_source_email(mock_smtp, mock_smtp_ssl):
NotifyEmail() Discord Issue reporting that the following did not work:
response = mock.Mock()
mock_smtp_ssl.return_value = response
mock_smtp.return_value = response
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'name@spectrum.net' == results['user']
assert 'spectrum.net' == results['host']
assert 'mobile.charter.net' == results['smtp_host']
assert 'password' == results['password']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail) is True
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert (False, 'name@spectrum.net') in obj.targets
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert obj.password == 'password'
assert obj.user == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert obj.secure is True
assert obj.port == 587
assert obj.smtp_host == 'mobile.charter.net'
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify('body', 'title') is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'body'
# Now let's do a shortened version of the same URL where the host isn't
# specified but is parseable from he user login
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'name@spectrum.net' == results['user']
assert '' == results['host'] # No hostname defined; it's detected later
assert 'mobile.charter.net' == results['smtp_host']
assert 'password' == results['password']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail) is True
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert (False, 'name@spectrum.net') in obj.targets
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert obj.password == 'password'
assert obj.user == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert obj.secure is True
assert obj.port == 587
assert obj.smtp_host == 'mobile.charter.net'
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify('body', 'title') is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'body'
# Now let's do a shortened version of the same URL where the host isn't
# specified but is parseable from he user login
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'userid-without-domain' == results['user']
assert '' == results['host'] # No hostname defined
assert 'mobile.charter.net' == results['smtp_host']
assert 'password' == results['password']
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
# We will fail
Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
# Now support target emails in place of the hostname
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
'mailtos://John Doe<john%40yahoo.ca>?smtp=mobile.charter.net'
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert 'name@spectrum.net' == results['user']
assert '' == results['host'] # No hostname defined; it's detected later
assert 'mobile.charter.net' == results['smtp_host']
assert 'password' == results['password']
obj = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(obj, email.NotifyEmail) is True
assert len(obj.targets) == 1
assert ('John Doe', 'john@yahoo.ca') in obj.targets
assert obj.from_addr[0] == obj.app_id
assert obj.from_addr[1] == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert obj.password == 'password'
assert obj.user == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert obj.secure is True
assert obj.port == 587
assert obj.smtp_host == 'mobile.charter.net'
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 0
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert obj.notify('body', 'title') is True
assert mock_smtp.call_count == 1
assert mock_smtp_ssl.call_count == 0
assert response.starttls.call_count == 1
assert response.login.call_count == 1
assert response.sendmail.call_count == 1
# Store our Sent Arguments
# Syntax is:
# sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=())
# [0] [1] [2]
_from = response.sendmail.call_args[0][0]
_to = response.sendmail.call_args[0][1]
_msg = response.sendmail.call_args[0][2]
assert _from == 'name@spectrum.net'
assert isinstance(_to, list)
assert len(_to) == 1
assert _to[0] == 'john@yahoo.ca'
assert _msg.split('\n')[-3] == 'body'
def test_plugin_email_by_ipaddr_1113(mock_smtp, mock_smtp_ssl):
NotifyEmail() GitHub Issue 1113
Email with ip addresses not working
response = mock.Mock()
mock_smtp_ssl.return_value = response
mock_smtp.return_value = response
results = email.NotifyEmail.parse_url(
assert isinstance(results, dict)
assert results['user'] is None
assert results['password'] is None
assert results['host'] == ''
assert results['from_addr'] == 'sender@example.com'
assert isinstance(results['targets'], list)
assert len(results['targets']) == 1
assert results['targets'][0] == 'alerts@example.com'
assert results['port'] == 25
_email = Apprise.instantiate(results, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert isinstance(_email, email.NotifyEmail) is True
assert len(_email.targets) == 1
assert (False, 'alerts@example.com') in _email.targets
assert _email.from_addr == (False, 'sender@example.com')
assert _email.user is None
assert _email.password is None
assert _email.smtp_host == ''
assert _email.port == 25
assert _email.targets == [(False, 'alerts@example.com')]
@pytest.mark.skipif('pgpy' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires PGPy")
def test_plugin_email_pgp(mock_smtp, mock_smtpssl, tmpdir):
NotifyEmail() PGP Tests
# Our mock of our socket action
mock_socket = mock.Mock()
mock_socket.starttls.return_value = True
mock_socket.login.return_value = True
# Create a mock SMTP Object
mock_smtp.return_value = mock_socket
mock_smtpssl.return_value = mock_socket
assert utils.pgp.PGP_SUPPORT is True
utils.pgp.PGP_SUPPORT = False
# Forces to run through section of code that produces a warning there is
# no PGP
obj = Apprise.instantiate('mailto://user:pass@nuxref.com?pgp=yes')
# No PGP Support and set enabled
assert obj.notify('test body') is False
# Return the PGP status for remaining checks
utils.pgp.PGP_SUPPORT = True
# Initialize our email (no from name)
obj = Apprise.instantiate('mailto://user2:pass@nuxref.com?pgp=yes')
# Nothing to lookup
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile() is None
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is None
assert obj.pgp.encrypt("message") is False
# Keys can not be generated in memory mode
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is False
# The reason... no location to store data
assert obj.store.mode == PersistentStoreMode.MEMORY
tmpdir0 = tmpdir.mkdir('tmp00')
asset = AppriseAsset(
# Prepare PGP
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://pgp:pass@nuxref.com?pgp=yes', asset=asset)
assert obj.store.mode == PersistentStoreMode.FLUSH
# Still no public key
assert obj.pgp.public_key(autogen=False) is None
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is True
# Now we'll have a public key
assert isinstance(obj.pgp.public_keyfile(), str)
# Generate warning by second call
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is True
# Remove newly generated files
os.unlink(os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'pgp-pub.asc'))
os.unlink(os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'pgp-prv.asc'))
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://pgp:pass@nuxref.com?pgp=yes', asset=asset)
assert obj.store.mode == PersistentStoreMode.FLUSH
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is True
# Prepare PGP while providing it a key
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://pgp:pass@nuxref.com?pgp=yes&pgpkey=%s' %
obj.pgp.public_keyfile(), asset=asset)
# keyfile Defined
assert obj.pgp.pub_keyfile is not None
# Get our key
key = obj.pgp.public_key()
# In this circumstance we can not generate a new key as the one provided
# is immutable
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is False
# Our key is the same
assert key is obj.pgp.public_key()
tmpdir0 = tmpdir.mkdir('tmp00a')
asset0 = AppriseAsset(
# Prepare Invalid PGP Key
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
# No keyfiles
assert obj.pgp.pub_keyfile is None
# Generate our keys
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is True
# Second call uses cache
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is True
# We will find our key
key = obj.pgp.public_key()
assert key is not None
# Utilize force parameter
assert obj.pgp.keygen(force=True) is True
# Our key is new
assert key != obj.pgp.public_key()
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is not None
# Prepare Invalid PGP Key
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
# Returns false
assert obj.pgp.pub_keyfile is False
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile() is False
tmpdir2 = tmpdir.mkdir('tmp02')
asset = AppriseAsset(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://chris:pass@nuxref.com?pgp=yes', asset=asset)
assert obj.store.mode == PersistentStoreMode.FLUSH
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is True
# Second call uses cache
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is True
# We will find our key
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is not None
# We do this again but even when we do a requisition for a public key
# it will generate a new pair or keys for us once it detects we don't
# have any
tmpdir3 = tmpdir.mkdir('tmp03')
asset = AppriseAsset(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://chris:pass@nuxref.com/user@example.com?pgp=yes', asset=asset)
assert obj.store.mode == PersistentStoreMode.FLUSH
# We'll have a public key object to encrypt with
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is not None
encrypted = obj.pgp.encrypt("hello world")
assert encrypted.startswith('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----')
assert encrypted.rstrip().endswith('-----END PGP MESSAGE-----')
dir_content = os.listdir(obj.store.path)
assert 'chris-pub.asc' in dir_content
assert 'chris-prv.asc' in dir_content
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile().endswith('chris-pub.asc')
assert obj.notify('test body') is True
# The private key is not needed for sending the encrypted messages
os.unlink(os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'chris-prv.asc'))
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'chris-pub.asc'),
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'user@example.com-pub.asc'))
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile() is None
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("not-reference@example.com") is None
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("user@example.com")\
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("user@example.com")\
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("User@Example.com")\
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("unknown") is None
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'user@example.com-pub.asc'),
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'user-pub.asc'),
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("user@example.com")\
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("User@Example.com")\
# Remove file
os.unlink(os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'user@example.com-pub.asc'))
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("user@example.com").endswith('user-pub.asc')
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'user-pub.asc'),
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'chris-pub.asc'),
# user-pub.asc still trumps still trumps
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("user@example.com").endswith('user-pub.asc')
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'chris-pub.asc'),
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'chris@nuxref.com-pub.asc'),
# user-pub still trumps
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("user@example.com").endswith('user-pub.asc')
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("invalid@example.com")\
# remove this file
os.unlink(os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'user-pub.asc'))
# now we fall back to basic/default configuration
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("user@example.com")\
os.unlink(os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'chris@nuxref.com-pub.asc'))
assert obj.pgp.public_keyfile("user@example.com").endswith('chris-pub.asc')
# Testing again
tmpdir4 = tmpdir.mkdir('tmp04')
asset = AppriseAsset(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://chris:pass@nuxref.com/user@example.com?pgp=yes', asset=asset)
with mock.patch('builtins.open', side_effect=FileNotFoundError):
# can't open key
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is None
with mock.patch('builtins.open', side_effect=OSError):
# can't open key
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is None
# Test unlink
with mock.patch('os.unlink', side_effect=OSError):
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is None
# Key Generation will fail
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is False
with mock.patch('pgpy.PGPKey.new', side_effect=NameError):
# Can't Generate keys
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is False
# can't open key
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is None
with mock.patch('pgpy.PGPKey.from_blob', side_effect=FileNotFoundError):
# can't open key
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is None
with mock.patch('pgpy.PGPKey.from_blob', side_effect=OSError):
# can't open key
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is None
# Can't encrypt key
with mock.patch('pgpy.PGPKey.from_blob', side_effect=NameError):
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is None
with mock.patch('pgpy.PGPMessage.new', side_effect=NameError):
assert obj.pgp.encrypt("message") is None
# Attempts to encrypt a message
assert obj.notify('test-encrypt') is False
# Create new keys
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is True
with mock.patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=False):
with mock.patch('builtins.open', side_effect=OSError):
with mock.patch('os.unlink', return_value=None):
assert obj.pgp.keygen() is False
# Testing again
tmpdir5 = tmpdir.mkdir('tmp05')
asset = AppriseAsset(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://chris:pass@nuxref.com/user@example.com?pgp=yes', asset=asset)
# Catch edge case where we just can't generate the the key
with mock.patch('os.path.isfile', side_effect=(
# 5x False to skip through pgp.public_keyfile()
False, False, False, False, False, False,
# 1x True to pass pgp.keygen()
# 5x False to skip through pgp.public_keyfile() second call
False, False, False, False, False, False)):
with mock.patch('pgpy.PGPKey.from_blob',
assert obj.pgp.public_key() is None
# Corrupt Data
tmpdir6 = tmpdir.mkdir('tmp06')
asset = AppriseAsset(
obj = Apprise.instantiate(
'mailto://chris:pass@nuxref.com/user@example.com?pgp=yes', asset=asset)
os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'pgp', 'corrupt-pub.asc'),
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'chris-pub.asc'),
# Key is corrupted
obj.notify('test') is False
os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'apprise-test.jpeg'),
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'chris-pub.asc'),
# Key is a binary image; definitely not a valid key
obj.notify('test') is False
# Using a public key
os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'pgp', 'valid-pub.asc'),
os.path.join(obj.store.path, 'chris-pub.asc'),
# Notification goes through
obj.notify('test') is True
@pytest.mark.skipif('pgpy' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires PGPy")
def test_plugin_email_prepare():
NotifyEmail() prepare_emails static function
with pytest.raises(AppriseException):
# No To: provided
for e in email.NotifyEmail.prepare_emails(
subject="Email Subject",
body="Email Body",
from_addr=(None, "test@test.com"), to=[]):
# Most basic call (a lot of defaults are used)
_iterator = email.NotifyEmail.prepare_emails(
subject="Email Subject",
body="Email Body",
from_addr=(None, "test@test.com"),
to=[('Apprise User', 'apprise@test.com'), ])
entries = [i for i in _iterator]
assert len(entries) == 1
@pytest.mark.skipif('pgpy' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires PGPy")
def test_plugin_pgp(tmpdir):
Pretty Good Privacy Testing
p_obj = utils.pgp.ApprisePGPController(path=None)
# No Path
assert p_obj.keygen() is False
assert p_obj.public_keyfile() is None
p_obj = utils.pgp.ApprisePGPController(
path=None, email='l2g@email.com')
# No Path
assert p_obj.keygen() is False
tmpdir0 = tmpdir.mkdir('tmp00')
p_obj = utils.pgp.ApprisePGPController(
path=str(tmpdir0), email='l2g@email.com')
# A key can be generated with a path defined
assert p_obj.keygen() is True
assert p_obj.public_keyfile() is not None
# A key can be generated with a path defined
assert p_obj.keygen(name='Apprise', force=True) is True
assert p_obj.keygen(
email='l2g@email.com', name='Apprise', force=True) is True
assert utils.pgp.PGP_SUPPORT is True
utils.pgp.PGP_SUPPORT = False
with pytest.raises(AppriseException):
assert p_obj.public_keyfile()
# Return the PGP status for remaining checks
utils.pgp.PGP_SUPPORT = True
tmpdir1 = tmpdir.mkdir('tmp01')
p_obj = utils.pgp.ApprisePGPController(
path=str(tmpdir1), pub_keyfile='bad-file')
assert p_obj.public_keyfile() is False