import { getPropsData, getSlotOptions, getKey, getAttrs } from '../_util/props-util' export function getValuePropValue (child) { const props = getPropsData(child) if ('value' in props) { return props.value } if (getKey(child)) { return getKey(child) } if (getSlotOptions(child).isSelectOptGroup && props.label) { return props.label } throw new Error( `Need at least a key or a value or a label (only for OptGroup) for ${child}` ) } export function getPropValue (child, prop) { if (prop === 'value') { return getValuePropValue(child) } if (prop === 'children') { if (child.$slots) { return child.$slots.default } else { return child.componentOptions.children } } const data = getPropsData(child) if (prop in data) { return data[prop] } else { return getAttrs(child)[prop] } } export function isMultiple (props) { return props.multiple } export function isCombobox (props) { return props.combobox } export function isMultipleOrTags (props) { return props.multiple || props.tags } export function isMultipleOrTagsOrCombobox (props) { return isMultipleOrTags(props) || isCombobox(props) } export function isSingleMode (props) { return !isMultipleOrTagsOrCombobox(props) } export function toArray (value) { let ret = value if (value === undefined) { ret = [] } else if (!Array.isArray(value)) { ret = [value] } return ret } export function preventDefaultEvent (e) { e.preventDefault() } export function findIndexInValueByKey (value, key) { let index = -1 for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { if (value[i].key === key) { index = i break } } return index } export function findIndexInValueByLabel (value, label) { let index = -1 for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { if (toArray(value[i].label).join('') === label) { index = i break } } return index } export function getSelectKeys (menuItems, value) { if (value === null || value === undefined) { return [] } let selectedKeys = [] menuItems.forEach(item => { if (getSlotOptions(item).isMenuItemGroup) { selectedKeys = selectedKeys.concat( getSelectKeys(item.componentOptions.children, value) ) } else { const itemValue = getValuePropValue(item) const itemKey = item.key if (findIndexInValueByKey(value, itemValue) !== -1 && itemKey) { selectedKeys.push(itemKey) } } }) return selectedKeys } export const UNSELECTABLE_STYLE = { userSelect: 'none', WebkitUserSelect: 'none', } export const UNSELECTABLE_ATTRIBUTE = { unselectable: 'unselectable', } export function findFirstMenuItem (children) { for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i] const props = getPropsData(child) if (getSlotOptions(child).isMenuItemGroup) { const found = findFirstMenuItem(child.componentOptions.children) if (found) { return found } } else if (!props.disabled) { return child } } return null } export function includesSeparators (string, separators) { for (let i = 0; i < separators.length; ++i) { if (string.lastIndexOf(separators[i]) > 0) { return true } } return false } export function splitBySeparators (string, separators) { const reg = new RegExp(`[${separators.join()}]`) return string.split(reg).filter(token => token) } export function defaultFilterFn (input, child) { const props = getPropsData(child) if (props.disabled) { return false } let value = getPropValue(child, this.optionFilterProp) if (value.length && value[0].text) { value = value[0].text } else { value = String(value) } return ( value.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.toLowerCase()) > -1 ) } export function validateOptionValue (value, props) { if (isSingleMode(props) || isMultiple(props)) { return } if (typeof value !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Invalid \`value\` of type \`${typeof value}\` supplied to Option, ` + `expected \`string\` when \`tags/combobox\` is \`true\`.` ) } }