178 lines
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178 lines
6.4 KiB
import AdvancedSearch from './advanced-search';
import AdvancedSearchString from '!raw-loader!./advanced-search';
import Coordinated from './coordinated';
import CoordinatedString from '!raw-loader!./coordinated';
import CustomizedFormControls from './customized-form-controls';
import CustomizedFormControlsString from '!raw-loader!./customized-form-controls';
import DynamicFormItem from './dynamic-form-item';
import DynamicFormItemString from '!raw-loader!./dynamic-form-item';
import DynamicRule from './dynamic-rule';
import DynamicRuleString from '!raw-loader!./dynamic-rule';
import FormInModal from './form-in-modal';
import FormInModalString from '!raw-loader!./form-in-modal';
import GlobalState from './global-state';
import GlobalStateString from '!raw-loader!./global-state';
import VuexState from './vuex';
import VuexStateString from '!raw-loader!./vuex';
import HorizontalLogin from './horizontal-login';
import HorizontalLoginString from '!raw-loader!./horizontal-login';
import Layout from './layout';
import LayoutString from '!raw-loader!./layout';
import NormalLogin from './normal-login';
import NormalLoginString from '!raw-loader!./normal-login';
import Register from './register';
import RegisterString from '!raw-loader!./register';
import TimeRelatedControls from './time-related-controls';
import TimeRelatedControlsString from '!raw-loader!./time-related-controls';
import ValidateOther from './validate-other';
import ValidateOtherString from '!raw-loader!./validate-other';
import ValidateStatic from './validate-static';
import ValidateStaticString from '!raw-loader!./validate-static';
import WithoutFormCreate from './without-form-create';
import WithoutFormCreateString from '!raw-loader!./without-form-create';
import CN from '../index.zh-CN';
import US from '../index.en-US';
const md = {
cn: `# Form 表单
#### 如需要使用 \`v-model\` 双向绑定式的校验功能可使用新的表单 [\`a-form-model\`](/components/form-model-cn/)。
## 何时使用
- 用于创建一个实体或收集信息。
- 需要对输入的数据类型进行校验时。
## 表单
我们为 \`form\` 提供了以下三种排列方式:
- 水平排列:标签和表单控件水平排列;(默认)
- 垂直排列:标签和表单控件上下垂直排列;
- 行内排列:表单项水平行内排列。
## 表单域
这里我们封装了表单域 \`<Form.Item />\` 。
## 注意:
1、如果使用 \`Form.create\` 处理表单使其具有自动收集数据并校验的功能,建议使用\`jsx\`。
\`Vue.prototype.$form = Form\`
## 代码演示
us: `# Form
Form is used to collect, validate, and submit the user input, usually contains various form items including checkbox, radio, input, select, and etc.
#### If you need to use \`v-model\` verification, you can use new form [\`a-form-model\`](/components/form-model/)。
## When to use
- When you need to create a instance or collect information.
- When you need to validate fields in certain rules.
## Form Component
You can align the controls of a \`form\` using the \`layout\` prop:
- \`horizontal\`:to horizontally align the \`label\`s and controls of the fields. (Default)
- \`vertical\`:to vertically align the \`label\`s and controls of the fields.
- \`inline\`:to render form fields in one line.
## Form Item Component
A form consists of one or more form fields whose type includes input, textarea, checkbox, radio, select, tag, and more. A form field is defined using \`<Form.Item />\`.
## Note:
1. If you use \`Form.create\` to process the form to have the ability to automatically collect data and verify it, it is recommended to use \`jsx\`.
2. If you are not using the \`Form\` component registered in Vue.use(Form) form, you need to mount \`$form\` to the Vue prototype yourself.
\`Vue.prototype.$form = Form\`
## Examples
export default {
category: 'Components',
subtitle: '表单',
type: 'Data Entry',
zhType: '数据录入',
cols: 1,
title: 'Form',
render() {
return (
<md cn={md.cn} us={md.us} />
<demo-sort cols={1}>
<demo-container code={CoordinatedString}>
<Coordinated />
<demo-container code={DynamicRuleString}>
<DynamicRule />
<demo-container code={HorizontalLoginString}>
<HorizontalLogin />
<demo-container code={LayoutString}>
<Layout />
<demo-container code={ValidateStaticString}>
<ValidateStatic />
<demo-container code={WithoutFormCreateString}>
<WithoutFormCreate />
<demo-container code={AdvancedSearchString}>
<AdvancedSearch />
<demo-container code={CustomizedFormControlsString}>
<CustomizedFormControls />
<demo-container code={DynamicFormItemString}>
<DynamicFormItem />
<demo-container code={FormInModalString}>
<FormInModal />
<demo-container code={GlobalStateString}>
<GlobalState />
<demo-container code={VuexStateString}>
<VuexState />
<demo-container code={NormalLoginString}>
<NormalLogin />
<demo-container code={RegisterString}>
<Register />
<demo-container code={TimeRelatedControlsString}>
<TimeRelatedControls />
<demo-container code={ValidateOtherString}>
<ValidateOther />
<CN slot="cn" />
<US />
.code-box-demo .ant-form:not(.ant-form-inline):not(.ant-form-vertical) {
max-width: 600px;