🌈 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import type { App, ExtractPropTypes } from 'vue';
import { computed, defineComponent } from 'vue';
import CloseOutlined from '@ant-design/icons-vue/CloseOutlined';
import CheckOutlined from '@ant-design/icons-vue/CheckOutlined';
import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types';
import initDefaultProps from '../_util/props-util/initDefaultProps';
import VcSteps, { Step as VcStep } from '../vc-steps';
import useConfigInject from '../config-provider/hooks/useConfigInject';
import useBreakpoint from '../_util/hooks/useBreakpoint';
import classNames from '../_util/classNames';
import Progress from '../progress';
import omit from '../_util/omit';
import { VcStepProps } from '../vc-steps/Step';
import type { ProgressDotRender } from '../vc-steps/Steps';
import type { MouseEventHandler } from '../_util/EventInterface';
import { booleanType, stringType, functionType, someType } from '../_util/type';
import useStyle from './style';
export const stepsProps = () => ({
prefixCls: String,
iconPrefix: String,
current: Number,
initial: Number,
percent: Number,
responsive: booleanType(),
labelPlacement: stringType<'horizontal' | 'vertical'>(),
status: stringType<'wait' | 'process' | 'finish' | 'error'>(),
size: stringType<'default' | 'small'>(),
direction: stringType<'horizontal' | 'vertical'>(),
progressDot: someType<boolean | ProgressDotRender>([Boolean, Function]),
type: stringType<'default' | 'navigation' | 'inline'>(),
onChange: functionType<(current: number) => void>(),
'onUpdate:current': functionType<(current: number) => void>(),
export const stepProps = () => ({
description: PropTypes.any,
icon: PropTypes.any,
status: stringType<'wait' | 'process' | 'finish' | 'error'>(),
disabled: booleanType(),
title: PropTypes.any,
subTitle: PropTypes.any,
onClick: functionType<MouseEventHandler>(),
export type StepsProps = Partial<ExtractPropTypes<ReturnType<typeof stepsProps>>>;
export type StepProps = Partial<ExtractPropTypes<ReturnType<typeof stepProps>>>;
const Steps = defineComponent({
compatConfig: { MODE: 3 },
name: 'ASteps',
inheritAttrs: false,
props: initDefaultProps(stepsProps(), {
current: 0,
responsive: true,
labelPlacement: 'horizontal',
slots: ['progressDot'],
// emits: ['update:current', 'change'],
setup(props, { attrs, slots, emit }) {
const { prefixCls, direction: rtlDirection, configProvider } = useConfigInject('steps', props);
// style
const [wrapSSR, hashId] = useStyle(prefixCls);
const screens = useBreakpoint();
const direction = computed(() =>
props.responsive && screens.value.xs ? 'vertical' : props.direction,
const iconPrefix = computed(() => configProvider.getPrefixCls('', props.iconPrefix));
const handleChange = (current: number) => {
emit('update:current', current);
emit('change', current);
const isInline = computed(() => props.type === 'inline');
const mergedPercent = computed(() => (isInline.value ? undefined : props.percent));
const stepIconRender = ({
}: {
node: any;
index: number;
status: string;
title: any;
description: any;
}) => {
if (status === 'process' && props.percent !== undefined) {
// currently it's hard-coded, since we can't easily read the actually width of icon
const progressWidth = props.size === 'small' ? 32 : 40;
const iconWithProgress = (
<div class={`${prefixCls.value}-progress-icon`}>
format={() => null}
return iconWithProgress;
return node;
const icons = computed(() => ({
finish: <CheckOutlined class={`${prefixCls.value}-finish-icon`} />,
error: <CloseOutlined class={`${prefixCls.value}-error-icon`} />,
return () => {
const stepsClassName = classNames(
[`${prefixCls.value}-rtl`]: rtlDirection.value === 'rtl',
[`${prefixCls.value}-with-progress`]: mergedPercent.value !== undefined,
return wrapSSR(
{...omit(props, ['percent', 'responsive'])}
v-slots={{ ...slots, stepIcon: stepIconRender }}
/* istanbul ignore next */
export const Step = defineComponent({
compatConfig: { MODE: 3 },
name: 'AStep',
props: VcStepProps(),
export default Object.assign(Steps, {
install: (app: App) => {
app.component(Steps.name, Steps);
app.component(Step.name, Step);
return app;