order: 11
  zh-CN: 自定义页脚按钮属性
  en-US: Customize footer buttons props

## zh-CN

传入 `okButtonProps` 和 `cancelButtonProps` 可分别自定义确定按钮和取消按钮的 props。

## en-US

Passing `okButtonProps` and `cancelButtonProps` can customize the ok button and cancel button props.


    <a-button type="primary" @click="showModal">Open Modal with customized button props</a-button>
      title="Basic Modal"
      :ok-button-props="{ disabled: true }"
      :cancel-button-props="{ disabled: true }"
      <p>Some contents...</p>
      <p>Some contents...</p>
      <p>Some contents...</p>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const open = ref<boolean>(false);

const showModal = () => {
  open.value = true;

const handleOk = (e: MouseEvent) => {
  open.value = false;