313 lines
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313 lines
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import { warning } from '../../vc-util/warning';
import { VNodeChild } from 'vue';
import {
OptionsType as SelectOptionsType,
} from '../interface';
import {
} from '../interface/generator';
import { toArray } from './commonUtil';
function getKey(data: OptionData | OptionGroupData, index: number) {
const { key } = data;
let value: RawValueType;
if ('value' in data) {
({ value } = data);
if (key !== null && key !== undefined) {
return key;
if (value !== undefined) {
return value;
return `rc-index-key-${index}`;
* Flat options into flatten list.
* We use `optionOnly` here is aim to avoid user use nested option group.
* Here is simply set `key` to the index if not provided.
export function flattenOptions(options: SelectOptionsType): FlattenOptionData[] {
const flattenList: FlattenOptionData[] = [];
function dig(list: SelectOptionsType, isGroupOption: boolean) {
list.forEach(data => {
if (isGroupOption || !('options' in data)) {
// Option
key: getKey(data, flattenList.length),
groupOption: isGroupOption,
} else {
// Option Group
key: getKey(data, flattenList.length),
group: true,
dig(data.options, true);
dig(options, false);
return flattenList;
* Inject `props` into `option` for legacy usage
function injectPropsWithOption<T>(option: T): T {
const newOption = { ...option };
if (!('props' in newOption)) {
Object.defineProperty(newOption, 'props', {
get() {
'Return type is option instead of Option instance. Please read value directly instead of reading from `props`.',
return newOption;
return newOption;
export function findValueOption(
values: RawValueType[],
options: FlattenOptionData[],
{ prevValueOptions = [] }: { prevValueOptions?: OptionData[] } = {},
): OptionData[] {
const optionMap: Map<RawValueType, OptionData> = new Map();
options.forEach(flattenItem => {
if (!flattenItem.group) {
const data = flattenItem.data as OptionData;
// Check if match
optionMap.set(data.value, data);
return values.map(val => {
let option = optionMap.get(val);
// Fallback to try to find prev options
if (!option) {
option = {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
...prevValueOptions.find(opt => opt._INTERNAL_OPTION_VALUE_ === val),
return injectPropsWithOption(option);
export const getLabeledValue: GetLabeledValue<FlattenOptionData[]> = (
{ options, prevValue, labelInValue, optionLabelProp },
) => {
const item = findValueOption([value], options)[0];
const result: LabelValueType = {
let prevValItem: LabelValueType;
const prevValues = toArray<RawValueType | LabelValueType>(prevValue);
if (labelInValue) {
prevValItem = prevValues.find((prevItem: LabelValueType) => {
if (typeof prevItem === 'object' && 'value' in prevItem) {
return prevItem.value === value;
// [Legacy] Support `key` as `value`
return prevItem.key === value;
}) as LabelValueType;
if (prevValItem && typeof prevValItem === 'object' && 'label' in prevValItem) {
result.label = prevValItem.label;
if (
item &&
typeof prevValItem.label === 'string' &&
typeof item[optionLabelProp] === 'string' &&
prevValItem.label.trim() !== item[optionLabelProp].trim()
) {
warning(false, '`label` of `value` is not same as `label` in Select options.');
} else if (item && optionLabelProp in item) {
result.label = item[optionLabelProp];
} else {
result.label = value;
// Used for motion control
result.key = result.value;
return result;
function toRawString(content: VNodeChild): string {
return toArray(content).join('');
/** Filter single option if match the search text */
function getFilterFunction(optionFilterProp: string) {
return (searchValue: string, option: OptionData | OptionGroupData) => {
const lowerSearchText = searchValue.toLowerCase();
// Group label search
if ('options' in option) {
return toRawString(option.label)
// Option value search
const rawValue = option[optionFilterProp];
const value = toRawString(rawValue).toLowerCase();
return value.includes(lowerSearchText);
/** Filter options and return a new options by the search text */
export function filterOptions(
searchValue: string,
options: SelectOptionsType,
}: { optionFilterProp: string; filterOption: boolean | FilterFunc<SelectOptionsType[number]> },
) {
const filteredOptions: SelectOptionsType = [];
let filterFunc: FilterFunc<SelectOptionsType[number]>;
if (filterOption === false) {
return options;
if (typeof filterOption === 'function') {
filterFunc = filterOption;
} else {
filterFunc = getFilterFunction(optionFilterProp);
options.forEach(item => {
// Group should check child options
if ('options' in item) {
// Check group first
const matchGroup = filterFunc(searchValue, item);
if (matchGroup) {
} else {
// Check option
const subOptions = item.options.filter(subItem => filterFunc(searchValue, subItem));
if (subOptions.length) {
options: subOptions,
if (filterFunc(searchValue, injectPropsWithOption(item))) {
return filteredOptions;
export function getSeparatedContent(text: string, tokens: string[]): string[] {
if (!tokens || !tokens.length) {
return null;
let match = false;
function separate(str: string, [token, ...restTokens]: string[]) {
if (!token) {
return [str];
const list = str.split(token);
match = match || list.length > 1;
return list
.reduce((prevList, unitStr) => [...prevList, ...separate(unitStr, restTokens)], [])
.filter(unit => unit);
const list = separate(text, tokens);
return match ? list : null;
export function isValueDisabled(value: RawValueType, options: FlattenOptionData[]): boolean {
const option = findValueOption([value], options)[0];
return option.disabled;
* `tags` mode should fill un-list item into the option list
export function fillOptionsWithMissingValue(
options: SelectOptionsType,
value: DefaultValueType,
optionLabelProp: string,
labelInValue: boolean,
): SelectOptionsType {
const values = toArray<RawValueType | LabelValueType>(value)
const cloneOptions = [...options];
// Convert options value to set
const optionValues = new Set<RawValueType>();
options.forEach(opt => {
if (opt.options) {
opt.options.forEach((subOpt: OptionData) => {
} else {
optionValues.add((opt as OptionData).value);
// Fill missing value
values.forEach(item => {
const val: RawValueType = labelInValue
? (item as LabelValueType).value
: (item as RawValueType);
if (!optionValues.has(val)) {
? {
[optionLabelProp]: (item as LabelValueType).label,
value: val,
: { value: val },
return cloneOptions;