
252 lines
7.8 KiB

import omit from 'omit.js'
import VcMenu, { Divider, ItemGroup, SubMenu } from '../vc-menu'
import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'
import animation from '../_util/openAnimation'
import warning from '../_util/warning'
import Item from './MenuItem'
import { hasProp } from '../_util/props-util'
import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin'
import commonPropsType from '../vc-menu/commonPropsType'
export const MenuMode = PropTypes.oneOf(['vertical', 'vertical-left', 'vertical-right', 'horizontal', 'inline'])
export const menuProps = {
theme: PropTypes.oneOf(['light', 'dark']).def('light'),
mode: MenuMode.def('vertical'),
selectable: PropTypes.bool,
selectedKeys: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
defaultSelectedKeys: PropTypes.array,
openKeys: PropTypes.array,
defaultOpenKeys: PropTypes.array,
openAnimation: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object]),
openTransitionName: PropTypes.string,
prefixCls: PropTypes.string.def('ant-menu'),
multiple: PropTypes.bool,
inlineIndent: PropTypes.number.def(24),
inlineCollapsed: PropTypes.bool,
isRootMenu: PropTypes.bool.def(true),
export default {
name: 'AMenu',
props: menuProps,
Divider: { ...Divider, name: 'AMenuDivider' },
Item: { ...Item, name: 'AMenuItem' },
SubMenu: { ...SubMenu, name: 'ASubMenu' },
ItemGroup: { ...ItemGroup, name: 'AMenuItemGroup' },
provide () {
return {
getInlineCollapsed: this.getInlineCollapsed,
mixins: [BaseMixin],
inject: {
layoutSiderContext: { default: {}},
model: {
prop: 'selectedKeys',
event: 'selectChange',
mounted () {
this.preProps = { ...this.$props }
watch: {
'$props': {
handler: function (nextProps) {
const { preProps, sOpenKeys } = this
const { prefixCls } = preProps
if (preProps.mode === 'inline' && nextProps.mode !== 'inline') {
this.switchModeFromInline = true
if (hasProp(this, 'openKeys')) {
this.setState({ sOpenKeys: nextProps.openKeys })
if (nextProps.inlineCollapsed && !preProps.inlineCollapsed) {
this.switchModeFromInline =
!!sOpenKeys.length && !!this.$el.querySelectorAll(`.${prefixCls}-submenu-open`).length
this.inlineOpenKeys = sOpenKeys
this.setState({ sOpenKeys: [] })
if (!nextProps.inlineCollapsed && preProps.inlineCollapsed) {
this.setState({ sOpenKeys: this.inlineOpenKeys })
this.inlineOpenKeys = []
this.preProps = { ...nextProps }
deep: true,
'layoutSiderContext.sCollapsed': function (val) {
const { openKeys, sOpenKeys = [], prefixCls } = this
if (hasProp(this, 'openKeys')) {
this.setState({ sOpenKeys: openKeys })
if (val) {
this.switchModeFromInline =
!!sOpenKeys.length && !!this.$el.querySelectorAll(`.${prefixCls}-submenu-open`).length
this.inlineOpenKeys = sOpenKeys
this.setState({ sOpenKeys: [] })
} else {
this.setState({ sOpenKeys: this.inlineOpenKeys })
this.inlineOpenKeys = []
data () {
const props = this.$props
!(hasProp(this, 'inlineCollapsed') && props.mode !== 'inline'),
'`inlineCollapsed` should only be used when Menu\'s `mode` is inline.',
this.switchModeFromInline = false
this.leaveAnimationExecutedWhenInlineCollapsed = false
this.inlineOpenKeys = []
let sOpenKeys
if (hasProp(this, 'defaultOpenKeys')) {
sOpenKeys = props.defaultOpenKeys
} else if (hasProp(this, 'openKeys')) {
sOpenKeys = props.openKeys
return {
methods: {
handleClick (e) {
this.$emit('click', e)
handleSelect (info) {
this.$emit('select', info)
this.$emit('selectChange', info.selectedKeys)
handleDeselect (info) {
this.$emit('deselect', info)
this.$emit('selectChange', info.selectedKeys)
handleOpenChange (openKeys) {
this.$emit('openChange', openKeys)
this.$emit('update:openKeys', openKeys)
setOpenKeys (openKeys) {
if (!hasProp(this, 'openKeys')) {
this.setState({ sOpenKeys: openKeys })
getRealMenuMode () {
const inlineCollapsed = this.getInlineCollapsed()
if (this.switchModeFromInline && inlineCollapsed) {
return 'inline'
const { mode } = this.$props
return inlineCollapsed ? 'vertical' : mode
getInlineCollapsed () {
const { inlineCollapsed } = this.$props
if (this.layoutSiderContext.sCollapsed !== undefined) {
return this.layoutSiderContext.sCollapsed
return inlineCollapsed
getMenuOpenAnimation (menuMode) {
const { openAnimation, openTransitionName } = this.$props
let menuOpenAnimation = openAnimation || openTransitionName
if (openAnimation === undefined && openTransitionName === undefined) {
switch (menuMode) {
case 'horizontal':
menuOpenAnimation = 'slide-up'
case 'vertical':
case 'vertical-left':
case 'vertical-right':
// When mode switch from inline
// submenu should hide without animation
if (this.switchModeFromInline) {
menuOpenAnimation = ''
this.switchModeFromInline = false
} else {
menuOpenAnimation = 'zoom-big'
case 'inline':
menuOpenAnimation = { on: {
leave: (node, done) => animation.leave(node, () => {
// Make sure inline menu leave animation finished before mode is switched
this.switchModeFromInline = false
// this.setState({})
// when inlineCollapsed change false to true, all submenu will be unmounted,
// so that we don't need handle animation leaving.
if (this.getRealMenuMode() === 'vertical') {
return menuOpenAnimation
render () {
const { layoutSiderContext, $slots, $listeners } = this
const { collapsedWidth } = layoutSiderContext
const { prefixCls, theme } = this.$props
const menuMode = this.getRealMenuMode()
const menuOpenAnimation = this.getMenuOpenAnimation(menuMode)
const menuClassName = {
[`${prefixCls}-${theme}`]: true,
[`${prefixCls}-inline-collapsed`]: this.getInlineCollapsed(),
const menuProps = {
props: {
...omit(this.$props, ['inlineCollapsed']),
openKeys: this.sOpenKeys,
mode: menuMode,
on: {
select: this.handleSelect,
deselect: this.handleDeselect,
openChange: this.handleOpenChange,
if (!hasProp(this, 'selectedKeys')) {
delete menuProps.props.selectedKeys
if (menuMode !== 'inline') {
// closing vertical popup submenu after click it = this.handleClick
menuProps.props.openTransitionName = menuOpenAnimation
} else { = (e) => {
this.$emit('click', e)
menuProps.props.openAnimation = menuOpenAnimation
if (
this.getInlineCollapsed() &&
(collapsedWidth === 0 || collapsedWidth === '0' || collapsedWidth === '0px')
) {
return null
return <VcMenu {...menuProps} class={menuClassName}>{$slots.default}</VcMenu>