
97 lines
2.4 KiB

import Ajax from './'
import Basic from './'
import Bordered from './'
import ColspanRowspan from './'
import CustomFilterPanel from './'
import EditCell from './'
import EditRow from './'
import ExpandChildren from './'
import Expand from './'
import FixedColumnsHeader from './'
import FixedColumns from './'
import FixedHeader from './'
import GroupingColumns from './'
import Head from './'
import NestedTable from './'
import ResetFilter from './'
import RowSelectionAndOperation from './'
import RowSelectionCustom from './'
import RowSelection from './'
import Size from './'
import Template from './'
import CN from '../'
import US from '../'
const md = {
cn: `# Table 表格
## 何时使用
- 当有大量结构化的数据需要展现时;
- 当需要对数据进行排序、搜索、分页、自定义操作等复杂行为时。
## 如何使用
指定表格的数据源 \`dataSource\` 为一个数组。
## 代码演示`,
us: `# Table
A table displays rows of data.
## When To Use
- To display a collection of structured data.
- To sort, search, paginate, filter data.
## How To Use
Specify \`dataSource\` of Table as an array of data.
## Examples
export default {
category: 'Components',
cols: 1,
type: 'Data Display',
title: 'Table',
subtitle: '表格',
render () {
return (
<md cn={} us={}/>
<Ajax />
<Basic />
<Bordered />
<ColspanRowspan />
<CustomFilterPanel />
<EditCell />
<EditRow />
<ExpandChildren />
<Expand />
<FixedColumnsHeader />
<FixedColumns />
<FixedHeader />
<GroupingColumns />
<Head />
<NestedTable />
<ResetFilter />
<RowSelectionAndOperation />
<RowSelectionCustom />
<RowSelection />
<Size />
<Template />
<template slot='cn'>