import { defineComponent, inject } from 'vue'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import { hasProp, getOptionProps, getComponent } from '../_util/props-util'; import initDefaultProps from '../_util/props-util/initDefaultProps'; import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import List from './list'; import Operation from './operation'; import LocaleReceiver from '../locale-provider/LocaleReceiver'; import defaultLocale from '../locale-provider/default'; import type { RenderEmptyHandler } from '../config-provider'; import { defaultConfigProvider } from '../config-provider'; import { withInstall } from '../_util/type'; export type TransferDirection = 'left' | 'right'; export const TransferItem = { key: PropTypes.string, title: PropTypes.string, description: PropTypes.string, disabled: PropTypes.looseBool, }; export const TransferProps = { prefixCls: PropTypes.string, dataSource: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape(TransferItem).loose), disabled: PropTypes.looseBool, targetKeys: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), selectedKeys: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), render: PropTypes.func, listStyle: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]), operationStyle: PropTypes.object, titles: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), operations: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), showSearch: PropTypes.looseBool, filterOption: PropTypes.func, searchPlaceholder: PropTypes.string, notFoundContent: PropTypes.any, locale: PropTypes.object, rowKey: PropTypes.func, lazy: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.looseBool]), showSelectAll: PropTypes.looseBool, children: PropTypes.any, onChange: PropTypes.func, onSelectChange: PropTypes.func, onSearchChange: PropTypes.func, onSearch: PropTypes.func, onScroll: PropTypes.func, }; export interface TransferLocale { titles: string[]; notFoundContent: string; searchPlaceholder: string; itemUnit: string; itemsUnit: string; } const Transfer = defineComponent({ name: 'ATransfer', mixins: [BaseMixin], inheritAttrs: false, props: initDefaultProps(TransferProps, { dataSource: [], locale: {}, showSearch: false, listStyle: () => {}, }), setup() { return { separatedDataSource: null, configProvider: inject('configProvider', defaultConfigProvider), }; }, data() { // vue 中 通过slot,不方便传递,保留notFoundContent及searchPlaceholder // warning( // !(getComponent(this, 'notFoundContent') || hasProp(this, 'searchPlaceholder')), // 'Transfer[notFoundContent] and Transfer[searchPlaceholder] will be removed, ' + // 'please use Transfer[locale] instead.', // ) const { selectedKeys = [], targetKeys = [] } = this; return { leftFilter: '', rightFilter: '', sourceSelectedKeys: selectedKeys.filter(key => targetKeys.indexOf(key) === -1), targetSelectedKeys: selectedKeys.filter(key => targetKeys.indexOf(key) > -1), }; }, watch: { targetKeys() { this.updateState(); if (this.selectedKeys) { const targetKeys = this.targetKeys || []; this.setState({ sourceSelectedKeys: this.selectedKeys.filter(key => !targetKeys.includes(key)), targetSelectedKeys: this.selectedKeys.filter(key => targetKeys.includes(key)), }); } }, dataSource() { this.updateState(); }, selectedKeys() { if (this.selectedKeys) { const targetKeys = this.targetKeys || []; this.setState({ sourceSelectedKeys: this.selectedKeys.filter(key => !targetKeys.includes(key)), targetSelectedKeys: this.selectedKeys.filter(key => targetKeys.includes(key)), }); } }, }, mounted() { // this.currentProps = { ...this.$props } }, methods: { getSelectedKeysName(direction) { return direction === 'left' ? 'sourceSelectedKeys' : 'targetSelectedKeys'; }, getTitles(transferLocale: TransferLocale) { if (this.titles) { return this.titles; } return transferLocale.titles || ['', '']; }, getLocale(transferLocale: TransferLocale, renderEmpty: RenderEmptyHandler) { // Keep old locale props still working. const oldLocale: { notFoundContent?: any; searchPlaceholder?: string } = { notFoundContent: renderEmpty('Transfer'), }; const notFoundContent = getComponent(this, 'notFoundContent'); if (notFoundContent) { oldLocale.notFoundContent = notFoundContent; } if (hasProp(this, 'searchPlaceholder')) { oldLocale.searchPlaceholder = this.$props.searchPlaceholder; } return { ...transferLocale, ...oldLocale, ...this.$props.locale }; }, updateState() { const { sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this; this.separatedDataSource = null; if (!this.selectedKeys) { // clear key nolonger existed // clear checkedKeys according to targetKeys const { dataSource, targetKeys = [] } = this; const newSourceSelectedKeys = []; const newTargetSelectedKeys = []; dataSource.forEach(({ key }) => { if (sourceSelectedKeys.includes(key) && !targetKeys.includes(key)) { newSourceSelectedKeys.push(key); } if (targetSelectedKeys.includes(key) && targetKeys.includes(key)) { newTargetSelectedKeys.push(key); } }); this.setState({ sourceSelectedKeys: newSourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys: newTargetSelectedKeys, }); } }, moveTo(direction: TransferDirection) { const { targetKeys = [], dataSource = [] } = this.$props; const { sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this; const moveKeys = direction === 'right' ? sourceSelectedKeys : targetSelectedKeys; // filter the disabled options const newMoveKeys = moveKeys.filter( key => !dataSource.some(data => !!(key === data.key && data.disabled)), ); // move items to target box const newTargetKeys = direction === 'right' ? newMoveKeys.concat(targetKeys) : targetKeys.filter(targetKey => newMoveKeys.indexOf(targetKey) === -1); // empty checked keys const oppositeDirection = direction === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right'; this.setState({ [this.getSelectedKeysName(oppositeDirection)]: [], }); this.handleSelectChange(oppositeDirection, []); this.$emit('change', newTargetKeys, direction, newMoveKeys); }, moveToLeft() { this.moveTo('left'); }, moveToRight() { this.moveTo('right'); }, onItemSelectAll(direction: TransferDirection, selectedKeys: string[], checkAll: boolean) { const originalSelectedKeys = this.$data[this.getSelectedKeysName(direction)] || []; let mergedCheckedKeys = []; if (checkAll) { // Merge current keys with origin key mergedCheckedKeys = Array.from(new Set([...originalSelectedKeys, ...selectedKeys])); } else { // Remove current keys from origin keys mergedCheckedKeys = originalSelectedKeys.filter(key => selectedKeys.indexOf(key) === -1); } this.handleSelectChange(direction, mergedCheckedKeys); if (!this.$props.selectedKeys) { this.setState({ [this.getSelectedKeysName(direction)]: mergedCheckedKeys, }); } }, handleSelectAll(direction, filteredDataSource, checkAll) { this.onItemSelectAll( direction,{ key }) => key), !checkAll, ); }, // [Legacy] Old prop `body` pass origin check as arg. It's confusing. // TODO: Remove this in next version. handleLeftSelectAll(filteredDataSource, checkAll) { return this.handleSelectAll('left', filteredDataSource, !checkAll); }, handleRightSelectAll(filteredDataSource, checkAll) { return this.handleSelectAll('right', filteredDataSource, !checkAll); }, onLeftItemSelectAll(selectedKeys, checkAll) { return this.onItemSelectAll('left', selectedKeys, checkAll); }, onRightItemSelectAll(selectedKeys, checkAll) { return this.onItemSelectAll('right', selectedKeys, checkAll); }, handleFilter(direction, e) { const value =; // if (getListeners(this).searchChange) { // warning( // false, // 'Transfer', // '`searchChange` in Transfer is deprecated. Please use `search` instead.', // ); // this.$emit('searchChange', direction, e); // } this.$emit('search', direction, value); }, handleLeftFilter(e) { this.handleFilter('left', e); }, handleRightFilter(e) { this.handleFilter('right', e); }, handleClear(direction) { this.$emit('search', direction, ''); }, handleLeftClear() { this.handleClear('left'); }, handleRightClear() { this.handleClear('right'); }, onItemSelect(direction, selectedKey, checked) { const { sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this; const holder = direction === 'left' ? [...sourceSelectedKeys] : [...targetSelectedKeys]; const index = holder.indexOf(selectedKey); if (index > -1) { holder.splice(index, 1); } if (checked) { holder.push(selectedKey); } this.handleSelectChange(direction, holder); if (!this.selectedKeys) { this.setState({ [this.getSelectedKeysName(direction)]: holder, }); } }, // handleSelect(direction, selectedItem, checked) { // warning(false, 'Transfer', '`handleSelect` will be removed, please use `onSelect` instead.'); // this.onItemSelect(direction, selectedItem.key, checked); // }, // handleLeftSelect(selectedItem, checked) { // return this.handleSelect('left', selectedItem, checked); // }, // handleRightSelect(selectedItem, checked) { // return this.handleSelect('right', selectedItem, checked); // }, onLeftItemSelect(selectedKey, checked) { return this.onItemSelect('left', selectedKey, checked); }, onRightItemSelect(selectedKey, checked) { return this.onItemSelect('right', selectedKey, checked); }, handleScroll(direction, e) { this.$emit('scroll', direction, e); }, handleLeftScroll(e) { this.handleScroll('left', e); }, handleRightScroll(e) { this.handleScroll('right', e); }, handleSelectChange(direction: TransferDirection, holder: string[]) { const { sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this; if (direction === 'left') { this.$emit('selectChange', holder, targetSelectedKeys); } else { this.$emit('selectChange', sourceSelectedKeys, holder); } }, handleListStyle(listStyle, direction) { if (typeof listStyle === 'function') { return listStyle({ direction }); } return listStyle; }, separateDataSource() { const { dataSource, rowKey, targetKeys = [] } = this.$props; const leftDataSource = []; const rightDataSource = new Array(targetKeys.length); dataSource.forEach(record => { if (rowKey) { record.key = rowKey(record); } // rightDataSource should be ordered by targetKeys // leftDataSource should be ordered by dataSource const indexOfKey = targetKeys.indexOf(record.key); if (indexOfKey !== -1) { rightDataSource[indexOfKey] = record; } else { leftDataSource.push(record); } }); return { leftDataSource, rightDataSource, }; }, renderTransfer(transferLocale: TransferLocale) { const props = getOptionProps(this); const { prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, disabled, operations = [], showSearch, listStyle, operationStyle, filterOption, lazy, showSelectAll, } = props; const { class: className, style } = this.$attrs; const children = getComponent(this, 'children', {}, false); const getPrefixCls = this.configProvider.getPrefixCls; const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('transfer', customizePrefixCls); const renderEmpty = this.configProvider.renderEmpty; const locale = this.getLocale(transferLocale, renderEmpty); const { sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys, $slots } = this; const { body, footer } = $slots; const renderItem = props.render || this.$slots.render; const { leftDataSource, rightDataSource } = this.separateDataSource(); const leftActive = targetSelectedKeys.length > 0; const rightActive = sourceSelectedKeys.length > 0; const cls = classNames(prefixCls, className, { [`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: disabled, [`${prefixCls}-customize-list`]: !!children, }); const titles = this.getTitles(locale); return (