import { warning } from '../../vc-util/warning'; import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from 'vue'; import { computed } from 'vue'; import type { DataNode, InternalDataEntity, SimpleModeConfig, RawValueType, FieldNames, } from '../interface'; import { convertChildrenToData } from '../utils/legacyUtil'; const MAX_WARNING_TIMES = 10; function parseSimpleTreeData( treeData: DataNode[], { id, pId, rootPId }: SimpleModeConfig, ): DataNode[] { const keyNodes = {}; const rootNodeList = []; // Fill in the map const nodeList = => { const clone = { ...node }; const key = clone[id]; keyNodes[key] = clone; clone.key = clone.key || key; return clone; }); // Connect tree nodeList.forEach(node => { const parentKey = node[pId]; const parent = keyNodes[parentKey]; // Fill parent if (parent) { parent.children = parent.children || []; parent.children.push(node); } // Fill root tree node if (parentKey === rootPId || (!parent && rootPId === null)) { rootNodeList.push(node); } }); return rootNodeList; } /** * Format `treeData` with `value` & `key` which is used for calculation */ function formatTreeData( treeData: DataNode[], getLabelProp: (node: DataNode) => any, fieldNames: FieldNames, ): InternalDataEntity[] { let warningTimes = 0; const valueSet = new Set<RawValueType>(); // Field names const { value: fieldValue, children: fieldChildren } = fieldNames; function dig(dataNodes: DataNode[]) { return (dataNodes || []).map(node => { const { key, disableCheckbox, disabled, checkable, selectable, isLeaf } = node; const value = node[fieldValue]; const mergedValue = fieldValue in node ? value : key; const dataNode: InternalDataEntity = { disableCheckbox, disabled, key: key !== null && key !== undefined ? key : mergedValue, value: mergedValue, title: getLabelProp(node), node, selectable, isLeaf, dataRef: node, checkable, }; if (node.slots) { dataNode.slots = node.slots; } // Check `key` & `value` and warning user if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if ( key !== null && key !== undefined && value !== undefined && String(key) !== String(value) && warningTimes < MAX_WARNING_TIMES ) { warningTimes += 1; warning( false, `\`key\` or \`value\` with TreeNode must be the same or you can remove one of them. key: ${key}, value: ${value}.`, ); } warning(!valueSet.has(value), `Same \`value\` exist in the tree: ${value}`); valueSet.add(value); } if (fieldChildren in node) { dataNode.children = dig(node[fieldChildren]); } return dataNode; }); } return dig(treeData); } /** * Convert `treeData` or `children` into formatted `treeData`. * Will not re-calculate if `treeData` or `children` not change. */ export default function useTreeData( treeData: Ref<DataNode[]>, children: Ref<any[]>, { getLabelProp, simpleMode, fieldNames, }: { getLabelProp: (node: DataNode) => any; simpleMode: Ref<boolean | SimpleModeConfig>; fieldNames: Ref<FieldNames>; }, ): ComputedRef<InternalDataEntity[]> { return computed(() => { if (treeData.value) { return formatTreeData( simpleMode.value ? parseSimpleTreeData(treeData.value, { id: 'id', pId: 'pId', rootPId: null, ...(simpleMode.value !== true ? simpleMode.value : {}), }) : treeData.value, getLabelProp, fieldNames.value, ); } else { return formatTreeData(convertChildrenToData(children.value), getLabelProp, fieldNames.value); } }); }