// Project: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue // Definitions by: akki-jat <https://github.com/akki-jat> // Definitions: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/types import { AntdComponent } from './component'; export declare class Alert extends AntdComponent { /** * Called when close animation is finished * @type Function */ afterClose: () => void; /** * Whether to show as banner * @default false * @type boolean */ banner: boolean; /** * Whether Alert can be closed * @type boolean */ closable: boolean; /** * Close text to show * @type any (string | slot) */ closeText: any; /** * additional content of Alert * @type any (string | slot) */ description: any; /** * Custom icon, effective when showIcon is true * @type any (VNode | slot) */ icon: any; /** * Content of Alert * @type any (string | slot) */ message: any; /** * Whether to show icon * @default false, in banner mode default is true * @type boolean */ showIcon: boolean; /** * Type of Alert styles, options: success, info, warning, error * @default info, in banner mode default is warning * @type string */ type: 'success' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'error'; }