import type { AlignType } from '../interface'; import useVisibleStatus from './useVisibleStatus'; import useStretchStyle from './useStretchStyle'; import type { CSSProperties } from 'vue'; import { computed, defineComponent, nextTick, ref, toRef, Transition, watch, withModifiers, } from 'vue'; import type { RefAlign } from '../../vc-align/Align'; import Align from '../../vc-align/Align'; import { getMotion } from '../utils/motionUtil'; import { flattenChildren } from '../../_util/props-util'; import classNames from '../../_util/classNames'; import type { PopupInnerProps } from './interface'; import { innerProps } from './interface'; import { getTransitionProps } from '../../_util/transition'; import supportsPassive from '../../_util/supportsPassive'; export default defineComponent({ name: 'PopupInner', inheritAttrs: false, props: innerProps, emits: ['mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'mousedown', 'touchstart', 'align'], setup(props, { expose, attrs, slots }) { const alignRef = ref(); const elementRef = ref(); const alignedClassName = ref(); // ======================= Measure ======================== const [stretchStyle, measureStretchStyle] = useStretchStyle(toRef(props, 'stretch')); const doMeasure = () => { if (props.stretch) { measureStretchStyle(props.getRootDomNode()); } }; const visible = ref(false); let timeoutId: any; watch( () => props.visible, val => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (val) { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { visible.value = props.visible; }); } else { visible.value = false; } }, { immediate: true }, ); // ======================== Status ======================== const [status, goNextStatus] = useVisibleStatus(visible, doMeasure); // ======================== Aligns ======================== const prepareResolveRef = ref<(value?: unknown) => void>(); // `target` on `rc-align` can accept as a function to get the bind element or a point. // ref: const getAlignTarget = () => { if (props.point) { return props.point; } return props.getRootDomNode; }; const forceAlign = () => { alignRef.value?.forceAlign(); }; const onInternalAlign = (popupDomNode: HTMLElement, matchAlign: AlignType) => { const nextAlignedClassName = props.getClassNameFromAlign(matchAlign); const preAlignedClassName = alignedClassName.value; if (alignedClassName.value !== nextAlignedClassName) { alignedClassName.value = nextAlignedClassName; } if (status.value === 'align') { // Repeat until not more align needed if (preAlignedClassName !== nextAlignedClassName) { nextTick(() => { forceAlign(); }); } else { goNextStatus(() => { prepareResolveRef.value?.(); }); } props.onAlign?.(popupDomNode, matchAlign); } }; // ======================== Motion ======================== const motion = computed(() => { const m = typeof props.animation === 'object' ? props.animation : getMotion(props as any); ['onAfterEnter', 'onAfterLeave'].forEach(eventName => { m[eventName] = () => { goNextStatus(); }; }); return m; }); const onShowPrepare = () => { return new Promise(resolve => { prepareResolveRef.value = resolve; }); }; watch( [motion, status], () => { if (!motion.value && status.value === 'motion') { goNextStatus(); } }, { immediate: true }, ); expose({ forceAlign, getElement: () => { return (elementRef.value as any).$el || elementRef.value; }, }); return () => { const { zIndex, align, prefixCls, destroyPopupOnHide, onMouseenter, onMouseleave, onTouchstart = () => {}, onMousedown, } = props as PopupInnerProps; const statusValue = status.value; // ======================== Render ======================== const mergedStyle: CSSProperties = { ...stretchStyle.value, zIndex, opacity: statusValue === 'motion' || statusValue === 'stable' || !visible.value ? undefined : 0, pointerEvents: statusValue === 'stable' ? undefined : 'none', ...( as object), }; // Align statusValue let alignDisabled = true; if (align?.points && (statusValue === 'align' || statusValue === 'stable')) { alignDisabled = false; } let childNode: any = flattenChildren(slots.default?.()); // Wrapper when multiple children if (childNode.length > 1) { childNode =
; } const mergedClassName = classNames(prefixCls, attrs.class, alignedClassName.value); const hasAnimate = visible.value || !props.visible; const transitionProps = hasAnimate ? getTransitionProps(, motion.value) : {}; return ( { return !destroyPopupOnHide || props.visible ? ( (
), }} >
) : null; }, }} >
); }; }, });