import PropTypes, { withUndefined } from '../_util/vue-types'; import type { CSSProperties, ExtractPropTypes } from 'vue'; import { defineComponent } from 'vue'; import type { EventHandler } from '../_util/EventInterface'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import type { VueNode } from '../_util/type'; import { booleanType, stringType, functionType } from '../_util/type'; import type { StepIconRender, Status } from './interface'; import omit from '../_util/omit'; function isString(str: any): str is string { return typeof str === 'string'; } function noop() {} export const VcStepProps = () => ({ prefixCls: String, itemWidth: String, active: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, status: stringType(), iconPrefix: String, icon: PropTypes.any, adjustMarginRight: String, stepNumber: Number, stepIndex: Number, description: PropTypes.any, title: PropTypes.any, subTitle: PropTypes.any, progressDot: withUndefined(PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.looseBool, PropTypes.func])), tailContent: PropTypes.any, icons: PropTypes.shape({ finish: PropTypes.any, error: PropTypes.any, }).loose, onClick: functionType(), onStepClick: functionType<(next: number) => void>(), stepIcon: functionType(), itemRender: functionType<(stepItem: VueNode) => VueNode>(), __legacy: booleanType(), }); export type VCStepProps = Partial>>; export default defineComponent({ compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, name: 'Step', inheritAttrs: false, props: VcStepProps(), slots: ['title', 'subTitle', 'description', 'tailContent', 'stepIcon', 'progressDot'], setup(props, { slots, emit, attrs }) { const onItemClick: EventHandler = e => { emit('click', e); emit('stepClick', props.stepIndex); }; // if (props.__legacy !== false) { // warning( // false, // 'Steps', // 'Step is deprecated, and not support inline type. Please use `items` directly. ', // ); // } const renderIconNode = ({ icon, title, description }) => { const { prefixCls, stepNumber, status, iconPrefix, icons, progressDot = slots.progressDot, stepIcon = slots.stepIcon, } = props; let iconNode; const iconClassName = classNames(`${prefixCls}-icon`, `${iconPrefix}icon`, { [`${iconPrefix}icon-${icon}`]: icon && isString(icon), [`${iconPrefix}icon-check`]: !icon && status === 'finish' && ((icons && !icons.finish) || !icons), [`${iconPrefix}icon-cross`]: !icon && status === 'error' && ((icons && !icons.error) || !icons), }); const iconDot = ; // `progressDot` enjoy the highest priority if (progressDot) { if (typeof progressDot === 'function') { iconNode = ( {progressDot({ iconDot, index: stepNumber - 1, status, title, description, prefixCls, })} ); } else { iconNode = {iconDot}; } } else if (icon && !isString(icon)) { iconNode = {icon}; } else if (icons && icons.finish && status === 'finish') { iconNode = {icons.finish}; } else if (icons && icons.error && status === 'error') { iconNode = {icons.error}; } else if (icon || status === 'finish' || status === 'error') { iconNode = ; } else { iconNode = {stepNumber}; } if (stepIcon) { iconNode = stepIcon({ index: stepNumber - 1, status, title, description, node: iconNode, }); } return iconNode; }; return () => { const { prefixCls, itemWidth, active, status = 'wait', tailContent, adjustMarginRight, disabled, title = slots.title?.(), description = slots.description?.(), subTitle = slots.subTitle?.(), icon = slots.icon?.(), onClick, onStepClick, } = props; const mergedStatus = status || 'wait'; const classString = classNames(`${prefixCls}-item`, `${prefixCls}-item-${mergedStatus}`, { [`${prefixCls}-item-custom`]: icon, [`${prefixCls}-item-active`]: active, [`${prefixCls}-item-disabled`]: disabled === true, }); const stepItemStyle: CSSProperties = {}; if (itemWidth) { stepItemStyle.width = itemWidth; } if (adjustMarginRight) { stepItemStyle.marginRight = adjustMarginRight; } const accessibilityProps: { role?: string; tabindex?: number; onClick?: EventHandler; } = { onClick: onClick || noop, }; if (onStepClick && !disabled) { accessibilityProps.role = 'button'; accessibilityProps.tabindex = 0; accessibilityProps.onClick = onItemClick; } const stepNode = (
{renderIconNode({ icon, title, description })}
{title} {subTitle && (
{description &&
); if (props.itemRender) { return props.itemRender(stepNode); } return stepNode; }; }, });