/* eslint react/no-multi-comp:0, no-console:0 */
import { createForm } from '../index'
import { regionStyle, errorStyle } from './styles'
const CustomInput = {
props: {
form: Object,
data () {
return {
data: [],
methods: {
checkUpper (rule, value = '', callback) {
if (value !== value.toUpperCase()) {
callback(new Error('need to be upper!'))
} else {
toUpper (v, prev) {
if (v === prev) {
return v
return v.toUpperCase()
render () {
const { getFieldProps, getFieldError } = this.form
const errors = getFieldError('upper')
return (
upper normalize
{(errors) ? errors.join(',') : null}
const MaxMin = {
props: {
form: Object,
methods: {
normalizeMin (value, prevValue, allValues) {
console.log('normalizeMin', allValues.min, allValues.max)
const previousAllValues = this.form.getFieldsValue()
if (allValues.max !== previousAllValues.max) {
// max changed
if (value === '' || Number(allValues.max) < Number(value)) {
return allValues.max
return value
normalizeMax (value, prevValue, allValues) {
console.log('normalizeMax', allValues.min, allValues.max)
const previousAllValues = this.form.getFieldsValue()
if (allValues.min !== previousAllValues.min) {
// min changed
if (value === '' || Number(allValues.min) > Number(value)) {
return allValues.min
return value
render () {
const { getFieldProps } = this.form
return (
const Form = {
// props: {
// form: Object,
// },
methods: {
onSubmit (e) {
this.form.validateFields((error, values) => {
if (!error) {
console.log('ok', values)
} else {
console.log('error', error, values)
render () {
const { form } = this
return ()
export default createForm()(Form)