
150 lines
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* Webpack has bug for import loop, which is not the same behavior as ES module.
* When util.js imports the TreeNode for tree generate will cause treeContextTypes be empty.
import type { ComputedRef, InjectionKey, PropType, ShallowRef } from 'vue';
import { shallowRef, inject, computed, defineComponent, provide } from 'vue';
import type { VueNode } from '../_util/type';
import type {
} from './interface';
import type { DraggableConfig } from './Tree';
export type NodeMouseEventParams = {
event: MouseEvent;
node: EventDataNode;
export type NodeDragEventParams = {
event: DragEvent;
node: EventDataNode;
export type NodeMouseEventHandler = (e: MouseEvent, node: EventDataNode) => void;
export type NodeDragEventHandler = (
e: DragEvent,
node: DragNodeEvent,
outsideTree?: boolean,
) => void;
export interface TreeContextProps {
prefixCls: string;
selectable: boolean;
showIcon: boolean;
icon: IconType;
switcherIcon: IconType;
draggable: DraggableConfig;
draggingNodeKey?: Key;
checkable: boolean;
customCheckable: () => any;
checkStrictly: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
keyEntities: Record<Key, DataEntity<any>>;
// for details see comment in Tree.state (Tree.tsx)
dropLevelOffset?: number;
dropContainerKey: Key | null;
dropTargetKey: Key | null;
dropPosition: -1 | 0 | 1 | null;
indent: number | null;
dropIndicatorRender: (props: {
dropPosition: -1 | 0 | 1;
dropLevelOffset: number;
indent: number | null;
prefixCls: string;
direction: Direction;
}) => VueNode;
dragOverNodeKey: Key | null;
dragging: boolean;
direction: Direction;
loadData: (treeNode: EventDataNode) => Promise<void>;
filterTreeNode: (treeNode: EventDataNode) => boolean;
onNodeClick: NodeMouseEventHandler;
onNodeDoubleClick: NodeMouseEventHandler;
onNodeExpand: NodeMouseEventHandler;
onNodeSelect: NodeMouseEventHandler;
onNodeCheck: (e: MouseEvent, treeNode: EventDataNode, checked: boolean) => void;
onNodeLoad: (treeNode: EventDataNode) => void;
onNodeMouseEnter: NodeMouseEventHandler;
onNodeMouseLeave: NodeMouseEventHandler;
onNodeContextMenu: NodeMouseEventHandler;
onNodeDragStart: NodeDragEventHandler;
onNodeDragEnter: NodeDragEventHandler;
onNodeDragOver: NodeDragEventHandler;
onNodeDragLeave: NodeDragEventHandler;
onNodeDragEnd: NodeDragEventHandler;
onNodeDrop: NodeDragEventHandler;
slots: {
title?: (data: any) => any;
titleRender?: (data: any) => any;
[key: string]: ((...args: any[]) => any) | undefined;
const TreeContextKey: InjectionKey<ComputedRef<TreeContextProps>> = Symbol('TreeContextKey');
export const TreeContext = defineComponent({
name: 'TreeContext',
props: {
value: { type: Object as PropType<TreeContextProps> },
setup(props, { slots }) {
computed(() => props.value),
return () => slots.default?.();
export const useInjectTreeContext = () => {
return inject(
computed(() => ({} as TreeContextProps)),
type KeysStateKeyType = {
expandedKeysSet: ComputedRef<Set<Key>>;
selectedKeysSet: ComputedRef<Set<Key>>;
loadedKeysSet: ComputedRef<Set<Key>>;
loadingKeysSet: ComputedRef<Set<Key>>;
checkedKeysSet: ComputedRef<Set<Key>>;
halfCheckedKeysSet: ComputedRef<Set<Key>>;
expandedKeys: ShallowRef<Key[]>;
selectedKeys: ShallowRef<Key[]>;
loadedKeys: ShallowRef<Key[]>;
loadingKeys: ShallowRef<Key[]>;
checkedKeys: ShallowRef<Key[]>;
halfCheckedKeys: ShallowRef<Key[]>;
flattenNodes: ShallowRef<FlattenNode[]>;
const KeysStateKey: InjectionKey<KeysStateKeyType> = Symbol('KeysStateKey');
export const useProvideKeysState = (state: KeysStateKeyType) => {
provide(KeysStateKey, state);
export const useInjectKeysState = () => {
return inject(KeysStateKey, {
expandedKeys: shallowRef<Key[]>([]),
selectedKeys: shallowRef<Key[]>([]),
loadedKeys: shallowRef<Key[]>([]),
loadingKeys: shallowRef<Key[]>([]),
checkedKeys: shallowRef<Key[]>([]),
halfCheckedKeys: shallowRef<Key[]>([]),
expandedKeysSet: computed<Set<Key>>(() => new Set()),
selectedKeysSet: computed<Set<Key>>(() => new Set()),
loadedKeysSet: computed<Set<Key>>(() => new Set()),
loadingKeysSet: computed<Set<Key>>(() => new Set()),
checkedKeysSet: computed<Set<Key>>(() => new Set()),
halfCheckedKeysSet: computed<Set<Key>>(() => new Set()),
flattenNodes: shallowRef<FlattenNode[]>([]),