import { unit } from '../../_util/cssinjs'; import { FullToken, GenerateStyle, genStyleHooks, GetDefaultToken, mergeToken, } from '../../theme/internal'; import { resetComponent, textEllipsis } from '../../style'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 链接纵向内间距 * @descEN Vertical padding of link */ linkPaddingBlock: number; /** * @desc 链接横向内间距 * @descEN Horizontal padding of link */ linkPaddingInlineStart: number; } /** * @desc Anchor 组件的 Token * @descEN Token for Anchor component */ interface AnchorToken extends FullToken<'Anchor'> { /** * @desc 容器块偏移量 * @descEN Holder block offset */ holderOffsetBlock: number; /** * @desc 次级锚点块内间距 * @descEN Secondary anchor block padding */ anchorPaddingBlockSecondary: number | string; /** * @desc 锚点球大小 * @descEN Anchor ball size */ anchorBallSize: number | string; /** * @desc 锚点标题块 * @descEN Anchor title block */ anchorTitleBlock: number | string; } // ============================== Shared ============================== const genSharedAnchorStyle: GenerateStyle = token => { const { componentCls, holderOffsetBlock, motionDurationSlow, lineWidthBold, colorPrimary, lineType, colorSplit, calc, } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-wrapper`]: { marginBlockStart: calc(holderOffsetBlock).mul(-1).equal(), paddingBlockStart: holderOffsetBlock, // delete overflow: auto // overflow: 'auto', [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), position: 'relative', paddingInlineStart: lineWidthBold, [`${componentCls}-link`]: { paddingBlock: token.linkPaddingBlock, paddingInline: `${unit(token.linkPaddingInlineStart)} 0`, '&-title': { ...textEllipsis, position: 'relative', display: 'block', marginBlockEnd: token.anchorTitleBlock, color: token.colorText, transition: `all ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, '&:only-child': { marginBlockEnd: 0, }, }, [`&-active > ${componentCls}-link-title`]: { color: token.colorPrimary, }, // link link [`${componentCls}-link`]: { paddingBlock: token.anchorPaddingBlockSecondary, }, }, }, [`&:not(${componentCls}-wrapper-horizontal)`]: { [componentCls]: { '&::before': { position: 'absolute', insetInlineStart: 0, top: 0, height: '100%', borderInlineStart: `${unit(lineWidthBold)} ${lineType} ${colorSplit}`, content: '" "', }, [`${componentCls}-ink`]: { position: 'absolute', insetInlineStart: 0, display: 'none', transform: 'translateY(-50%)', transition: `top ${motionDurationSlow} ease-in-out`, width: lineWidthBold, backgroundColor: colorPrimary, [`&${componentCls}-ink-visible`]: { display: 'inline-block', }, }, }, }, [`${componentCls}-fixed ${componentCls}-ink ${componentCls}-ink`]: { display: 'none', }, }, }; }; const genSharedAnchorHorizontalStyle: GenerateStyle = token => { const { componentCls, motionDurationSlow, lineWidthBold, colorPrimary } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-wrapper-horizontal`]: { position: 'relative', '&::before': { position: 'absolute', left: { _skip_check_: true, value: 0, }, right: { _skip_check_: true, value: 0, }, bottom: 0, borderBottom: `${unit(token.lineWidth)} ${token.lineType} ${token.colorSplit}`, content: '" "', }, [componentCls]: { overflowX: 'scroll', position: 'relative', display: 'flex', scrollbarWidth: 'none' /* Firefox */, '&::-webkit-scrollbar': { display: 'none' /* Safari and Chrome */, }, [`${componentCls}-link:first-of-type`]: { paddingInline: 0, }, [`${componentCls}-ink`]: { position: 'absolute', bottom: 0, transition: `left ${motionDurationSlow} ease-in-out, width ${motionDurationSlow} ease-in-out`, height: lineWidthBold, backgroundColor: colorPrimary, }, }, }, }; }; export const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Anchor'> = token => ({ linkPaddingBlock: token.paddingXXS, linkPaddingInlineStart: token.padding, }); // ============================== Export ============================== export default genStyleHooks( 'Anchor', token => { const { fontSize, fontSizeLG, paddingXXS, calc } = token; const anchorToken = mergeToken(token, { holderOffsetBlock: paddingXXS, anchorPaddingBlockSecondary: calc(paddingXXS).div(2).equal(), anchorTitleBlock: calc(fontSize).div(14).mul(3).equal(), anchorBallSize: calc(fontSizeLG).div(2).equal(), }); return [genSharedAnchorStyle(anchorToken), genSharedAnchorHorizontalStyle(anchorToken)]; }, prepareComponentToken, );