
291 lines
10 KiB

import type { FocusEventHandler, MouseEventHandler } from '../../_util/EventInterface';
import type { CSSProperties } from 'vue';
import type { PickerLocale } from '.';
import type { SizeType } from '../../config-provider';
import type {
} from '../../vc-picker/interface';
import type { DateRender } from '../../vc-picker/panels/DatePanel/DateBody';
import type { MonthCellRender } from '../../vc-picker/panels/MonthPanel/MonthBody';
import type { SharedTimeProps } from '../../vc-picker/panels/TimePanel';
import type { RangeDateRender, RangeInfo, RangeType } from '../../vc-picker/RangePicker';
import type { VueNode } from '../../_util/type';
import {
} from '../../_util/type';
import type { InputStatus } from '../../_util/statusUtils';
const DataPickerPlacements = ['bottomLeft', 'bottomRight', 'topLeft', 'topRight'] as const;
type DataPickerPlacement = (typeof DataPickerPlacements)[number];
function commonProps<DateType = any>() {
return {
id: String,
* @deprecated `dropdownClassName` is deprecated which will be removed in next major
* version.Please use `popupClassName` instead.
dropdownClassName: String,
popupClassName: String,
popupStyle: objectType<CSSProperties>(),
transitionName: String,
placeholder: String,
allowClear: booleanType(),
autofocus: booleanType(),
disabled: booleanType(),
tabindex: Number,
open: booleanType(),
defaultOpen: booleanType(),
/** Make input readOnly to avoid popup keyboard in mobile */
inputReadOnly: booleanType(),
// Value
// format: string | CustomFormat<DateType> | (string | CustomFormat<DateType>)[];
// Render
// suffixIcon?: VueNode;
// clearIcon?: VueNode;
// prevIcon?: VueNode;
// nextIcon?: VueNode;
// superPrevIcon?: VueNode;
// superNextIcon?: VueNode;
getPopupContainer: functionType<(node: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement>(),
panelRender: functionType<(originPanel: VueNode) => VueNode>(),
// // Events
onChange: functionType<(value: DateType | string | null, dateString: string) => void>(),
'onUpdate:value': functionType<(value: DateType | string | null) => void>(),
onOk: functionType<(value: DateType | string | null) => void>(),
onOpenChange: functionType<(open: boolean) => void>(),
'onUpdate:open': functionType<(open: boolean) => void>(),
onFocus: functionType<FocusEventHandler>(),
onBlur: functionType<FocusEventHandler>(),
onMousedown: functionType<MouseEventHandler>(),
onMouseup: functionType<MouseEventHandler>(),
onMouseenter: functionType<MouseEventHandler>(),
onMouseleave: functionType<MouseEventHandler>(),
onClick: functionType<MouseEventHandler>(),
onContextmenu: functionType<MouseEventHandler>(),
onKeydown: functionType<(event: KeyboardEvent, preventDefault: () => void) => void>(),
role: String,
name: String,
autocomplete: String,
direction: stringType<'ltr' | 'rtl'>(),
showToday: booleanType(),
showTime: someType<boolean | SharedTimeProps<DateType>>([Boolean, Object]),
locale: objectType<PickerLocale>(),
size: stringType<SizeType>(),
bordered: booleanType(),
dateRender: functionType<DateRender<DateType>>(),
disabledDate: functionType<(date: DateType) => boolean>(),
mode: stringType<PanelMode>(),
picker: stringType<PickerMode>(),
valueFormat: String,
placement: stringType<DataPickerPlacement>(),
status: stringType<InputStatus>(),
/** @deprecated Please use `disabledTime` instead. */
disabledHours: functionType<DisabledTimes['disabledHours']>(),
/** @deprecated Please use `disabledTime` instead. */
disabledMinutes: functionType<DisabledTimes['disabledMinutes']>(),
/** @deprecated Please use `disabledTime` instead. */
disabledSeconds: functionType<DisabledTimes['disabledSeconds']>(),
export interface CommonProps<DateType> {
id?: string;
prefixCls?: string;
* @deprecated `dropdownClassName` is deprecated which will be removed in next major
* version.Please use `popupClassName` instead.
dropdownClassName?: string;
popupClassName?: string;
popupStyle?: CSSProperties;
transitionName?: string;
placeholder?: string;
allowClear?: boolean;
autofocus?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
tabindex?: number;
open?: boolean;
defaultOpen?: boolean;
inputReadOnly?: boolean;
suffixIcon?: VueNode;
clearIcon?: VueNode;
prevIcon?: VueNode;
nextIcon?: VueNode;
superPrevIcon?: VueNode;
superNextIcon?: VueNode;
getPopupContainer?: (triggerNode: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;
panelRender?: (originPanel: VueNode) => VueNode;
onChange?: (value: DateType | string | null, dateString: string) => void;
'onUpdate:value'?: (value: DateType | string | null) => void;
onOk?: (value: DateType | string | null) => void;
onOpenChange?: (open: boolean) => void;
'onUpdate:open'?: (open: boolean) => void;
onFocus?: FocusEventHandler;
onBlur?: FocusEventHandler;
onMousedown?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseup?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseenter?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseleave?: MouseEventHandler;
onClick?: MouseEventHandler;
onContextmenu?: MouseEventHandler;
onKeydown?: (event: KeyboardEvent, preventDefault: () => void) => void;
role?: string;
name?: string;
autocomplete?: string;
direction?: 'ltr' | 'rtl';
showToday?: boolean;
showTime?: boolean | SharedTimeProps<DateType>;
locale?: PickerLocale;
size?: SizeType;
bordered?: boolean;
dateRender?: DateRender<DateType>;
disabledDate?: (date: DateType) => boolean;
mode?: PanelMode;
picker?: PickerMode;
valueFormat?: string;
placement?: DataPickerPlacement;
status?: InputStatus;
function datePickerProps<DateType = any>() {
return {
defaultPickerValue: someType<DateType | string>([Object, String]),
defaultValue: someType<DateType | string>([Object, String]),
value: someType<DateType | string>([Object, String]),
disabledTime: functionType<DisabledTime<DateType>>(),
format: someType<string | CustomFormat<DateType> | (string | CustomFormat<DateType>)[]>([
renderExtraFooter: functionType<(mode: PanelMode) => VueNode>(),
showNow: booleanType(),
monthCellRender: functionType<MonthCellRender<DateType>>(),
// deprecated Please use `monthCellRender"` instead.',
monthCellContentRender: functionType<MonthCellRender<DateType>>(),
export interface DatePickerProps<DateType> {
defaultPickerValue?: DateType | string;
defaultValue?: DateType | string;
value?: DateType | string;
disabledTime?: DisabledTime<DateType>;
format?: string | CustomFormat<DateType> | (string | CustomFormat<DateType>)[];
renderExtraFooter?: (mode: PanelMode) => VueNode;
showNow?: boolean;
monthCellRender?: MonthCellRender<DateType>;
// deprecated Please use `monthCellRender"` instead.',
monthCellContentRender?: MonthCellRender<DateType>;
function rangePickerProps<DateType>() {
return {
allowEmpty: arrayType<[boolean, boolean]>(),
dateRender: functionType<RangeDateRender<DateType>>(),
defaultPickerValue: arrayType<RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>>(),
defaultValue: arrayType<RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>>(),
value: arrayType<RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>>(),
disabledTime: functionType<(date: EventValue<DateType>, type: RangeType) => DisabledTimes>(),
disabled: someType<boolean | [boolean, boolean]>([Boolean, Array]),
format: String,
renderExtraFooter: functionType<() => VueNode>(),
separator: { type: String },
Exclude<RangeValue<DateType>, null> | (() => Exclude<RangeValue<DateType>, null>)
placeholder: arrayType<string[]>(),
mode: arrayType<[PanelMode, PanelMode]>(),
value: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string> | null,
dateString: [string, string],
) => void
functionType<(value: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string> | null) => void>(),
values: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>,
formatString: [string, string],
info: RangeInfo,
) => void
(values: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>, modes: [PanelMode, PanelMode]) => void
onOk: functionType<(dates: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>) => void>(),
export interface RangePickerProps<DateType> {
allowEmpty?: [boolean, boolean];
dateRender?: RangeDateRender<DateType>;
defaultPickerValue?: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>;
defaultValue?: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>;
value?: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>;
disabledTime?: (date: EventValue<DateType>, type: RangeType) => DisabledTimes;
disabled?: [boolean, boolean];
format?: string;
renderExtraFooter?: () => VueNode;
separator?: string;
ranges?: Record<
Exclude<RangeValue<DateType>, null> | (() => Exclude<RangeValue<DateType>, null>)
placeholder?: [string, string];
mode?: [PanelMode, PanelMode];
onChange?: (
value: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string> | null,
dateString: [string, string],
) => void;
'onUpdate:value'?: (value: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string> | null) => void;
onCalendarChange?: (
values: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>,
formatString: [string, string],
info: RangeInfo,
) => void;
onPanelChange?: (
values: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>,
modes: [PanelMode, PanelMode],
) => void;
onOk?: (dates: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>) => void;
export type ExtraDatePickerProps<DateType> = {
valueFormat?: string;
defaultPickerValue?: DateType | string;
defaultValue?: DateType | string;
value?: DateType | string;
export type ExtraRangePickerProps<DateType> = {
valueFormat?: string;
defaultPickerValue?: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>;
defaultValue?: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>;
value?: RangeValue<DateType> | RangeValue<string>;
export { commonProps, datePickerProps, rangePickerProps };