@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from os.path import dirname
from os.path import join
from apprise.decorators import notify
from apprise import Apprise
from apprise import AppriseConfig
from apprise import AppriseAsset
from apprise import AppriseAttachment
from apprise import common
@ -308,3 +309,140 @@ def test_notify_complex_decoration():
# Tidy
del common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['utiltest']
def test_notify_multi_instance_decoration(tmpdir):
"""decorators: Test multi-instance @notify
# Verify our schema we're about to declare doesn't already exist
# in our schema map:
assert 'multi' not in common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP
verify_obj = []
# Define a function here on the spot
@notify(on="multi", name="Apprise @notify Decorator Testing")
def my_inline_notify_wrapper(
body, title, notify_type, attach, meta, *args, **kwargs):
# Track what is added
'body': body,
'title': title,
'notify_type': notify_type,
'attach': attach,
'meta': meta,
'args': args,
'kwargs': kwargs,
# Now after our hook being inline... it's been loaded
assert 'multi' in common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP
# Prepare our config
t = tmpdir.mkdir("multi-test").join("apprise.yml")
- multi://user1:pass@hostname
- multi://user2:pass2@hostname
# Create ourselves a config object
ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t))
# Create ourselves an apprise object
aobj = Apprise()
# Add our configuration
# The number of configuration files that exist
assert len(ac) == 1
# no notifications are loaded
assert len(ac.servers()) == 2
# Nothing stored yet in our object
assert len(verify_obj) == 0
assert aobj.notify("Hello World", title="My Title") is True
assert len(verify_obj) == 2
# Python 3.6 does not nessisarily return list in order
# So let's be sure it's sorted by the user id field to make the remaining
# checks on this test easy
verify_obj = sorted(verify_obj, key=lambda x: x['meta']['user'])
# Our content was populated after the notify() call
obj = verify_obj[0]
assert obj['body'] == "Hello World"
assert obj['title'] == "My Title"
assert obj['notify_type'] == common.NotifyType.INFO
meta = obj['meta']
assert isinstance(meta, dict)
# No format was defined
assert 'body_format' in obj['kwargs']
assert obj['kwargs']['body_format'] is None
# The meta argument allows us to further parse the URL parameters
# specified
assert isinstance(obj['kwargs'], dict)
assert 'asset' in meta
assert isinstance(meta['asset'], AppriseAsset)
assert 'tag' in meta
assert isinstance(meta['tag'], set)
assert len(meta) == 7
# We carry all of our default arguments from the @notify's initialization
assert meta['schema'] == 'multi'
assert meta['host'] == 'hostname'
assert meta['user'] == 'user1'
assert meta['password'] == 'pass'
# Verify our URL is correct
assert meta['url'] == 'multi://user1:pass@hostname'
# Now verify our second URL saved correct
# Our content was populated after the notify() call
obj = verify_obj[1]
assert obj['body'] == "Hello World"
assert obj['title'] == "My Title"
assert obj['notify_type'] == common.NotifyType.INFO
meta = obj['meta']
assert isinstance(meta, dict)
# No format was defined
assert 'body_format' in obj['kwargs']
assert obj['kwargs']['body_format'] is None
# The meta argument allows us to further parse the URL parameters
# specified
assert isinstance(obj['kwargs'], dict)
assert 'asset' in meta
assert isinstance(meta['asset'], AppriseAsset)
assert 'tag' in meta
assert isinstance(meta['tag'], set)
assert len(meta) == 7
# We carry all of our default arguments from the @notify's initialization
assert meta['schema'] == 'multi'
assert meta['host'] == 'hostname'
assert meta['user'] == 'user2'
assert meta['password'] == 'pass2'
# Verify our URL is correct
assert meta['url'] == 'multi://user2:pass2@hostname'
# Tidy
del common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['multi']