import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import * as Vue from 'vue'; import Upload from '..'; import { errorRequest, successRequest } from './requests'; import PropsTypes from '../../_util/vue-types'; import { uploadListProps } from '../interface'; import { sleep } from '../../../tests/utils'; import { h } from 'vue'; uploadListProps.items = PropsTypes.any; const delay = timeout => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); const fileList = [ { uid: -1, name: 'xxx.png', status: 'done', url: '', thumbUrl: '', }, { uid: -2, name: 'yyy.png', status: 'done', url: '', thumbUrl: '', }, ]; describe('Upload List', () => { // jsdom not support `createObjectURL` yet. Let's handle this. const originCreateObjectURL = window.URL.createObjectURL; window.URL.createObjectURL = jest.fn(() => ''); const originHTMLCanvasElementGetContext = window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext; window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = jest.fn(() => ''); // afterAll(() => { window.URL.createObjectURL = originCreateObjectURL; window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = originHTMLCanvasElementGetContext; }); it('should use file.thumbUrl for in priority', done => { const props = { props: { defaultFileList: fileList, listType: 'picture', action: '', }, slots: { default: () => h('button', 'upload'), }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); Vue.nextTick(() => { fileList.forEach((file, i) => { const linkNode = wrapper.findAll('.ant-upload-list-item-thumbnail')[i]; const imgNode = wrapper.findAll('.ant-upload-list-item-thumbnail img')[i]; expect(linkNode.attributes().href).toBe(file.url); expect(imgNode.attributes().src).toBe(file.thumbUrl); }); done(); }); }); // it('should remove correct item when uid is 0', async () => { const list = [ { uid: 0, name: 'xxx.png', status: 'done', url: '', thumbUrl: '', }, { uid: 1, name: 'xxx.png', status: 'done', url: '', thumbUrl: '', }, ]; const props = { props: { defaultFileList: list, action: '', }, slots: { default: () => h('button', 'upload'), }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); await sleep(); expect(wrapper.findAll('.ant-upload-list-item').length).toBe(2); wrapper.findAll('.ant-upload-list-item')[0].find('.anticon-delete').trigger('click'); await sleep(400); // wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.findAll('.ant-upload-list-item').length).toBe(1); }); xit('should be uploading when upload a file', done => { const props = { props: { action: '', customRequest: successRequest, onChange: ({ file }) => { if (file.status === 'uploading') { expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); done(); } if (file.status === 'done') { expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); done(); } }, }, slots: { default: () => h('button', 'upload'), }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(() => { const mockFile = new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png', }); wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ajaxUploader' }).vm.onChange({ target: { files: [mockFile], }, }); }, 0); }); xit('handle error', done => { const props = { props: { action: '', customRequest: errorRequest, }, listeners: { change: ({ file }) => { if (file.status !== 'uploading') { expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); done(); } }, }, slots: { default: () => h('button', 'upload'), }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(() => { const mockFile = new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png', }); wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ajaxUploader' }).vm.onChange({ target: { files: [mockFile], }, }); }, 0); }); xit('does concat filelist when beforeUpload returns false', done => { const handleChange = jest.fn(); const props = { props: { action: '', listType: 'picture', defaultFileList: fileList, beforeUpload: () => false, onChange: handleChange, }, slots: { default: () => h('button', 'upload'), }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(() => { const mockFile = new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png', }); wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ajaxUploader' }).vm.onChange({ target: { files: [mockFile], }, }); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(wrapper.vm.sFileList.length).toBe(fileList.length + 1); expect(handleChange.mock.calls[0][0].fileList).toHaveLength(3); done(); }); }, 0); }); // // it('work with form validation', (done) => { // let errors // const TestForm = { // methods: { // handleSubmit () { // const { validateFields } = this.form // validateFields((err) => { // errors = err // }) // }, // }, // render () { // const { getFieldDecorator } = this.form // return ( //
// // {getFieldDecorator('file', { // valuePropname: 'fileList', // getValueFromEvent: e => e.fileList, // rules: [ // { // required: true, // validator: (rule, value, callback) => { // if (!value || value.length === 0) { // callback('file required') // } else { // callback() // } // }, // }, // ], // })( // false} // > // // // )} // //
// ) // }, // } // const App = Form.create()(TestForm) // console.dir(App) // const wrapper = mount(() => { // return // }) // setTimeout(async () => { // wrapper.find(Form).trigger('submit') // expect(errors.file.errors).toEqual([{ message: 'file required', field: 'file' }]) // const mockFile = new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { // type: 'image/png', // }) // wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ajaxUploader' }).vm.onChange({ // target: { // files: [mockFile], // }, // }) // wrapper.find(Form).trigger('submit') // expect(errors).toBeNull() // done() // }, 0) // }) it('should support onPreview', async () => { const handlePreview = jest.fn(); const props = { props: { defaultFileList: fileList, listType: 'picture-card', action: '', onPreview: handlePreview, }, slots: { default: () => h('button', 'upload'), }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); await sleep(500); wrapper.findAll('.anticon-eye')[0].trigger('click'); expect(handlePreview).toBeCalledWith(fileList[0]); wrapper.findAll('.anticon-eye')[1].trigger('click'); expect(handlePreview).toBeCalledWith(fileList[1]); }); it('should support onRemove', done => { const handleRemove = jest.fn(); const handleChange = jest.fn(); const props = { props: { defaultFileList: fileList, listType: 'picture-card', action: '', onRemove: handleRemove, onChange: handleChange, }, slots: { default: () => h('button', 'upload'), }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); jest.setTimeout(300000); setTimeout(async () => { wrapper.findAll('.anticon-delete')[0].trigger('click'); expect(handleRemove).toBeCalledWith(fileList[0]); wrapper.findAll('.anticon-delete')[1].trigger('click'); expect(handleRemove).toBeCalledWith(fileList[1]); await delay(0); expect(handleChange.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); done(); }, 0); }); xit('should generate thumbUrl from file', done => { const handlePreview = jest.fn(); const newFileList = [...fileList]; const newFile = { ...fileList[0], uid: -3, originFileObj: new File([], 'xxx.png') }; delete newFile.thumbUrl; newFileList.push(newFile); const props = { props: { defaultFileList: newFileList, listType: 'picture-card', action: '', onPreview: handlePreview, }, slots: { default: () => h('button', 'upload'), }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(async () => { const newFile = { ...fileList[2], uid: -4, originFileObj: new File([], 'xxx.png') }; newFileList.push(newFile); wrapper.setProps({ defaultFileList: [...newFileList], }); await delay(200); expect(wrapper.vm.sFileList[2].thumbUrl).not.toBe(undefined); done(); }, 1000); }); it('should non-image format file preview', done => { const list = [ { name: 'not-image', status: 'done', uid: -3, url: '', thumbUrl: 'data:application/zip;base64,UEsDBAoAAAAAADYZYkwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAdAAk', originFileObj: new File([], ''), }, { name: 'image', status: 'done', uid: -4, url: '', }, { name: 'not-image', status: 'done', uid: -5, url: '', }, { name: 'not-image', status: 'done', uid: -6, url: '', }, { name: 'image', status: 'done', uid: -7, url: '', }, { name: 'image', status: 'done', uid: -8, url: '', thumbUrl: '', }, { name: 'image', status: 'done', uid: -9, url: '', }, { name: 'image', status: 'done', uid: -10, url: '', }, { name: 'image', status: 'done', uid: -11, url: '', }, ]; const props = { props: { defaultFileList: list, listType: 'picture', action: '', }, slots: { default: () => h('button', 'upload'), }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); done(); }); }); });