To inform or tell (someone). To make one aware of something.
*Apprise* allows you to take advantage of *just about* every notification service available to us today. Send a notification to almost all of the most popular services out there today (such as Telegram, Slack, Twitter, etc). The ones that don't exist can be adapted and supported too!
| [Growl]( | growl:// | (UDP) 23053 | growl://hostname<br/>growl://hostname:portno<br/>growl://password@hostname<br/>growl://password@hostname:port</br>_Note: you can also use the get parameter _version_ which can allow the growl request to behave using the older v1.x protocol. An example would look like: growl://hostname?version=1
| [Pushjet]( | pjet:// | (TCP) 80 | pjet://secret<br/>pjet://secret@hostname<br/>pjet://secret@hostname:port<br/>pjets://secret@hostname<br/>pjets://secret@hostname:port<br/><i>Note: if no hostname defined will be used
| [Pushover]( | pover:// | (TCP) 443 | pover://user@token<br/>pover://user@token/DEVICE<br/>pover://user@token/DEVICE1/DEVICE2/DEVICEN<br/>_Note: you must specify both your user_id and token_
| [Rocket.Chat]( | rocket:// or rockets:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | rocket://user:password@hostname/RoomID/Channel<br/>rockets://user:password@hostname:443/Channel1/Channel1/RoomID<br/>rocket://user:password@hostname/Channel
| [Super Toasty]( | toasty:// | (TCP) 80 | toasty://user@DEVICE<br/>toasty://user@DEVICE1/DEVICE2/DEVICEN<br/>_Note: you must specify both your user_id and at least 1 device!_
Apprise have some email services built right into it (such as hotmail, gmail, etc) that greatly simplify the mailto:// service. See more details [here](
### Custom Notifications
| Post Method | Service ID | Default Port | Example Syntax |