import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Upload from '..'; import { T, fileToObject, genPercentAdd, getFileItem, removeFileItem } from '../utils'; import PropsTypes from '../../_util/vue-types'; import { UploadListProps } from '../interface'; import { setup, teardown } from './mock'; UploadListProps.items = PropsTypes.any; describe('Upload', () => { beforeEach(() => setup()); afterEach(() => teardown()); it('should get refs inside Upload in componentDidMount', () => { let ref = null; const APP = { mounted() { ref = this.$refs.input; }, render() { return ( <Upload supportServerRender={false} action=""> <input ref="input" /> </Upload> ); }, }; mount(APP); expect(ref).toBeDefined(); }); xit('return promise in beforeUpload', done => { const data = jest.fn(); const props = { props: { action: '', beforeUpload: () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve('success'), 100)), data, }, listeners: { change: ({ file }) => { if (file.status !== 'uploading') { expect(data).toBeCalled(); done(); } }, }, slots: { default: () => <button>upload</button>, }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(() => { wrapper.findComponent('ajaxUploader').vm.onChange({ target: { files: [{ file: 'foo.png' }], }, }); }, 0); }); xit('upload promise return file in beforeUpload', done => { const data = jest.fn(); const props = { action: '', beforeUpload: file => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => { const result = file; = 'test.png'; resolve(result); }, 100), ), data, onChange: ({ file }) => { if (file.status !== 'uploading') { expect(data).toBeCalled(); expect('test.png'); done(); } }, slots: { default: () => <button>upload</button>, }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(() => { wrapper.find({ name: 'ajaxUploader' }).vm.onChange({ target: { files: [{ file: 'foo.png' }], }, }); }, 0); }); xit('should not stop upload when return value of beforeUpload is false', done => { const data = jest.fn(); const props = { action: '', beforeUpload: () => false, data, onChange: ({ file }) => { expect(file instanceof File).toBe(true); expect(data).not.toBeCalled(); done(); }, slots: { default: () => <button>upload</button>, }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(() => { const mockFile = new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png', }); wrapper.find({ name: 'ajaxUploader' }).vm.onChange({ target: { files: [mockFile], }, }); }, 0); }); xit('should increase percent automaticly when call autoUpdateProgress in IE', done => { let uploadInstance; let lastPercent = -1; const props = { props: { action: '', }, listeners: { change: ({ file }) => { if (file.percent === 0 && file.status === 'uploading') { // manually call it uploadInstance.autoUpdateProgress(0, file); } if (file.status === 'uploading') { expect(file.percent).toBeGreaterThan(lastPercent); lastPercent = file.percent; } if (file.status === 'done' || file.status === 'error') { done(); } }, }, slots: { default: '<button>upload</button>', }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(() => { const mockFile = new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png', }); wrapper.find({ name: 'ajaxUploader' }).vm.onChange({ target: { files: [mockFile], }, }); uploadInstance = wrapper.vm; }, 0); }); xit('should not stop upload when return value of beforeUpload is not false', done => { const data = jest.fn(); const props = { props: { action: '', beforeUpload() {}, data, }, listeners: { change: () => { expect(data).toBeCalled(); done(); }, }, slots: { default: '<button>upload</button>', }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(() => { const mockFile = new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png', }); wrapper.find({ name: 'ajaxUploader' }).vm.onChange({ target: { files: [mockFile], }, }); }, 0); }); describe('util', () => { // it('should T() return true', () => { const res = T(); expect(res).toBe(true); }); it('should be able to copy file instance', () => { const file = new File([], ''); const copiedFile = fileToObject(file); ['uid', 'lastModified', 'lastModifiedDate', 'name', 'size', 'type'].forEach(key => { expect(key in copiedFile).toBe(true); }); }); it('should be able to progress from 0.1 ', () => { // 0.1 -> 0.98 const getPercent = genPercentAdd(); let curPercent = 0; curPercent = getPercent(curPercent); expect(curPercent).toBe(0.1); }); it('should be able to progress to 0.98 ', () => { // 0.1 -> 0.98 const getPercent = genPercentAdd(); let curPercent = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 500; i += 1) { curPercent = getPercent(curPercent); } expect(parseFloat(curPercent.toFixed(2))).toBe(0.98); }); it('should be able to get fileItem', () => { const file = { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg' }; const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg', }, ]; const targetItem = getFileItem(file, fileList); expect(targetItem).toBe(fileList[0]); }); it('should be able to remove fileItem', () => { const file = { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg' }; const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg', }, { uid: '-2', name: 'item2.jpg', }, ]; const targetItem = removeFileItem(file, fileList); expect(targetItem).toEqual(fileList.slice(1)); }); it('should not be able to remove fileItem', () => { const file = { uid: '-3', name: 'item.jpg' }; const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg', }, { uid: '-2', name: 'item2.jpg', }, ]; const targetItem = removeFileItem(file, fileList); expect(targetItem).toBe(null); }); }); it('should support linkProps as object', () => { const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'foo.png', status: 'done', url: '', linkProps: { download: 'image', rel: 'noopener', }, }, ]; const props = { props: { fileList, }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(() => { const linkNode = wrapper.find('a.ant-upload-list-item-name'); expect(linkNode.props().download).toBe('image'); expect(linkNode.props().rel).toBe('noopener'); }, 0); }); it('should support linkProps as json stringify', () => { const linkPropsString = JSON.stringify({ download: 'image', rel: 'noopener', }); const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'foo.png', status: 'done', url: '', linkProps: linkPropsString, }, ]; const props = { props: { fileList, }, sync: false, }; const wrapper = mount(Upload, props); setTimeout(() => { const linkNode = wrapper.find('a.ant-upload-list-item-name'); expect(linkNode.props().download).toBe('image'); expect(linkNode.props().rel).toBe('noopener'); }, 0); }); });