import type { CSSProperties } from 'vue'; import { defineComponent, shallowRef, watch, computed, watchEffect } from 'vue'; import type { ImageSettings } from './interface'; import { qrProps } from './interface'; import qrcodegen from './qrcodegen'; type Modules = ReturnType; type Excavation = { x: number; y: number; w: number; h: number }; const ERROR_LEVEL_MAP: { [index: string]: qrcodegen.QrCode.Ecc } = { L: qrcodegen.QrCode.Ecc.LOW, M: qrcodegen.QrCode.Ecc.MEDIUM, Q: qrcodegen.QrCode.Ecc.QUARTILE, H: qrcodegen.QrCode.Ecc.HIGH, }; const DEFAULT_SIZE = 128; const DEFAULT_LEVEL = 'L'; const DEFAULT_BGCOLOR = '#FFFFFF'; const DEFAULT_FGCOLOR = '#000000'; const DEFAULT_INCLUDEMARGIN = false; const SPEC_MARGIN_SIZE = 4; const DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE = 0; // This is *very* rough estimate of max amount of QRCode allowed to be covered. // It is "wrong" in a lot of ways (area is a terrible way to estimate, it // really should be number of modules covered), but if for some reason we don't // get an explicit height or width, I'd rather default to something than throw. const DEFAULT_IMG_SCALE = 0.1; function generatePath(modules: Modules, margin = 0): string { const ops: Array = []; modules.forEach(function (row, y) { let start: number | null = null; row.forEach(function (cell, x) { if (!cell && start !== null) { // M0 0h7v1H0z injects the space with the move and drops the comma, // saving a char per operation ops.push(`M${start + margin} ${y + margin}h${x - start}v1H${start + margin}z`); start = null; return; } // end of row, clean up or skip if (x === row.length - 1) { if (!cell) { // We would have closed the op above already so this can only mean // 2+ light modules in a row. return; } if (start === null) { // Just a single dark module. ops.push(`M${x + margin},${y + margin} h1v1H${x + margin}z`); } else { // Otherwise finish the current line. ops.push(`M${start + margin},${y + margin} h${x + 1 - start}v1H${start + margin}z`); } return; } if (cell && start === null) { start = x; } }); }); return ops.join(''); } // We could just do this in generatePath, except that we want to support // non-Path2D canvas, so we need to keep it an explicit step. function excavateModules(modules: Modules, excavation: Excavation): Modules { return modules.slice().map((row, y) => { if (y < excavation.y || y >= excavation.y + excavation.h) { return row; } return, x) => { if (x < excavation.x || x >= excavation.x + excavation.w) { return cell; } return false; }); }); } function getImageSettings( cells: Modules, size: number, margin: number, imageSettings?: ImageSettings, ): null | { x: number; y: number; h: number; w: number; excavation: Excavation | null; } { if (imageSettings == null) { return null; } const numCells = cells.length + margin * 2; const defaultSize = Math.floor(size * DEFAULT_IMG_SCALE); const scale = numCells / size; const w = (imageSettings.width || defaultSize) * scale; const h = (imageSettings.height || defaultSize) * scale; const x = imageSettings.x == null ? cells.length / 2 - w / 2 : imageSettings.x * scale; const y = imageSettings.y == null ? cells.length / 2 - h / 2 : imageSettings.y * scale; let excavation = null; if (imageSettings.excavate) { const floorX = Math.floor(x); const floorY = Math.floor(y); const ceilW = Math.ceil(w + x - floorX); const ceilH = Math.ceil(h + y - floorY); excavation = { x: floorX, y: floorY, w: ceilW, h: ceilH }; } return { x, y, h, w, excavation }; } function getMarginSize(includeMargin: boolean, marginSize?: number): number { if (marginSize != null) { return Math.floor(marginSize); } return includeMargin ? SPEC_MARGIN_SIZE : DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE; } // For canvas we're going to switch our drawing mode based on whether or not // the environment supports Path2D. We only need the constructor to be // supported, but Edge doesn't actually support the path (string) type // argument. Luckily it also doesn't support the addPath() method. We can // treat that as the same thing. const SUPPORTS_PATH2D = (function () { try { new Path2D().addPath(new Path2D()); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; })(); export const QRCodeCanvas = defineComponent({ name: 'QRCodeCanvas', inheritAttrs: false, props: { ...qrProps(), level: String, bgColor: String, fgColor: String, marginSize: Number }, setup(props, { attrs, expose }) { const imgSrc = computed(() => props.imageSettings?.src); const _canvas = shallowRef(null); const _image = shallowRef(null); const isImgLoaded = shallowRef(false); expose({ toDataURL: (type?: string, quality?: any) => { return _canvas.value?.toDataURL(type, quality); }, }); watchEffect( () => { const { value, size = DEFAULT_SIZE, level = DEFAULT_LEVEL, bgColor = DEFAULT_BGCOLOR, fgColor = DEFAULT_FGCOLOR, includeMargin = DEFAULT_INCLUDEMARGIN, marginSize, imageSettings, } = props; if (_canvas.value != null) { const canvas = _canvas.value; const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (!ctx) { return; } let cells = qrcodegen.QrCode.encodeText(value, ERROR_LEVEL_MAP[level]).getModules(); const margin = getMarginSize(includeMargin, marginSize); const numCells = cells.length + margin * 2; const calculatedImageSettings = getImageSettings(cells, size, margin, imageSettings); const image = _image.value; const haveImageToRender = isImgLoaded.value && calculatedImageSettings != null && image !== null && image.complete && image.naturalHeight !== 0 && image.naturalWidth !== 0; if (haveImageToRender) { if (calculatedImageSettings.excavation != null) { cells = excavateModules(cells, calculatedImageSettings.excavation); } } // We're going to scale this so that the number of drawable units // matches the number of cells. This avoids rounding issues, but does // result in some potentially unwanted single pixel issues between // blocks, only in environments that don't support Path2D. const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; canvas.height = canvas.width = size * pixelRatio; const scale = (size / numCells) * pixelRatio; ctx.scale(scale, scale); // Draw solid background, only paint dark modules. ctx.fillStyle = bgColor; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, numCells, numCells); ctx.fillStyle = fgColor; if (SUPPORTS_PATH2D) { // $FlowFixMe: Path2D c'tor doesn't support args yet. ctx.fill(new Path2D(generatePath(cells, margin))); } else { cells.forEach(function (row, rdx) { row.forEach(function (cell, cdx) { if (cell) { ctx.fillRect(cdx + margin, rdx + margin, 1, 1); } }); }); } if (haveImageToRender) { ctx.drawImage( image, calculatedImageSettings.x + margin, calculatedImageSettings.y + margin, calculatedImageSettings.w, calculatedImageSettings.h, ); } } }, { flush: 'post' }, ); watch(imgSrc, () => { isImgLoaded.value = false; }); return () => { const size = props.size ?? DEFAULT_SIZE; const canvasStyle = { height: `${size}px`, width: `${size}px` }; let img = null; if (imgSrc.value != null) { img = ( { isImgLoaded.value = true; }} ref={_image} /> ); } return ( <> {img} ); }; }, });