# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron # All rights reserved. # # This code is licensed under the MIT License. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import re import pytest from unittest import mock import apprise import socket # Disable logging for a cleaner testing output import logging logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) @mock.patch('syslog.syslog') @mock.patch('syslog.openlog') def test_plugin_syslog_by_url(openlog, syslog): """ NotifySyslog() Apprise URLs """ # an invalid URL assert apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog.parse_url(object) is None assert apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog.parse_url(42) is None assert apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog.parse_url(None) is None obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://') assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://user') is True assert re.search(r'logpid=yes', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'logperror=no', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=local', obj.url()) assert isinstance( apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'syslog://:@/'), apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://?logpid=no&logperror=yes') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://user') is True assert re.search(r'logpid=no', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'logperror=yes', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=local', obj.url()) # Test sending a notification assert obj.notify("body") is True assert obj.notify(title="title", body="body") is True # Invalid Notification Type assert obj.notify("body", notify_type='invalid') is False obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://_/?facility=local5') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://local5') is True assert re.search(r'logpid=yes', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'logperror=no', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=local', obj.url()) # Invalid instantiation assert apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://_/?facility=invalid') is None # j will cause a search to take place and match to daemon obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://_/?facility=d') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://daemon') is True assert re.search(r'logpid=yes', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'logperror=no', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=local', obj.url()) # Facility can also be specified on the url as a hostname obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://kern?logpid=no&logperror=y') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://kern') is True assert re.search(r'logpid=no', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'logperror=yes', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=local', obj.url()) # Facilities specified as an argument always over-ride host obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://kern?facility=d') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://daemon') is True assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=local', obj.url()) @mock.patch('syslog.syslog') @mock.patch('syslog.openlog') def test_plugin_syslog_edge_cases(openlog, syslog): """ NotifySyslog() Edge Cases """ # Default obj = apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog(facility=None) assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://user') is True assert re.search(r'logpid=yes', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'logperror=no', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=local', obj.url()) # Exception should be thrown about the fact no bot token was specified with pytest.raises(TypeError): apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog(facility='invalid') with pytest.raises(TypeError): apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog(facility=object) @mock.patch('syslog.syslog') @mock.patch('syslog.openlog') @mock.patch('socket.socket') @mock.patch('os.getpid') def test_plugin_syslog_remote( mock_getpid, mock_socket, mock_openlog, mock_syslog): """ NotifySyslog() Remote Testing """ payload = "test" mock_connection = mock.Mock() # Fix pid response since it can vary in length and this impacts the # sendto() payload response mock_getpid.return_value = 123 # our payload length mock_connection.sendto.return_value = 16 mock_socket.return_value = mock_connection # localhost does not lookup to any of the facility codes so this # gets interpreted as a host obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://localhost') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://localhost') is True assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=remote', obj.url()) assert re.search(r'logpid=yes', obj.url()) is not None assert obj.notify(body=payload) is True # Test with port obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://localhost:518') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://localhost:518') is True assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=remote', obj.url()) assert re.search(r'logpid=yes', obj.url()) is not None assert obj.notify(body=payload) is True # Test with default port obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://localhost:514') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://localhost') is True assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=remote', obj.url()) assert re.search(r'logpid=yes', obj.url()) is not None assert obj.notify(body=payload) is True # Specify a facility obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://localhost/kern') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://localhost/kern') is True assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=remote', obj.url()) assert re.search(r'logpid=yes', obj.url()) is not None assert obj.notify(body=payload) is True # Specify a facility requiring a lookup and having the port identified # resolves any ambiguity obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://kern:514/d') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://kern/daemon') is True assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=remote', obj.url()) assert re.search(r'logpid=yes', obj.url()) is not None mock_connection.sendto.return_value = 17 # daemon is one more byte in size assert obj.notify(body=payload) is True # We can attempt to exclusively set the mode as well without a port # to also remove ambiguity; this falls back to sending as the 'user' obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('syslog://kern/d?mode=remote&logpid=no') assert isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifySyslog) assert obj.url().startswith('syslog://kern/daemon') is True assert re.search(r'syslog://.*mode=remote', obj.url()) assert re.search(r'logpid=no', obj.url()) is not None assert re.search(r'logperror=no', obj.url()) is not None # Test notifications # + 1 byte in size due to user # + length of pid returned mock_connection.sendto.return_value = len(payload) + 5 \ + len(str(mock_getpid.return_value)) assert obj.notify(body=payload) is True # This only fails because the underlining sendto() will return a # length different then what was expected assert obj.notify(body="a different payload size") is False # Test timeouts and errors that can occur mock_connection.sendto.return_value = None mock_connection.sendto.side_effect = socket.gaierror assert obj.notify(body=payload) is False mock_connection.sendto.side_effect = socket.timeout assert obj.notify(body=payload) is False with pytest.raises(TypeError): # Handle an invalid mode obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'syslog://user/?mode=invalid', suppress_exceptions=False)