166 lines
5.9 KiB
166 lines
5.9 KiB
import type { ShallowRef, ExtractPropTypes, InjectionKey, Ref } from 'vue';
import { provide, defineComponent, unref, inject, watch, shallowRef } from 'vue';
import CacheEntity from './Cache';
import type { Linter } from './linters/interface';
import type { Transformer } from './transformers/interface';
import { arrayType, booleanType, objectType, someType, stringType, withInstall } from '../type';
export const ATTR_TOKEN = 'data-token-hash';
export const ATTR_MARK = 'data-css-hash';
export const ATTR_CACHE_PATH = 'data-cache-path';
// Mark css-in-js instance in style element
export const CSS_IN_JS_INSTANCE = '__cssinjs_instance__';
export function createCache() {
const cssinjsInstanceId = Math.random().toString(12).slice(2);
// Tricky SSR: Move all inline style to the head.
// PS: We do not recommend tricky mode.
if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.head && document.body) {
const styles = document.body.querySelectorAll(`style[${ATTR_MARK}]`) || [];
const { firstChild } = document.head;
Array.from(styles).forEach(style => {
(style as any)[CSS_IN_JS_INSTANCE] = (style as any)[CSS_IN_JS_INSTANCE] || cssinjsInstanceId;
// Not force move if no head
// Not force move if no head
if ((style as any)[CSS_IN_JS_INSTANCE] === cssinjsInstanceId) {
document.head.insertBefore(style, firstChild);
// Deduplicate of moved styles
const styleHash: Record<string, boolean> = {};
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`style[${ATTR_MARK}]`)).forEach(style => {
const hash = style.getAttribute(ATTR_MARK)!;
if (styleHash[hash]) {
if ((style as any)[CSS_IN_JS_INSTANCE] === cssinjsInstanceId) {
} else {
styleHash[hash] = true;
return new CacheEntity(cssinjsInstanceId);
export type HashPriority = 'low' | 'high';
export interface StyleContextProps {
autoClear?: boolean;
/** @private Test only. Not work in production. */
mock?: 'server' | 'client';
* Only set when you need ssr to extract style on you own.
* If not provided, it will auto create <style /> on the end of Provider in server side.
cache: CacheEntity;
/** Tell children that this context is default generated context */
defaultCache: boolean;
/** Use `:where` selector to reduce hashId css selector priority */
hashPriority?: HashPriority;
/** Tell cssinjs where to inject style in */
container?: Element | ShadowRoot;
/** Component wil render inline `<style />` for fallback in SSR. Not recommend. */
ssrInline?: boolean;
/** Transform css before inject in document. Please note that `transformers` do not support dynamic update */
transformers?: Transformer[];
* Linters to lint css before inject in document.
* Styles will be linted after transforming.
* Please note that `linters` do not support dynamic update.
linters?: Linter[];
const StyleContextKey: InjectionKey<ShallowRef<Partial<StyleContextProps>>> =
export type UseStyleProviderProps = Partial<StyleContextProps> | Ref<Partial<StyleContextProps>>;
const defaultStyleContext: StyleContextProps = {
cache: createCache(),
defaultCache: true,
hashPriority: 'low',
// fix: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/issues/6912
export const useStyleInject = () => {
return inject(StyleContextKey, shallowRef({ ...defaultStyleContext, cache: createCache() }));
export const useStyleProvider = (props: UseStyleProviderProps) => {
const parentContext = useStyleInject();
const context = shallowRef<Partial<StyleContextProps>>({
cache: createCache(),
[() => unref(props), parentContext],
() => {
const mergedContext: Partial<StyleContextProps> = {
const propsValue = unref(props);
Object.keys(propsValue).forEach(key => {
const value = propsValue[key];
if (propsValue[key] !== undefined) {
mergedContext[key] = value;
const { cache } = propsValue;
mergedContext.cache = mergedContext.cache || createCache();
mergedContext.defaultCache = !cache && parentContext.value.defaultCache;
context.value = mergedContext;
{ immediate: true },
provide(StyleContextKey, context);
return context;
export const styleProviderProps = () => ({
autoClear: booleanType(),
/** @private Test only. Not work in production. */
mock: stringType<'server' | 'client'>(),
* Only set when you need ssr to extract style on you own.
* If not provided, it will auto create <style /> on the end of Provider in server side.
cache: objectType<CacheEntity>(),
/** Tell children that this context is default generated context */
defaultCache: booleanType(),
/** Use `:where` selector to reduce hashId css selector priority */
hashPriority: stringType<HashPriority>(),
/** Tell cssinjs where to inject style in */
container: someType<Element | ShadowRoot>(),
/** Component wil render inline `<style />` for fallback in SSR. Not recommend. */
ssrInline: booleanType(),
/** Transform css before inject in document. Please note that `transformers` do not support dynamic update */
transformers: arrayType<Transformer[]>(),
* Linters to lint css before inject in document.
* Styles will be linted after transforming.
* Please note that `linters` do not support dynamic update.
linters: arrayType<Linter[]>(),
export type StyleProviderProps = Partial<ExtractPropTypes<ReturnType<typeof styleProviderProps>>>;
export const StyleProvider = withInstall(
name: 'AStyleProvider',
inheritAttrs: false,
props: styleProviderProps(),
setup(props, { slots }) {
return () => slots.default?.();
export default {