
310 lines
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// Project:
// Definitions by: akki-jat <>
// Definitions:
import { AntdComponent, AntdProps } from './component';
import { VNode, CSSProperties, VNodeChild } from 'vue';
import { TreeNode } from './tree-node';
import { Button } from './button/button';
export interface ModalOptions {
* Specify which button to autofocus
* @default 'ok'
* @type string | null
autoFocusButton?: string | null;
* Text of the Cancel button
* @default 'cancel'
* @type string
cancelText?: string;
* Centered Modal
* @default false
* @type boolean
centered?: boolean;
* class of container
* @type string
class?: string;
* Modal content
* @type string | VNode | (h) => VNode
content?: VNodeChild | JSX.Element;
* custom icon (Added in 1.14.0)
icon?: VNode | Function;
* Whether show mask or not.
* @default true
mask?: boolean;
* Whether support press esc to close
* @default true
* @type boolean
keyboard?: boolean;
* Whether to close the modal dialog when the mask (area outside the modal) is clicked
* @default false
* @type boolean
maskClosable?: boolean;
* Text of the OK button
* @default 'OK'
* @type string
okText?: string;
* Button type of the OK button
* @default 'primary'
* @type string
okType?: string;
* The ok button props
* @type object
okButtonProps?: Button;
* The cancel button props
* @type object
cancelButtonProps?: Button;
* Title
* @type string | VNode | (h) => VNode
title?: VNodeChild | JSX.Element;
* Width of the modal dialog
* @default 416
* @type string | number
width?: string | number;
* The z-index of the Modal
* @default 100
* @type number
zIndex?: number;
* Style of floating layer, typically used at least for adjusting the position.
dialogStyle?: CSSProperties;
* className of floating layer.
dialogClass?: string;
* Specify a function that will be called when the user clicks the Cancel button.
* The parameter of this function is a function whose execution should include closing the dialog.
* You can also just return a promise and when the promise is resolved, the modal dialog will also be closed
* @type Function
onCancel?: () => any;
* Specify a function that will be called when the user clicks the OK button.
* The parameter of this function is a function whose execution should include closing the dialog.
* You can also just return a promise and when the promise is resolved, the modal dialog will also be closed
* @type Function
onOk?: () => any;
* The parent context of the popup is generally used to get the parent provider, such as the configuration of ConfigProvider
parentContext?: object;
export interface ModalConfirm {
* Updates modal options
* @param modalOptions modal option
update(modalOptions: ModalOptions): void;
* Destroy the current model instace
destroy(): void;
export declare class Modal extends AntdComponent {
$props: AntdProps & {
* Specify a function that will be called when modal is closed completely.
* @type Function
afterClose?: () => any;
* Body style for modal body element. Such as height, padding etc.
* @default {}
* @type object
bodyStyle?: CSSProperties;
* Text of the Cancel button
* @default 'cancel'
* @type string
cancelText?: string;
* Centered Modal
* @default false
* @type boolean
centered?: boolean;
* Whether a close (x) button is visible on top right of the modal dialog or not
* @default true
* @type boolean
closable?: boolean;
* Whether a close (x) button is visible on top right of the modal dialog or not
closeIcon?: VNodeChild | JSX.Element;
* Whether to apply loading visual effect for OK button or not
* @default false
* @type boolean
confirmLoading?: boolean;
* Whether to unmount child components on onClose
* @default false
* @type boolean
destroyOnClose?: boolean;
* Footer content, set as :footer="null" when you don't need default buttons
* @default OK and Cancel buttons
* @type any (string | slot)
footer?: VNodeChild | JSX.Element;
* Return the mount node for Modal
* @default () => document.body
* @type Function
getContainer?: (instance: any) => HTMLElement;
* Whether show mask or not.
* @default true
* @type boolean
mask?: boolean;
* Whether to close the modal dialog when the mask (area outside the modal) is clicked
* @default true
* @type boolean
maskClosable?: boolean;
* Style for modal's mask element.
* @default {}
* @type object
maskStyle?: CSSProperties;
* Text of the OK button
* @default 'OK'
* @type string
okText?: string;
* Button type of the OK button
* @default 'primary'
* @type string
okType?: 'primary' | 'danger' | 'dashed' | 'ghost' | 'default';
* The ok button props, follow jsx rules
* @type object
okButtonProps?: { props: Button; on: {} };
* The cancel button props, follow jsx rules
* @type object
cancelButtonProps?: { props: Button; on: {} };
* The modal dialog's title
* @type any (string | slot)
title?: VNodeChild | JSX.Element;
* Whether the modal dialog is visible or not
* @default false
* @type boolean
visible?: boolean;
* Width of the modal dialog
* @default 520
* @type string | number
width?: string | number;
* The class name of the container of the modal dialog
* @type string
wrapClassName?: string;
* The z-index of the Modal
* @default 1000
* @type number
zIndex?: number;
static info(options: ModalOptions): ModalConfirm;
static success(options: ModalOptions): ModalConfirm;
static error(options: ModalOptions): ModalConfirm;
static warning(options: ModalOptions): ModalConfirm;
static confirm(options: ModalOptions): ModalConfirm;
static destroyAll(): void;