19 lines
722 B
19 lines
722 B
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`Spin should only affect the spin element when set style to a nested <Spin>xx</Spin> 1`] = `
<div class="ant-spin-nested-loading" style="background: red;">
<div class="ant-spin ant-spin-spinning"><span class="ant-spin-dot ant-spin-dot-spin"><i class="ant-spin-dot-item"></i><i class="ant-spin-dot-item"></i><i class="ant-spin-dot-item"></i><i class="ant-spin-dot-item"></i></span></div>
<div class="ant-spin-container ant-spin-blur">
exports[`Spin should render custom indicator when it's set 1`] = `
<div class="ant-spin ant-spin-spinning">
<div class="custom-indicator ant-spin-dot"></div>