diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3aae6122..ea28b6b3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ The table below identifies the services this tool supports and some example serv
| [Slack](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_slack) | slack:// | (TCP) 443 | slack://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/ slack://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel slack://botname@TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel slack://user@TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel1/Channel2/ChannelN
| [Telegram](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_telegram) | tgram:// | (TCP) 443 | tgram://bottoken/ChatID tgram://bottoken/ChatID1/ChatID2/ChatIDN
| [Twitter](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_twitter) | twitter:// | (TCP) 443 | twitter://CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret twitter://user@CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret twitter://CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret/User1/User2/User2 twitter://CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret?mode=tweet
+| [Twist](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_twist) | twist:// | (TCP) 443 | twist://pasword:login twist://password:login/#channel twist://password:login/#team:channel twist://password:login/#team:channel1/channel2/#team3:channel
| [XBMC](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_xbmc) | xbmc:// or xbmcs:// | (TCP) 8080 or 443 | xbmc://hostname xbmc://user@hostname xbmc://user:password@hostname:port
| [XMPP](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_xmpp) | xmpp:// or xmpps:// | (TCP) 5222 or 5223 | xmpp://password@hostname xmpp://user:password@hostname xmpps://user:password@hostname:port?jid=user@hostname/resource xmpps://password@hostname/target@myhost, target2@myhost/resource
| [Windows Notification](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_windows) | windows:// | n/a | windows://
diff --git a/apprise/plugins/NotifyTwist.py b/apprise/plugins/NotifyTwist.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c15ce94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apprise/plugins/NotifyTwist.py
@@ -0,0 +1,805 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron
+# All rights reserved.
+# This code is licensed under the MIT License.
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# All of the documentation needed to work with the Twist API can be found
+# here: https://developer.twist.com/v3/
+import re
+import requests
+from json import loads
+from itertools import chain
+from .NotifyBase import NotifyBase
+from ..common import NotifyFormat
+from ..common import NotifyType
+from ..utils import parse_list
+from ..utils import GET_EMAIL_RE
+from ..AppriseLocale import gettext_lazy as _
+# A workspace can also be interpreted as a team name too!
+IS_CHANNEL = re.compile(
+ r'^#?(?P((?P[A-Za-z0-9_-]+):)?'
+ r'(?P[^\s]{1,64}))$')
+IS_CHANNEL_ID = re.compile(
+ r'^(?P((?P[0-9]+):)?(?P[0-9]+))$')
+# Used to break apart list of potential tags by their delimiter
+# into a usable list.
+LIST_DELIM = re.compile(r'[ \t\r\n,\\/]+')
+class NotifyTwist(NotifyBase):
+ """
+ A wrapper for Notify Twist Notifications
+ """
+ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification
+ service_name = 'Twist'
+ # The services URL
+ service_url = 'https://twist.com'
+ # The default secure protocol
+ secure_protocol = 'twist'
+ # A URL that takes you to the setup/help of the specific protocol
+ setup_url = 'https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_twist'
+ # The maximum size of the message
+ body_maxlen = 1000
+ # Default to markdown
+ notify_format = NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN
+ # The default Notification URL to use
+ api_url = 'https://api.twist.com/api/v3/'
+ # Allow 300 requests per minute.
+ # 60/300 = 0.2
+ request_rate_per_sec = 0.2
+ # The default channel to notify if no targets are specified
+ default_notification_channel = 'general'
+ # Define object templates
+ templates = (
+ '{schema}://{password}:{email}',
+ '{schema}://{password}:{email}/{targets}',
+ )
+ # Define our template arguments
+ template_tokens = dict(NotifyBase.template_tokens, **{
+ 'password': {
+ 'name': _('Password'),
+ 'type': 'string',
+ 'private': True,
+ },
+ 'email': {
+ 'name': _('Email'),
+ 'type': 'string',
+ },
+ 'target_channel': {
+ 'name': _('Target Channel'),
+ 'type': 'string',
+ 'prefix': '#',
+ 'map_to': 'targets',
+ },
+ 'target_channel_id': {
+ 'name': _('Target Channel ID'),
+ 'type': 'string',
+ 'map_to': 'targets',
+ },
+ 'targets': {
+ 'name': _('Targets'),
+ 'type': 'list:string',
+ },
+ })
+ # Define our template arguments
+ template_args = dict(NotifyBase.template_args, **{
+ 'to': {
+ 'alias_of': 'targets',
+ },
+ })
+ def __init__(self, email=None, targets=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Initialize Notify Twist Object
+ """
+ super(NotifyTwist, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ # Initialize channels list
+ self.channels = set()
+ # Initialize Channel ID which are stored as:
+ # :
+ self.channel_ids = set()
+ # Initialize our Email Object
+ self.email = email if email else '{}@{}'.format(
+ self.user,
+ self.host,
+ )
+ # The token is None if we're not logged in and False if we
+ # failed to log in. Otherwise it is set to the actual token
+ self.token = None
+ # Our default workspace (associated with our token)
+ self.default_workspace = None
+ # A set of all of the available workspaces
+ self._cached_workspaces = set()
+ # A mapping of channel names, the layout is as follows:
+ # {
+ # : {
+ # : ,
+ # : ,
+ # ...
+ # },
+ # : {
+ # : ,
+ # : ,
+ # ...
+ # },
+ # }
+ self._cached_channels = dict()
+ try:
+ result = GET_EMAIL_RE.match(self.email)
+ if not result:
+ # let outer exception handle this
+ raise TypeError
+ if email:
+ # Force user/host to be that of the defined email for
+ # consistency. This is very important for those initializing
+ # this object with the the email object would could potentially
+ # cause inconsistency to contents in the NotifyBase() object
+ self.user = result.group('fulluser')
+ self.host = result.group('domain')
+ except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+ msg = 'The Twist Auth email specified ({}) is invalid.'\
+ .format(self.email)
+ self.logger.warning(msg)
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ if not self.password:
+ msg = 'No Twist password was specified with account: {}'\
+ .format(self.email)
+ self.logger.warning(msg)
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ # Validate recipients and drop bad ones:
+ for recipient in parse_list(targets):
+ result = IS_CHANNEL_ID.match(recipient)
+ if result:
+ # store valid channel id
+ self.channel_ids.add(result.group('name'))
+ continue
+ result = IS_CHANNEL.match(recipient)
+ if result:
+ # store valid device
+ self.channels.add(result.group('name').lower())
+ continue
+ self.logger.warning(
+ 'Dropped invalid channel/id '
+ '({}) specified.'.format(recipient),
+ )
+ if len(self.channels) + len(self.channel_ids) == 0:
+ # Notify our default channel
+ self.channels.add(self.default_notification_channel)
+ self.logger.warning(
+ 'Added default notification channel {}'.format(
+ self.default_notification_channel))
+ return
+ def url(self):
+ """
+ Returns the URL built dynamically based on specified arguments.
+ """
+ # Define any arguments set
+ args = {
+ 'format': self.notify_format,
+ 'overflow': self.overflow_mode,
+ 'verify': 'yes' if self.verify_certificate else 'no',
+ }
+ return '{schema}://{password}:{user}@{host}/{targets}/?{args}'.format(
+ schema=self.secure_protocol,
+ password=self.quote(self.password, safe=''),
+ user=self.quote(self.user, safe=''),
+ host=self.host,
+ targets='/'.join(
+ [NotifyTwist.quote(x, safe='') for x in chain(
+ # Channels are prefixed with a pound/hashtag symbol
+ ['#{}'.format(x) for x in self.channels],
+ # Channel IDs
+ self.channel_ids,
+ )]),
+ args=NotifyTwist.urlencode(args),
+ )
+ def login(self):
+ """
+ A simple wrapper to authenticate with the Twist Server
+ """
+ # Prepare our payload
+ payload = {
+ 'email': self.email,
+ 'password': self.password,
+ }
+ # Reset our default workspace
+ self.default_workspace = None
+ # Reset our cached objects
+ self._cached_workspaces = set()
+ self._cached_channels = dict()
+ # Send Login Information
+ postokay, response = self._fetch(
+ 'users/login',
+ payload=payload,
+ # We set this boolean so internal recursion doesn't take place.
+ login=True,
+ )
+ if not postokay or not response:
+ # Setting this variable to False as a way of letting us know
+ # we failed to authenticate on our last attempt
+ self.token = False
+ return False
+ # Our response object looks like this (content has been altered for
+ # presentation purposes):
+ # {
+ # "contact_info": null,
+ # "profession": null,
+ # "timezone": "UTC",
+ # "avatar_id": null,
+ # "id": 123456,
+ # "first_name": "Jordan",
+ # "comet_channel":
+ # "124371-34be423219130343030d4ec0a3dabbbbbe565eee",
+ # "restricted": false,
+ # "default_workspace": 92020,
+ # "snooze_dnd_end": null,
+ # "email": "user@example.com",
+ # "comet_server": "https://comet.twist.com",
+ # "snooze_until": null,
+ # "lang": "en",
+ # "feature_flags": [],
+ # "short_name": "Jordan P.",
+ # "away_mode": null,
+ # "time_format": "12",
+ # "client_id": "cb01f37e-a5b2-13e9-ba2a-023a33d10dc0",
+ # "removed": false,
+ # "emails": [
+ # {
+ # "connected": [],
+ # "email": "user@example.com",
+ # "primary": true
+ # }
+ # ],
+ # "scheduled_banners": [
+ # "threads_3",
+ # "threads_1",
+ # "notification_permissions",
+ # "search_1",
+ # "messages_1",
+ # "team_1",
+ # "inbox_2",
+ # "inbox_1"
+ # ],
+ # "snooze_dnd_start": null,
+ # "name": "Jordan Peterson",
+ # "off_days": [],
+ # "bot": false,
+ # "token": "2e82c1e4e8b0091fdaa34ff3972351821406f796",
+ # "snoozed": false,
+ # "setup_pending": false,
+ # "date_format": "MM/DD/YYYY"
+ # }
+ # Store our default workspace
+ self.default_workspace = response.get('default_workspace')
+ # Acquire our token
+ self.token = response.get('token')
+ self.logger.info('Authenticated to Twist as {}'.format(self.email))
+ return True
+ def logout(self):
+ """
+ A simple wrapper to log out of the server
+ """
+ if not self.token:
+ # Nothing more to do
+ return True
+ # Send Logout Message
+ postokay, response = self._fetch('users/logout')
+ # reset our token
+ self.token = None
+ # There is no need to handling failed log out attempts at this time
+ return True
+ def get_workspaces(self):
+ """
+ Returns all workspaces associated with this user account as a set
+ This returned object is either an empty dictionary or one that
+ looks like this:
+ {
+ 'workspace': ,
+ 'workspace': ,
+ 'workspace': ,
+ }
+ All workspaces are made lowercase for comparison purposes
+ """
+ if not self.token and not self.login():
+ # Nothing more to do
+ return dict()
+ postokay, response = self._fetch('workspaces/get')
+ if not postokay or not response:
+ # We failed to retrieve
+ return dict()
+ # The response object looks like so:
+ # [
+ # {
+ # "created_ts": 1563044447,
+ # "name": "apprise",
+ # "creator": 123571,
+ # "color": 1,
+ # "default_channel": 13245,
+ # "plan": "free",
+ # "default_conversation": 63022,
+ # "id": 12345
+ # }
+ # ]
+ # Knowing our response, we can iterate over each object and cache our
+ # object
+ result = {}
+ for entry in response:
+ result[entry.get('name', '').lower()] = entry.get('id', '')
+ return result
+ def get_channels(self, wid):
+ """
+ Simply returns the channel objects associated with the specified
+ workspace id.
+ This returned object is either an empty dictionary or one that
+ looks like this:
+ {
+ 'channel1': ,
+ 'channel2': ,
+ 'channel3': ,
+ }
+ All channels are made lowercase for comparison purposes
+ """
+ if not self.token and not self.login():
+ # Nothing more to do
+ return {}
+ payload = {'workspace_id': wid}
+ postokay, response = self._fetch(
+ 'channels/get', payload=payload)
+ if not postokay or not isinstance(response, list):
+ # We failed to retrieve
+ return {}
+ # Response looks like this:
+ # [
+ # {
+ # "id": 123,
+ # "name": "General"
+ # "workspace_id": 12345,
+ # "color": 1,
+ # "description": "",
+ # "archived": false,
+ # "public": true,
+ # "user_ids": [
+ # 8754
+ # ],
+ # "created_ts": 1563044447,
+ # "creator": 123571,
+ # }
+ # ]
+ #
+ # Knowing our response, we can iterate over each object and cache our
+ # object
+ result = {}
+ for entry in response:
+ result[entry.get('name', '').lower()] = entry.get('id', '')
+ return result
+ def _channel_migration(self):
+ """
+ A simple wrapper to get all of the current workspaces including
+ the default one. This plays a role in what channel(s) get notified
+ and where.
+ A cache lookup has overhead, and is only required to be preformed
+ if the user specified channels by their string value
+ """
+ if not self.token and not self.login():
+ # Nothing more to do
+ return False
+ if not len(self.channels):
+ # Nothing to do; take an early exit
+ return True
+ if self.default_workspace \
+ and self.default_workspace not in self._cached_channels:
+ # Get our default workspace entries
+ self._cached_channels[self.default_workspace] = \
+ self.get_channels(self.default_workspace)
+ # initialize our error tracking
+ has_error = False
+ while len(self.channels):
+ # Pop our channel off of the stack
+ result = IS_CHANNEL.match(self.channels.pop())
+ # Populate our key variables
+ workspace = result.group('workspace')
+ channel = result.group('channel').lower()
+ # Acquire our workspace_id if we can
+ if workspace:
+ # We always work with the workspace in it's lowercase form
+ workspace = workspace.lower()
+ # A workspace was defined
+ if not len(self._cached_workspaces):
+ # cache our workspaces; this only needs to be done once
+ self._cached_workspaces = self.get_workspaces()
+ if workspace not in self._cached_workspaces:
+ # not found
+ self.logger.warning(
+ 'The Twist User {} is not associated with the '
+ 'Team {}'.format(self.email, workspace))
+ # Toggle our return flag
+ has_error = True
+ continue
+ # Store the workspace id
+ workspace_id = self._cached_workspaces[workspace]
+ else:
+ # use default workspace
+ workspace_id = self.default_workspace
+ # Check to see if our channel exists in our default workspace
+ if workspace_id in self._cached_channels \
+ and channel in self._cached_channels[workspace_id]:
+ # Store our channel ID
+ self.channel_ids.add('{}:{}'.format(
+ workspace_id,
+ self._cached_channels[workspace_id][channel],
+ ))
+ continue
+ # if we reach here, we failed to add our channel
+ self.logger.warning(
+ 'The Channel #{} was not found{}.'.format(
+ channel,
+ '' if not workspace
+ else ' with Team {}'.format(workspace),
+ ))
+ # Toggle our return flag
+ has_error = True
+ continue
+ # There is no need to handling failed log out attempts at this time
+ return not has_error
+ def send(self, body, title='', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Perform Twist Notification
+ """
+ # error tracking (used for function return)
+ has_error = False
+ if not self.token and not self.login():
+ # We failed to authenticate - we're done
+ return False
+ if len(self.channels) > 0:
+ # Converts channels to their maped IDs if found; this is the only
+ # way to send notifications to Twist
+ self._channel_migration()
+ if not len(self.channel_ids):
+ # We have nothing to notify
+ return False
+ # Notify all of our identified channels
+ ids = list(self.channel_ids)
+ while len(ids) > 0:
+ # Retrieve our Channel Object
+ result = IS_CHANNEL_ID.match(ids.pop())
+ # We need both the workspace/team id and channel id
+ channel_id = int(result.group('channel'))
+ # Prepare our payload
+ payload = {
+ 'channel_id': channel_id,
+ 'title': title,
+ 'content': body,
+ }
+ postokay, response = self._fetch(
+ 'threads/add',
+ payload=payload,
+ )
+ # only toggle has_error flag if we had an error
+ if not postokay:
+ # Mark our failure
+ has_error = True
+ continue
+ # If we reach here, we were successful
+ self.logger.info(
+ 'Sent Twist notification to {}.'.format(
+ result.group('name')))
+ return not has_error
+ def _fetch(self, url, payload=None, method='POST', login=False):
+ """
+ Wrapper to Twist API requests object
+ """
+ # use what was specified, otherwise build headers dynamically
+ headers = {
+ 'User-Agent': self.app_id,
+ }
+ headers['Content-Type'] = \
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'
+ if self.token:
+ # Set our token
+ headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer {}'.format(self.token)
+ # Prepare our api url
+ api_url = '{}{}'.format(self.api_url, url)
+ # Some Debug Logging
+ self.logger.debug('Twist {} URL: {} (cert_verify={})'.format(
+ method, api_url, self.verify_certificate))
+ self.logger.debug('Twist Payload: %s' % str(payload))
+ # Always call throttle before any remote server i/o is made;
+ self.throttle()
+ # Initialize a default value for our content value
+ content = {}
+ # acquire our request mode
+ fn = requests.post if method == 'POST' else requests.get
+ try:
+ r = fn(
+ api_url,
+ data=payload,
+ headers=headers,
+ verify=self.verify_certificate)
+ # Get our JSON content if it's possible
+ try:
+ content = loads(r.content)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError):
+ # TypeError = r.content is not a String
+ # ValueError = r.content is Unparsable
+ # AttributeError = r.content is None
+ content = {}
+ # handle authentication errors where our token has just simply
+ # expired. The error response content looks like this:
+ # {
+ # "error_code": 200,
+ # "error_uuid": "af80bd0715434231a649f2258d7fb946",
+ # "error_extra": {},
+ # "error_string": "Invalid token"
+ # }
+ #
+ # Authentication related codes:
+ # 120 = You are not logged in
+ # 200 = Invalid Token
+ #
+ # Source: https://developer.twist.com/v3/#errors
+ #
+ # We attempt to login again and retry the original request
+ # if we aren't in the process of handling a login already
+ if r.status_code != requests.codes.ok and login is False \
+ and isinstance(content, dict) and \
+ content.get('error_code') in (120, 200):
+ # We failed to authenticate with our token; login one more
+ # time and retry this original request
+ if self.login():
+ r = fn(
+ api_url,
+ data=payload,
+ headers=headers,
+ verify=self.verify_certificate)
+ # Get our JSON content if it's possible
+ try:
+ content = loads(r.content)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError):
+ # TypeError = r.content is not a String
+ # ValueError = r.content is Unparsable
+ # AttributeError = r.content is None
+ content = {}
+ if r.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ # We had a problem
+ status_str = \
+ NotifyTwist.http_response_code_lookup(r.status_code)
+ self.logger.warning(
+ 'Failed to send Twist {} to {}: '
+ '{}error={}.'.format(
+ method,
+ api_url,
+ ', ' if status_str else '',
+ r.status_code))
+ self.logger.debug(
+ 'Response Details:\r\n{}'.format(r.content))
+ # Mark our failure
+ return (False, content)
+ except requests.RequestException as e:
+ self.logger.warning(
+ 'Exception received when sending Twist {} to {}: '.
+ format(method, api_url))
+ self.logger.debug('Socket Exception: %s' % str(e))
+ # Mark our failure
+ return (False, content)
+ return (True, content)
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_url(url):
+ """
+ Parses the URL and returns enough arguments that can allow
+ us to substantiate this object.
+ """
+ results = NotifyBase.parse_url(url)
+ if not results:
+ # We're done early as we couldn't load the results
+ return results
+ if not results.get('user'):
+ # A username is required
+ return None
+ # Acquire our targets
+ results['targets'] = NotifyTwist.split_path(results['fullpath'])
+ if not results.get('password'):
+ # Password is required; we will accept the very first entry on the
+ # path as a password instead
+ if len(results['targets']) == 0:
+ # No targets to get our password from
+ return None
+ # We need to requote contents since this variable will get
+ # unquoted later on in the process. This step appears a bit
+ # hacky, but it allows us to support the password in this location
+ # - twist://user@example.com/password
+ results['password'] = NotifyTwist.quote(
+ results['targets'].pop(0), safe='')
+ else:
+ # Now we handle our format:
+ # twist://password:email
+ #
+ # since URL logic expects
+ # schema://user:password@host
+ #
+ # you can see how this breaks. The colon at the front delmits
+ # passwords and you can see the twist:// url inverts what we
+ # expect:
+ # twist://password:user@example.com
+ #
+ # twist://abc123:bob@example.com using normal conventions would
+ # have interpreted 'bob' as the password and 'abc123' as the user.
+ # For the purpose of apprise simplifying this for us, we need to
+ # swap these arguments when we prepare the email.
+ _password = results['user']
+ results['user'] = results['password']
+ results['password'] = _password
+ # The 'to' makes it easier to use yaml configuration
+ if 'to' in results['qsd'] and len(results['qsd']['to']):
+ results['targets'] += \
+ NotifyTwist.parse_list(results['qsd']['to'])
+ return results
+ def __del__(self):
+ """
+ Deconstructor
+ """
+ try:
+ self.logout()
+ except LookupError:
+ # Python v3.5 call to requests can sometimes throw the exception
+ # "/usr/lib64/python3.7/socket.py", line 748, in getaddrinfo
+ # LookupError: unknown encoding: idna
+ #
+ # This occurs every time when running unit-tests against Apprise:
+ # LANG=C.UTF-8 PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) py.test-3.7
+ #
+ # There has been an open issue on this since Jan 2017.
+ # - https://bugs.python.org/issue29288
+ #
+ # A ~similar~ issue can be identified here in the requests
+ # ticket system as unresolved and has provided work-arounds
+ # - https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/3578
+ pass
diff --git a/apprise/utils.py b/apprise/utils.py
index 16d15975..0dcc6cb0 100644
--- a/apprise/utils.py
+++ b/apprise/utils.py
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ GET_SCHEMA_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(?P[a-z0-9]{2,9})://.*$', re.I)
# Regular expression based and expanded from:
# http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html
GET_EMAIL_RE = re.compile(
- r"((?P