import isMobile from './utils/isMobile'; import isObject from 'lodash-es/isObject'; export function noop() {} export function getKeyFromChildrenIndex(child, menuEventKey, index) { const prefix = menuEventKey || ''; return child.key === null ? `${prefix}item_${index}` : child.key; } export function getMenuIdFromSubMenuEventKey(eventKey) { return `${eventKey}-menu-`; } // export function loopMenuItem(children, cb) { // let index = -1; // children.forEach(c => { // index++; // if (c && c.type && c.type.isMenuItemGroup) { // c.children.default && // c.children.default().forEach(c2 => { // index++; // cb(c2, index); // }); // } else { // cb(c, index); // } // }); // } export function loopMenuItemRecursively(children, keys, ret) { if (!children || ret.find) { return; } children.forEach(c => { if (ret.find) { return; } const construct = c.type; if (construct && isObject(construct)) { if ( !construct || !(construct.isSubMenu || construct.isMenuItem || construct.isMenuItemGroup) ) { return; } if (keys.indexOf(c.key) !== -1) { ret.find = true; } else if (c.children && c.children.default) { loopMenuItemRecursively(c.children.default(), keys, ret); } } }); } export const menuAllProps = [ 'defaultSelectedKeys', 'selectedKeys', 'defaultOpenKeys', 'openKeys', 'mode', 'getPopupContainer', 'openTransitionName', 'openAnimation', 'subMenuOpenDelay', 'subMenuCloseDelay', 'forceSubMenuRender', 'triggerSubMenuAction', 'level', 'selectable', 'multiple', 'visible', 'focusable', 'defaultActiveFirst', 'prefixCls', 'inlineIndent', 'title', 'rootPrefixCls', 'eventKey', 'active', 'popupAlign', 'popupOffset', 'isOpen', 'renderMenuItem', 'manualRef', 'subMenuKey', 'disabled', 'index', 'isSelected', 'store', 'activeKey', 'builtinPlacements', 'overflowedIndicator', // the following keys found need to be removed from test regression 'attribute', 'value', 'popupClassName', 'inlineCollapsed', 'menu', 'theme', 'itemIcon', 'expandIcon', 'onSelect', 'onDeselect', 'onDestroy', 'onOpenChange', 'onItemHover', 'onTitleMouseenter', 'onTitleMouseleave', 'onTitleClick', 'slots', 'ref', 'isRootMenu', 'parentUniKeys', 'parentUniKey', ]; // ref: // ref: // getBoundingClientRect return the full precision value, which is // not the same behavior as on chrome. Set the precision to 6 to // unify their behavior export const getWidth = elem => { let width = elem && typeof elem.getBoundingClientRect === 'function' && elem.getBoundingClientRect().width; if (width) { width = +width.toFixed(6); } return width || 0; }; export const setStyle = (elem, styleProperty, value) => { if (elem && typeof === 'object') {[styleProperty] = value; } }; export const isMobileDevice = () => { return isMobile.any; };