import { provide } from 'vue'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import omit from 'omit.js'; import KeyCode from '../../_util/KeyCode'; import BaseMixin from '../../_util/BaseMixin'; import { hasProp, getOptionProps, initDefaultProps } from '../../_util/props-util'; import warning from 'warning'; import { getBeforeSelectionText, getLastMeasureIndex, replaceWithMeasure, setInputSelection, } from './util'; import KeywordTrigger from './KeywordTrigger'; import { vcMentionsProps, defaultProps } from './mentionsProps'; function noop() {} const Mentions = { name: 'Mentions', mixins: [BaseMixin], inheritAttrs: false, props: initDefaultProps(vcMentionsProps, defaultProps), created() { this.mentionsContext = provide('mentionsContext', this); }, data() { const { value = '', defaultValue = '' } = this.$props; warning(this.$props.children, 'please children prop replace slots.default'); return { _value: !hasProp(this, 'value') ? defaultValue : value, measuring: false, measureLocation: 0, measureText: null, measurePrefix: '', activeIndex: 0, isFocus: false, }; }, watch: { value(val) { this.$data._value = val; }, }, updated() { this.$nextTick(() => { const { measuring } = this.$data; // Sync measure div top with textarea for rc-trigger usage if (measuring) { this.$refs.measure.scrollTop = this.$refs.textarea.scrollTop; } }); }, methods: { triggerChange(value) { const props = getOptionProps(this); if (!('value' in props)) { this.setState({ _value: value }); } else { this.$forceUpdate(); } this.$emit('change', value); }, onChange({ target: { value, composing }, isComposing }) { if (isComposing || composing) return; this.triggerChange(value); }, onKeyDown(event) { const { which } = event; const { activeIndex, measuring } = this.$data; // Skip if not measuring if (!measuring) { return; } if (which === KeyCode.UP || which === KeyCode.DOWN) { // Control arrow function const optionLen = this.getOptions().length; const offset = which === KeyCode.UP ? -1 : 1; const newActiveIndex = (activeIndex + offset + optionLen) % optionLen; this.setState({ activeIndex: newActiveIndex, }); event.preventDefault(); } else if (which === KeyCode.ESC) { this.stopMeasure(); } else if (which === KeyCode.ENTER) { // Measure hit const option = this.getOptions()[activeIndex]; this.selectOption(option); event.preventDefault(); } }, /** * When to start measure: * 1. When user press `prefix` * 2. When measureText !== prevMeasureText * - If measure hit * - If measuring * * When to stop measure: * 1. Selection is out of range * 2. Contains `space` * 3. ESC or select one */ onKeyUp(event) { const { key, which } = event; const { measureText: prevMeasureText, measuring } = this.$data; const { prefix = '', validateSearch } = this.$props; const target =; const selectionStartText = getBeforeSelectionText(target); const { location: measureIndex, prefix: measurePrefix } = getLastMeasureIndex( selectionStartText, prefix, ); // Skip if match the white key list if ([KeyCode.ESC, KeyCode.UP, KeyCode.DOWN, KeyCode.ENTER].indexOf(which) !== -1) { return; } if (measureIndex !== -1) { const measureText = selectionStartText.slice(measureIndex + measurePrefix.length); const validateMeasure = validateSearch(measureText, this.$props); const matchOption = !!this.getOptions(measureText).length; if (validateMeasure) { if ( key === measurePrefix || measuring || (measureText !== prevMeasureText && matchOption) ) { this.startMeasure(measureText, measurePrefix, measureIndex); } } else if (measuring) { // Stop if measureText is invalidate this.stopMeasure(); } /** * We will trigger `onSearch` to developer since they may use for async update. * If met `space` means user finished searching. */ if (validateMeasure) { this.$emit('search', measureText, measurePrefix); } } else if (measuring) { this.stopMeasure(); } }, onInputFocus(event) { this.onFocus(event); }, onInputBlur(event) { this.onBlur(event); }, onDropdownFocus() { this.onFocus(); }, onDropdownBlur() { this.onBlur(); }, onFocus(event) { window.clearTimeout(this.focusId); const { isFocus } = this.$data; if (!isFocus && event) { this.$emit('focus', event); } this.setState({ isFocus: true }); }, onBlur(event) { this.focusId = window.setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ isFocus: false }); this.stopMeasure(); this.$emit('blur', event); }, 100); }, selectOption(option) { const { _value: value, measureLocation, measurePrefix } = this.$data; const { split } = this.$props; const { value: mentionValue = '' } = option; const { text, selectionLocation } = replaceWithMeasure(value, { measureLocation, targetText: mentionValue, prefix: measurePrefix, selectionStart: this.$refs.textarea.selectionStart, split, }); this.triggerChange(text); this.stopMeasure(() => { // We need restore the selection position setInputSelection(this.$refs.textarea, selectionLocation); }); this.$emit('select', option, measurePrefix); }, setActiveIndex(activeIndex) { this.setState({ activeIndex, }); }, getOptions(measureText) { const targetMeasureText = measureText || this.$data.measureText || ''; const { filterOption, children = [] } = this.$props; const list = (Array.isArray(children) ? children : [children]) .map(item => { return { ...getOptionProps(item), children: item.children.default?.() }; }) .filter(option => { /** Return all result if `filterOption` is false. */ if (filterOption === false) { return true; } return filterOption(targetMeasureText, option); }); return list; }, startMeasure(measureText, measurePrefix, measureLocation) { this.setState({ measuring: true, measureText, measurePrefix, measureLocation, activeIndex: 0, }); }, stopMeasure(callback) { this.setState( { measuring: false, measureLocation: 0, measureText: null, }, callback, ); }, focus() { this.$refs.textarea.focus(); }, blur() { this.$refs.textarea.blur(); }, }, render() { const { _value: value, measureLocation, measurePrefix, measuring } = this.$data; const { prefixCls, placement, transitionName, autofocus, notFoundContent, getPopupContainer, ...restProps } = getOptionProps(this); const { class: className, style, ...otherAttrs } = this.$attrs; const inputProps = omit(restProps, [ 'value', 'defaultValue', 'prefix', 'split', 'children', 'validateSearch', 'filterOption', ]); const options = measuring ? this.getOptions() : []; return (