1121 lines
34 KiB
1121 lines
34 KiB
* ARIA: https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/#combobox
* Sample 1: https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/NOTE-wai-aria-practices-1.1-20171214/examples/combobox/aria1.1pattern/listbox-combo.html
* Sample 2: https://www.w3.org/blog/wai-components-gallery/widget/combobox-with-aria-autocompleteinline/
* Tab logic:
* Popup is close
* 1. Focus input (mark component as focused)
* 2. Press enter to show the popup
* 3. If popup has input, focus it
* Popup is open
* 1. press tab to close the popup
* 2. Focus back to the selection input box
* 3. Let the native tab going on
* TreeSelect use 2 design type.
* In single mode, we should focus on the `span`
* In multiple mode, we should focus on the `input`
import { provide } from 'vue';
import shallowEqual from 'shallowequal';
import raf from 'raf';
import scrollIntoView from 'dom-scroll-into-view';
import warning from 'warning';
import PropTypes from '../../_util/vue-types';
import KeyCode from '../../_util/KeyCode';
import SelectTrigger from './SelectTrigger';
import SingleSelector from './Selector/SingleSelector';
import MultipleSelector from './Selector/MultipleSelector';
import SinglePopup from './Popup/SinglePopup';
import MultiplePopup from './Popup/MultiplePopup';
import { SHOW_ALL, SHOW_PARENT, SHOW_CHILD } from './strategies';
import BaseMixin from '../../_util/BaseMixin';
import {
} from './util';
import SelectNode from './SelectNode';
import {
} from '../../_util/props-util';
function getWatch(keys = []) {
const watch = {};
keys.forEach(k => {
watch[k] = function() {
this.needSyncKeys[k] = true;
return watch;
const Select = {
name: 'Select',
inheritAttrs: false,
mixins: [BaseMixin],
props: initDefaultProps(
prefixCls: PropTypes.string,
prefixAria: PropTypes.string,
multiple: PropTypes.bool,
showArrow: PropTypes.bool,
open: PropTypes.bool,
value: PropTypes.any,
autofocus: PropTypes.bool,
defaultOpen: PropTypes.bool,
defaultValue: PropTypes.any,
showSearch: PropTypes.bool,
placeholder: PropTypes.any,
inputValue: PropTypes.string, // [Legacy] Deprecated. Use `searchValue` instead.
searchValue: PropTypes.string,
autoClearSearchValue: PropTypes.bool,
searchPlaceholder: PropTypes.any, // [Legacy] Confuse with placeholder
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
children: PropTypes.any,
labelInValue: PropTypes.bool,
maxTagCount: PropTypes.number,
maxTagPlaceholder: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.any, PropTypes.func]),
maxTagTextLength: PropTypes.number,
showCheckedStrategy: PropTypes.oneOf([SHOW_ALL, SHOW_PARENT, SHOW_CHILD]),
dropdownClassName: PropTypes.string,
dropdownStyle: PropTypes.object,
dropdownVisibleChange: PropTypes.func,
dropdownMatchSelectWidth: PropTypes.bool,
treeData: PropTypes.array,
treeDataSimpleMode: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.object]),
treeNodeFilterProp: PropTypes.string,
treeNodeLabelProp: PropTypes.string,
treeCheckable: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.any, PropTypes.object, PropTypes.bool]),
// treeCheckable: PropTypes.any,
treeCheckStrictly: PropTypes.bool,
treeIcon: PropTypes.bool,
treeLine: PropTypes.bool,
treeDefaultExpandAll: PropTypes.bool,
treeDefaultExpandedKeys: PropTypes.array,
treeExpandedKeys: PropTypes.array,
loadData: PropTypes.func,
filterTreeNode: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.bool]),
notFoundContent: PropTypes.any,
getPopupContainer: PropTypes.func,
// onSearch: PropTypes.func,
// onSelect: PropTypes.func,
// onDeselect: PropTypes.func,
// onChange: PropTypes.func,
// onDropdownVisibleChange: PropTypes.func,
// onTreeExpand: PropTypes.func,
allowClear: PropTypes.bool,
transitionName: PropTypes.string,
animation: PropTypes.string,
choiceTransitionName: PropTypes.string,
inputIcon: PropTypes.any,
clearIcon: PropTypes.any,
removeIcon: PropTypes.any,
switcherIcon: PropTypes.any,
__propsSymbol__: PropTypes.any,
prefixCls: 'rc-tree-select',
prefixAria: 'rc-tree-select',
showArrow: true,
showSearch: true,
autoClearSearchValue: true,
showCheckedStrategy: SHOW_CHILD,
// dropdownMatchSelectWidth change the origin design, set to false now
// ref: https://github.com/react-component/select/blob/4cad95e098a341a09de239ad6981067188842020/src/Select.jsx#L344
// ref: https://github.com/react-component/select/pull/71
treeNodeFilterProp: 'value',
treeNodeLabelProp: 'title',
treeIcon: false,
notFoundContent: 'Not Found',
dropdownStyle: {},
dropdownVisibleChange: () => {
return true;
data() {
warning(this.$props.__propsSymbol__, 'must pass __propsSymbol__');
const { prefixAria, defaultOpen, open } = this.$props;
this.needSyncKeys = {};
this.selectorRef = createRef();
this.selectTriggerRef = createRef();
// ARIA need `aria-controls` props mapping
// Since this need user input. Let's generate ourselves
this.ariaId = generateAriaId(`${prefixAria}-list`);
const state = {
_open: open || defaultOpen,
_valueList: [],
_searchHalfCheckedKeys: [],
_missValueList: [], // Contains the value not in the tree
_selectorValueList: [], // Used for multiple selector
_valueEntities: {},
_posEntities: new Map(),
_keyEntities: new Map(),
_searchValue: '',
_prevProps: {},
_init: true,
_focused: undefined,
_treeNodes: undefined,
_filteredTreeNodes: undefined,
const newState = this.getDerivedState(this.$props, state);
return {
created() {
provide('vcTreeSelect', {
onSelectorFocus: this.onSelectorFocus,
onSelectorBlur: this.onSelectorBlur,
onSelectorKeyDown: this.onComponentKeyDown,
onSelectorClear: this.onSelectorClear,
onMultipleSelectorRemove: this.onMultipleSelectorRemove,
onTreeNodeSelect: this.onTreeNodeSelect,
onTreeNodeCheck: this.onTreeNodeCheck,
onPopupKeyDown: this.onComponentKeyDown,
onSearchInputChange: this.onSearchInputChange,
onSearchInputKeyDown: this.onSearchInputKeyDown,
watch: {
...getWatch(['treeData', 'defaultValue', 'value']),
__propsSymbol__() {
const state = this.getDerivedState(this.$props, this.$data);
this.needSyncKeys = {};
'$data._valueList'() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
'$data._open'(open) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const { prefixCls } = this.$props;
const { _selectorValueList: selectorValueList, _valueEntities: valueEntities } = this.$data;
const isMultiple = this.isMultiple();
// Scroll to value position, only need sync on single mode
if (!isMultiple && selectorValueList.length && open && this.popup) {
const { value } = selectorValueList[0];
const { domTreeNodes } = this.popup.getTree();
const { key } = valueEntities[value] || {};
const treeNode = domTreeNodes[key];
if (treeNode) {
const domNode = findDOMNode(treeNode);
raf(() => {
const popupNode = findDOMNode(this.popup);
const triggerContainer = findPopupContainer(popupNode, `${prefixCls}-dropdown`);
const searchNode = this.popup.searchRef.current;
if (domNode && triggerContainer && searchNode) {
scrollIntoView(domNode, triggerContainer, {
onlyScrollIfNeeded: true,
offsetTop: searchNode.offsetHeight,
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const { autofocus, disabled } = this.$props;
if (autofocus && !disabled) {
methods: {
getDerivedState(nextProps, prevState) {
const { _prevProps: prevProps = {} } = prevState;
const {
} = nextProps;
const newState = {
_prevProps: { ...nextProps },
_init: false,
const self = this;
// Process the state when props updated
function processState(propName, updater) {
if (prevProps[propName] !== nextProps[propName] || self.needSyncKeys[propName]) {
updater(nextProps[propName], prevProps[propName]);
return true;
return false;
let valueRefresh = false;
// Open
processState('open', propValue => {
newState._open = propValue;
// Tree Nodes
let treeNodes;
let treeDataChanged = false;
let treeDataModeChanged = false;
processState('treeData', propValue => {
treeNodes = convertDataToTree(propValue);
treeDataChanged = true;
processState('treeDataSimpleMode', (propValue, prevValue) => {
if (!propValue) return;
const prev = !prevValue || prevValue === true ? {} : prevValue;
// Shallow equal to avoid dynamic prop object
if (!shallowEqual(propValue, prev)) {
treeDataModeChanged = true;
// Parse by `treeDataSimpleMode`
if (treeDataSimpleMode && (treeDataChanged || treeDataModeChanged)) {
const simpleMapper = {
id: 'id',
pId: 'pId',
rootPId: null,
...(treeDataSimpleMode !== true ? treeDataSimpleMode : {}),
treeNodes = convertDataToTree(parseSimpleTreeData(nextProps.treeData, simpleMapper));
// If `treeData` not provide, use children TreeNodes
if (!nextProps.treeData) {
// processState('children', (propValue) => {
// treeNodes = Array.isArray(propValue) ? propValue : [propValue]
// })
treeNodes = this.children || [];
// Convert `treeData` to entities
if (treeNodes) {
const entitiesMap = convertTreeToEntities(treeNodes);
newState._treeNodes = treeNodes;
newState._posEntities = entitiesMap.posEntities;
newState._valueEntities = entitiesMap.valueEntities;
newState._keyEntities = entitiesMap.keyEntities;
valueRefresh = true;
// Value List
if (prevState._init) {
processState('defaultValue', propValue => {
newState._valueList = formatInternalValue(propValue, nextProps);
valueRefresh = true;
processState('value', propValue => {
newState._valueList = formatInternalValue(propValue, nextProps);
valueRefresh = true;
// Selector Value List
if (valueRefresh) {
// Find out that value not exist in the tree
const missValueList = [];
const filteredValueList = [];
const keyList = [];
// Get latest value list
let latestValueList = newState._valueList;
if (!latestValueList) {
// Also need add prev missValueList to avoid new treeNodes contains the value
latestValueList = [...prevState._valueList, ...prevState._missValueList];
// Get key by value
const valueLabels = {};
latestValueList.forEach(wrapperValue => {
const { value, label } = wrapperValue;
const entity = (newState._valueEntities || prevState._valueEntities)[value];
valueLabels[value] = label;
if (entity) {
// If not match, it may caused by ajax load. We need keep this
// We need calculate the value when tree is checked tree
if (treeCheckable && !treeCheckStrictly) {
// Calculate the keys need to be checked
const { checkedKeys } = conductCheck(
newState._keyEntities || prevState._keyEntities,
// Format value list again for internal usage
newState._valueList = checkedKeys.map(key => {
const val = (newState._keyEntities || prevState._keyEntities).get(key).value;
const wrappedValue = {
value: val,
if (valueLabels[val] !== undefined) {
wrappedValue.label = valueLabels[val];
return wrappedValue;
} else {
newState._valueList = filteredValueList;
// Fill the missValueList, we still need display in the selector
newState._missValueList = missValueList;
// Calculate the value list for `Selector` usage
newState._selectorValueList = formatSelectorValue(
newState._valueEntities || prevState._valueEntities,
// [Legacy] To align with `Select` component,
// We use `searchValue` instead of `inputValue` but still keep the api
// `inputValue` support `null` to work as `autoClearSearchValue`
processState('inputValue', propValue => {
if (propValue !== null) {
newState._searchValue = propValue;
// Search value
processState('searchValue', propValue => {
newState._searchValue = propValue;
// Do the search logic
if (newState._searchValue !== undefined || (prevState._searchValue && treeNodes)) {
const searchValue =
newState._searchValue !== undefined ? newState._searchValue : prevState._searchValue;
const upperSearchValue = String(searchValue).toUpperCase();
let filterTreeNodeFn = filterTreeNode;
if (filterTreeNode === false) {
// Don't filter if is false
filterTreeNodeFn = () => true;
} else if (typeof filterTreeNodeFn !== 'function') {
// When is not function (true or undefined), use inner filter
filterTreeNodeFn = (_, node) => {
const nodeValue = String(getPropsData(node)[treeNodeFilterProp]).toUpperCase();
return nodeValue.indexOf(upperSearchValue) !== -1;
newState._filteredTreeNodes = getFilterTree(
newState._treeNodes || prevState._treeNodes,
newState._valueEntities || prevState._valueEntities,
// We should re-calculate the halfCheckedKeys when in search mode
if (
valueRefresh &&
treeCheckable &&
!treeCheckStrictly &&
(newState._searchValue || prevState._searchValue)
) {
newState._searchHalfCheckedKeys = getHalfCheckedKeys(
newState._valueEntities || prevState._valueEntities,
// Checked Strategy
processState('showCheckedStrategy', () => {
newState._selectorValueList =
newState._selectorValueList ||
newState._valueList || prevState._valueList,
newState._valueEntities || prevState._valueEntities,
return newState;
// ==================== Selector ====================
onSelectorFocus() {
this.setState({ _focused: true });
onSelectorBlur() {
this.setState({ _focused: false });
// TODO: Close when Popup is also not focused
// this.setState({ open: false });
// Handle key board event in both Selector and Popup
onComponentKeyDown(event) {
const { _open: open } = this.$data;
const { keyCode } = event;
if (!open) {
if ([KeyCode.ENTER, KeyCode.DOWN].indexOf(keyCode) !== -1) {
} else if (KeyCode.ESC === keyCode) {
} else if ([KeyCode.UP, KeyCode.DOWN, KeyCode.LEFT, KeyCode.RIGHT].indexOf(keyCode) !== -1) {
// TODO: Handle `open` state
onDeselect(wrappedValue, node, nodeEventInfo) {
this.__emit('deselect', wrappedValue, node, nodeEventInfo);
onSelectorClear(event) {
const { disabled } = this.$props;
if (disabled) return;
this.triggerChange([], []);
if (!this.isSearchValueControlled()) {
_searchValue: '',
_filteredTreeNodes: null,
onMultipleSelectorRemove(event, removeValue) {
const {
_valueList: valueList,
_missValueList: missValueList,
_valueEntities: valueEntities,
} = this.$data;
const { treeCheckable, treeCheckStrictly, treeNodeLabelProp, disabled } = this.$props;
if (disabled) return;
// Find trigger entity
const triggerEntity = valueEntities[removeValue];
// Clean up value
let newValueList = valueList;
if (triggerEntity) {
// If value is in tree
if (treeCheckable && !treeCheckStrictly) {
newValueList = valueList.filter(({ value }) => {
const entity = valueEntities[value];
return !isPosRelated(entity.pos, triggerEntity.pos);
} else {
newValueList = valueList.filter(({ value }) => value !== removeValue);
const triggerNode = triggerEntity ? triggerEntity.node : null;
const extraInfo = {
triggerValue: removeValue,
const deselectInfo = {
node: triggerNode,
// [Legacy] Little hack on this to make same action as `onCheck` event.
if (treeCheckable) {
const filteredEntityList = newValueList.map(({ value }) => valueEntities[value]);
deselectInfo.event = 'check';
deselectInfo.checked = false;
deselectInfo.checkedNodes = filteredEntityList.map(({ node }) => node);
deselectInfo.checkedNodesPositions = filteredEntityList.map(({ node, pos }) => ({
if (treeCheckStrictly) {
extraInfo.allCheckedNodes = deselectInfo.checkedNodes;
} else {
// TODO: It's too expansive to get `halfCheckedKeys` in onDeselect. Not pass this.
extraInfo.allCheckedNodes = flatToHierarchy(filteredEntityList).map(({ node }) => node);
} else {
deselectInfo.event = 'select';
deselectInfo.selected = false;
deselectInfo.selectedNodes = newValueList.map(
({ value }) => (valueEntities[value] || {}).node,
// Some value user pass prop is not in the tree, we also need clean it
const newMissValueList = missValueList.filter(({ value }) => value !== removeValue);
let wrappedValue;
if (this.isLabelInValue()) {
wrappedValue = {
label: triggerNode ? getPropsData(triggerNode)[treeNodeLabelProp] : null,
value: removeValue,
} else {
wrappedValue = removeValue;
this.onDeselect(wrappedValue, triggerNode, deselectInfo);
this.triggerChange(newMissValueList, newValueList, extraInfo);
// ===================== Popup ======================
onValueTrigger(isAdd, nodeList, nodeEventInfo, nodeExtraInfo) {
const { node } = nodeEventInfo;
const { value } = node.$props;
const {
_missValueList: missValueList,
_valueEntities: valueEntities,
_keyEntities: keyEntities,
_searchValue: searchValue,
} = this.$data;
const {
} = this.$props;
const label = node.$props[treeNodeLabelProp];
if (disabled) return;
// Wrap the return value for user
let wrappedValue;
if (this.isLabelInValue()) {
wrappedValue = {
} else {
wrappedValue = value;
// [Legacy] Origin code not trigger `onDeselect` every time. Let's align the behaviour.
if (isAdd) {
this.__emit('select', wrappedValue, node, nodeEventInfo);
} else {
this.__emit('deselect', wrappedValue, node, nodeEventInfo);
// Get wrapped value list.
// This is a bit hack cause we use key to match the value.
let newValueList = nodeList.map(node => {
const props = getPropsData(node);
return {
value: props.value,
label: props[treeNodeLabelProp],
// When is `treeCheckable` and with `searchValue`, `valueList` is not full filled.
// We need calculate the missing nodes.
if (treeCheckable && !treeCheckStrictly) {
let keyList = newValueList.map(({ value: val }) => valueEntities[val].key);
if (isAdd) {
keyList = conductCheck(keyList, true, keyEntities).checkedKeys;
} else {
keyList = conductCheck([valueEntities[value].key], false, keyEntities, {
checkedKeys: keyList,
newValueList = keyList.map(key => {
const props = getPropsData(keyEntities.get(key).node);
return {
value: props.value,
label: props[treeNodeLabelProp],
// Clean up `searchValue` when this prop is set
if (autoClearSearchValue || inputValue === null) {
// Clean state `searchValue` if uncontrolled
if (!this.isSearchValueControlled() && (multiple || treeCheckable)) {
_searchValue: '',
_filteredTreeNodes: null,
// Trigger onSearch if `searchValue` to be empty.
// We should also trigger onSearch with empty string here
// since if user use `treeExpandedKeys`, it need user have the ability to reset it.
if (searchValue && searchValue.length) {
this.__emit('update:searchValue', '');
this.__emit('search', '');
// [Legacy] Provide extra info
const extraInfo = {
triggerValue: value,
triggerNode: node,
this.triggerChange(missValueList, newValueList, extraInfo);
onTreeNodeSelect(_, nodeEventInfo) {
const { _valueList: valueList, _valueEntities: valueEntities } = this.$data;
const { treeCheckable, multiple } = this.$props;
if (treeCheckable) return;
if (!multiple) {
const isAdd = nodeEventInfo.selected;
const {
$props: { value: selectedValue },
} = nodeEventInfo.node;
let newValueList;
if (!multiple) {
newValueList = [{ value: selectedValue }];
} else {
newValueList = valueList.filter(({ value }) => value !== selectedValue);
if (isAdd) {
newValueList.push({ value: selectedValue });
const selectedNodes = newValueList
.map(({ value }) => valueEntities[value])
.filter(entity => entity)
.map(({ node }) => node);
this.onValueTrigger(isAdd, selectedNodes, nodeEventInfo, { selected: isAdd });
onTreeNodeCheck(_, nodeEventInfo) {
const {
_searchValue: searchValue,
_keyEntities: keyEntities,
_valueEntities: valueEntities,
_valueList: valueList,
} = this.$data;
const { treeCheckStrictly } = this.$props;
const { checkedNodes, checkedNodesPositions } = nodeEventInfo;
const isAdd = nodeEventInfo.checked;
const extraInfo = {
checked: isAdd,
let checkedNodeList = checkedNodes;
// [Legacy] Check event provide `allCheckedNodes`.
// When `treeCheckStrictly` or internal `searchValue` is set, TreeNode will be unrelated:
// - Related: Show the top checked nodes and has children prop.
// - Unrelated: Show all the checked nodes.
if (searchValue) {
const oriKeyList = valueList
.map(({ value }) => valueEntities[value])
.filter(entity => entity)
.map(({ key }) => key);
let keyList;
if (isAdd) {
keyList = Array.from(
new Set([
...checkedNodeList.map(node => {
const { value } = getPropsData(node);
return valueEntities[value].key;
} else {
keyList = conductCheck([getPropsData(nodeEventInfo.node).eventKey], false, keyEntities, {
checkedKeys: oriKeyList,
checkedNodeList = keyList.map(key => keyEntities.get(key).node);
// Let's follow as not `treeCheckStrictly` format
extraInfo.allCheckedNodes = keyList.map(key => cleanEntity(keyEntities.get(key)));
} else if (treeCheckStrictly) {
extraInfo.allCheckedNodes = nodeEventInfo.checkedNodes;
} else {
extraInfo.allCheckedNodes = flatToHierarchy(checkedNodesPositions);
this.onValueTrigger(isAdd, checkedNodeList, nodeEventInfo, extraInfo);
// ==================== Trigger =====================
onDropdownVisibleChange(open) {
const { multiple, treeCheckable } = this.$props;
const { _searchValue } = this.$data;
// When set open success and single mode,
// we will reset the input content.
if (open && !multiple && !treeCheckable && _searchValue) {
_searchValue: '',
_filteredTreeNodes: null,
this.setOpenState(open, true);
onSearchInputChange(event) {
const value = event.target.value;
const { _treeNodes: treeNodes, _valueEntities: valueEntities } = this.$data;
const { filterTreeNode, treeNodeFilterProp } = this.$props;
this.__emit('update:searchValue', value);
this.__emit('search', value);
let isSet = false;
if (!this.isSearchValueControlled()) {
isSet = this.setUncontrolledState({
_searchValue: value,
if (isSet) {
// Do the search logic
const upperSearchValue = String(value).toUpperCase();
let filterTreeNodeFn = filterTreeNode;
if (filterTreeNode === false) {
filterTreeNodeFn = () => true;
} else if (!filterTreeNodeFn) {
filterTreeNodeFn = (_, node) => {
const nodeValue = String(getPropsData(node)[treeNodeFilterProp]).toUpperCase();
return nodeValue.indexOf(upperSearchValue) !== -1;
_filteredTreeNodes: getFilterTree(
onSearchInputKeyDown(event) {
const { _searchValue: searchValue, _valueList: valueList } = this.$data;
const { keyCode } = event;
if (KeyCode.BACKSPACE === keyCode && this.isMultiple() && !searchValue && valueList.length) {
const lastValue = valueList[valueList.length - 1].value;
this.onMultipleSelectorRemove(event, lastValue);
onChoiceAnimationLeave() {
raf(() => {
setPopupRef(popup) {
this.popup = popup;
* Only update the value which is not in props
setUncontrolledState(state) {
let needSync = false;
const newState = {};
const props = getOptionProps(this);
Object.keys(state).forEach(name => {
if (name.slice(1) in props) return;
needSync = true;
newState[name] = state[name];
if (needSync) {
return needSync;
// [Legacy] Origin provide `documentClickClose` which triggered by `Trigger`
// Currently `TreeSelect` align the hide popup logic as `Select` which blur to hide.
// `documentClickClose` is not accurate anymore. Let's just keep the key word.
setOpenState(open, byTrigger = false) {
const { dropdownVisibleChange } = this.$props;
if (
dropdownVisibleChange &&
dropdownVisibleChange(open, { documentClickClose: !open && byTrigger }) === false
) {
this.setUncontrolledState({ _open: open });
// Tree checkable is also a multiple case
isMultiple() {
const { multiple, treeCheckable } = this.$props;
return !!(multiple || treeCheckable);
isLabelInValue() {
return isLabelInValue(this.$props);
// [Legacy] To align with `Select` component,
// We use `searchValue` instead of `inputValue`
// but currently still need support that.
// Add this method the check if is controlled
isSearchValueControlled() {
const props = getOptionProps(this);
const { inputValue } = props;
if ('searchValue' in props) return true;
return 'inputValue' in props && inputValue !== null;
forcePopupAlign() {
const $trigger = this.selectTriggerRef.current;
if ($trigger) {
delayForcePopupAlign() {
// Wait 2 frame to avoid dom update & dom algin in the same time
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/12031
raf(() => {
* 1. Update state valueList.
* 2. Fire `onChange` event to user.
triggerChange(missValueList, valueList, extraInfo = {}) {
const {
_valueEntities: valueEntities,
_searchValue: searchValue,
_selectorValueList: prevSelectorValueList,
} = this.$data;
const props = getOptionProps(this);
const { disabled, treeCheckable, treeCheckStrictly } = props;
if (disabled) return;
// Trigger
const extra = {
// [Legacy] Always return as array contains label & value
preValue: prevSelectorValueList.map(({ label, value }) => ({ label, value })),
// Format value by `treeCheckStrictly`
const selectorValueList = formatSelectorValue(valueList, props, valueEntities);
if (!('value' in props)) {
const newState = {
_missValueList: missValueList,
_valueList: valueList,
_selectorValueList: selectorValueList,
if (searchValue && treeCheckable && !treeCheckStrictly) {
newState._searchHalfCheckedKeys = getHalfCheckedKeys(valueList, valueEntities);
// Only do the logic when `onChange` function provided
if (this.$attrs.onChange) {
let connectValueList;
// Get value by mode
if (this.isMultiple()) {
connectValueList = [...missValueList, ...selectorValueList];
} else {
connectValueList = selectorValueList.slice(0, 1);
let labelList = null;
let returnValue;
if (this.isLabelInValue()) {
returnValue = connectValueList.map(({ label, value }) => ({ label, value }));
} else {
labelList = [];
returnValue = connectValueList.map(({ label, value }) => {
return value;
if (!this.isMultiple()) {
returnValue = returnValue[0];
// this.__emit('update:value', returnValue);
this.__emit('change', returnValue, labelList, extra);
focus() {
blur() {
// ===================== Render =====================
render() {
const {
_valueList: valueList,
_missValueList: missValueList,
_selectorValueList: selectorValueList,
_searchHalfCheckedKeys: searchHalfCheckedKeys,
_valueEntities: valueEntities,
_keyEntities: keyEntities,
_searchValue: searchValue,
_open: open,
_focused: focused,
_treeNodes: treeNodes,
_filteredTreeNodes: filteredTreeNodes,
} = this.$data;
const props = getOptionProps(this);
const { prefixCls, treeExpandedKeys } = props;
const isMultiple = this.isMultiple();
const passProps = {
selectorValueList: [...missValueList, ...selectorValueList],
upperSearchValue: (searchValue || '').toUpperCase(), // Perf save
dropdownPrefixCls: `${prefixCls}-dropdown`,
ariaId: this.ariaId,
onChoiceAnimationLeave: this.onChoiceAnimationLeave,
vSlots: this.$slots,
const popupProps = {
// Tree expanded control
__propsSymbol__: Symbol(),
onTreeExpanded: this.delayForcePopupAlign,
ref: this.setPopupRef,
const Popup = isMultiple ? MultiplePopup : SinglePopup;
const $popup = <Popup {...popupProps} />;
const Selector = isMultiple ? MultipleSelector : SingleSelector;
const $selector = <Selector {...passProps} ref={this.selectorRef} />;
const selectTriggerProps = {
popupElement: $popup,
dropdownVisibleChange: this.onDropdownVisibleChange,
ref: this.selectTriggerRef,
return <SelectTrigger {...selectTriggerProps}>{$selector}</SelectTrigger>;
Select.TreeNode = SelectNode;
// Let warning show correct component name
Select.name = 'TreeSelect';
export default Select;