import type { ComponentPublicInstance, CSSProperties, ExtractPropTypes, PropType } from 'vue'; import { defineComponent, ref, reactive, watch, onMounted, getCurrentInstance, computed, onUnmounted, onUpdated, } from 'vue'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import ResizeObserver from '../vc-resize-observer'; import throttleByAnimationFrame from '../_util/throttleByAnimationFrame'; import { withInstall } from '../_util/type'; import { addObserveTarget, removeObserveTarget, getTargetRect, getFixedTop, getFixedBottom, } from './utils'; import useConfigInject from '../_util/hooks/useConfigInject'; import omit from '../_util/omit'; function getDefaultTarget() { return typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : null; } enum AffixStatus { None, Prepare, } export interface AffixState { affixStyle?: CSSProperties; placeholderStyle?: CSSProperties; status: AffixStatus; lastAffix: boolean; prevTarget: Window | HTMLElement | null; } // Affix export const affixProps = () => ({ /** * 距离窗口顶部达到指定偏移量后触发 */ offsetTop: Number, /** 距离窗口底部达到指定偏移量后触发 */ offsetBottom: Number, /** 固定状态改变时触发的回调函数 */ // onChange?: (affixed?: boolean) => void; /** 设置 Affix 需要监听其滚动事件的元素,值为一个返回对应 DOM 元素的函数 */ target: { type: Function as PropType<() => Window | HTMLElement | null>, default: getDefaultTarget, }, prefixCls: String, onChange: Function as PropType, onTestUpdatePosition: Function as PropType, }); export type AffixProps = Partial>>; export type AffixEmits = { change: (lastAffix: boolean) => boolean; testUpdatePosition: () => boolean; }; export type AffixExpose = { updatePosition: (...args: any[]) => void; lazyUpdatePosition: (...args: any[]) => void; }; export type AffixInstance = ComponentPublicInstance; const Affix = defineComponent({ name: 'AAffix', props: affixProps(), setup(props, { slots, emit, expose }) { const placeholderNode = ref(); const fixedNode = ref(); const state = reactive({ affixStyle: undefined, placeholderStyle: undefined, status: AffixStatus.None, lastAffix: false, prevTarget: null, timeout: null, }); const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance(); const offsetTop = computed(() => { return props.offsetBottom === undefined && props.offsetTop === undefined ? 0 : props.offsetTop; }); const offsetBottom = computed(() => props.offsetBottom); const measure = () => { const { status, lastAffix } = state; const { target } = props; if (status !== AffixStatus.Prepare || !fixedNode.value || !placeholderNode.value || !target) { return; } const targetNode = target(); if (!targetNode) { return; } const newState = { status: AffixStatus.None, } as AffixState; const targetRect = getTargetRect(targetNode); const placeholderReact = getTargetRect(placeholderNode.value as HTMLElement); const fixedTop = getFixedTop(placeholderReact, targetRect, offsetTop.value); const fixedBottom = getFixedBottom(placeholderReact, targetRect, offsetBottom.value); if (fixedTop !== undefined) { newState.affixStyle = { position: 'fixed', top: fixedTop, width: placeholderReact.width + 'px', height: placeholderReact.height + 'px', }; newState.placeholderStyle = { width: placeholderReact.width + 'px', height: placeholderReact.height + 'px', }; } else if (fixedBottom !== undefined) { newState.affixStyle = { position: 'fixed', bottom: fixedBottom, width: placeholderReact.width + 'px', height: placeholderReact.height + 'px', }; newState.placeholderStyle = { width: placeholderReact.width + 'px', height: placeholderReact.height + 'px', }; } newState.lastAffix = !!newState.affixStyle; if (lastAffix !== newState.lastAffix) { emit('change', newState.lastAffix); } // update state Object.assign(state, newState); }; const prepareMeasure = () => { Object.assign(state, { status: AffixStatus.Prepare, affixStyle: undefined, placeholderStyle: undefined, }); currentInstance.update(); // Test if `updatePosition` called if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') { emit('testUpdatePosition'); } }; const updatePosition = throttleByAnimationFrame(() => { prepareMeasure(); }); const lazyUpdatePosition = throttleByAnimationFrame(() => { const { target } = props; const { affixStyle } = state; // Check position change before measure to make Safari smooth if (target && affixStyle) { const targetNode = target(); if (targetNode && placeholderNode.value) { const targetRect = getTargetRect(targetNode); const placeholderReact = getTargetRect(placeholderNode.value as HTMLElement); const fixedTop = getFixedTop(placeholderReact, targetRect, offsetTop.value); const fixedBottom = getFixedBottom(placeholderReact, targetRect, offsetBottom.value); if ( (fixedTop !== undefined && === fixedTop) || (fixedBottom !== undefined && affixStyle.bottom === fixedBottom) ) { return; } } } // Directly call prepare measure since it's already throttled. prepareMeasure(); }); expose({ updatePosition, lazyUpdatePosition, }); watch( () =>, val => { const newTarget = val?.() || null; if (state.prevTarget !== newTarget) { removeObserveTarget(currentInstance); if (newTarget) { addObserveTarget(newTarget, currentInstance); // Mock Event object. updatePosition(); } state.prevTarget = newTarget; } }, ); watch(() => [props.offsetTop, props.offsetBottom], updatePosition); onMounted(() => { const { target } = props; if (target) { // [Legacy] Wait for parent component ref has its value. // We should use target as directly element instead of function which makes element check hard. state.timeout = setTimeout(() => { addObserveTarget(target(), currentInstance); // Mock Event object. updatePosition(); }); } }); onUpdated(() => { measure(); }); onUnmounted(() => { clearTimeout(state.timeout); removeObserveTarget(currentInstance); (updatePosition as any).cancel(); // (lazyUpdatePosition as any).cancel(); }); const { prefixCls } = useConfigInject('affix', props); return () => { const { affixStyle, placeholderStyle } = state; const className = classNames({ [prefixCls.value]: affixStyle, }); const restProps = omit(props, [ 'prefixCls', 'offsetTop', 'offsetBottom', 'target', 'onChange', 'onTestUpdatePosition', ]); return (
); }; }, }); export default withInstall(Affix);