# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # BSD 2-Clause License # # Apprise - Push Notification Library. # Copyright (c) 2025, Chris Caron # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import importlib import logging import re import sys import types from unittest.mock import Mock, call, ANY import pytest import apprise from helpers import reload_plugin # Disable logging for a cleaner testing output logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) # Skip tests when Python environment does not provide the `dbus` package. if 'dbus' not in sys.modules: pytest.skip("Skipping dbus-python based tests", allow_module_level=True) from dbus import DBusException # noqa E402 from apprise.plugins.dbus import DBusUrgency, NotifyDBus # noqa E402 def setup_glib_environment(): """ Setup a heavily mocked Glib environment. """ mock_mainloop = Mock() # Our module base gi_name = 'gi' # First we do an import without the gi library available to ensure # we can handle cases when the library simply isn't available if gi_name in sys.modules: # Test cases where the gi library exists; we want to remove it # for the purpose of testing and capture the handling of the # library when it is missing del sys.modules[gi_name] importlib.reload(sys.modules['apprise.plugins.NotifyDBus']) # We need to fake our dbus environment for testing purposes since # the gi library isn't available on CI gi = types.ModuleType(gi_name) gi.repository = types.ModuleType(gi_name + '.repository') mock_pixbuf = Mock() mock_image = Mock() mock_pixbuf.new_from_file.return_value = mock_image mock_image.get_width.return_value = 100 mock_image.get_height.return_value = 100 mock_image.get_rowstride.return_value = 1 mock_image.get_has_alpha.return_value = 0 mock_image.get_bits_per_sample.return_value = 8 mock_image.get_n_channels.return_value = 1 mock_image.get_pixels.return_value = '' gi.repository.GdkPixbuf = \ types.ModuleType(gi_name + '.repository.GdkPixbuf') gi.repository.GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf = mock_pixbuf # Emulate require_version function: gi.require_version = Mock( name=gi_name + '.require_version') # Force the fake module to exist sys.modules[gi_name] = gi sys.modules[gi_name + '.repository'] = gi.repository # Exception Handling mock_mainloop.qt.DBusQtMainLoop.return_value = True mock_mainloop.qt.DBusQtMainLoop.side_effect = ImportError sys.modules['dbus.mainloop.qt'] = mock_mainloop.qt mock_mainloop.qt.DBusQtMainLoop.side_effect = None mock_mainloop.glib.NativeMainLoop.return_value = True mock_mainloop.glib.NativeMainLoop.side_effect = ImportError() sys.modules['dbus.mainloop.glib'] = mock_mainloop.glib mock_mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop.side_effect = None mock_mainloop.glib.NativeMainLoop.side_effect = None # When patching something which has a side effect on the module-level code # of a plugin, make sure to reload it. reload_plugin('dbus') @pytest.fixture def dbus_environment(mocker): """ Fixture to provide a mocked Dbus environment to test case functions. """ interface_mock = mocker.patch('dbus.Interface', spec=True, Notify=Mock()) mocker.patch('dbus.SessionBus', spec=True, **{"get_object.return_value": interface_mock}) @pytest.fixture def glib_environment(): """ Fixture to provide a mocked Glib environment to test case functions. """ setup_glib_environment() @pytest.fixture def dbus_glib_environment(dbus_environment, glib_environment): """ Fixture to provide a mocked Glib/DBus environment to test case functions. """ pass def test_plugin_dbus_general_success(mocker, dbus_glib_environment): """ NotifyDBus() general tests Test class loading using different arguments, provided via URL. """ # Create our instance (identify all supported types) obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('dbus://', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.url().startswith('dbus://_/') obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('kde://', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.url().startswith('kde://_/') obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('qt://', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.url().startswith('qt://_/') obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('glib://', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.url().startswith('glib://_/') obj.duration = 0 # Set our X and Y coordinate and try the notification assert NotifyDBus( x_axis=0, y_axis=0, **{'schema': 'dbus'})\ .notify(title='', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True # test notifications assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True # test notification without a title assert obj.notify( title='', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True # Test our arguments through the instantiate call obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'dbus://_/?image=True', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.url().startswith('dbus://_/') assert re.search('image=yes', obj.url()) # URL ID Generation is disabled assert obj.url_id() is None assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'dbus://_/?image=False', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.url().startswith('dbus://_/') assert re.search('image=no', obj.url()) assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True # Test priority (alias to urgency) handling obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'dbus://_/?priority=invalid', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'dbus://_/?priority=high', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'dbus://_/?priority=2', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True # Test urgency handling obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'dbus://_/?urgency=invalid', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'dbus://_/?urgency=high', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'dbus://_/?urgency=2', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'dbus://_/?urgency=', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True # Test x/y obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'dbus://_/?x=5&y=5', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True def test_plugin_dbus_general_failure(dbus_glib_environment): """ Verify a few failure conditions. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): NotifyDBus(**{'schema': 'invalid'}) with pytest.raises(TypeError): apprise.Apprise.instantiate('dbus://_/?x=invalid&y=invalid', suppress_exceptions=False) def test_plugin_dbus_parse_configuration(dbus_glib_environment): # Test configuration parsing content = """ urls: - dbus://: - priority: 0 tag: dbus_int low - priority: "0" tag: dbus_str_int low - priority: low tag: dbus_str low - urgency: 0 tag: dbus_int low - urgency: "0" tag: dbus_str_int low - urgency: low tag: dbus_str low # These will take on normal (default) urgency - priority: invalid tag: dbus_invalid - urgency: invalid tag: dbus_invalid - dbus://: - priority: 2 tag: dbus_int high - priority: "2" tag: dbus_str_int high - priority: high tag: dbus_str high - urgency: 2 tag: dbus_int high - urgency: "2" tag: dbus_str_int high - urgency: high tag: dbus_str high """ # Create ourselves a config object ac = apprise.AppriseConfig() assert ac.add_config(content=content) is True aobj = apprise.Apprise() # Add our configuration aobj.add(ac) # We should be able to read our 14 servers from that # 6x low # 6x high # 2x invalid (so takes on normal urgency) assert len(ac.servers()) == 14 assert len(aobj) == 14 assert len([x for x in aobj.find(tag='low')]) == 6 for s in aobj.find(tag='low'): assert s.urgency == DBusUrgency.LOW assert len([x for x in aobj.find(tag='high')]) == 6 for s in aobj.find(tag='high'): assert s.urgency == DBusUrgency.HIGH assert len([x for x in aobj.find(tag='dbus_str')]) == 4 assert len([x for x in aobj.find(tag='dbus_str_int')]) == 4 assert len([x for x in aobj.find(tag='dbus_int')]) == 4 assert len([x for x in aobj.find(tag='dbus_invalid')]) == 2 for s in aobj.find(tag='dbus_invalid'): assert s.urgency == DBusUrgency.NORMAL def test_plugin_dbus_missing_icon(mocker, dbus_glib_environment): """ Test exception when loading icon; the notification will still be sent. """ # Inject error when loading icon. gi = importlib.import_module("gi") gi.repository.GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file.side_effect = \ AttributeError("Something failed") obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('dbus://', suppress_exceptions=False) logger: Mock = mocker.spy(obj, "logger") assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True assert logger.mock_calls == [ call.warning('Could not load notification icon (%s).', ANY), call.debug('DBus Exception: Something failed'), call.info('Sent DBus notification.'), ] def test_plugin_dbus_disabled_plugin(dbus_glib_environment): """ Verify notification will not be submitted if plugin is disabled. """ obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('dbus://', suppress_exceptions=False) obj.enabled = False assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is False def test_plugin_dbus_set_urgency(): """ Test the setting of an urgency. """ NotifyDBus(urgency=0) def test_plugin_dbus_gi_missing(dbus_glib_environment): """ Verify notification succeeds even if the `gi` package is not available. """ # Make `require_version` function raise an ImportError. gi = importlib.import_module("gi") gi.require_version.side_effect = ImportError() # When patching something which has a side effect on the module-level code # of a plugin, make sure to reload it. reload_plugin('dbus') # Create the instance. obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('glib://', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) is True obj.duration = 0 # Test url() call. assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) is True # The notification succeeds even though the gi library was not loaded. assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True def test_plugin_dbus_gi_require_version_error(dbus_glib_environment): """ Verify notification succeeds even if `gi.require_version()` croaks. """ # Make `require_version` function raise a ValueError. gi = importlib.import_module("gi") gi.require_version.side_effect = ValueError("Something failed") # When patching something which has a side effect on the module-level code # of a plugin, make sure to reload it. reload_plugin('dbus') # Create instance. obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('glib://', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) is True obj.duration = 0 # Test url() call. assert isinstance(obj.url(), str) is True # The notification succeeds even though the gi library was not loaded. assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is True def test_plugin_dbus_module_croaks(mocker, dbus_glib_environment): """ Verify plugin is not available when `dbus` module is missing. """ # Make importing `dbus` raise an ImportError. mocker.patch.dict( sys.modules, {'dbus': compile('raise ImportError()', 'dbus', 'exec')}) # When patching something which has a side effect on the module-level code # of a plugin, make sure to reload it. reload_plugin('dbus') # Verify plugin is not available. obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('glib://', suppress_exceptions=False) assert obj is None def test_plugin_dbus_session_croaks(mocker, dbus_glib_environment): """ Verify notification fails if DBus croaks. """ mocker.patch('dbus.SessionBus', side_effect=DBusException('test')) setup_glib_environment() obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('dbus://', suppress_exceptions=False) # Emulate DBus session initialization error. assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is False def test_plugin_dbus_interface_notify_croaks(mocker): """ Fail gracefully if underlying object croaks for whatever reason. """ # Inject an error when invoking `dbus.Interface().Notify()`. mocker.patch('dbus.SessionBus', spec=True) mocker.patch('dbus.Interface', spec=True, Notify=Mock(side_effect=AttributeError("Something failed"))) setup_glib_environment() obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('dbus://', suppress_exceptions=False) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyDBus) is True logger: Mock = mocker.spy(obj, "logger") assert obj.notify( title='title', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is False assert [ call.warning('Failed to send DBus notification.'), call.debug('DBus Exception: Something failed'), ] in logger.mock_calls