'use strict' // const install = require('./install') const runCmd = require('./runCmd') const getBabelCommonConfig = require('./getBabelCommonConfig') const merge2 = require('merge2') const { execSync } = require('child_process') const through2 = require('through2') const transformLess = require('./transformLess') const webpack = require('webpack') const babel = require('gulp-babel') const argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)) const GitHub = require('@octokit/rest') const packageJson = require(`${process.cwd()}/package.json`) // const getNpm = require('./getNpm') // const selfPackage = require('../package.json') const chalk = require('chalk') const getNpmArgs = require('./utils/get-npm-args') const getChangelog = require('./utils/getChangelog') const path = require('path') // const watch = require('gulp-watch') const gulp = require('gulp') const fs = require('fs') const rimraf = require('rimraf') const replaceLib = require('./replaceLib') const stripCode = require('gulp-strip-code') const cwd = process.cwd() const libDir = path.join(cwd, 'lib') const esDir = path.join(cwd, 'es') function dist (done) { rimraf.sync(path.join(cwd, 'dist')) process.env.RUN_ENV = 'PRODUCTION' const webpackConfig = require(path.join(cwd, 'webpack.build.config.js')) webpack(webpackConfig, (err, stats) => { if (err) { console.error(err.stack || err) if (err.details) { console.error(err.details) } return } const info = stats.toJson() if (stats.hasErrors()) { console.error(info.errors) } if (stats.hasWarnings()) { console.warn(info.warnings) } const buildInfo = stats.toString({ colors: true, children: true, chunks: false, modules: false, chunkModules: false, hash: false, version: false, }) console.log(buildInfo) done(0) }) } function babelify (js, modules) { const babelConfig = getBabelCommonConfig(modules) delete babelConfig.cacheDirectory if (modules === false) { babelConfig.plugins.push(replaceLib) } else { babelConfig.plugins.push(require.resolve('babel-plugin-add-module-exports')) } let stream = js.pipe(babel(babelConfig)) .pipe(through2.obj(function z (file, encoding, next) { this.push(file.clone()) if (file.path.match(/\/style\/index\.(js|jsx)$/)) { const content = file.contents.toString(encoding) file.contents = Buffer.from(content .replace(/\/style\/?'/g, '/style/css\'') .replace(/\.less/g, '.css')) file.path = file.path.replace(/index\.(js|jsx)$/, 'css.js') this.push(file) next() } else { next() } })) if (modules === false) { stream = stream.pipe(stripCode({ start_comment: '@remove-on-es-build-begin', end_comment: '@remove-on-es-build-end', })) } return stream.pipe(gulp.dest(modules === false ? esDir : libDir)) } function compile (modules) { rimraf.sync(modules !== false ? libDir : esDir) const less = gulp.src(['components/**/*.less']) .pipe(through2.obj(function (file, encoding, next) { this.push(file.clone()) if (file.path.match(/\/style\/index\.less$/) || file.path.match(/\/style\/v2-compatible-reset\.less$/)) { transformLess(file.path).then((css) => { file.contents = Buffer.from(css) file.path = file.path.replace(/\.less$/, '.css') this.push(file) next() }).catch((e) => { console.error(e) }) } else { next() } })) .pipe(gulp.dest(modules === false ? esDir : libDir)) const assets = gulp.src(['components/**/*.@(png|svg)']).pipe(gulp.dest(modules === false ? esDir : libDir)) const source = [ 'components/**/*.js', 'components/**/*.jsx', ] const jsFilesStream = babelify(gulp.src(source), modules) return merge2([less, jsFilesStream, assets]) } function tag () { console.log('tagging') const { version } = packageJson execSync(`git tag ${version}`) execSync(`git push origin ${version}:${version}`) execSync('git push origin master:master') console.log('tagged') } function githubRelease () { const changlogFiles = [ path.join(cwd, 'CHANGELOG.en-US.md'), path.join(cwd, 'CHANGELOG.zh-CN.md'), ] console.log('creating release on GitHub') if (!process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN) { console.log('no GitHub token found, skip') return } if (!changlogFiles.every(file => fs.existsSync(file))) { console.log('no changelog found, skip') return } const github = new GitHub() github.authenticate({ type: 'oauth', token: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN, }) const date = new Date() const { version } = packageJson const enChangelog = getChangelog(changlogFiles[0], version) const cnChangelog = getChangelog(changlogFiles[1], version) const changelog = [ `\`${date.getFullYear()}-${date.getMonth() + 1}-${date.getDate()}\``, enChangelog, '\n', '---', '\n', cnChangelog, ].join('\n') const [_, owner, repo] = execSync('git remote get-url origin') // eslint-disable-line .toString() .match(/github.com[:/](.+)\/(.+)\.git/) github.repos.createRelease({ owner, repo, tag_name: version, name: version, body: changelog, }) } gulp.task('check-git', (done) => { runCmd('git', ['status', '--porcelain'], (code, result) => { if (/^\?\?/m.test(result)) { return done(`There are untracked files in the working tree.\n${result} `) } if (/^([ADRM]| [ADRM])/m.test(result)) { return done(`There are uncommitted changes in the working tree.\n${result} `) } return done() }) }) function publish (tagString, done) { let args = ['publish', '--with-antd-tools'] if (tagString) { args = args.concat(['--tag', tagString]) } const publishNpm = process.env.PUBLISH_NPM_CLI || 'npm' runCmd(publishNpm, args, (code) => { tag() githubRelease() done(code) }) } function pub (done) { dist((code) => { if (code) { done(code) return } const notOk = !packageJson.version.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) let tagString if (argv['npm-tag']) { tagString = argv['npm-tag'] } if (!tagString && notOk) { tagString = 'next' } if (packageJson.scripts['pre-publish']) { runCmd('npm', ['run', 'pre-publish'], (code2) => { if (code2) { done(code2) return } publish(tagString, done) }) } else { publish(tagString, done) } }) } gulp.task('dist', ['compile'], (done) => { dist(done) }) gulp.task('compile', ['compile-with-es'], (done) => { compile() .on('finish', function () { done() }) }) gulp.task('compile-with-es', (done) => { compile(false) .on('finish', function () { done() }) }) gulp.task('pub', ['check-git', 'compile'], (done) => { if (!process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN) { console.log('no GitHub token found, skip') } else { pub(done) } }) function reportError () { console.log(chalk.bgRed('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')) console.log(chalk.bgRed('!! `npm publish` is forbidden for this package. !!')) console.log(chalk.bgRed('!! Use `npm run pub` instead. !!')) console.log(chalk.bgRed('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')) } gulp.task('guard', (done) => { const npmArgs = getNpmArgs() if (npmArgs) { for (let arg = npmArgs.shift(); arg; arg = npmArgs.shift()) { if (/^pu(b(l(i(sh?)?)?)?)?$/.test(arg) && npmArgs.indexOf('--with-antd-tools') < 0) { reportError() done(1) return } } } done() })